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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Meowwww


    I worked for Wells for many years, quit in 2018. All the news stories are true. It was awful.
  2. Same! I actually hid my sanitizer in my truck. Hey. People smashed the toilet paper holders at my work and stole the toilet paper. Anything can happen.
  3. New 90 Day Fiancé episode! I’m in!!
  4. I work retail, at a pet food and supply store in an affluent community. We’ve been so busy lately, and today was crazy. Sooo many people out, saying they are bored with working at home and out shopping, socializing, having a grand old time. I can’t even count the number of people in my store today, bragging about the cushy life of working at home because of the virus...while breathing their germs all over me and my coworkers. And the angry customers, pissed at having to wait in line because there are only two of us working. I’ve been yelled at more this week than I have in 20 years together. This is so counterproductive. They are working from home to avoid the virus. But they get bored and go out to shop, hitting many stores. How is this stopping the spread of the virus? It isn’t. It’s not real to anyone yet. I need to work, I need the money. Its just hard to see it. I read somewhere tonight “next week’s critical patients don’t even know they are sick yet”. Profound.
  5. How did everyone celebrate? Um, by staying home...there’s a pandemic out there ya know. What a weird post.
  6. Well, 2 people in Wisconsin have died today due to the virus. A man in his 50s and a man in his 90s. How about those spring breakers partying? Ugh.
  7. So. There are posts all over Facebook of different individuals setting up shop roadside to sell the toilet paper they’ve hoarded. At highly inflated prices. With triumphant smiles and waves. These assholes make me murderous with rage. There are seniors out there on a limited budget who can’t find toilet paper on the shelves, who couldn’t shop when the news first came out due to the timing of their monthly income. What are they supposed to do? I am so angry at the hoarders.
  8. 1. Yes. 2. No kidding. That pic Christine posted in her kitchen? That’s an $8k refrigerator behind her.
  9. My husband popped out of his phone browsing to say “huh???!” at Zach’s gibberish. 🤣 Zach gave himself away when talking to Pastor Cal. He made mention of the cameras....
  10. My oldest stepson is 29 now. He got his drivers license but refused to drive until he was about 26. I got my license at 16 and my car was FREEDOM to me. I tease older SS about this to this day. 💜
  11. Me too. When I was a teen, David Letterman had “Stupid Human Tricks”. One lady could pop her eyeballs right out of the sockets. It haunts me to this day. What I want to know is: this David dude has only talked to what’s her name on her paid “work” chat. No cell texting or calling, no FaceTime....how is this even reality? When I worked at a bank, one of my clients was a guy with Alzheimer’s. He always kept coming in to try to wire funds to “an old college friend” who was stuck in Saudi Arabia, or the like. But he was very ill. Maybe David is too? Or it’s all fake. Probably fake.
  12. Oh geez. 1000 times I’ve replied and had a conversation that wasn’t even happening. It’s part of our charm, right?
  13. Me too. And when someone is upset at me, I start shaking. Crying even. I hate that I take it so personally. And lately, they’ve meant personal insults. And want to fight. Blah.
  14. Yup. Eating crow here (not really, I love crows) and coming around to her side.
  15. Oh yup. The ones the celebrity female half pays for out of her own money.
  16. I’ve been hard on Meka. But Michael is such a grandiose, non-“vunnerable” asshole that I hope she moves on and finds someone who will treat her right. She’s still not my favorite person, but he is so over the top fake, I can’t stand it.
  17. Katie found one thing that she can use to get out. Like a dog with a bone, that one.
  18. Went back to the store today. Actually 2 stores. STILL no toilet paper. No cleaners left except the “natural” ones. Minnesota is only testing health care workers, people in the hospital and people in group home settings like nursing homes. Hubby works for the MN Department of Corrections (in IT, not with the inmates) and they had a few offenders test positive before intake and have them quarantined. It’s going to hit the jail/prison population, AND the staff, hard. I work retail, I am a manager in a small family-owned pet food store. People are on edge lately. I’ve been yelled at more in the last week by customers than I have in years combined, even when I worked at a bank. And pet food and supply stores are happy places! People are also driving like extra-maniacs lately too. It’s a weird world out there. Be safe and well, everyone.
  19. I had fresh sugar snap peas for breakfast this morning (from the store, it’s still winter here). But then again I’m not STRIVING on the internet. Then 2 hours later I had leftover Taco Bell. Maybe she and I have more in common than I thought! Heh.
  20. I just....think she smells.
  21. Kody doesn’t seem to like his boys, at all. Only when they wrestle with him, and that’s a maybe. And he’s so grumpy, imagine living with him. No thanks. @Kyanight I saw you on another favorite board here....MAFS? 90 Day? I won’t tell that we watch this show if you won’t 😜 @Granny58, Audrey was allowed on the football team because...well, these days everyone gets a trophy. In my high school in the late 80s, if you weren’t a good player, you wouldn’t be on the team at all. Or if you somehow made it onto the team, you’d be shunned and derided. The 80s teenagers were mean lol.
  22. How bad does it have to get for a medical provider to place a lien on a home? Geez.
  23. Bless Truely, she always looks unclean. I don’t think being on tv is good for her.
  24. The drawn on eyebrows! The filtered face! The scary eyes! Quit the filters Meri.
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