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Posts posted by dmmetler

  1. What does Year 8 mean in British schools? Based on Harry Potter, it seems like years start numbering when you enter a school, so I wouldn't think there would be a Y8 in any school, and those kids weren't old enough to be 8th graders in US terms. 


    FWIW, my 9 yr old really enjoyed this episode, and also Kill the Moon, so maybe the goal IS to return Dr. Who to kids...by boring the adults.

  2. I actually really liked this one. I think it's because I have a budding biologist in the family, and have gone to two professional conferences where biodiversity and trying to figure out the least bad solution that both preserves biodiversity and allows human use or other animal use is are common topics of discussion. So I saw this less as an abortion parallel and more an animal rights one. Do you protect that wetlands to protect the animals that live there, limiting human expansion and also increasing the growth of animals that actually cause harm to humans, like, say, mosquitoes, or do you destroy it, killing the innocent animal life, but giving humans what they need?


    As I saw it as well, this was a case of a least bad solution. The gaps were growing. Yes, if you kill the infant, it will stop hatching, but that won't fix the cracked egg. Nor will it remove the increased weight that is causing the worst environmental disasters in history. Getting rid of it won't restore the prior status quo of 10 years previously. Letting the egg hatch and losing the moon would cause some pretty bad results, too, and it would be hard to predict what will happen. So, is it better the devil you know, or the one you don't?


    I also loved that the one person who was unilaterally focused on saving the alien was Courtney-because that's my experience as well. Kids, teens, even college students tend to be black and white and focused on environmental issues. They can't believe, quite, that anything bad will happen to people, so therefore, everyone should be saved. The astronaut was the one person with real experience as to how bad it had gotten. She wanted to do the least harm and at least stop it now. Clara didn't know how bad it was on Earth, didn't have the idealism of a child, and ultimately couldn't make up her mind, so she punted to the majority. Which is how most adults handle it, too.  And while the astronaut could say "I was wrong", and Courtney was "It's so beautiful!!", Clara had a tantrum. Because she didn't want to make the decision one way or the other, the way Courtney and the Astronaut both had. She wanted the doctor to make the decision for her, to save her from herself, and to take the blame. The doctor chose not to do so. I think he made the right choice.

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  3. There was a girl who performed in her first recital at age 1 at my DD's dance studio. Her mom is one of the teachers. Basically, she came out on stage and twirled around her daddy :).  At age 2, she did a little more, but still mostly twirling around Daddy. She's actually taking her first dance class this year (preschool ballet/tap/tumbling combo), but this Spring's recital will be her third. 

  4. There are two things they could throw in that would make me feel better.


    The first is a comment to the effect that Blaine blew off/didn't prepare/totally choked his juries. At a performing arts school, those end of year performances with you on stage and a half dozen stone-faced professors critiquing you and giving no feedback or response whatsoever can make or break you, and if they made a statement that they broke Blaine, I'd accept him being back home to regroup. It really isn't that odd for kids to leave a conservatory-type program in the first year after those juries with the realization that maybe they'd be better off getting a degree in music, theater, or dance education, a degree in business while also doing courses in performing arts with an eye towards opening a store, or pre-law planning to go into media/entertainment law. Dalton opening it's arms to their favorite son who was part of the golden days of the Warblers might make a little more sense then-he throws himself on the mercy of some unseen Head of school who liked Blaine and wants to see this kid back on his feet, and the Head suggests he take charge fo the Warblers.


    The second is a statement from Kurt that he currently can't sing to the level needed to NYADA (vocal chord issues, maybe), therefore they've given him a leave of absence to come home and recover. They don't even need a throwaway about it being an independent study class-only that right now he can't perform to the degree he wants to do so, he misses music, and coming back and coaching show choir fills the time better than working at Burt's garage does. That would also explain the absense of Kurt solos.

  5. My 9 yr old said "Kini's is nice, but I wouldn't want to wear it. It looks scratchy." Char's  is "Something I would wear", Korina's is "Cute, lots of girls would like it", Emily's sweater "Might be Ok with some pink Jeans or something", the others were "someone might wear that" and Sandhya's  was "Would get you teased from now until next year". She hopes the model didn't have too much fall-out at school today, although "Being on Project Runway is pretty cool, even with bad clothes".



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  6. A lot of the AG girl/doll dresses are party wear and are very fussy and detailed, and are something that gets purchased to wear for photos and maybe a party, but the kid is going to take it off and change to do actual playing. Kini's very fussy dress in the same fabric is that sort of thing-the doll outfit would cost $50, the girl dress would be $150, the jacket another $50 or so.


    Char actually did what the stupid BeForever line is supposed to do and what the outfits the girls were wearing when they first met the designers did-a more modern version for a little girl for everyday wear of the outfit the doll is wearing in the "Meet" book.


    And yes, the dolls have pretty elaborate attire, accessories, etc that aren't at all realistic for anything but the girls who are from wealthy backgrounds. For Addie, a former slave, and Kit, living in the great depression with an unemployed father, it gets down right ludicrous.  It's definitely a glowing view of history.  And honestly, that was the case even for the original, Pleasant Company dolls and books.

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  7. The AG demographic is girls who think they're too old for dolls, but can justify it with the AG dolls because they're more mature. The AG clothes for girls tend to be a bit on the conservative side, nice, structured, and cute.

    Kini and Char have the right idea. Kini's outfit looks like one that would be sold as a dress outfit, and Char's is more like the play version. Both look like they'd fit into the AG store and moms/grand moms would buy them.

    Sandyha just seems to miss the age. For a toddler playing with Bitty Baby, maybe, but not for an 8-12 yr old 'tween.

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  8. I think it says something that on Dance Moms, the parents claim to be stuck and unable to escape, but in Kim of Queens, on the same network, parents are choosing to leave if they didn't like the edit or felt it was too ramped up for drama. I can also understand leaving the show if you were used to your little group being Kim's priority, since the show tended to bring in a new girl and mostly focus on her for a week.

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  9. I guess they forgot that the Warblers are member-led and don't have an outside director.


    If Kurt had been attending a more traditional university within Ohio (and University of Cincinnati has a great progam), it wouldn't be unreasonable to get teaching certification along with a performing arts degree and to do a semester of student teaching-but he would have needed to do that under Will, who actually IS a certified teacher, not under Rachel, who has less formal education than he does.


    Sadly, I'm sure I'm going to end up watching this mess...

  10. On Finn's speech/accent, Finn's speech is a lot like mine (after 14 YEARS of speech therapy), and often you do have an easier time getting those sounds in a foreign language, when playing a character role, or while singing. The reason is that usually those sort of long-standing articulation disorders are motor control disorders and when you learn to speak a different language or sing, you're using slightly different parts of the brain in different ways, which is enough to sort of reset the system, and you're actively listening to yourself to provide feedback. When you are speaking normally, it takes concentration to not fall into the pattern that is normal for you-and you cannot hear the difference when you slip. So, the first time you do a Southern Accent, or even the first 100 times, it sounds good. But if you were ever in a situation when you're playing that role all day, every day, you'll eventually lose those sounds within that accent, too.


    I almost wonder if Rachel suggested the accent thing for Finn's benefit. Because, honestly, that's probably his best bet to come off well. 

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  11. Maddie has more expression and personality on stage than Nia? really? Nia isn't the best dancer, but when it comes to performing, she's got a lot more personality and life than Maddie, who always looks/acts the same.

    Does Sarah go to school? I don't know many kids who would rather sit with mom than other kids even at 4-5.

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  12. It was a bit chaotic for me, but overall, I liked it. I liked the fact that to the doctor, things like Madame Pompadour, which were so significant for the audience, just were enough to bring on a sense of déjà vu. I like Vastra, Jenny, and Strax. And I think that Capaldi has the opportunity to become a great doctor. I do wish they hadn't killed the dinosaur, though. I kind of mentally wanted her to stay with Vastra-after all, if a lizard woman can get by in Victorian London without comment, surely she could keep a pet tyrannosaurus in the garden :).

    I wish "Missy" had been River Song in the library. the doctor is married, darn it! He is NOT supposed to have a sweetie somewhere (I didn't like him marrying River, either, but at least I want him to be faithful!). Similarly, the idea that 12 missed by Clara not being his girlfriend really bugs me-because 12 is the form that actually MARRIED River, and she popped up all over the place in his timeline.

    Best part for me-the preview. Gotta love Daleks :)

    I do think. I'll be watching later episodes delayed, though-having to sit through all the commercials on the BBCA first broadcast was painful.

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  13. One reason why I love sharing this with my DD is both the good sportsmanship and the fact that, ultimately, almost everyone (everyone, so far, out of the US competitors) will fail at some point, so success is defined as improving, getting past that obstacle you fell on last year, finishing the finals course when last year you were a wildcard, and so on.


    And hubris usually leads to a fall.

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  14. I think they were in the intramural gym at Tennessee State University-if so, it's not a huge gym (although it does have more seating than most high schools would). The layout and parking looked right, and I know TSU does rent that building for community events (my DD cheers at a rec level, and their state competition is usually in that building).

    I do have to ask-do they not sell tickets for these competitons, even a limited spectator fee? One major reason for doing so is to avoid going over capacity. It just seems strange that the competitions are so poorly organized.

  15. I had a flashback to "Gypsy" (the musical based on the life of Gypsy Rose Lee), when her stage mom/manager "accidentally" book her into a burlesque house and then actively pressure the teenager into stripping, Of course, Lee, even in the height of her career, performed more covered and in less explicit ways than Asia does at age 8-her "gimmick" was that she actively talked and interacted with the audience, without actually taking off much. Just like Rose, Kristy seems willing to do whatever it takes to get her child to be famous, whatever the cost.

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  16. I notice that Abby still can't seem to see beyond a child's skin color/facial structure in planning dances for them. I like Loree and she seems very calm and stable-which means Jade probably isn't long for the show.


    Mackenzie is what, 8?, 9? That's a pretty self-conscious age, She needs support, not ridicule. And I can't blame her for being less than confident with improvising not just in front of a group of girls where she's the youngest and a hyper-critical teacher, but in front of a camera. Poor kid, and her mom didn't help at all.


    I've been rewatching the first two seasons since they're on Amazon Prime, and it strikes me just how much more life all the girls had at the start of the show. They really seemed to enjoy being there most of the time, and to take Abby in stride. It's not just Chloe, although she's one of the most changed. Part of it, I know, is getting older, but I think they're all burned out and have been hurt, badly, by this experience. I really hope this is either the last season entirely, or the last season for this group of girls.



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