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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Geico has recycled old commercials that I hated the first time around: Gekko on a remote control boat Gekko screaming about his flat tire UGH! If they want to bring back a commercial, bring back the woodchucks!
  2. He had crazy eyes from the beginning. They're just more noticeable because of the weight loss. I knew Rose would be next to go. That shelter was pitiful. How could she expect to last with a tarp and some branches? And no fire?!? I'm with Theresa. I hate fish. I turned to Mr. Max when she was gagging it down and said, "Yup, that's me." But whatever you have to do to survive. Hope it lasts and she can get more beach fish. Why isn't Colton turning his boat upside down so he doesn't have to scoop snow out of it? And why isn't he fishing more from it? His fish basket was nice, probably the nicest I've seen on any of these types of shows, but they don't work well. They never have. I'm thinking Biko might mess up his ankle and need a medical pull. He's talked about it quite a bit and the mouse just ate his brace. He is slightly less annoying, but still bothers me. And if he's so worried about his hair turning to dreadlocks, take out the braids and comb it! You can rebraid it! Clay is absolutely insane. That is all.
  3. The commercial I saw had a disclaimer that they were on trails. So yeah, make your own roads. 🙄 99% of those vehicles will never even go off-road.
  4. I hate hate hate the Weather Tech commercial where the guy's taking his car into the dealership and the value miraculously goes up because he has floor mats. There's a lot more to trade-in value than the carpets. And Weather Tech mats are ridiculously expensive. Got the same exact mats at Quadratec for almost half price.
  5. A friend of mine had one and every time we went to her house, I'd think she had a bird trapped inside somewhere.
  6. I hope you're right. We try to buy local as much as we can - and actually do buy 95% of our car parts from a Father & Son shop that charges more, but are really great at getting parts the next day and letting us pay in installments for those really big purchases - but it's becoming increasingly difficult for most other things.
  7. "God made dirt and it don't hurt" is what we used to say when we were kids and our candy fell on the ground. 😄
  8. It said the trap was from when trapping was allowed but recently the law was changed and only Natives can trap. If I was Rose, I would have set that thing up somewhere near my "shelter" as a type of early warning system. He left a lot of meat on that deer. Last episode, the chyron said he got 50 pounds of meat and I believe another one said the deer was 150 pounds. There surely wasn't 100 pounds of bone on that deer. But I think he's making a mistake rationing it that much.
  9. Better than paving paradise to put up a parking lot...
  10. Yeah, you would think they would do that, but maybe it was the starvation messing with her head. I can't believe she's still in that tent like structure. ESPECIALLY after seeing that bear "circling" her, although if she hadn't called out, it would have gone on its merry way. I wondered myself what would happen if they used all of their shots, would they get more and we decided yes, they would replenish. But what about Clay's early warning system? Would they give him another airhorn? I would think so. Those things are loud as hell. I guess they don't show us the film of a castaway lifting their head from their dirt soup when they hear the airhorn but just think of the facial expressions they are missing. I wondered about the snares. Are they all in hibernation? Maybe you can't actively hunt squirrels, i.e. with a bow, but if they're stupid enough to go into a snare, they're fair game, no pun intended? Clay is only allowing himself a couple ounces of meat per day? Is he going to be another Dave? Theresa was getting more calories from the berries she was collecting. My money is still on Colton or Clay to be the winner. Unless the rationing gets to Clay.
  11. Same here and I don't think I managed to stand up without help, let alone move on the ice. I am in awe of the figure skaters and hockey players to be able to balance on that thin blade, on and off the ice.
  12. My husband, BIL and son went to a Pens game before the plexiglass all around. We were sitting about midway up when a puck came straight at us. I put my body in front of my son, my BIL put his body in front of me, all the while Mr. Max was completely oblivious. It hit about two rows up, right into the knee of the guy sitting behind us. The ushers helped him out.
  13. This was my era, too. Tito Santana, the late great Rowdy Roddy Piper and Mr. Wonderful, who just passed away. My brother actually took me and his girlfriend to a match, but he got a little drunk and started a fight (he wasn't actually being a jerk, he was standing up for someone else) and so we had to leave before the main event. I put it so far out of my mind out of embarrassment that I don't even remember who was fighting.
  14. People told me that, too, so I went and it was still the most boring thing since watching paint dry. Our office used to sponsor an annual day at the ballpark and I went once, then weaseled my way out of all the other times. 1) Baseball is boring as shit and 2) the Pirates are even worse. Now hockey, I will go to a hockey game any time. It's fast paced, exciting and, aside from the commercial breaks, nowhere near as long as a baseball game. I've sat in seats all over the building, including box suites (when I won free tickets) and F level when I was 8 months pregnant (LOTS of steps) and every time it was great.
  15. Very sad to see that Charlie Robinson passed away. I absolutely loved Night Court and will still seek out the reruns. Paul Orndorf was one of the big names back when I actually watched wrestling. I didn't like his character, but as I've come to find out, so many of the heel wrestlers were the nicest guys in real life.
  16. I HATE this. So many times they have the promo so big, you miss part of what's going on during the show you want to see. Or if there's any kind of subtitle or chyron on the screen, you miss it.
  17. We had at one time both a Costco membership and a Sam's membership. Costco beat Sam's hands down. Better quality items, much friendlier employees and a much cleaner store. We get all of our paper goods there. The Kirkland brands are as good as and in some cases, better than national brands and the prices are great on most things. Their clothing is even well made and fairly priced.
  18. There was a lot of that this episode. How were they baiting the gator hooks and even the fishing lines if they weren't actually catching stuff? Of course, they could have found old dead fish and since Gary was gone, they could use them for bait.
  19. They ran all of the shark related episodes today to get everyone ready for Shark Week. While I was working down the garage, I got to see Laura's first one, the one above, the other shark XL with Steven, Eva, Ryan, Chris and Ky. Also Max's fan challenge. I didn't realize what a jerk he was in that first one.
  20. UPMC, the healthcare "non-profit" that has the majority of medical work here tried to buy the mall for a hospital because they didn't have one in the South Hills, but the other, smaller health system, AGH, that does have a hospital in the South Hills blocked them. So UPMC built a smaller outpatient facility and the mall still sits empty.
  21. The very last thing in my local mall (and for the year and half before that) was a JC Penney. The only reason they lasted that long was that they owned the portion of the mall they were in and the store was still doing good as it was one of only 2 in the general area. About 8 months ago, they finally closed their doors.
  22. I forgot to remark on this in my earlier post. She was actually naked in her sleeping bag! Must be pretty damn warm in that pit house. I do remember, tho, when we had our fancy-ass sleeping bags for camping, they recommended sleeping without clothing for the best thermal protection. Screw that, I wasn't going to be naked in the woods if a bear came by, looking for a snack and finding an eclair named MadMax.
  23. I thought the chyron said 50 pounds of meat? Which I still thought wasn't enough for that animal. And Biko can afford to lose more weight. If it comes down to it, he could win by starvation alone. Didn't Roland rig up a travois of sorts to drag his meat back? The hunting/fishing rules this season seem designed to get them the hell out of there. No squirrels, so no traps or snares to even get other rodents or rabbits. No gill nets until day 45? by that time, if anyone's left, they won't have the strength to make one. Hopefully they've already started on it. Totally agree. I don't think they want someone staying more than a couple months. Maybe because they already did the $1M/100 day challenge that they probably didn't think anyone would win. I said to Mr. Max that it was stupid of Colton to keep his berries like that. Not only a bear, but any old critter could just come by and eat them. I really liked Clay's smoke house. Reminded me of Roland's cache for his big game from last season. Nate was smart to tap, but it seemed like in the after tap chat, he was blaming his illness on his weight loss and not drinking squirrel poop.
  24. Well, if you're turning into your parents...
  25. Better than my nickname - Stumpy. Mr. Max is a full foot taller than me, my oldest son is about 6 inches taller than me and my youngest is 13 inches taller than me. But at least I don't have to get anything from a high shelf...
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