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Everything posted by madmax

  1. "No, Amber, you can't go, even if it means you die. Who will feed us? Who will stop me from killing Gary?" - Max's secret thoughts Not a fan of Amber, so not sorry to see her go. Only one female left...and she's kicking ass. Although, she does have good partners. Wonder if Jeff grabbing that support made the roof fall? Ed, that's the second time the shelter has caught fire. Think maybe it's time for a rock wall behind your fire?
  2. It was on Netflix here, not sure if it still is. I tried to watch it but it was all in Korean and I couldn't figure out how to turn the subtitles on. I don't know if I'm that stupid, or Netflix is just that bad. I managed to get them on Amazon Prime when I was watching The Boys. I really do want to see that one; I've heard great things about it.
  3. We watched that tonight on Netflix and I thought it was awful. Obviously, I give zombie movies some serious leeway, but it used up all of it about a third of the way thru.
  4. And God forbid, if one of the actors pass away. What happens then? I would guess they would have new kids. Kids age way too fast, even in just a couple years. Look at the three kids that played the big three at 8-9 year olds. Even Annie has really grown up, the little we see of her.
  5. And Comcast wireless uses Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac. I hate their commercial where the girl is comparing changing phone plans to breaking up with her boyfriend. She tells him it's over by text. Really? Unfortunately, with all these artists selling their catalogs off for big bucks, we're going to see a lot more of these classic songs in commercials. 😒
  6. I like her, too. I wonder if next season will focus a bit more on Helm, Glasses, and the other residents whose names I can't remember. Didn't everybody live in Meredith's house at one point?
  7. She was more than lonely. She was beaten down and depressed by the pandemic deaths. She became a doctor to save people, not stand by helplessly as they die and are held in freezer trucks because there was no more room in the morgue.
  8. THIS!!! God, this pissed me off. I knew it was going to happen, I predicted it on another thread, but come on. Have a little bit of reality. I was spoiled on Koracick leaving, but I thought it was totally out of left field. Very minimal build up then boom! I gotta go save the world with Jackson. Just no to Owen and Teddy. I'm one of the very few that like Owen but this is starting to make me question that. Why go back to that hot mess? Nice beat with Maggie and Richard. I truly thought Jackson was going to be in an accident, too. I was waiting to hear the crash and fade to black.
  9. I know Fogelman spent some of his childhood in Pittsburgh, which is why it was set here, but I really wish the writers would use some common sense and google some shit.
  10. Not comedic police shows. They got all the Law & Orders ("Ripped from the headlines!!!" so you know those are/have been addressing the issues all along) , Chicago PD, probably others that I don't know. they don't know how to handle a comedic police show that's going to be a little more serious.
  11. He actually was pretty chill about it. He finished his shower with the chipmunk cowering in the corner, got dressed, then called his dad to take it outside.
  12. The men were at the cabin in the Poconos, which is about 4 and a half hours from Pittsburgh and about 2 hours from where Randall lives in Philadelphia. I don't understand why the cabin is in the Poconos. I live in Pittsburgh and everyone I know with a cabin/camp are still on this side of the state. My SIL's is an hour and a half from here.
  13. He's at Camp Lejeune, NC, I'm in PA. About a 10-11 hour drive, depending on traffic. It's been really difficult, tho, to get leave during the pandemic. They've just started allowing them to go just anywhere. We had trouble last year because COVID cases were really high in our area and they weren't allowing trips here, so he went to my SIL's camp in a different county with very low case numbers. We met up half way last year, in VA. We went to some park where they charge per car and we got in totally free due to his military discount. Probably the same type of thing. I sucked at skiing. I couldn't even snowplow properly. Snowmobile might not be so bad; I've driven an ATV and I would think it's similar. I wouldn't say I was good at it, but I probably wouldn't die. Manhunter, the Michael Mann movie? With the original Hannibal Lecter? Awesome movie.
  14. Yeah, I knew Ozzy did (or should I say, Sharon did), but Sabbath has not. It will be a sad day when I hear Sweet Leaf advertising iced tea...
  15. I totally agree with you, which is why when I was around when he was chasing them, I would shoo him away and gently catch those and take them outside. Including the chipmunk that he chased into the bathroom when my son was showering, so the chipmunk jumped into the shower with my son and tried to climb his leg. 😄 Unfortunately, we couldn't save them all.
  16. Not the first time they've run two episodes back to back during a season. Although I do agree with @DanaK, they're just trying to quietly bury the show. They don't know what to do with a comedy about police.
  17. I've had many cats as well and only 2 of them were mousers. I live almost surrounded by woods and I get a lot of mice. I had one cat that would run from a mouse and hide. I had one that would just watch it do whatever it wanted, including eating out of his bowl. Of course, I had one that would play with the mouse until it died, then leave it for the other cat to toss around the house until the mouse came apart. My current cat is a superb killer. Mice, chipmunks, even a rabbit that made its way inside. He does not discriminate. He terminates.
  18. Speaking of hard pants, this is the time of year that I swap out my winter clothes for summer clothes. I had to donate about 10 pairs of hard pants that no longer fit over my pandemic-inducted chubbiness. Including my favorites. ☚ī¸ But in good news, my son is home on leave for a week! His license was expiring, so even tho our state doesn't require him to have an updated license while on active duty, he decided to come home and get his picture redone, plus spend his 21st birthday at home. 😁
  19. Kate and Toby live in LA, so only Toby had to fly. Kevin chartered a jet for everybody except Randall, who could drive to the Poconos from Philly.
  20. The number he deleted was her old number, which had an area code beginning with a 9. The new number had an 814 area code. So he only deleted the old number. I was surprised that Beth left before Rebecca. I would have thought SOMEONE would have to stay with her. And yes, I thought she was going to forget to go in the house and go wander off. Kate took a job without consulting him, assuming he would just be a SAHD. Not quite the same, but damn close.
  21. Mr. Max and I remarked on that when we saw the women for this challenge. "Go eat a stick of butter!"
  22. Wondered about that myself. Or Lacey, before she left. Why didn't Jeff and Steven cuddle with her? Although, I believe Jeff refused to cuddle on his first trip with Eva. Religious, I think? All of the guys put on significant weight. None of the women did. I said upthread they were probably afraid of looking bad on camera.
  23. I've only seen the softball version, then. I was prepared to hate the commercial because 1) I can't stand Spike Lee and 2) fearing an accusatory thing. But the softball one is very nice. I'm not going to try and find the hardball one.
  24. Is the nutria itch only in their part of the swamp? None of the others seem to get it. I'm hoping that during the uncensored, they give the lengths of the gators that each group got.
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