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Everything posted by MelissaMinion

  1. She'd probably love it! But it would be seen as 'unprofessional' to have cheerleaders bring their kids in at any point.....(eyeroll)
  2. Miranda is a 1970s bombshell to me. She has the prettiest smile on the team. If they'd let some of these girls ditch the center part, the hair would work perfectly fine. I'm really hoping that at some point, we'll have a rookie candidate with enough backbone to say "no thank you, I'm obviously not a fit here" when given the One Last Chance speech.
  3. That was Alanna. Didnt she actually touch her?
  4. Sorry, I just don’t buy the veterans speaking out about what rookies discuss, unless it’s dangerous or toxic, and if it was at that level, it would have been handled much more harshly. I wonder if it’s pure coincidence CMT chose the Season 8 episode with Chelsea vs Kitty, and the veterans who are, on average, 8 pounds heavier (oh, my!) than last year? It’s like they are gleefully showing us the contradictions....
  5. Brennan got called in for one of those very ODD conversations where she was told she was dancing better, but there was some question whether she was a giver or was just in it for her own personal gain,.....then Kelli backpedaled, or realized she sounded like a complete ass, and said there’s nothing to make us believe you’re in this for selfish reasons. It left my brain hurting...
  6. Maybe Madeline dumped her stuff in a familiar place; the locker she had last training camp? And yeah, if I’m a first time rookie, having another rookie who has been here before, like Madeline or Brennan, I’d be happy if they told me what to expect. Those two women had targets on their backs from Day 1. I don’t believe the tattling came from veterans. Kitty lost me last week. Kelli lost me tonight. I can’t defend her anymore.
  7. Maybe Madeline dumped her stuff in a familiar place; the locker she had last training camp? And yeah, if I’m a first time rookie, having another rookie who has been here before, like Madeline or Brennan, I’d be happy if they told me what to expect. Those two women had targets on their backs from Day 1. I don’t believe the tattling came from veterans. Kitty lost me last week. Kelli lost me tonight. I can’t defend her anymore.
  8. I just want you to understand that you suck in showmanship, oh wait, let’s just stop pretending....you’re fired. Or not..... if you act grateful enough, we’ll give you one more chance to display the skill that we can’t even explain well enough for you to understand. Now go forth, and do not be toxic or depressed at all, because you’ll be tattled on and be just as fired tomorrow night. How’d I do? My heart hurt for Madeline. But boy, I’m excited about next week! Nobody criticizes Jinelle to Kelli, not even her Precious Widdle One.
  9. I'm rewatching season 7 this week, and the finals, on the field bit had Kelli saying "I'm sick of talking to these girls about their weight.." And yet, she has set Victoria up to fail, by NOT talking to her about weight. The hint she gave her doesn't count. I'm saying this serious sit down needed to have happened at the beginning of training camp, like it has with other heavier rookies, or ladies who can't kick. Set up the expectation of weight loss from day 1. And in last week's episode, Kelli says several times "everybody has noticed it...." but....we never saw any of the evaluators commenting on it. I wonder who is the everybody, and were they telling Kelli they noticed, or were they just talking amongst themselves? To me, it sounds like she's overhearing people talk......
  10. I don't want to think that, but....yep, I'm there with you. When the bosses keep saying "We have to cut SEVEN more people!" some will look around for targets, and if they don't find them, will make them.
  11. I just rewatched, and what struck me was that early in the episode, Victoria danced far enough forward from the line to kick Kelli/Judy if she’d done a forward kick. But nobody mentioned that!
  12. I think this is the year to lobby hard for the tryout requirements to be aged 21+. We see how underage girls (Holly) get tempted into drinking and hanging out with players. We see how a very immature girl acts when she doesnt have basic real world job skills. I think if Victoria had waited until she was 21 to tryout, and had some professional dance job experience under her belt, she'd have sailed in. Right now, it's just painful, watching a kid try and compete with the women in the room who have college, other nfl teams, and real life under their belts.
  13. I think this is where I'm at now. But I don't think she'll ever see it. I'm really not even looking forward to Kitty's class this week, because it will be more of the same.
  14. I agree. It seemed like Lindsey wanted to talk to Maddie, but she wasn’tgoing to be able to hang on to her composure unless they got out of there. My question is about the girls waiting for Lindsey. Did anybody see VK in there waiting? I’m assuming VK’s conference happened first, so she would have been in there waiting, right? I didn’t see her.
  15. When Gabbi was in the office, did anyone feel like there was an undercurrent of “We think you padded your resume”? Are the mentioned recommendations something the candidates have to submit, or are they a result of the background checks? Also, this year’s focus on education and career aspirations is clearly (to me, anyway) an attempt at image control after Erica’s lawsuit hit the news.
  16. No, after seeing how hard she and Jasmine hugged, I got that they were close friends. But it was so tacky of CMT to insert VK into that, because it makes her look more interested in getting face time than consoling her friend.
  17. They keep calling it the office. I really hope Kelli has another room where her desk is and all her files. Working in this room would be depressing.
  18. I’ve always wondered why they practice the jump split hooked up. They should maintain proper arm position,but be alone, so they don’t hurt anyone. Plenty of time to rehearse it hooked up when the rookies aren’t so scared. And I’m not surprised by the way Victoria talked with Kelli in the office visit. All along, Kelli and Judy have remarked how scared the girls are, and now that we get one who isn’t terrified to be in the room, we say she’s rude. I don’t see it. I just see a girl who knows they want her to succeed.
  19. I don’t think she thought either one was lying. Remember, Kaitlyn came in HOURS late, slurring her words, and generally acting off. That’s what triggered Kelli’s BS button.
  20. I think yes, because Cassie did not come across as so young.
  21. Agreed. For the store to get foot traffic, it needs to be a couple of blocks east, or one block west. It’s in between two trendy areas, and not in a way that you’d walk past it. Also, I just noticed that before they show the storefront, they show a montage of trendy Nashville locations, ending with a big Belle Meade sign. That’s Old Money Nashville, and the store is nowhere near Belle Meade.
  22. I’m wondering, if VK’s solo was so beautiful that it made two judges CRY, why haven’t we seen more of it? If it’s that good, it would put paid to the rumors of nepotism....
  23. Yes, the workman’s comp argument doesn’t make sense. Why take her along, if all she’d be allowed to do on game day is sit inside alone. And if she’s injured enough to need that kind of restriction (like no bumping into things and jarring your shoulder), why wouldn’t she be tagged as unfit to fly? Sitting inside away from the action feels like a big girl timeout to me. Especially because it happened after the Holly and Jenna things.
  24. She usually sits on the Show Group panel, but I haven’t seen her do any audition judging.
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