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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Wasn’t just her nip that was about to slip! That dress was cut up to her hoo-hah. “Don’t tell anybody I told you this and don’t mind the camera crew filming us!” Did you figure out if you open the conversation to more than ten people? Maybe a new FB group would be good
  2. And Manuel hasn't been to a Mass in the year that he's been here nor gone to visit his relatives in New York, oops, make that Newark.
  3. I totally agree with not saying offensive things about other posters, but these "reality stars" have deliberately put themselves in the public eye and I consider them fair game. If they act like idiots...
  4. If someone is so offended by what is posted here, nobody is forcing them to stick around.
  5. I'll cut and paste it here: Message added by CM-CrispMtAir, Tuesday at 11:06 PM Red Light: Community Check-In This live chat thread has been assigned red light status due to a number of posts that don’t align with our community values of respect, diversity and inclusivity. As it is representative of the general tone across the 90Day Fiancée forums, the live chat will remain locked until we observe a broader adoption of a more inclusive tone in the other topics. Let’s shift the focus from the individual to their actions, fostering a space where every participant feels respected in their humanity. Consider how your words might influence not only current members but also those who observe from afar and how it shapes their perception of our forum's culture. The topics will maintain this Red Light status until we observe a broader adoption of a more inclusive tone. Here's what we're focusing on: - Improvement Period: We have until May 2nd, 2024 to enhance the quality of our discussions. Otherwise, the entire 90Day Fiancée forum will be assigned Yellow Light status. - Guidance: Highlighting what works well and identifying areas for growth are crucial. Our aim is constructive, respectful dialogue that includes all perspectives. The principle of kindness and inclusivity applies to everyone, even to the participants of the show. (Please note that that doesn’t mean you have to condone everything they say and do. It just means that comments should be mindful of their humanity). - Assistance: If you’re unsure about contributing constructively, please consult our guidelines for helpful advice and best practices. Check out the Top Chef S20 Live Chat for reference on healthy discussions of contestants. - Your Contribution: Your active, respectful participation can help guide our discussions toward a Green Light status. Together, we're committed to making this forum an inclusive environment for everyone. Your thoughtful engagement is essential to our collective progress.
  6. I doubt they had to go that far to find a Spanish Mass and the responses they showed would usually be said in Spanish. I think it might be because they needed to find a church that would allow them to film.
  7. There was a message posted Tuesday night by a mod at the top of the last page of the Live Chat (1634) saying we haven’t been playing nice so the chat is shut down until we behave.
  8. Fun fact. I was looking up Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Rochester, and while there is a church by that name in the diocese, the interior scenes were from OLPH in BUFFALO, 75 miles away.
  9. Why is the photographer sitting so much higher than Gino and Jasmine? It makes me think of “Clifford the Big Red Dog.”
  10. Trying to think of nice things to say about tonight’s episode. Any ideas?
  11. That fancy private school education hasn’t taught Sophie not to say “we was…”
  12. Which two are you referring to? That description fits many couples
  13. Sorry, Ashley, there’s absolutely no way to get to Newark from Queens.
  14. Again, it’s been a year and this is the first time Manuel has gotten down to The Big Apple? I mean the Jewel of Jersey, NEWARK!
  15. I’m still confused. Why doesn’t Manuel work? Drive? He’s been here a year and nothing has changed
  16. Are we supposed to believe Manuel has been in the US for almost a year, and despite being “muy Catholico” this is the first time he’s gotten to a Mass?
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