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Everything posted by pezgirl7

  1. Is anyone else slightly worried for Hook at the end of the season, due to possible foreshadowing with him saying he had no one to pull him from the darkness before, but now he has Emma? He could go dark when Emma disappears, but it'll probably be for a hot second with his rum flask, before he snaps out of it and tries to find her.
  2. The ABC media site has direct contact info for people you could try emailing, like the social media/public relations person. Perhaps if they get enough emails, they can at least tell the people to stop posting on twitter. I doubt it would have any affect on the show, but it might bring awareness to the show runners about problematic plot lines and the correct way to deal with upset fans. http://www.disneyabcpress.com/abc/contacts/
  3. They can say the F word on Irish TV?! Is this a cable show? Other than that, what a cutie. I stayed up late last night watching The Clinic videos, but it looks like a bunch more were added. They inspired me to make my first Colin gif set! http://hooked-on-hiddles.tumblr.com/post/117315531310/colin-playing-the-piano-x And then I had the TV on, and stumbled on to Storage 24, which I had never seen. He's gorgeous in it, I'm surprised there haven't been more gifs made from it. Suffice it to say, last night was a Colin night. You'd think I would have dreamt about him, but no such luck.
  4. Someone has been uploading videos of Colin in the TV show The Clinic, which include a kissing scene, and a shirtless scene! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWbdyCFeoZWfMSkU7C78_pA http://happynfluffy.tumblr.com For some reason, no one bothered to check out this show before to notice these scenes! And for some reason I always thought he didn't have a lot of screen kisses before Once, but he seems to manage this one just fine. :)
  5. Yea, she says it doesn't work, but it "looks" like it is. Some people in the comments seem to think the mobile votes are being thrown out, but I don't know why they think that. Anyway, Colin is currently losing, at 49%. I've never heard of the actor he's up against.
  6. I think it's totally a case of nature versus nurture. Josh 1.0 had more caring people looking after him, or at least on more, and therefore was a more normal child. I didn't get the impression that either of them were abused, at least not physically. Keeping them locked up in that compound, without letting them outside, is pretty abusive though.
  7. I guess Josh 2.0 is a little psycho. Poor Debbie. That was kind of disturbing to watch. I'm now wondering what the point of her whole plotline was. I suppose it could have just been to show us the inner workings of the NM compound.
  8. E!'s top 8 males poll is up, but there's some kerfuffle about mobile votes not being counted, or not working. I seem to be able to vote fine on my tablet, but if it's not being counted, that sucks! I take back what I said before about thinking the polls were fixed due to the new captcha system. http://www.eonline.com/news/649474/alpha-male-madness-2015-vote-in-the-elite-8-now
  9. Ew.com has an interview with the creator, where he answers some questions about season 2, and tells some things that won't be shown in season 3. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/21/broadchurch-season-2-finale-interview
  10. Ew.com has an interview with the creator of Broadchurch. He talks a bit about what we won't see in season 3, but doesn't say what we will see. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/21/broadchurch-season-2-finale-interview
  11. Most people don't know Starsailor, so that's cool you do! I think I saw them about 4 times. I remember when James, the lead singer played a few songs at a bookstore in Chicago, and there were only a few of us there. Crazy. I saw and met Coldplay at a small venue too, on their Parachutes tour. That was the only time, since they exploded after that. Oh, I forgot to add Keane and Snow Patrol to my list, although that was a little later. Man, this is really making me sad. I used to go to so many concerts, meet the bands, sometimes hang out in a bar afterwards. It was so much fun! Now I only go to a few concerts a year. Ah, to be young again.
  12. Lee burned the bloody flooring in the oven, so it wasn't a red herring exactly. The one person that Lee said he knew in France was though. I thought for sure Lisa was still alive, and was in France. I was surprised when Lisa called Ricky 'dad', it made her death by his hands even sadder. I was all ready to feel sorry for Lee when he told Claire not to give Pippa whatever was in the flask, and then he had to go and grab the pillow. This season wasn't as good as last season, but I still enjoyed it. I'm glad they're doing a 3rd. I will miss seeing James D'Arcy's face on my TV every week though. I think the show is all done with the Sandbrook case.
  13. I'm thinking the only reason E would institute a new captcha system is because they saw something hinky with the last big poll. I've barely heard a peep about this poll on tumblr, but now that Colin made the top 8, it'll probably get more attention. I'm hoping he can win, just because he deserves to win everything. :)
  14. Here's the link to the poll: http://www.eonline.com/news/648095/alpha-male-madness-2015-vote-in-the-sweet-16-now This round closes in 2 hours, and I'm impressed that Colin is beating Misha.
  15. I was heavy into Brit rock in the late 90s: Oasis, Blur, Travis, Stereophonics, Starsailor, Coldplay, The Charlatans. Luckily I got to see all of them at small concert venues, since I was in the US, and they weren't as popular over here. I'm still a huge Stereophonics fan, and I'll be seeing Noel Gallagher at two shows next month, and U2 in June in Chicago! I also love 60s and 80s music, and would probably say The Beatles are my all time fav band.
  16. Souris, those videos did nothing to help cure my infatuation with this man. Damnit.
  17. I love Like a Prayer! It's probably my favorite Madonna song. Even as a kid, I thought it was about sex, but the music video made me think it was about something else. I just read the Wiki page about it, and Madonna wanted it to have dual religious/sexual innuendo connotations, but with a truer meaning underneath. "She described "Like a Prayer" as the song of a passionate young girl "so in love with God that it is almost as though He were the male figure in her life." http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Like_a_Prayer_(song)
  18. I don't mind if Hook is the one who "saves" Emma and pulls her from the darkness, but I'm still bitter we never got to see Emma fight for Hook, like we were told. Also, where is the adventure that Hook is suppose to go on? Emma apparently has a few with Regina, but Hook seems to be staying close to home. I can only hope the adventure comes at the start of next season, or the end of this one. And for the record, I don't think CS have had sex yet. I'm still holding out hope that when Emma and Regina return from the EF, whatever happened there is enough to convince Emma to take the next step with Hook. She'll find Hook on the Jolly Roger, maybe we'll get an I love you, and then she and him can finally do the deed. And the reason I'm hoping for an I love you before the whole dagger scene is because that scene seemed fairly short, and when one of them finally says it, I don't want it to be rushed.
  19. V is for Vests. Tight-fitting vests, and the hot guys who wear them.
  20. Why is there only only one video and a few photos? I would have thought more fans would have went. Maybe more will surface tomorrow. I'm still waiting for a high quality sounding video of Colin singing, but from what I've heard, I never would have guessed that his singing voice sounded the way it does. It's good, it just doesn't really match his talking voice.
  21. I meant targeting Peter from the very beginning. Emma said someone he knew was feeding her captors info about him, and she was given instructions to get close to him and give him the stone. What would have been the point in all that? I don't trust Emma 100% right now. She could still be working with the bad guys and just playing Peter, again, to get close to him. I thought the Essene who saved Peter in the park was the same one who took Red, but who knows.
  22. Charlie was asleep in the motel when Debbie noticed Josh was gone. She found him by the vending machines, and that's when the NM people showed up, and Debbie and Josh drove off in the police car. So Cohen's boyfriend isn't a fellow police officer, right? I remember someone here saying he was. Seems like he's an engineer with the water department or something. I'm still trying to figure out why some group would want to target Peter and get him involved in any of this. I don't see the point. However I'm still enjoying the show. It's more entertaining than most of the shows out there, and there aren't enough mysteries on TV. Oh, I also don't understand why Peter didn't just show Emma to Lynn when she came to Golan's house. That would have proved that he wasn't crazy.
  23. The author can pretty much write anything to make people do whatever he wants, essentially taking away their free will. So maybe Cruella is being controlled by him. I hope not, cause ick. It looks likes he's using the magic quill on their date, so I thought he was either writing her happy ending for her, which he somehow messes up, or he's guiding their date as it goes.
  24. Actually, right before Emma fell through the portal, she got a phone call from David saying that Zelena died and somehow triggered the portal. In the vault, Hook told Emma "When Zelena died, all of her spells were undone, your powers should have been restored." Then it just took Emma not wanting to run away from her family and who she is, for her powers to come back. Also, Roland was lying on the bed watching TV when Robin and Zelena were kissing. The mirror was facing away from him, so he wouldn't have been able to see into it. I'm not sure what the point of him being in that scene was.
  25. James D'Arcy, who plays Lee, is in one of my favorite movies, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. His role isn't huge, but he plays a first Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, so he's a pretty important part of the crew that the film is about. He's young, dashing, brave and honorable, so quite different from Lee. Oh, and he has a ponytail. :)
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