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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Jen needs to go. I hope Coach Shah sees her real self on this show and gets TF out.
  2. Yep. How sanitary is it to have a chef who is sick? Ugh. And no words for James.
  3. Hubby saw one of their dogs outside today. The other wasn’t there. It’s the country, so neighbors regularly shoot. Not long after, I heard and saw a car leaving their house at high speed, then another drove in their garage and a group of people came out to greet it. So, probably shooting at coyotes. They are bold here. But it’s all conjecture and I don’t know the facts. But something was up. No blood in the snow outside their house today.
  4. so. I’m sitting here all worried. The neighbors across the street have 2 dogs. The dogs aren’t friendly; I’ve seen them chase people walking their dogs. But the neighbors let them outside, free. A bit ago, I heard the dogs howling and crying, probably to come in the house. It’s cold and snowing here in Wisconsin. They were pretty much screaming to go in. Then....a dozen or so gunshots. Dogs fell silent. I heard a man’s voice outside saying who knows what, not long after. This is a family who keeps to themselves. Their kids are outside playing a bunch, but it just feels dark over there. I called the sheriff, they said they would check it out. Here in the countryside, it’s pretty much ok to shoot guns whenever, not much law around. Lots of angry ugly people. I hope it’s all just a coincidence. Maybe they let their dogs in and someone else was shooting. I mean, it could be. But hunting season is over and I didn’t hear any coyotes. Ugh.
  5. Just wanted to add...Mike is totally over Natalie and I’m here for it! “Explain, that, with your high IQ”. 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Why is there a grocery store cart instead of furniture in Rebecca’s apartment? And that’s a nice apartment. It would be expensive here. Wasn’t she evicted from, like, everywhere? How did she get this apartment?
  7. Late to the party. Why can’t Brandon say “she’s not here to be a free farmhand, she’s here to be my wife”. And poor Amira (?) stuck in detention after being forced by greasy loser to go to Mexico.
  8. You know, I wish she would just own it. Admit she loves all the junk and is heavy and she’s happy that way. So much more respect if she just owned it instead of acting like she’s all healthy.
  9. Not ashamed to say I would eat it all. ALL of it. I love a huge greasy sugary breakfast.
  10. You know, with a different personality, she’d be a beautiful woman. She has gorgeous eyes. Unfortunately I can’t separate the looks from the personality.
  11. Hi all. Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts. Got tested today, boy did that burn. Whatever they put on the swab is very painful. The waiting is the hardest part. I’m sure I am negative, though. Yeah, I hear you all on the work stuff. We are a small family owned business, just two of us full time. No one else to work. Rules really depend on the business. The state of Minnesota has guidelines, but nothing is required. Certainly no closing and sanitizing of the business, though. I’ve not heard of that done anywhere here. Interesting though, the contact tracer who called me about my coworker says they are only notifying people that were in close contact (within 6 feet of each other) for more than 15 minutes. My coworker feels good. She had a sore throat and lost her taste and smell for a few days, that was it. No fever or cough or GI issues. She was tired but not achy. She’s also 19 so youth is on her side lol. @Yeah No hugs to you. It’s so getting to me too. The news is all toxic and I can’t watch it anymore. I do visit the Daily Mail site but skip by the virus articles. They usually have lots of interesting and fantastical articles. We have upped our tipping too. I door dash a lot at work (yes, I recently paid $26 for a Big Mac meal from McDonald’s. 🥸. I always do the max tip and more if I can. Same with curbside pick up. I had someone try to tip me today for clipping her bird’s nails. I politely declined but it warmed my heart. Anyway. Hugs to you all. We will get through this, probably fatter lol, but we will get through this.
  12. Well...got the call at work today from the State of Minnesota that I was exposed on December 29. My coworker tested positive the next day; I worked with her all day the 29th. We shared phones, keyboards, keys etc. We wear masks at work, and use hand sanitizer like it’s going out of style, but it is unnerving. I have had a sore throat and tickling cough the last few days, but I have bad sinuses so that’s not unusual. In fact it is normal for me . I am getting tested tomorrow, spoke to my doc today and he got me in. I still have to work tomorrow as I am asymptomatic and most likely don’t have it. And that’s fine. I will be careful until I have my results. My hubby is just cranky about it. He is very cavalier about the virus and is like “eh, you are fine.” Ugh. If I am exposed, he is too. Just makes me mad. He sees the news. No advice needed, just wanted to vent lol.
  13. And I’m sure the 5$ is just a teaser price. You just know it’s going to go way up.
  14. And European eggs are sooooo delicious 💜
  15. Our neighbors have chickens. I don’t even hear the rooster anymore, even though he is loud lol. Most of the cats I’ve owned or fostered couldn’t care less. But my Betty Lou is a huntress. She once caught a gopher who was somehow in our basement. I ran out the door screaming lol.
  16. Awww. You’re so sweet. I find that most people aren’t caring about the virus. My customers who have had it have said it was like the flu and are fine now. I hate the people without masks. We had a whole family...mom, dad, 3 kids in my store claiming they had medical exemption. They hung out for 45 minutes. We felt they were daring us to say something. Idiots. They kept dragging about, like “oh hey! Look at this!” Forever. I mean, the whole family had an exemption? yeah. not. I don’t run into people, on a day by day basis, who actually care. They are all out shopping, buying hundreds of dollars of animals and stuff, with their masks hanging down past their noses. Part of me hopes for karma, but it probably won’t happen. My sister in law and her family had the virus. Symptoms for maybe 2 hours. I don’t know how to compute their supposed immunity with real life. Be nice to the cashiers at your stores. You have no idea of the crap they deal with.
  17. Question. How do chickens mean more mice? My kitty Betty Lou is a shark about killing mice. She eats the front half and leaves the butt.
  18. I’m enjoying this season. I don’t think Francesca is a terrible leader and I’m liking Eddie and his humor. To each their own I guess? Loved the donkey sanctuary.
  19. I so agree!!! The mask has protected me from being sick. I may look weird in the future, but if it helps me not get sick, who cares lol n I love my in laws and my hubby. I just kind of feel alone in my heightened state of worry. Thank you. Hugs.
  20. Ugh. The whole “did I already have it” “do I have it” is making my mental health not so good. Rants ahead. You all know I’m an essential worker. I work at a small family owned pet food store. Staffing is a struggle at best. Background: I am 50 Hubby and I were in London in October 2019. I have a history of getting horribly sick every time I travel. This time, both hubby and I got sick. Lots my sense of taste and smell. Horrible lungs, fever, etc. went to a doctor in London and got antibiotics and they didn’t help. After we got home, he was fine but my lungs were so bad I ended up in the ER. No meds helped, I got better after over a month. News is out that it was in Italy in September FF to this November, I was really feeling ill and my boss sent me home for the 2 weeks. It was awful for mental health. Negative test. Was it COVID? Insurance won’t pay for an antibody test. My doctor is amazing, and even he says the antibody tests aren’t so accurate I’m one who gets a bad cold at least twice a year. To the point I lose taste and smell, horrible cough. Except this year...I am so sold on wearing a mask it isn’t even funny. I will always wear one while traveling from now on. Anyway. Today I have body aches and a sore throat. It’s probably the new winter storm here in Wisconsin This game of do I have it, did I have it is killing me. I’m so over the worry. When I get sick, I get really sick. So I’m stressing about if this is COVID, if it is, how bad will it get? Did I already have it? I have asthma and weak lungs. When I was a kid, I had pneumonia every winter until I was 16 or so. My hubby is very cavalier. He went to thanksgiving and Christmas at his 75 year old parents’. My in laws are wonderful but they aren’t concerned either. They are almost desperate to have my hubby, his sister and brother and our families over. I stayed home. I’m just worried because when I get sick, I get SO sick and I’m selfish to worry about myself lol. My younger stepson, 20, flew in from Mississippi a few weeks ago. He’s been splitting his time between our house and his mom’s, and there are a ton of kids at her house. He’s feeling fine. I’m thankful for my older stepson who also has refused to do family gatherings this year. I’m just so stressed about this whole thing. I’ve been coasting along, feeling ok about it, but it’s all been building up. Long story short. I can’t change my situation. I don’t need advice. I just want to know how you all are dealing with it. How your families are or are not worried. Hugs to you all and thanks for listening.
  21. There is a small part of me hoping Ben comes back. I don’t think he will, but I still hope!
  22. Ugh. Ethan and Olivia. I don’t know how she stays with this child. He’s so oblivious. I can’t believe he’s not acting. He’s been out in the real world for a while. How is he so oblivious.
  23. I’m pissed. Stupid Ethan heard back from the realtor that they didn’t get the house. Olivia had to ask if he heard. He didn’t tell her he heard back until she asked. Urrrrrgggghhhhhh. Who does this?
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