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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Angela is like my ex of ten years ago. Still yelling and screaming and winning. I have nightmares. She’s just like my ex. I can’t watch. She gets the finger wagging and the talking over everyone and I want to hide.
  2. Yes!!! That’s what I was talking about!! That big ole toenail is gonna make a hole in any closed toe shoes she wears. Barf. I remember a few years ago at a nail salon I frequented. They were doing tips on toenails and the girls working there had them. Flip flops only with giant French manicure toenails sticking inches out. I’m scarred for life. I hate feet, mine included.
  3. Darcey is that you in that pic? 😂 on Chuck’s Instagram, he hashtags #LibbyandAndrei all the time. I find his newfound love for Andrei puzzling.
  4. I’m jealous of your hourglass shape! I’m 5”11 and about 40 lbs overweight and apple-ish. I also have the menopause belly. Blah. I’m not judging on weight. I’m not skinny. But I’m not out there trying to sell pink crap and publicly Thriving. Gah!!! Her toenails are all different lengths!!!!
  5. Is this a joke? Her foopah is hanging over everything and she looks bigger than ever. And Maddie looks not far behind.
  6. WHY do the Jersey Shore-ers need to “tell all” to their kid? What will that help? Fame whores. And of course one is named Lisa. I’m 50 and every Lisa I’ve known is….not a shining example of a human. Plus my name is Linda and sometimes people call me Lisa and I HATE IT.
  7. Oh Kodouche. I’m a mere monogamist and have mounted TVs on walls. I’ve also run wires through walls, changed many shower heads (it’s easy…plumbers tape is your friend). I think he’s more chaotic because he doesn’t know how to do anything. Remember the RV poop water?
  8. So I check her Pinterest from time to time. She was active 8 hours ago in “Things I want in my yard” and another board about being thankful to God. Her boards about quotes relating to strife and being strong was active one month ago. Im a stalker lol
  9. Ysabel’s little personal space looks lovely. I could live there back when I was single. Good for her!
  10. I’m one of those who gets super red at least amount of exertion. By the time I break apart and stack four pallets (60 count of 30 lb bags of dogfood each pallet) at work, I’m as red as a pickled beet and a sweaty mess. Then again, I can’t imagine Janelle breaking apart pallets of anything . Oh and I also adore candy corn. Janelle seems to be trying to keep the attention off her imploding family on SM. Or on her exploding guts. Pick one.
  11. 😂. Her eyebrows don’t match her curtain and that bugs me to no end. Maybe not bright red eyebrows, but darker would have been better.
  12. Gawd with Grangela on the tell all preview. Again, ad nauseum, if she was a guy she’d be off the show years ago. She PROMISED Michael a baby And now she acts like she never did After sleeping on this and rewatching, I have more thoughts. Angry thoughts lol. Jovi is awful. If my hubby said to me “I wish you were the person you used to be” he would be very, very sorry. Luckily my hubby isn’t a tool like Jovi. I think Jovi being away much of the time lets him continue to live in non-reality. I hate him. I also hate Tiffany. Yes, hate is a strong word. She won’t accept any of the blame in anything, she’s like Angela lite. Ronald is an addict and thinks and acts like what we call a dry drunk. I hope he’s still going to meetings etc. I left my opinions on Assholio prior to this post. Let me just add on. They have kids, no real jobs, still living with her parents. Then they have the NERVE to act put out that they have to move and actually pay rent. How stupid. Family Chuck…fakery for the show but if this is even 1% real there are real problems there and it’s not cute or funny. It should not be on tv, it’s not pleasurable viewing. Julia and the weasel with his cackle don’t really need mentioning. Such kids. Finally, I’ll take the cute little ratty. If any of you all ever get to Minnesota, come to my store and I will introduce you to some wonderful little rats.
  13. I hate fucking stupid child man Asholio too. With the passion of 100000 burning suns. He’s the village idiot and a child. I can’t imagine being attracted to his idiot self. And like you, I’m over the Florida Man fights of family Libby, trying for a show of their own. I’m over yet bleeps, the fake tears by Chuck who started the whole thing. Fucking idiots who don’t deserve a spin off. This show makes me angry.
  14. Stupid ass Jovi. He expected her to be all turned on by the stripper (I mean, I don’t know any woman who is) and is pissed because she ruined his fantasy. Maybe pre baby they had some fantasies about this, but having a baby shot Yara straight into reality. Jovi lost the plot and I hate him for it. Oh and about rats as pets. I work in a pet supply store. We sell rats as pets. They are clean and funny and so smart. They can be taught to sit and stay and fetch etc like dogs. They feel human emotions and will comfort us when sad. It’s their MO to comfort and heal. They are truly wonderful. Don’t Knock them till you know them.
  15. I delete it without watching. I don’t even watch Unfiltered. Can’t stand Jamie and her too-small dresses. Myrla at the dress shop, trying to look all extra with her hood up. Ugh. I kind of feel like I missed an episode or something…I feel plunked down farther ahead of where it ended last week?
  16. I got tired of her American expectations (and I’m American) and the faces she was making.
  17. It bothered me when Courtney grabbed him, because she slammed her hand over his nose and mouth and pushed his head underwater. Drunkenly. If someone did that to me, I’d be PISSED.
  18. I have a giant headache from drunk Courtney and her screeching. “Daddyyyyyyy!!!!” Shoot me now. And Lexi and her mean self.
  19. Right!?!?? They are telling her she is inspiring. And they all want to be her BFF.
  20. That’s true and I hate it when all of them do it lol.
  21. I’m not a fan of Su because I feel like she is leaning on her hook of Burmese food styles. I think Anne is being set up to win and I’m ok with that; she’s delightful in her enthusiasm. ETA I lived in Massachusetts for a terrible 6 months lol….the accent is true to life there.
  22. All these people talking about how love conquers all, but so picky “beautiful wife” are idiots. None of them are open to being matched, they all want the ideal rainbows and unicorns
  23. Caroline really needs to have that mole removed before it becomes cancerous. She seems like a sweet girl and maybe the most real of the bunch.
  24. Thank you all cash-stashers. We aren’t weird or WTF worthy. We aren’t planning to leave. We just are planning lol. Rewatching now. The dire music when she found Money in his sock!!!! Omg the drama. “It’s a red flag”. Uh no it isn’t. Producer drama
  25. Uh….I have a small emergency cash fund stashed away. So do many of our friends. It’s come in handy! My parents came to the USA from Eastern Europe with nothing and my dad always had a secret stash. I guess he imprinted it upon me lol. Hubby knows about it. He doesn’t know the amount but he knows I have it. It’s really no big deal and certainly not a WTF like the friends made it.
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