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Everything posted by jelaine

  1. Could be wrong, but I think Hannah said that if they didn't leave the liminal space before the full moon, they would be stuck there forever. It may have been a specific full moon, like the blood moon or the worm moon, but I'm pretty sure it would have occurred sometime else in the last 50ish years.
  2. Now I strangely want to see Henry having a go at coaching via Zoom. Birthday prezzie?
  3. I think I remember them saying something in the first half about a heart issue related to his drinking. Or I'm hallucinating. Either or.
  4. Nice to be reminded of a Rupert who isn't a slimy POS. Absolute props to ASH for doing such an amazing job of making me hate Rebecca's ex.
  5. Just finished a rewatch of the original run and something in S4 is really bothering me. In The Last Damn Job, Eliot and Sophie were both very "oh, Nate, you can't kill Dubenich and Latimer. You'll lose part of yourself." Yet in The 10 Li'l Grifters Job, they both think that Nate killed the mark and barely batted an eye. Or at least they acted like he had and there was no philosophical angst. The mark was dead, Nate didn't have an alibi, and was in the right place at the wrong time, and they were all just "we'll get you out of this." Which good, but Nate had no reason to kill the mark in 10 Li'l Grifters and he had every reason to kill Dubenich. It just bugs me and for a show that's so good with most everything, that doesn't sit right. Both stories played out the way they needed to, but it just bugs.
  6. No Charges for Timothy Hutton Thought someone might be interested.
  7. Disagree. I was quite happy with Loki growing and healing and changing and becoming more than the afterthought, the shadow, the one who fails so others can be their best selves, the flea hanging on to the back of the dragon. I dearly, desperately want to see where this Loki goes. I do believe Loki will hang on to the growth he went through. He won't revert back to 2011/2012 Loki whatever happens going forward. But... I think that, for me at least, the problem I have with the finale is that even with everything Loki went through and learned, he still ended the series exactly where he started it - alone. And to me, one of the biggest things series!Loki learned, is that he's not alone. For me, the finale, puts the multiverse and the twist that its a different Mobius and B15 and even the "romance" in the spotlight and Loki is not much more than a supporting character, even in his own story, once again.
  8. I only have one word for the season finale of Loki and that is bereft. I generally prefer letting a story play out fully before making any judgements. One story cannot tell all stories after all. Looking over the whole series, I do think the story was rushed. Usually, I like a shorter season. It lets the writers, actors, directors, and producers get into the story, get out, and execute it well. At least, more often than not. Here though I think they were more interested in getting to the “cool” stuff – Lady Loki, Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Alligator Loki, ‘He Who Remains’ – and setting up the next Doctor Strange movie, than in telling Loki’s story. I was not pleased with the suggestion of a romance between Loki and Sylvie. I think in this particular instance a romantic angle is reductive. Yes, they share a special bond and get in each other in a way that no one else really can, but I think the romantic angle closes off all other sorts of love or relationships between them. Once you go romance you never go back. Taking the romance out of the picture, I did like the relationship between Sylvie and Loki. Tom and Sophia work well together. I liked that Gugu ended up with a pretty decent part to play. I hate that Wumni ended up with so little to do. I hate that they spiked the one relationship they actually established – Mobius and Loki’s friendship, frenemy-ship(?) – which could/should have been the foundation of the show, for romance and “cool” stuff. Mobius was the one who showed Loki he could be a better version of himself. Once again, in the end, Loki fails so others can be the best version of themselves. And that’s just sad.
  9. Methuselah, the oldest person recorded in the Bible.
  10. Irrefutable proof that he is Not A Good Guy. Also, what the hell was Bess wearing? Whoever came up with that - designer, costumer - needs a time out or something, cause that was stupid looking as well as poorly designed.
  11. I've always thought that had something to do with the "issues" with the movie. Yes, pregnancy is going to throw a monkey wrench into a production schedule, yes, he even had a right to be not pleased about it, but there were better ways of handling it than the assassination of Cordelia's character, which IMO is exactly what he did. I don't remember where, but I heard that her absence from three episodes in S3, when she went on vacation with Groo, was because she had a miscarriage. So it's not like Joss didn't know that her getting pregnant was a possibility.
  12. All the needed to do to show us it was Eileen was have Sam sign something when he looks back during catch. Not even a line of dialogue needed.
  13. Zari 2.0 is a much more capable second-in-command to Sara whether she's proved it or not.
  14. Meg Foster, the original Cagney on Cagney and Lacey. I don't remember how long she was in the role, but it was recast with Sharon Gless, who is amazing.
  15. Chiming in with love for the show. Confessing my deep love and adoration for Ernesto. He's a treasure. I also love Kai. She's a damn good cop, but she does have room to grow. I like that Ocampo is a good cop, even if he's more politician than cop. I will follow Kane pretty much anywhere. The stories are good and I like how they build on the characters. I like how they keep Alex's blood pressure only going up when he tries to lower it. The show has really settled into itself beautifully. Do have a question though - was the music for the song Lone Wolf the music for Different Kind of Knight on Kane's The House Rules album? And wasn't it Kane dubbing the singing at the concert when it was supposed to be Crowe? I concede to possible aural hallucinations.
  16. But remember, this is sort of designed for an American audience. One in which the The Madness of George III was renamed The Madness of King George for American release because we would have been asking where were the first two parts.
  17. I don't like the idea of the green card marriage. I'm not necessarily against it, though I would love if they didn't go there. Just because they are close friends does not mean they have to fall in love. This Is Not The ARK, dammit. My main issue is I cannot believe Juliette Higgins, former member of MI6, major domo for Robin's Nest, did not have everything she needed ready for when her visa came up for renewal. This is not a woman who generally ignores a problem until it goes away. She wouldn't have waited until her overstay time was nearly exhausted before contacting an immigration lawer. She's know for a while that the job with Robin wasn't temporary. Even if she waited until it was close to renewal, she still would have taken care of everthing in a timely fashion. Now if she had done all those things and INS still refused to approve her, THEN I could see the fraud marriage being an actual option, though I would prefer she marry Rick if she had to. This way though she just looks like she drank a cup of stupid. I really like Rick and TC and Kumu and Gordon, just saying. I like Thomas and Juliette as well, I just wish they could figure out how to write an actual ensemble show. They all work so well together.
  18. True. I was hoping when Sophie's mom was listed all the things she had to deal with - being a woman of color, working in a primarily male profession - that she would express sadness that being gay was added to that, but no. Just straight up disappointment and rejection. Points for accuracy though.
  19. I guess it is possible because I know someone who is allergic to chicken.
  20. Don't be. It not exacly a difficult mistake to make and gave the wonderful brain version with Michael Sheen as Walt. It's been very entertaining. If it makes you feel any better, I'm always convinced Michael Shannon is English until I check IMDB. I have no idea why I think that, I just do.
  21. Actually, that was Michael Shannon playing the son. Although now I really want to see the version with Michael Sheen as well.
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