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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. She wore a crown for her pic? How adorable!!!!
  2. What is that dimple in her ankle?
  3. So how is Covid in your area? Wisconsin just tightened up, we have a 24% positive rate. Not a surprise, everything has been open here. No one wears masks either, except in Walmart or where it’s required. Never at restaurants, not even walking in or around. It’s been declared restaurants be at 25% occupancy. It’s not happening here. My sister in law, her husband, and their son were recently positive. Very minor symptoms. The son had a temp of 100.3 and sore thighs for an hour. Sister in law had a headache and lost taste and smell. Her husband had a low grade fever for a few days. The board rules prohibit me from posting what I am really pissed about.
  4. My husband, who is like Miles: depression, wonderfully balanced masculine and feminine energy and all, can’t stand Olivia. He leaves the room when she’s on TV. Yes, Brett is a douche...or just can really compartmentalize emotions. I was disappointed in her for traveling to her parents. If she is working in a hospital, Covid germs are there. Ugh. Side note, my pantry is a plethora of deliciousness. But I too will stand there staring and declare there’s nothing to eat.
  5. She’s on Twitter but I’m not sure how often she tweets.
  6. I watched the preview too. Kalani’s boobs were the star of the show. And sister Asuelo can’t be real, can she? I too loved Angela busting in.
  7. Why is her part in her grease mop, I mean hair, so wide? I’m sure it’s light roots, but she’s looking like she’s thin up top.
  8. Plus....in these COVID times, who really wants hand made treats by people who are ignoring the CDC recommendations? No thanks.
  9. I wish AJ would close his mouth when dancing. That wide open gaping is distracting. ETA I agree with @Back Atcha Anne will never give me joy, I remember too much of her backstory.: Ellen, aliens etc.
  10. Ugh. As a former Delta employee, yes we get lucky with first / business class on standby. For FREE minus taxes. It’s not like she’s very wealthy and splurging...she’s lucking into empty seats. That’s it, that’s all. Regular people, unless they have miles to use, generally won’t afford a first or business class seat. Therefore if it’s open, standby airline staff can get it. It’s not because the staff is special. It’s not worth bragging about because you come across like ChristinA. It’s all down to luck. And it doesn’t happen all the time, especially as a 2 year employee.
  11. Here late but I am PISSED. My family is Eastern European. Fuck family Libby and their superiority. Why the fuck doesn’t she take Andrei’s side???? You idiots, that “peasant food” his family served you was 2 months’ of income. Fuck you family Libby.
  12. I think it’s supposed to be “OM NOM NOM” but I really am not sure. Didn’t that and “get in mah belly” come from Monsters Inc? I agree that she seems to be well-spoken, comparatively. But then, so does Robyn at times.
  13. I belong to several travel groups on Facebook. They went from no one traveling to now everyone is gleefully boooking trips all over the world. Posting pics of where they are. I mean, don’t most countries make you isolate? I swear I must live in an alternate universe because nobody I know in real life is even thinking about travel.
  14. Count me in as another who didn’t see Miles talking constantly about his feelings. I came from an Eastern European family, grew up sharing no feelings. Now, my hubby is a sensitive guy and we both talk openly about our feelings. Miles seems sensitive and normal to me. I dunno. I also think Karen is closed off on camera, always knowing her dad disapproves mightily. And they will be watching the show and he will probably disapprove more. My own parents, see above, would be angry and embarrassed and I would have to answer to them, had I been on the show when I was young. That’s a thought that fills me with terror lol.
  15. Production shenanigans, trying to create drama over chores between Amelia and Bennet.
  16. 11930 steps today. My issue with walking distances is I have to pee. Tell me I am going to walk with no bathroom near, and it’s worse. I have a mind-bladder problem. Hubby and I set out to walk a new bridge near us. I had to pee, went before we left. Got to the start site, bathrooms closed. Bladder emergency. It was awful. How do you all control mind over matter (bladder) to even walk? I don’t even have to go until I see lack of bathrooms.
  17. He had a chunk on his moustache after the first round. 🤢🤢
  18. I was made to pee TWICE!! After a heart procedure last year under general anesthesia. I hate hospitals, and as soon as I am a bit awake, I am trying to get out of there. No way would Larissa been sent home as bad as she was acting. My guess is she was ok, got dressed, saw the cameras, then boom. Charlie’s drunken rant was too much. And the zooming to Jen who just sat there smirking. Ugh.
  19. That seems right...on my Fitbit, 10000 steps is about 5 miles.
  20. Burning question: who is taking care of Pole’s dogs while they go to Brazil????
  21. That and the babymoon with the cute signs etc.
  22. This show.....abusers (Pole and others), sex addicts (Coltee), Larissa wanting to look like a sex doll, etc etc etc. All so much acting for the cameras (except Pole who is plain dangerous and shouldn’t be on the show). I’m rather over it. I miss the more real people of the early seasons. If these next seasons are more Colt, Larissa, Andrei, Erikee, Family Libby, Pole that we’ve seen the last 3367643 seasons, I’m out.
  23. So if Baby (ugh) makes around $500 USD per month, which is above average for Ethiopia, where does she think $1400/month will come from? Oh that’s right, the bank of mom and dad. And Ari talking about how he looks so different...didn’t they face time or Skype?
  24. I read somewhere that the fires everywhere are a planned (arson) attack on the US. Thoughts?
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