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Everything posted by crazycatlady58

  1. I love my sleep number bed. Would not use any other brand unless I did not have a choice. I have a queen size mattress because the double and the queen were the same price so I went with the queen. Being single I really don’t need that large of a bed but it’s nice to have the room.
  2. I work retail and I answer the phone while I am helping a customer. First the continual ringing is annoying. Also I feel like they are a customer also even if they are not in the store. Sometimes it just a quick question “ What are your hours?”. If it is anything thing more complicated I say “I am helping someone let me call you back”. I always apologize to the customer I am with and say “Thank you for your patience.”
  3. But the orders that Door Dash was picking up had already been placed and ready to go out. I am probably not understanding what you mean ( have not had breakfast and my brain is half asleep) should those orders sit and get cold while people in house are being seated? It sounds like the restaurant needs to hire more help.
  4. I like chicken livers and gizzards. I only eat them once or twice a year and I have to have fried okra with them.
  5. I understand she was not a mod anymore but I thought she was going to continue to post because she was posting after the change.
  6. @Scarlett45, Scarlett you haven’t posted in a while ( or I missed something) I wanted to make sure everything was ok.
  7. I am mildly surprised the verse is in contemporary English not King James.
  8. Trust me Houston has plenty of dealers.
  9. He doesn’t seem to understand that they don’t need to move to Houston forever just for a year.
  10. What size do you wear? You can try SAS shoes ( fair warning I work for SAS) they are expensive, made in the US and very good quality. Again not cheap but very comfortable. I am 67 with arthritis and can work an 8 hour day and my feet don’t hurt.
  11. Houston is supposed to be 95% but it looks like it will be cloudy/ raining. Hopefully the weather will clear up around 1 and we will be able to see the eclipse.
  12. But she is taking responsibility for what happened.
  13. If there is a contract the family may not have a choice. Where I work you are allowed 3 days off for a death in the family. This is their job and they have to fulfill the contract they signed. Should TLC have put the show on hold for a bit… I think so but what would be a good time to start filling? If it were me I would fulfill my contract and then stop filming but then I would have not started in the first place.
  14. I wish I could like this post 100 times.
  15. So yesterday I was on Facebook and one of the post was something like “ my old house” where people post pictures of how they decorate an older home. One lady said she moved her bedroom into the ‘ upstairs attic’. I was a good girl and did NOT ask her how she decorated the ‘ downstairs attic’. Y’all were the only ones that would understand why it made me giggle. It was not Jill.. she did not have anything on the walls nor did she have 15 lamps in the room.
  16. She may not be able to afford the trip.
  17. Chit Chat is under Everything Else.
  18. U till the entire forum shuts down I will be in Chit Chat.
  19. Well,I don't know she thought giving her youngest daughter a bag of diapers for her birthday was a good think.
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