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Posts posted by Homily

  1. Just now, TVForever said:

    I'm guessing they're buying all or mostly cash, leaving as much savings and pension income for living expenses (other than housing) as possible. 

    Agreed.  We just closed on what will be our retirement home even though retirement is still a few years away.  We didn't pay off the new house but we did put down a substantial downpayment.  We want to keep a decent balance in the bank.  No way were we going to put it all into a house.  You can't slice off a corner of your living room if you want a vacation or need to replace a furnace!  People moving overseas with family left behind would also need to factor in "travelling home" money into any budget they may have ongoing I would think.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I have only one nitpick, and that's that the women's clothing on this show really should have shoulder pads.  Just about everything back then did, even T shirts!

    That takes me back!  I have broad shoulders and I used to have to take those stupid shoulder pads out of almost every top or jacket that I bought back then.  What were the fashion people thinking??

    8 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Agree, I don't like the way she's being written, she's coming off like a wacko.  I don't recall this being the case previously.  She's been a good mother with a limited worldview, who is also a person of faith.  But lately they've been pushing her over the top.

    I've said it before but if they keep down this path I am out of this show.  They are pulling the usual Chuck Lorre crap of making the wife a shrew and the husband a poor put upon guy who only screws up because he was pushed by his mean wife.  

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  3. 10 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

    Or  4) when she misses a period or is late and has pregnancy panic.

    Which leads to another thing that happens a lot that annoys me.  Pregnancy panic which leads to nothing and no explanation is ever given as to what was actually wrong.  A few days late is a logical explanation but in the scenarios I'm thinking of that's never given as an option.  Something is wrong - and then it's not.  Annoying.

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  4. The Faux Pas has grown on me.  It was definitely on my "can't rewatch this one" list for awhile but I saw it again with my husband, who always seems to like best the episodes I like least (go figure!!) and it really is very well written.  Cringeworthy for sure but very well done.  Especially poor Amy at the end!

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  5. 9 hours ago, Dani said:

    I hope they don’t completely vilify Mary to justify whatever happens with George. 

    I thought the first season did a pretty good job of showing that both Mary and George had issues and that this was affecting their marriage.  By the second season though it looked like they were going to justify anything bad that George ends up doing by blaming it on his mean wife.  Ugh.  

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  6. 8 hours ago, catlover79 said:

    This will never NOT be funny:

    I love this episode and just caught it the other day.  Typical for the channel that airs it near me though they took out several lines and with this episode especially every line, every scene, was comedy gold. At least they left in Robert standing in the doorway!

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  7. The new episode is supposed to be about a college trying to hire George Sr because they want to recruit Sheldon.  No idea if that works out but if the show is going to try and keep to at least some of the established timeline from BBT then Sheldon should be starting university soon.  It would make a lot of sense if the university he attends is the same place his father works.  I actually hope they run with this storyline as Sheldon is wasted in high school.  I'll miss the librarian though if they do that.  She's comedy gold.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

    Commercial real estate can mean big bucks.  Maybe in Lanford it would be less, but even hundreds of thousands of dollars is a lot.

    If that's the case then them opening a restaurant that may or may not go under won't really affect their future inheritance or, for that matter Bev's theoretical financial needs.  The building isn't going to lose value and can always be sold if needed.   

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  9. 8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Yeah, the chicken franchise was going to sign a 2-year lease but if they can't succeed in that location either they can probably get out of paying the full 2 years.

    I've lost count of how many restaurants have come and gone in the strip malls near me over the years.  And almost invariably there is a little notice taped on the door indicating they skipped out on the rent, probably many months worth of rent.  Maybe it would be different with a franchise but I wouldn't bet the inheritance on that!

    • Love 2
  10. 48 minutes ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

    After all, this is a sitcom and not real life - even though Darlene caved to some stupid family pressure, somehow it will be a success, at least for a while. 

    I am hoping the powers that be are monitoring online chat on the show and realising that many viewers would like some positives for the Conners.  Not winning the lottery positive but just a few less failures and a few more steps forward and a few less steps back please!

    • Love 9
  11. 6 minutes ago, seasons said:

    Sorry if this is a silly question, fellow fans, but are the Graceland movies actually filmed at Graceland - at least in part? I'm just really getting WAY into Christmas movies this year. 🎄 thanks

    Yes.  Filmed at various locations in Memphis including Graceland.  Probably among the few Christmas movies actually filmed where they are actually supposed to be.  I live in Ottawa and quite a few Christmas movies supposedly set in Smalltown, USA were filmed in small towns near me like Almonte and Carleton Place.  

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  12. 1 minute ago, Bastet said:

    Yes, when the building secret came out, it was stated she wanted there to be a decent little estate to pass onto them when she died.

    Which is why I can understand Jackie being hurt at the idea that she was bypassed in favour of Darlene when it came to making decisions.  Unless Bev intended to cut Jackie out of her will she was probably going to leave half to Jackie and half to be shared between Roseanne's kids.  So while Darlene would benefit it's second hand so to speak.  As Bev's daughter Jackie should have had more involvement than Darlene.  It was typical of Bev though to do something to make life more stressful for those involved.

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  13. I was just watching the Thanksgiving episode from the first season.  I love the way they have Ray sitting down on the little chair at the children's table!  So cute.  And one of the strength of ELR.  They really didn't show the Barones as being well-to-do.  They were certainly comfortable financially but they didn't have a big house and the furniture and "fixings" were in proportion to what you'd expect them to have.  Especially in the early years.  

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  14. 1 minute ago, Snow Apple said:

    Darlene is not stealing anybody's inheritance because Bev is still alive. Darlene should be protecting Bev's money in case she lives for 30 more years and need care. If anything, she's stealing from Bev right now. 

    IS the building, and potential income from renting it out, the only asset Bev has?  

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  15. 23 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

    However, they did do a pretty good job in season 4 of detailing what drove Becky to do it.

    Her lashing out at Dan bothered me then and it still bothers me now.  Yes he screwed up but why on earth did Becky believe for one minute that her parents had enough money socked away to give her a free ride through college?  It never made any sense to me.  Becky was always presented as the smart one, and the one who stepped up and helped out at home.  Suddenly making it seem like she felt that the Conners had thousands of dollars earmarked just for her was clumsy writing IMO!

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  16. 15 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    On the other hand, I thought Dan made a good point when he told Darlene that from Jackie's perspective she's stolen her inheritance. If she wants to run a business into the ground that's her business, not Darlene's. I get that Bev gave Darlene the power to make that decision for her but that, too, is part of Jackie's beef with the whole situation.

    Absolutely!  I know how I'd feel if my Dad bypassed me and gave my daughter his power of attorney!  Not happy,  At all.    Doing the power of attorney the way she did was almost like cutting Jackie out of her will.  That's pretty drastic considering Bev's been living with Jackie!

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  17. Ok just watched another movie which, for the most part, I enjoyed.  The Christmas Note.  First one I've seen that didn't have a holiday romance.  But it has one thing I've noticed in a lot of these movies.  Kids of 10-12 age group who still believe in Santa.  Do kids usually still believe in Santa by this age?  My kids sure didn't - little cynics that they were!

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  18. 1 hour ago, dubstepford wife said:

    And I'm all for escapist fantasy and all that, but if your escapist fantasy involves escaping to a world where everyone is exactly like you, then...um...that's a little problematic.   

    I get what you're saying but the movies I've been watching, while they may be ethnically the same as me, well other than that they really aren't.  Mostly I'm not that nice for one thing.  Or as rich.  And the people the main characters interact with really do tend to be the stuff of fantasy for me, and I would suspect most of us.   I don't mean it to sound like I'm surrounded by grinches but I sure don't live in a small town filled with caring neighbours who love me!

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  19. 18 hours ago, Gummo said:

    I'm in my early sixties and about a year or two ago, was trying to get across to bunch of 20-something coworkers that when I was young, you had to watch a show when it was broadcast and if you missed it, you could only catch it in summer reruns ... if you were lucky. And if you missed it, that was it, you never saw it again.

    I can still remember looking forward to the annual showing of The Wizard of Oz.  And of course the Christmas shows were watched only once and at Christmas!  Whole different world. 

    And making this post relevant to YS I think they've done a very good job of capturing the time this show is set in.  The sound of that dial up modem took me back!

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  20. 55 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

    BUT, as a collection and genre in general, I'm happy the brand/network and the movies exist because they provide a nice escape from reality, and they can really brighten up a bad day or a bad holiday season.

    So true!  The last couple of Christmases in our family have coincided with some really bad and sad stuff happening.  Christmas movies with their happy endings and undemanding plots were my escape.  I didn't want real world angst - I was living it!  This year things are better in the family (so far knock wood!!!) but I'm still enjoying the escapism and the happy endings - but that said some of the movies I either watch 5 minutes and delete or watch 10 minutes and FF to the end to see how it all turned out - just couldn't watch the whole thing ☺️

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  21. 2 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I agree with that.  But also, people tend to mellow on things as they get older.   He might have accepted or even appreciated his Brady Bunch involvement over time.

    Agreed.  Christopher Plummer had some pretty negative things to say about the Sound of Music back in the day but now he seems to be proud of his association with it.  I suspect that would have been the case with Robert Reed too.  And he didn't hate it enough to not be involved in every Brady Bunch related show that came down the pike after the original show ended!

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  22. I rewatched Merry and Bright with my Mom, it's the new Hallmark starring Jodi Sweetin.  I liked it enough to see it twice but I am so shallow.  This time all I could see were the ridiculously long and overly contrived eyelashes on Jodi and the actress playing her mother (Sharon Lawrence).  Honestly who does the makeup for these movies?????  

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  23. On 11/16/2019 at 6:57 PM, theatremouse said:

    The Muppets have been in commercials for decades. Muppets started in commercials.

    I didn't realize that but I did know that the first "muppet" I ever saw was Rowlf the dog, a Henson creation,  who was on the Jimmy Dean Show a very long time ago.  I have a totally vague memory of watching this at my grandmother's house somewhere in the early to mid '60s.  

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  24. On 11/17/2019 at 7:29 AM, Bronx Babe said:

    I guess it's "Christmas Under The Stars"

    At first I was confusing it in my mind with the one where the workaholic male lead who can't be bothered with Christmas (and is looking after his sister's two children because she's in Norway on business with her husband) finds a Santa decoration on his front lawn and attempts to remove the thing with little success as it keeps coming back, apparently by a neighbor who wants to instill some holiday cheer into the poor misguided guy.   The title eludes me.  Another Hallmark "winner", lol.  

    I just saw this one, it's called Christmas Next Door.  As Hallmark movies go it actually wasn't too bad but one thing I couldn't understand (as always with these movies) is how someone who seems to be eking out a living teaching music and occasionally playing piano in a restaurant can afford to live next door to a successful author who appears to be minting money with his books.

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