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Everything posted by madmax

  1. I'm not afraid to admit I had a bit of crush on him in the 70s.
  2. As soon as Jordon said "I have to keep busy" I knew he was going to tap. The final touch was putting the initials on the cabin. Wouldn't that just be right in your face all the time, causing you even more grief? Sad about his daughter. Really awesome cabin, especially the hinged door. What good is a fish basket going to do in a lake with waves? She said it herself, it's better in a pond or stream. She better come up with something else quick and do something with that piss poor shelter. Colter, I think, is going to be the big winner this time. He's survived alone in Alaska for a long time (can't remember, but I think it was a couple months), he's built that badass boat so he could get the fish in the middle of the lake. His only stumbling block, I think, is the lack of a fire starter. If he loses his bow drill, or if the weather gets to it, he could be screwed. Nice pier that Nate built. I find it funny that both Alone and Naked & Afraid XL built piers/bridges over the water for fishing. I like Theresa's idea, but I, too, am afraid of flooding. And maybe she should be working on the chimney before the bed? Crazy that they can't hunt the squirrels, so no trapping. If they can't get fish, or some big game, they're all gonna be screwed.
  3. What about Jeremy? He did good in the swamps his first challenge, there for 25 days.
  4. EJ - what the hell with the "I'm offended crap"? Max was trying to keep your wrecked balls out of the nasty water. Riley's a bigger person than I am. She should have told Jeff, I know you don't believe in welfare, but I believe teams should help each other when they can. Was so hoping for Jeff's hypothermia. I did like Jeff's comment about Matt making eye contact with him when talking about keeping quiet. Jeff wants to team up when it suits him. Mr. Max pointed out that they weren't getting any more fish and Matt was still getting animals with his bow, so Jeff decided it was time to hook up with the other group. Of course, now that they're all together (and all yelling like a bunch of goons) is Jeff gonna dump Steven like a nutria rash now that his best buddy EJ is there?
  5. Reminds me of that point where Peyton Manning was advertising everything under the sun. I agree, but I wouldn't buy anything he was advertising anyway. None of it (of the 6 things I see him advertise) is my cuppa.
  6. Thanks. Like I said, I was dozing a bit during the episode. 🙂
  7. That's why I loved watching that show. I was young but even I understood they weren't all super tough guys.
  8. Oh yeah. He wants that screen time so his heathen folk/death metal band can get some exposure. I don't see Sam in him. He seems to be a contestant unto his own. I was dozing during this episode, so I totally missed Michelle eating the charcoal, but good move. Did I see a chyron saying they couldn't kill the grizzlies?
  9. Who knows? Maybe he's a lurker. Years ago, on TWOP, one of the creators for "Rescue Me" read the boards and even ended up posting.
  10. Not my specific suburb, but Pittsburgh has tons. To name a few: Michael Keaton, Charles Grodin, Gene Kelly, Jeff Goldblum, Joe Manganiello, Zachary Quinto, Dennis Miller, Jimmy Stewart, Tom Savini and of course, Mr. Rogers. One of my favorite mostly no-name celebrities is Lori Cardille, who played Sarah in Day of the Dead.
  11. Totally agree. I really liked Laura, but she became just as obnoxious as he was. It wasn't until almost at the end that she finally realized she didn't need to be an ass. I can only hope that Steven realizes it as well.
  12. I really do wish I had been wrong and it wasn't the Idiot and Steven that moved in next to Camp Savage, but we wouldn't have such great entertainment then. Loved the passive-aggressive sign smash. But seriously, they need to just open their mouths and tell them to quiet down, they're scaring away the other game. Steven is not as bad as Jeff, and seemed at times to be giving Jeff some side eye for the screaming, but I am afraid he is going to go down that path. Idiot only mentioned twice that he's the only one to do 60 days. I would so love to see him get tapped for something. Anything. But I don't think it's in the cards. Maybe the nutria itch can travel through his whole body. Not sad to see Gary go. He had to have some kind of bacterial infection; they gave him antibiotics. Now I know they're typically handed out like candy, but there had to be something that made them give them to him. It wasn't the flu; how would he have gotten the flu in the jungle with only 2 other people and the occasional masked visitors? It was something he ate (all those nasty alligator parts that no one else would eat) or did (who would ever think that putting a dirty alligator eye against your own eye is smart?). So totally his fault. Like the dugout idea. Just hope it works. I like Max and am tolerant of EJ, so I'd like to see them succeed. They work well together. Hopefully the loss of Gary doesn't change that. He'd never make it on Alone. No one in person to see how awesome he is.
  13. I can believe that, but taking an hour or so to set up passive food traps would seem a good use of time. Even if they didn't work, it didn't cost much in terms of time or calories. And if it did work, bonus!
  14. Theresa's pit house was awesome! And she did that in just a couple days! I just hope she can get some hunting and fishing done. Colton, I think, was the one who said he lived alone for a long period, in addition to being the only person living on an Alaskan island. He has potential. The others seemed good. But there's still too many for me to remember their names. I'll get there... I wonder why they don't set up snares, traps, fishing lines almost as soon as they get there. All the time they're building their shelters, they can be passively trying for food. Maybe they do and they don't show it?
  15. I loved Carleigh. Was so upset during her redemption.
  16. Oh, believe me, I know. Rugrat #1 was the product of failed birth control. But so many "failures?" I don't think so...
  17. Remember Dave from season 3? He had lots of food stockpiled and was afraid to eat it. He looked like a skeleton when they pulled him out. They have the option of including food rations in their 10 items. I believe only 2 of the contestants this time included food rations in their 10 items.
  18. That was my assumption. How is EJ going to help with that? Or will he let the others do it like he seems to be doing already?
  19. Ooh, Bulent is a great choice! He is much better alone. After watching the last XL, I don't think he could do it. He needs the validation from other people on the challenge. But I wouldn't mind that end score. 😄
  20. That bridge was nuts! @LittleIggy is right, they are the best team I've seen on XL. Don't know that I'd go out on it, tho. Hope Riley holds on; she's the only female left. EJ wasn't doing much, was he? Hey, you guys do this and do that and I'm not cleaning no stinking fish. WTF, EJ? I would NOT have slept out in the open with a bear that damn close. Nice exaggeration, Jeff. That bear didn't charge them. They ran back into the shelter as soon as they saw it. Did he really think the footage wouldn't be used? I figured they'd come across EJ/Max/Gary and Jeff would drop Steven like a hot potato now that he found his best bro EJ . I didn't catch the whole preview - I try not to so I'm not spoiled - but could they be faking us out? Like maybe some animals moved in next to Riley/Matt/Ryan and they just showed the Idiot and Steven?
  21. She could always look into birth control, since none of these docs seem to know what it is, what with all these surprise pregnancies. 😄
  22. I didn't catch it until the two came in "What did we miss?" and he was brushing dirt off his shoulder. 😄
  23. Love that ad, once I actually watched it. It took about half a dozen airings before I realized they were animals. 😄
  24. Even the grizzlies? Last year, Amos wasn't allowed to kill something (can't remember what it was. Wolves?) unless they actually attacked. I would think grizzlies would be somewhat protected.
  25. Every time that someone says they're only in it for the money, they tap relatively quick. There was the one guy who was in it for the money and didn't last a day because he thought he saw a bear. Season 2, I think? Another one who said it was all about the money because he knew he could survive on his own, he tapped in about a week. You do have some that leave because they've done everything they wanted to do. There was the woman in season 4 or 5 that built an awesome shelter, built a sauna, she was kicking ass and she just said she was done, she did everything she wanted. And I think she was top 3 or 5 when she left. Had she held out a little longer, she could have won the whole thing. I think for this, you need people that want the money, obviously, but are more invested in spending the time alone, and that CAN spend the time alone. Roland had no problem with that. He was quite grumpy when dealing with other people.
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