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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I’m so tired of the show bringing back previous couples/cast for advice (“Communicate!” Is the advice. Duh.) I am over it. This episode could have been a hour or less without them. I tried to sit through it…but got to Keith and Christine, fast forwarded and caught a glimpse of Haley and turned it off and deleted. Blah. I can’t stand Haley She’s so brittle and mean. I also think the “oh no it’s JOHNNY” is a misdirect by the editors.
  2. I agree. I had to turn the volume down. The female couple trying to get pregnant by manually injecting sperm. I mean…..this whole show seems like a crock.
  3. My opinion: He wanted to be in the city for a fun change in his life. (I don’t know where hey came from). She wanted a quiet location. She won. The whole episode fell flat.
  4. Same. She reminds me so much of my ex. Screaming over the other persons words, abusive language, drama, blaming. It’s not good tv when I have ptsd from that traumatic relationship and it’s triggered by her. It’s not cute, funny, silky, or ok. It’s wrong and awful and abuse. Period. I’m not ok with the Pillow Talk couples saying “go Angela!” Clearly they have never been trapped in a relationship with an abuser. I’m to the point where I can’t watch her segments. It’s not ok. And that’s such an understatement.
  5. I agree with all you say. But it’s left Kody with a simmering ugly anger.
  6. My opinion, not asked for lol I think Meri is reliving the junior high and high school days she never had. Either she was home schooled or she was never one of the Cool Kids. The “fame” from the show has her feeling like the popular girl in school and she’s riding on it. Not at all normal for us normal folk, but given her upbringing it makes sense. It’s still not ok but I can see the popularity from her stunted perspective.
  7. I don’t think chef will ever be able to handle doing crew and guest food. I really don’t like him….I have anxiety and am on meds and can’t even with him.
  8. So there’s apparently a national fireworks shortage this year. I live in Wisconsin, fireworks are legal here. It’s evident in our neighborhood. Usually by now, a few days before the 4th…our area is a war zone with fireworks being set off by everyone. This year, only one house has set them off… and that was tonight. Luckily my dog, a lab, couldn’t care less about firework sounds.
  9. I worked at a bank for many years. We had thermoses of coffee and little single serve flavored creamer cups. You wouldn’t believe all the parents who let their little kids open and drink a million of those creamers. For real.
  10. I mean, their story line MUST be fake, right? Seems so put on for the cameras. No chemistry there.
  11. From your fingertips to God’s ears….uh…screen?
  12. So, reading those state laws: Most of them require kids under a certain age (16, 15, 10 depending on the state) to be buckled in at all times while the RV is moving. States they drove through. I can only hope that they weren’t driving while filming because it was giving me anxiety too!
  13. She mentioned Duska’s boat had been in their quarantine bubble.
  14. Same. I can’t believe My 600 lb Life is a candidate for the worst! I love me some Dr Now.
  15. Can we talk about dumb@ss Ronald who painted the floor, put down cardboard to walk on while the floor was still wet…and left it….so it bonded to the floor and didn’t come off? He and Daniel were scraping it off. I mean geez. He’s clueless but Tiffany was equally as awful this episode.
  16. @JennyMominFL I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom died almost 2 years ago from an aortic dissection. It’s the most awful thing I’ve ever been through, worse than losing my dad. Hugs. There’s a group on Facebook…..parent loss support group. Great place to feel not so alone. Hugs.
  17. Judging by pictures Christine posts of all the crap her neighbors have strewn about, I can’t imagine anyone would complain. Plus they had/still have? All those U Haul trucks “stored” out there. If neighbors were ok with that, they’ll probably be ok with this. I too want to know what is so much to do on the land.
  18. I’m shallow….I hate her dark hair dye.
  19. I work at a pet store. Rats are amazing pets, lots of people have them as pets. They are clean, funny, cuddly. I thought it was funny, how Yara talked to Gwen. And it all worked out in the end.
  20. Between him and Angela, it brings me back to my ex of 8 years. PTSD for sure.
  21. Natalie is crazy. But Mike is just like his mommy. Next ep should be gold.
  22. Tiff is 2 days in and still wearing the same dress???
  23. They all blame Andre, but Daddy Libby is playing right along.
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