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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Jeff is now doing Cameo videos for $25. So you're supposed to give them ideas on what to say: "Hey, Jeff, I need a video for a guy who thinks he's the greatest survivalist in the world, but really, he's just a selfish asshole who didn't even do all the survival days he said he did, plus he's a thief. Also, he's kinda loud and obnoxious and only wants to be part of a team when it suits him. Think you can help me out?"
  2. Exactly. "He'd grown up just like me." I have a friend who is about 60 years old. No credit in her name. Everything is in her husband's name. They had some financial issues in the past, but have since cleared things up. I have been trying to get thru to her that she needs some credit, even if it's just a little $1,000 limit card, in her name. Something happens to her husband, she's definitely gonna be up the creek. I keep a running list of all of my and Mr. Max's medications for every time we go to a new doctor. Even if they're all in the same network, under the same insurance plan, they never seem to have the list of medications that you gave to the doctor who referred you to the new doctor.
  3. "Survival HAS to be lazy...." Alana, Season one 🙄 I use that line quite a lot...
  4. This kinda bothered me too. Maybe Maddie wouldn't have remembered that she appeared in the frame, but Robertson or Bosch didn't even ask if she was in the room when it was done, or if ANYONE else was in the room.
  5. EXACTLY what I said to Mr. Max. You put yourself on the show, you get to reap the benefits and the bad parts. This always bothers me. But what bothers me more is that they don't do more passive stuff like putting in lines, snares, etc. You would think they would be doing everything they can to passively get food so they can work on other stuff. Although not being able to hunt squirrels would limit the snares on this season, but not on other seasons. I think they scout them when resources are plentiful in order to say they can all survive, then put them out when it isn't so plentiful so they can get it over with quickly, stacking the deck, as you say. Totally agree, because I couldn't last 2 days. I barely lasted 2 days at my sister-in-law's camp this weekend and it's a legit house. 😄 Yeah, that was bad. Sorry he couldn't hack it, but blaming the people watching him is pretty friggin' stupid. We didn't force him out there; he brought it on himself. When they said that he lost 37 pounds and it was only day 18-19, I was stunned. The Naked & Afraid People rarely lose that much in 21 days. And you're not alone, I didn't notice a thing! Biko will last a while unless he starts thinking about his pregnant girlfriend too much. Clay has a great shot at lasting, because yeah, I think he got the deer. But my pick is still Colton(?), boat making guy. I don't understand why someone who had an eating disorder would sign up for a show where you could potentially starve. Wouldn't that mess with all that you gained? At least she was smart enough to tap when she realized she was heading in a wrong direction. I didn't expect Matt to last all that long. He just didn't have the right vibe for me. Looks to me like Biko's knife needs to be sharpened. He needs to go find a rock or two to hone it.
  6. If I remember correctly, and it's been a few years since I've seen it, it's not used a lot. Maybe once? Twice? There is a scene where someone is trying to say it and other sounds keep blocking it out. That's interesting. I would have thought that was the one word they would censor.
  7. IFC does not edit movies for content. They just add commercials. However, with the N-word use in Blazing Saddles, they may bleep that out.
  8. The same thing happened to Tanya Roberts earlier this year. Reports of death, then denial and a few days later, official word of her death. The media should really wait until they hear it officially, from a family member or representative.
  9. I do not remember EJ doing that until he was partnered with Jeff in the first XL. I blame Jeff. For everything, actually. I got a hangnail, damn Jeff...
  10. One day, after the 20th or so rejection, I just thought why not? I saw some of the not-so-great stuff that was being self-published and thought I could do better. I wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for my friend that kept encouraging me to write at all. He was kinda like my muse. You should try it. If you do your own cover and editing, you can e-publish for free. I never really told anyone outside of my husband and sons that I was writing. When the rest of the family found out, they were all very happy and most of them purchased the books. My brother-in-law took one of my ARCs out of my bag at lunch where we work and showed it to some of my office mates. I don't know if it inspired them to go out and buy it. I'd like to think so.
  11. Just found this topic. I really enjoyed reading about others' experience writing. I've been writing since I was 8 or 9. My first story was about a girl that found a fawn and made it her pet. My mother typed up a bunch of copies for me. Wish I still had one. From then on, it was poetry, romantic suspense, mysteries. I had about 8 "finished" books, but I never had the courage to do anything with them. About 10 years ago, I started writing a different one, a horror novel, since I like horror. I have a friend who was my first reader and found all my wonky parts. With his encouragement, I shopped it around, but got nothing. The genre was dead, everyone said. So I self-published. No, it didn't break any records and no, I didn't make any money, but I did make some fans. I've since self-published 2 more novels in the series and am working on a book of short stories in the same universe. I don't work with an outline. I used to write everything longhand in a notebook that just fit in my purse, but for the last few shorts, I've done them on the laptop. I find that I get most of the ideas for my series when I'm in the shower. Weird, huh? When I'm stuck, I just put it aside and do other stuff (like reading forums) until something hits me to move the plot along. Question, if anyone's still paying attention: Do your characters ever do things you don't expect? I mean, I know the characters are essentially the author, but one character in my series is constantly not doing what I originally envisioned for her to do.
  12. Karin Slaughter's Beyond Reach is one of only two books that I literally threw against the wall because of a plot twist. The book itself was awesome, but the twist just gutted me. Hannibal by Thomas Harris was the other one. And that one just pissed me off. It wasn't even the really gruesome parts. The way he ruined Clarice was just horrible. I'm sure it was just a money grab book.
  13. I noted on another thread that there was a photo taken of her during the London Olympics wearing that exact expression and she was upset at the time that the expression was all she was known for. Guess she got over that...
  14. The absolute best part of the whole season: "We’ll be neighbors not roommates.” Not much I can say that hasn't already been said other than Damn, Ryan looks TOTALLY different under all that hair! I would have loved to have seen the looks on their faces when he emerged for dinner.
  15. I forgot to say how happy I was that this wasn't set in the midst of the pandemic. I'm sure the spin-off will take place long after. I hope.
  16. I remember both of those. We didn't watch a lot of Real People, but we always tried to catch That's Incredible, with John Davidson and Cathy Lee Crosby. Or something like that. I also remember one called Everyday that had John Bennett Perry and the Unknown Comic.
  17. I swear they did a commercial at one point where she says "No party?" in a very sad voice and we used to use it when we were kids. I actually went to YouTube and looked up all the commercials and didn't see it. Does anyone else remember that?
  18. I liked her in The Mist. That's it. She has a tendency to make the same face for many different reactions. I've heard it referred to as "constipation face," and that pretty much sums it up. The character of Andrea was completely different from the comics, which I know a lot of fans didn't like. I didn't have a problem with the change, just the actress.
  19. I find the Virgil Flowers books much better than the Davenport books lately. As to the authors I've quit: Janet Evanovich - Somewhere around 9, I had enough of Stephanie's flighty nature, the will they/won't they with 2 separate characters, the obligatory blown up car. JR Robb/Nora Roberts - I quit Nora because everything started getting paranormal. I quit Robb because there were only so many times books I could read where Eve and Roarke loved each other to pieces, then had a fight, and Roarke ended up involved in the case. Laurel K. Hamilton - Turning Anita from a somewhat prude to the whore of Babylon, having sex with anyone and anything was the death knell for me. And when I read a comment from Hamilton that if you didn't like what she wrote, too bad, so sad, she had plenty of other fans, I was completely done. Dean Koontz - Only so many times I can read about the super intelligent dog, the woman in distress and the big manly man that saves her, and the quasi-religious endings Lee Child - I have read my last Lee Child. The last one was partially written by his brother and it showed. I almost bailed when Tom Cruise played Jack Reacher and Child said he was the best choice for the role (HA! 5'7 Cruise playing 6'6 Reacher?). But I stuck by until this last one. Not well written at all and Reacher didn't really seem like Reacher.
  20. I cringed when I read this. So now I have to look at her constipation face in another show?!?!?
  21. We binged it in 2 nights. And I LOVED that joke. I had to remind Mr. Max why I was laughing. I was very surprised with all of the past characters. I had to stop and think "Oh, yeah, that's the guy from season one!" But it was great. And the ending scene had us cracking up. Looking forward to the spin-off, but I wish it hadn't been announced at least until a month or so after the final season. It took away some of the tension.
  22. Mr. Max said the same thing. There was the woman who built a really nice shelter, sidewalk, sauna(!), and just said "I've done what I came to do" and she tapped. She was one of the last 5 left. @Melina22, your spoiler is correct. We never thought that would last. But If I was there, I'd build the smallest, sturdiest shelter I could. I don't want to be a tasty treat wrapped in plastic for those bears. I'd rather be a leftover in the locking tupperware.
  23. That is the ONLY Taylor Swift song on my iPod. I'm not ashamed of anything on my iPod. they're all pleasurable to me, not in a guilty way. My favorite thing to do is to put the whole thing on shuffle and I'll have Black Sabbath, then America, then Wham, then Rob Zombie, then Jim Croce, then Cheech & Chong, then Staind... you get the idea. The greatest radio station ever.
  24. That was this season, Clay, I think. He's the one who also saw a mountain lion. I think season six was the first time someone actually got bigger game. Most other seasons, it was fish, trapping small animals and whatever plants and mushrooms they could find.
  25. YES! I loved those. I thought they were married. 😄
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