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Posts posted by dmmetler

  1. I think the problem with Ray is that the actor just physically doesn't carry himself like a adorkable nerd. Felicity does-she's a beautiful woman, but the geeky girl shines through. Barry and Cisco are the same. They're good looking guys, but they're still obviously adorkable.

    Ray is just too perfect to pull off geeky. He's good looking, has a lot of money, and just carries himself like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, got straight A's, sailed through college, was president of his fraternity. He's not able to pull off "geek" because he never experienced the social awkwardness that geeky kids/teens face, even those that end up being physically attractive, pulled together adults. All of his "see, I'm geeky like Felicity" lines fall flat because he just isn't and his backstory is such that he was unlikely to be treated as such. Felicity as the daughter of a Casino Waitress who moved to being a dealer when she had enough seniority is perfectly believable. So is Barry, the foster son of a police officer with a dead mom and a dad in prison. But I can't imagine anyone giving young Ray Palmer a wedgie or running his underwear up a flagpole.

    Add that he also doesn't do traumatized, and he just isn't relatable. When you feel like messing up in a fight is the first time this guy has ever had anything go wrong in his life (yes, I know he lost Anna the love of his life, but since he was making Cow eyes at Felicity from the first time he walked into the Best Buy clone, I don't buy that, either), that doesn't make me root for him. He doesn't have the backstory of a Tony Stark or a Bruce Wayne to make it seem reasonable, even by comic book standards. Instead it comes off as a spoiled kid playing with toys, and that's not heroic.

    • Love 9
  2. She may have miscarried or delivered prematurely and lost the baby. Meth is linked to miscarriage and premature birth as well as psychotic hallucinations, and I know that after losing a baby I had periods where I'd find myself rocking the cat, only to come to and realize my baby was purring. It was weird-and according to my perinatologist, is actually quite common for a few months following loss of a baby until the hormones return to normal. Add the Meth, and she well may have basically gone into that state and just not snapped out of it, even now that she's off the drug. I'm sure she's met mothers who have lost custody of their children-and "getting sober for my baby" could be mixed in with guilt of feeling that she killed her baby (again, mothers who lose babies often do feel guilty even with no culpability on their part-add drug use, and she'd have a reason to feel guilty.)

    All that is to say, it felt really plausible and "real" to me.

  3. I know this show is bad in terms of the money trail but there is no way Ray Palmer has enough money to buy QC outright or even take it over by leveraging because QC is that big.  The show has only said he's the CEO and CEO don't rename companies after themselves because it would mess with the branding.  Burger King just bought Tim Horton's but it's going to stay called Tim Horton's because the original name is worth a lot in terms of reputation.


    It's just more bad writing for Oliver's manpain.

    I don't know-my DH has been acquired twice in leveraged buyouts (software engineer), and in both cases, the original company name was eventually removed-although the product name is the same as it was two companies ago. And QC is linked to some pretty bad stuff. If Palmer Technologies acquired QC, I could see the QC label being retired. The size makes that less likely, but not anything less likely than some of the other stuff in Starling City.

  4. I took the "you're a monster" to be that with the knowledge of his mother's affair and Thea's parentage, he now assumes she was an active participant in the undertaking, including destroying the Queen's gambit, and was simply lying about being maneuvered by Malcolm and being scared of him.

  5. I just assumed Felicity was #1 on his speed dial, so she was the one he could call with it being least obvious.

    And the "no one else answering the phone scene" would have worked better if it weren't Felicity's cell phone.

  6. African Dance was the hardest dance class I ever took in college. Lots of fun, but hard.

    Comparing Kendall and Brynn's dance to Chloe and Maddie's Black Swan...there's just no comparison. Both Kendall and brynn were basically just dancing and letting the costume carry the theme. There was none of the frail innocence that Maddie portrayed well and the fierceness that Chloe portrayed well. And they were, what, 9 and 10 at the time?

    If Abby actually picked the dances/groupings this week, I think they were designed to show that the team would fail without her. Having said that, I was glad to see the girls actually learning something new. Because, ultimately, that's what they should be doing, not doing the same lyrical/jazz with side aerials and circle cartwheels week after week.

    • Love 2
  7. Wow, there are a lot of drugs in a place designed to help addicts stay sober!

    Wow, there are a lot of drugs in a place designed to help addicts stay sober!

    Also, if Rebecca's dad is a doctor, couldn't he legally prescribe her Ritalin? Why would that need to be hidden? It stinks that he'd do that, but I know a lot of kids who have had Ritalin prescribed by family doctors based on reports from the school, without ever having a Neuropsych, neurologist, or child psychiatrist involved.

  8. I wish they'd cast someone more like Rosie O'Donnell's character on The Fosters to run the group home. Someone who is older, more mature, and can sell being the adult in charge. The only way I can buy a 25 yr old is if he was some sort of child prodigy (and I do know a 17 yr old who graduated with a degree in psychology last Spring and is now in graduate school, so it does happen)-and I doubt seriously most facilities would hire a 23 yr old straight out of school to manage a program.

  9. I hadn't planned to watch this one, but it was on demand after Bring it! I actually really like this-we have the stage parents and the overly cocky kids, but the industry folks are very realistic, definitely are actively trying to help and support the kids in their goals, while also giving them some 'tough love', and the kids are generally likable.


    I love that it's not an elimination each week, and that one slip up doesn't send a kid home.


    I think Poopy needs to hang back until he goes through Puberty. I suspect he'll be in the same position NIqo was a few years ago-when his voice starts shifting, he's going to have a tough time of it. Right now, he is making it because he looks so young and cute, but has the maturity of a 12 yr old, not a 9-10 yr old. But that's not going to last forever.


    I don't have problems with Peach's sister helping her write the songs now-but she needs to find her own voice. As it stands, she's coming off less a villain and more a puppet.


    None of these kids should have the responsibility for their family, or should feel that their success or lack thereof in a very difficult industry should be responsible for their family's livelihood. I understand passionate kids who want to follow a goal-but sometimes, you have to say "No, I'm not going into debt or cashing in my 401K on a one in a million chance". 

    • Love 1
  10. I kind of wish they'd brought the minis in a season or two ago and focused on a new group of younger girls. As it stands, we have less than impressive girls who are no longer cute little kids and, with the exception of the ringers, simply aren't all that impressive (in large part because they've been focused on the show, not in class learning skills-which is why Kalani and Brynn are simply better at this point).

    Or, just kill the show entirely. I'm kind of disappointed in myself for watching it at this point. And I do have to wonder-what kind of parent brings her 6 yr to Abby?

    • Like 1
  11. Gotta love it when the high school kids are more sensible than the adults.


    I majored in music, and Diana is a typical personality type that you see a lot at the college level, less so below that-the failed performer who ended up teaching and resents it, so takes it out by being the big b-word queen diva. Female or male. Deke is more the person who ends up teaching at the high school level-the one who truly enjoys teaching and seeing their kids do well, and no longer needs to be a star.


    But yeah, Vocal Adrenaline vs New Directions,and you just KNOW that Deke's team will pull off a win by the end of the season. Because, don't you know, they have heart.


    I'll continue watching. I'll watch almost anything with dancing or singing in it, and this show doesn't make my heart hurt for the kids. 

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  12. My prediction is that we'll never see baby Carlton and Lily again-that Toby will end up divorced or coming home for a family emergency, but that those two characters are done.

    I expect we haven't seen the last of Will/Eric/Hope. Unfortunately.

    I want Bay to stay in her tattoo parlor, happy, successful, and using her art skills. The kid deserves that. In fact, I'd be happy if the series would end there, sans cliffhanger. I'll even ignore that Daphne somehow became an audiologist and capable of speaking Mandarin in 10 months.

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