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Everything posted by SheTalksShit

  1. The last episode, Vicki said, “Call me in 5 years when you’re divorced, Jim.” Oooh. Gotta give it to her, she was right. Who is she now married to? Biden’s nephew? So this is her 3rd marriage? What do y’all think it is that makes her relationships not work out?
  2. Re-runs of her first season (10) are on, with #cancergate. Wow. I’m seeing her POV more so now. I do think she was taking cue from Tamra, though.
  3. I don’t think Teresa is a BAD person, per say, her fierce love for her children and parents prove that. But I think she’s vindictive and holds grudges.
  4. Oh wow. Melissa was ANGRY, she’s never flipped out like that before. And Teresa didn’t know what to say. I do get why Teresa hates Jackie, though. Jackie dishes it out, then cries foul and can’t take it. She’s too fragile for this show.
  5. I love Jennifer. She’s very smart, articlate, engaging, always with a touch of obnoxious immaturity and at times, typical Jersey tacky, yet self-aware enough not to be cringe-worthy. She’s been my favorite for every season she’s been on the show.
  6. Y’all, I am not a fan of Jackie. She’s not a good fit for the show, IMO - too serious, too sensitive and too polished for Jersey. And I find her boring.
  7. No, did you see the brief scene at the end, of their gay co-worker sitting on the streets, homeless, freezing? He helped get Dean out of jail, probably also sacrificed his rent money. I think Ruby thought maybe he’d bought that purse for a woman he’s cheating with.
  8. It’s unclear if Rio knows or not. He acts like he doesn’t, but I’m suspecting yes, because Rio’s character is typically very savvy and with it, he doesn’t miss much. It would be completely unlike him not to put 2 and 2 together. Oh I love the Rio/Beth dynamic and I like that he never changes, because that’s realistic, that’s people - they never really change, dynamics just evolve/run hot and cold. That is a realistic dynamic they have going on. That is what humanizes him, to me. I think they intended to do go more in depth about him more in season 3, but covid shut down production, so they had to save it for season 4.
  9. They don’t have to be innocent for Andre to be wrong. Bottom line is, Andre invited them, they flew all the way out there, Chuck is paying for the wedding (it would not be possible without Chuck), so either learn to bite your tongue or pay for the wedding yourself. You don’t get to act entitled and tell somebody who just flew all the way out here and is paying for your wedding to “fuck off, pack your bags and go,” regardless of the questions they are asking you (which I think they only kept pressing because Andre kept getting defensive and evasive). If you don’t feel comfortable telling them the truth, make something up, FFS, but obviously, when you react defensively to simple questions, it’s gonna make people suspicious and feel like you’re hiding something. This wedding wouldn’t even be possible without Chuck, so, if you’re gonna accept his money, you have to accept his annoying questions.
  10. I thought he was slow, too, his first season and now I’ve just gotten used to watching him, so IDK, makes it harder to judge. But first season, when he showed up at the airport and did that dance and then was BAREFOOT at the AIRPORT, omg, yeah, I thought something must be wrong w/him, but like you, I then thought about the fact that I’m not familiar with Samoa or Samoan culture. I know nothing about it, to be fair. So I can’t say what’s normal there or compare him to other Samoan males his age. i also remember that, during his first trip to the supermarket, he was really amazed by all the choices of meat and what not. Him being so impressed by such a simple thing like that tells me that life is quite different in Samoa, probably in many ways I have no idea about! Also, English is not his first language and I can tell he didn’t learn it as a kid, so he thinks in Samon, then has to translate it to English in his head and then speak it, so his output is gonna be a little slower. Asuelu’s natural personality isn’t an overly talkative or intellectual one, for sure, but Kallini’s family says he’s not slow-seeming when he’s speaking his native language. I also get the impression that, although he doesn’t articulate himself well and is extremely plain-spoken, he understands and processes everything people say very well.
  11. Libby and Andre live a much less luxurious lifestyle than her sisters and her parents, a concern that her whole family has expressed many times, especially her father. Libby comes from money. The fact that her parents can afford to pay for the dream weddings of 4 daughters, 3 of which were very luxurious, tells me she comes from money.
  12. Debbie’s behavior is not normal. It’s unhealthy, the level at which she depends on her son for companionship, instead of getting her own life, with people her own age. It’s clear she selfishly wants Colt to herself and is threatened by any woman in Colt’s life because she’s worried it means she’ll have to move out/be lonely/get a life outside of Cole.
  13. Real talk, I’m a few episodes into season 6. I’m not even trying to be mean BUT: what’s up with Asuelu? Is his culture just completely different than our culture (American)? His whole display in the airport was weird, then with him saying he doesn’t need shoes or socks at the airport...he seems very immature and completely oblivious to social customs. Like I could see how, maybe, being from a tropical island, being barefoot is custom. But surely he didn’t think that was normal behavior at an airport?
  14. @cabarb This right here (if true) may explain it. https://soapdirt.com/90-day-fiance-leak-azan-married-and-has-3-kids-nicole-staying-at-airbnb-in-morocco/
  15. Ah, I felt some sympathy for Colt when Larissa's boyfriend came on screen and she was all over him. He was clearly tormented.
  16. Ashley just needs to send Jay back to Jamaica or don’t. She talks a good game of being hard-headed and able to move on, but clearly, it’s not as easy for her as it looks.
  17. I don’t think Pedro really loves Chantel. What I don’t get about their scheme is, why didn’t she have his sister go up to the USA and marry someone? She’s beautiful, I’m sure there’s many men who’d marry her. Maybe because Nicole is a better business woman And she has a boyfriend already, idk. Here’s what I see: Pedro will always defend his family, overlooks the way they treat Chantel and always expects her to be the bigger person and apologize. Chantel seems to always be the one to make the effort - always the one to apologize, always willing to put herself in the lion’s den again with his family. She also defends Pedro to her family, which Pedro totally takes for granted and doesn’t appreciate. He accuses her of always defending her family over him, but that’s not true, we see her defend him a lot of times. She refused to go forward with the PI and refused to give her parents any more information about what she’d heard on the Skype call. Pedro makes no effort at all with her family. They have not been perfect, but they did try to get along, starting with the cabin trip and Pedro was just cold as ice. They keep extending olive branches and are met with an ice cold brick wall. He requests things of Chantel that he is not willing to do, himself. That being said, Chantel was crazy to fly into the DR when she was not wanted. He told her not to come! I pray that whole thing was producer-driven...what do y’all think?
  18. Been binge watching, Andrei is ridiculous. He’s spending $600 to fly to New York, just to meet his dad there and take the flight with him...without any idea how he’s gonna make that money back to pay their rent. I don’t think I could ever be with such an irrational, impractical man. He wants the respect as man of the house, but he doesn’t act the part - respect is earned. He talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk. Cole seems nice and patient, but him de-activating her phone is very cheap of him and kind of a power trip. Everyone needs a phone to function in America. Not that Larissa doesn’t have her flaws, too.
  19. He whines like he got a raw deal when the judge decided to lock him up for a few years but truthfully, I think the judge did him a favor because if he’s carjacking people at 15, IDK, I feel like ppl who do that kinda thing don’t generally live very long, so if he hadn’t been locked up, idk that he’d even be here right now. When you make the decision to wave a gun in someone’s face to rob them/get them to comply with what you want them to do, you put yourself at risk bc you’ve now put them in the legal right to use deadly force against you in self-defense (if the person you’re trying to rob has a gun, you don’t know, you’re taking a gamble and if you do it on a semi-regular basis, you’re bound to lose at some point). That’s one of the signs of a sociopath - reckless disregard for the safety of self and others, engaging in activity that puts yourself and others at risk. Failure to honor financial and social responsibilities is another, btw. Repeated conning, lying, stealing and general deceptiveness is another. Yup, Like many deadbeats, he likes to play fake family man.
  20. Interesting. Are we sure that’s her real fb and not an imposter? The only reason I ask is because on her IG, it says her name is Andrea Chantell.
  21. Y’all, I think Michael is a legit sociopath. There’s a coldness to him, a complete lack of regard for the feelings and well-being of others (even his wife) that you don’t see in most people. His original crime that had him in and out of the system for parole/probation violations was carjacking someone at gunpoint when he was 15. That takes a certain boldness and low level of fear/nerves and the fact that he was only 15 makes me wonder what he woulda been capable of in a couple years, at 17, 18, 19, had he not been locked up. And yes, I know he was very young at the time, but that, combined with the way he coldly and bluntly and unapologetically dogged out his wife on national TV, without any regard, respect or thought for her feelings, even after everything she’s done for him...this show has some scumbags but no other cast member has done that, not in the manner he has and certainly not as readily as he has. Then there’s the conning multiple women, just everything, he never shows any concern or care for anyone besides himself. And of course, he fails to call his kids, despite letting his soon-to-be ex-wife pay his phone bills. if it weren’t for the $ he’s making now from WETV and all the appearances he’s been doing at various events and clubs as a result, I have no doubt he’d be back in the system again.
  22. Are we sure about that? I thought that was just a rumor, but if you have an actual link that confirms it, please share 🙂
  23. Do they allow contact visits where your cousin is?
  24. I'd agree, except that Priscilla is 7, which means she got pregnant with her 8 years ago. Her kids are now, what, 16 and 14? so it'd be ridiculous to tell them something like that now, but back when she was pregnant, they were 8 and 6. so, it makes sense she'd tell them some bullshit like that at the time and then she probably just never bothered to follow-up with the truth years later and they never asked, so she stupidly just thought "well maybe they still think that's how i got pregnant." Or maybe she just felt awkward having that convo w/her kids (and it is, indeed, an awkward conversation to have). I do agree it's a bit hypocritical of her to be so offended and intolerant of people smoking and drinking and meanwhile paying a trustee to fuck her prison boyfriend (boyfriend, at that, not husband, so pre-marital sex, a big no-no in the mormon church) in the closet. But given that it was 8 years ago, is it possible she was less religious/devout at the time? IDK, I'm just saying, 8 years is a long time. I'm unclear on Andrea's background, like whether or not she grew up Mormon or if she's a convert.
  25. I think she’s withholding sex because she’s mad he won’t move to Utah and didn’t come back to Utah with them months ago. in a way, I get why she’s mad because when he was in prison, the plan was that he’d get out and move to Utah with them. Then, once he was out, he switched it up on her and said his PO won’t allow him to leave the state. So she said fine and reluctantly agreed to move to Cali with him until he serves out the remainder of his parole. But now that he’s off parole, he still won’t come to Utah. I can see why she’s pissed - she was willing to uproot her and her kid’s lives to go to LA to be with him and it seems like he’s unwilling to make that same sacrifice and give Utah a try. While I do think Lamar loves Andrea, I feel like he’s being selfish. He should at least come stay there for a year or so and see how he likes it. She did it for him, it’s the least he can do for her, after all she’s sacrificed for him. At the same time, I kinda feel like they are from 2 different worlds and cultures and I think Lamar is more accepting and open to Andrea’s world than she is to his. I think Andrea is very sheltered and can be very judgmental and uptight about behaviors that are relatively common everywhere - like the smoking and drinking thing, when she walked into the gathering of Lamar’s family getting high and drinking, she acts like they were committing a murder! In reality, weed and alcohol is a very common thing to have at informal adult social gatherings. And didn’t Andrea know Lamar smoked and drank? Was she completely oblivious to Lamar’s culture and what it entailed? I feel like Andrea should have been more aware of what she was getting into/who she was marrying, if all of this is such a problem for her. I don’t know that Andrea is compatible with a non-Mormon. Mormon values and ways of life are clearly pretty important to her and I just can’t see Lamar living that life and I can’t blame him, I wouldn’t wanna live the Mormon life, either. so, I see both sides of their conflict. I do think Lamar made some promises that he hasn’t kept, though. I have no doubt that the reason Andrea expects certain things from him is because he sang a very different tune to her while he was in prison and acted much more open to living her way of life than he actually turned out to be once released. Their dynamic is a familiar one to me and I recognize it only because I’ve been through it - it’s one of those things where there’s more to it than meets the eye. Lamar APPEARS to be the more reasonable one because he is more patient with Andrea in everyday matters, but on big things, he is far less willing to sacrifice and she is far more willing to sacrifice. I do not think Lamar is a bad person, though. I think they are both decent people who love each other, but have fundamental differences that they may not be able to reconcile.
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