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Everything posted by madmax

  1. The writers probably forgot about that already. They needed new drama, so Linc now has miraculous baby-making sperm.
  2. Me too! If Lucifer didn't want her to fight, then give her something to make her immortal. No, instead, here's a demon blade that isn't going to do much but irritate the angels once you take the time to smelt it into bullets. Lesley-Ann Brandt killed it this episode and most of the season. Her tearing up at the tee shirt, then her anger when she thought Chloe had been killed. The humor was still there, even in the midst of the drama. I laughed my ass off at the MC Hammer bit. I like the idea of making the angels work on earth, gain some insight into humanity. Especially that dick angel that called humans animals. And I really thought more of them would come to Lucifer's side, but Lucifer should have told them all that Michael killed Remy. The only ones that knew were the dick angel and the indecisive angel. "Mom never liked you." I thought the season was really good, with only a minor quibble or two.
  3. That was the first thing I said. Well, after "How long have you been on the island alone already, Matt?" I don't know that tropical skills will translate to cold weather skills. BIG difference. Was Tim the one that flat out said he was doing it for the money? Cuz I knew whoever said that in the beginning was tapping. Anyone who does it for the money taps quick. He never should have been allowed out there in the first place. Notice how he danced around the question of if his doctor approved him going on the show? Biko doesn't bother me, other than the bone thing. That was just gross. Let the goddamn thing close up and get it reopened when you're back in the real world. But as has been said above, it gets him screen time. Rose didn't impress me much. I'll give her a few more episodes. Clay was pretty good, getting meat on his first day. Although, I'd have been more concerned with shelter. I guess they're allowed to kill the mountain lions? Good pelt there. What about the grizzlies? Mr. Max and I were wondering if any Naked & Afraid folks would ever cross over and try this one. Matt, maybe? Just not the idiot Jeff.
  4. Amelia never said a word to Linc about the second baby he wants, why would she talk to him about anything else? Man, I do not like her, never have. But yeah, Linc, you don't propose at someone else's wedding, you don't involve others, and most important of all, you should know the answer you're going to get. ESPECIALLY if you involve others. Although, only Zola seemed to realize what happened. The wedding was nice. I didn't see a church, as much as Winston's mom/grandma said they should be in a church. They should have told their objectors that they would get married whenever they wanted, but both of them just kinda shrugged. WTF? And two different dresses? I'm one of the few that like Owen but I don't like him with Teddy. Because I just don't like her. Now we get more of their obnoxious love. So if there was already a couple willing to foster to adopt Luna, how did Linc get ahead of them? And of course Jo and Linc are going to end up together. Grey's just can't seem to let a male and female be friends. Jackson/April is the biggest example of this. They were so much better as friends. I'd rather Jo be with McIrish. I did like Jo selling her shares to Koracick. the look on Bailey's face - "I offered you a letter of recommendation!" - was perfect.
  5. I've been avoiding spoilers as much as possible, but I did see a brief headline with something about Kevin Alejandro talks about Dan's twist. I assumed he would be going bad again, never expected this! I was well and truly stunned that they went there. The acting was phenomenal, most especially Maze and Trixie. That hospital scene was so well done, but the funeral scene, when they were folding the flag, brought tears to my eyes. There were some pretty funny moments, tho: The psychic and the dig at Fox Maze letting her soul "slowly suffocate and die. Like I did with Chad.”
  6. I think the water gets into...uh...places and wiping it off wouldn't help. MAYBE if they urinated after they got out of the water, it would dislodge any bacteria?
  7. Great episode (great run of episodes), but is Linda the only therapist in LA? Wouldn't that be awkward as hell to a) give therapy to all of your friends and b) know everyone's secrets?
  8. I missed one and yeah, it wasn't easy. One I got on a total guess and I wasn't even guessing the right name for the pictures!
  9. I thought it was funny. I laughed a lot at this one. And that look from both of them after the last line? Priceless.
  10. I remember reading that she was not happy to be remembered for that face, yet here she is making money off it...
  11. I loved the Maxwell one!! When my kids were being obnoxious, I'd just say "Maxwell!" (neither of them are named Maxwell) and they'd laugh and settle down. I found a gif of Maxwell hanging out the window and sent it to my son for his birthday. He told me it was a blast from the past.
  12. I mentioned that to Mr. Max. All the guys' issues are crotch issues. Was anything said about Max & Gary? I don't remember. Mr. Max reminded me that The Other Guy had the nutria itch as well. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. 😂
  13. It's been so long since I've read it, I'm not sure, but I think it was.
  14. EJ - that was a dumb ass thing to do and he paid for it. However, cuts/stitches typically don't get a forced medical tap. I've seen many folks get them during all the seasons and they're not forced to tap unless infection sets in. Steven/The Other Guy - Eh. Let the bear eat The Other Guy. Steven can go join another group. Max/Gary - That was a dumb ass thing to do with the bees, but I guess they reaped the benefit. Looked to me like they were headed to EJ's spot, based on all the plant life. Matt/Riley/Ryan - I really hope it was just too much fat water, like Gary had from eating all that gator fat. They are the only trio left and the only ones I thought would be able to go the distance.
  15. I loved this one. God as a human was great, especially the brain freeze part (it hurt, he did it again and it hurt) and when the colonel hit him in the face ("OWWWW!!!!). I knew Maze grew her own soul; it was obvious in the way she cared about people and falling in love with Eve. So who really thinks God is going to retire? 😄
  16. I was really waiting for this episode and while I liked it, I didn't love it like I thought I would. Hated that they did the song I hate most in the world, Every Breath You Take. And I never listened to Debbie Gibson in her prime, so I don't know if that's her standard singing voice, but I thought her voice was atrocious. Tom Ellis singing is always good and Wicked Game was fantastic. Gotta add it to my Spotify Covers playlist. Maze and Ella's duet was fantastic and I loved Just the Two of Us.
  17. Unfortunately, not out of character this season. The writers have really dropped the ball with Tess. She could be anxious, of course, and upset that people weren't using the proper pronouns, but they've written her to be a spoiled little shit and by doing that, they've ruined Beth's character. Beth was pretty much the opposite of this catering to your spoiled brat person that she's become in the last half of this season.
  18. madmax

    NHL Thread

    After the way they blew thru the last half of the season, I expected more. They just broke down and Jarrey, unfortunately, didn't have the chops. Maybe he needs seasoned? Fleury was notoriously bad in the playoffs in the beginning. But at least the Caps are out.
  19. I seem to remember it winding up rather quickly. But I read that so long ago. Even my re-read was about 15 years ago.
  20. Wow, that was a lot of reading... Just about everything I could say has been said, so I'll just stick to a few points. Tess was an obnoxious brat who couldn't remove the chip from her shoulder for a couple hours. Yes, the dress wasn't "her," but bridesmaid's dresses rarely are. She had plenty of time to voice her opinion before the big day. Beth should have just told her to deal for a few hours. It wasn't a slight to her sexuality, it was a dress. I don't like what they've done with Beth this season. There are better ways to deal with a gay child than how they're portraying Beth. Sad about Toby and Kate. I like Toby better than Kate (WAY better). And again, every day is Randall day, even his brother's wedding. Sigh.
  21. I agree with everything you've said. The movie was recommended to us by a video store clerk (remember those?). I absolutely loved it and thought Brian Cox was excellent in just a few scenes. I found the book and read it and loved it despite the differences. . I wasn't as fond of Red Dragon, even though I love both Edward Norton and Ralph Fiennes. It was just lacking. Since Harris wrote Hannibal to cash in on the popularity of Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal was one of only two books that I literally threw against the wall) and totally ruined Starling, it wouldn't surprise me that the movie was made solely to cash in on Hopkins' acclamations.
  22. Since they keep talking about winter, I would guess maybe November/December? I think someone mentioned being away for Thanksgiving.
  23. My SIL did that, too, but she'd also make a smaller basket for my kids with games & toys and candy, just not as big as the baskets for her kids. They're all very close in age. this year, my boys got chocolate. Matter of fact, my youngest son just got his because he wasn't home for Easter. 😄
  24. I don't have a problem with subtitles, Mr. Max does. but I have convinced him to watch a few things with subtitles. I'll have to try again on Netflix. I do think I was just that stupid...
  25. And yet, she was lecturing Gary constantly about taking risks.
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