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Posts posted by dmmetler

  1. My DD was glad to see a math geek win it.


    I was rooting for Ben once Kaitlin was out, simply because he ended up abandoned by his so-called "Alliance".


    And Kaitlin, you work for NASA. You should have at least been able to take a reasonable guess on that question!

  2. Um,,,,(hides head)...I kind of liked it??


    The plot was thin and pretty silly, but seeing Sue finally get called on the carpet was good (although I wish Will hadn't spoken up for her, I can understand Bieste doing so). I'm glad it was Becky who finally said "too much" (although I don't know why she'd care who is in Glee club). And Jane finally got a chance to sing and take the lead.  Sue and Vocal Adrenaline makes sense in as much as anything on this show does.


    Rachel getting a musical job AND back into NYADA was too much, and I'm going to pretend it didn't happen.



    I also admit, the musician in me was trying to figure out how best to orchestrate for a group containing a large number of male singers, three female singers, and one unchanged treble. I'd kind of like to see them do Pie Jesu from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Requiem.

  3. I do like that in this season, 3/4 of the finalists are actually academic nerds, nOT pop-culture ones. It seems like the academic nerds tended to get gunned for and eliminated early in past seasons. I guess that was the one benefit of the secret 6-it's like the other nerds forgot that mathematician Jonathan and Biologist Ben were PhD's until this episode.

    And I was cringing at Amanda. Sulfate? really?? Colby would have SO killed that challenge!!

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  4. I'm guessing that's exactly what the Miami school is. There's a Memphis school that I'd kind of like to see on Bring It!, except that I don't know if they do competitions at all-they teach the RAD syllabus, but also have classes in African Dance, Hip-hop, etc.

  5. I don't even know if I want to watch the last two episodes of this season. The whole secret six, alliances, and voting off the unwanted (not the threatening-I saw who they targeted, and it was definitely the most "nerdy" of the nerds) is totally opposed to everything that makes Revenge of the Nerds one of my top "Bad day" pick me up movies. It was just so middle school and mean-girl.


    I guess I'll cheer for Kaitlin because she's the "Colby" of her team and if team Hoovooloo had lost the last few nerd wars, she'd have been the one with the target on her back.


    At the same time, I loved the forensic science challenge because it's a true science challenge, and the marine biologist finally got a chance to shine (and I can well believe that he's very experienced at reading DNA-that's a BIG part of biology now).

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  6. I'll forgive the show a lot if the final episode has Kurt and Blaine signing divorce papers when they wake up and realize that, yeah, this was a mistake. Or maybe getting an annulment.


    Mike Chang FTW.


    Also, Tina wants to be a vet, right? She probably won't even be through school and established in her practice by 30. That's really not an "old maid" age when you're going for the letters Dr. in front of your name!

  7. At this point, I'm #TeamColby. I think the others dismissed him as being "just a trivia buff" and not a true nerd (and that happens a lot when you go into teaching-the assumption is that you're not good enough to do something else, not that it's something that you truly enjoy).  I'm hoping he sticks through to the end-as the alliance crumbles.

    • Love 5
  8. My guess is that Kendall and Nia have both had some formal voice training, and the result was hat even though, vocally, they were better than Mackenzie, they almost sounded too formal/polished (since MattyB is, like MackZ, a cute, not particularly talented and pretty much untrained except in how to look cute, singer).

    Speech impediments are often not carried over into singing, and, in fact, learning how to sing can help train the mouth what to do so it becomes more conscious. But I do have to say it's obvious that Abby's original girls actually have spent some time on singing, while the new girls haven't.

  9. Seriously, corn snakes, ball pythons, garter snakes, and green snakes (couldn't tell if they were rough or smooth green snakes) and Ori was scared of them? I wish they'd stop the "Snakes are scary" stuff on TV shows! (I know it fits in with Indiana Jones, but ugh!). I was glad to see Colby win just because he didn't stop at the snakes.

    • Love 2
  10. Ok, it's not a romantic chemistry, but I'm pretty convinced the best couple on this trainwrck of a show is Unique and Sheldon-probably because Dot is playing the heck out of the role, and Alex is being herself. And, of course, we'll probably never see them together again since the Very Special Episode fragment is over.

  11. OK, I really don't like the preview for next ep. The whole dance vs cheer/going to another team thing is a Dance Moms thing, and I have trouble believing Dianna, who has been shown as being fairly reasonable and understanding about her girls would really make it a hill to die on, as opposed to letting the kid try to make it work and learn that you can't do it all. I'll still watch, but I liked this show because the drama seemed to truly come naturally, not be manufactured. And this season just feels like it's diverging from that theme.

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  12. What bugs me is that Chuck's firm is valued at 50 million dollars or so, employs hundreds of people, and apparently does criminal law, but Chuck's brother doesn't have a job there? Heck, they could still send Jimmy down to do PD work pro bono if the goal is to get experience.

  13. I have a friend who managed to get to a doctoral program in math without ever having had trig-her rural high school didn't offer it, and she started in Calc I in college because all math majors did. It wasn't discovered until she was assigned to teach a college pre-calculus class in it-and hadn't had half the stuff herself.

    We loved the mythology challenge here-I lead a club for homeschoolers taking the Nationl Mythology Exam, and I may be borrowing this :)-my 3rd-6th grade nerdlets will love it!

  14. I think the biggest problem with this show is that it's too short. I really don't feel like I "know" any of the kids yet, and with a 4 week run, it's probably going to be over before I really connect with them. In general, I kind of wish the kids' programs did more the Rachel vs Guy model and let the kids stay, but accumulate points through teh season, especially with short seasons.


    My DD asked "How can so many kids have businesses?".



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  15. As someone who still occasionally loses my /r/ sounds, especially in medial or final position, after about 15 YEARS of speech therapy, I have to say that Jojo's speech isn't all that bad. She's over the threshold of understandability that is usually required to exit PS speech, and it's not necessarily a good value to remediate speech past that point. Honestly, drama and vocal music classes helped more than speech once I'd gotten down to only a few sounds that weren't constant.

    The big difference, though, is that most people with long-standing speech issues don't go on TV.

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  16. Wouldn't you expect your kid who just moved up from the baby team to have a bit of trouble keeping up, and maybe, just maybe, not always making the performance squad her first season? Especially when the performance squad has seniors in high school and ypur kid is what, 10, maybe 11? (Since they said BDD was 2nd-4th grade)?

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