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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. That was straight up horrible. ?
  2. Oof!! I hope you are continuing to feel better! :( Here is my conspiracy theory, allegedly *thank you Rich Lux!* ? Brenda orchestrated this whole thing purely for her own entertainment. She is good at her job....she would do well as an investigative reporter, since they are pretty ruthless. At any rate, Brenda brought out the worst in everyone she spoke with in a vicious attempt to see them crack. How odd that out of the small group three of the ladies had issues with being interviewed, namely Amber, Taylor and Icky. She wanted to see the body count pile up. I have a feeling she watched that whole episode laughing at the TV while slogging down some chablis. The expressions on Brenda's face say it all.
  3. I was just going to say. #metoo has been PLASTERED all over the media, from the Megyn Kelly show to the 11 o'clock news and beyond. I watched this episode again a bit ago. Taylor is a very cute girl. I hope she is way more media savvy next year and makes it back. :) Oh, my ex boyfriend would probably buy one of those. Ok for a home office but not in a professional environment.
  4. Judy was pretty then and she is pretty now. I love her adorable turned up nose. :)
  5. THANK YOU!!!! I just read a blurb that this season is the highest rated yet!! SMH.
  6. Hey, Icktoria....Vivian called. She wants her dance costume back.
  7. OMG!!! Icktoria!!! ??? I love it!!!
  8. Yes. When I saw her do that, I was this guy: I do as well. The whole problem with this season AND this episode is Kelli and Judy are sllllloooowww about making what we perceive are obvious decisions. Even Muhlissuh remarked there were still so many TCC's.
  9. Tasha 's photo is straight up awful and is not at all a good representation of how she really looks. ITA, these photos are BAD.
  10. VK is still not taking this seriously. It is all about her. When her name was called for the office visit, she walked away from everyone, while the other girls were hugging Taylor. That's telling.
  11. Either way, sucky situation for Lauren. Why (allegedly) her employer would object mystifies me, because the uniform is skimpy enough to show full cleavage and buttcheeks. This, exactly. Either that, or TPTB need to tone it down a little bit and quit almost showing total T&A.
  12. I think the youngest they should take candidates for auditions is 21. Most, but not all young adults that are 18 do not have enough life experience behind them. Furthermore, the NFL and InBev have had a multi billion $ partnership for a while. If the dancers and cheerleaders are either directly or indirectly promoting alcoholic beverages, they should be 21+. Just saw the sticker photos. I would feel awful if I only got one. In the interest of fairness, Dayton should have been given some more time and Victoria should have gone home earlier. TPTB got it all bassackwards.
  13. Oh, this is too good. I would have peed my pants absolutely laughing!!!! ???
  14. Yes, this I am previously aware of. ?That being said, I am surprised her employers are OK with her wearing the DCC uniform in front of millions of people each week, because it is not exactly a Sunday church dress. I am sure Lauren was thoroughly disappointed over not being able to participate in the photo shoot. That had to have sucked on her account. ? It seems like the vets really want every bit of those DCC extra bonuses and if they can't participate, it is disappointing. They could have just put Lauren in a non butt floss article of swimwear. Problem solved.
  15. I wanted to smack VK's chipmunk cheeks from here to the Great Wall of China.
  16. I, for real thought that Jinelle was going to levitate and drop kick Victoria in the jaw. She was LIVID and I have no idea how she was able to hold all of that rage in without exploding. Victoria should have been sent home over Taylor T ....but we don't live in a perfect world, so we are again stuck with her doofiness. It was nice to see that as many vets as possible were featured on the different calendar formats. I am just sorry that Lauren's fabulous smile and abs did not get shown. That girl deserves a cover.
  17. I have yet to see the photo, but in general I think lip injections make it look like the wearer has sideways butt cheeks on their face. NEVER a good look.
  18. OMG!! Dying!!!??? All she needed to change was her makeup. If she had a little more color on her face and ditched that frosty nude lipstick she wore, I think the judges would have liked Shannon better at auditions.
  19. Carissa's blonde hair made her look cheap....she really needed that darker color to come alive. They did a great job with her hair and her makeover. Brandi's straight hair did look good, but in the Texas heat and humidity, she would be fighting all of that pouf. The biggest problem she had was about eight inches of scraggly length. That stuff needed to GO.
  20. Kristen and VK's eyelashes are awful. Malena's lashes look tangled, for lack of a better expression.
  21. Sunni is beautiful! They had to be crazy to not like her look. Other than giving her Megan Sharp bangs. Brandi was pretty just as she was. I cannot figure out for the life of me why they love natural curl on some ladies and straighten it out within an inch of it's life with others. And then if you are African American, oh girl, YOU are getting a hard press or a weave! What could possibly be done with hair like this? It's gorgeous, and every time Jacie's hair was changed it never looked this good.
  22. At the time, the economy had taken a big dump and the job market suffered. I think Danielle was pretty much willing to take whatever paying job she could find.
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