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Everything posted by pezgirl7

  1. That's terrifying. Birds kind of scare me, and I was attacked by a male red-winged blackbird just last week in the parking lot at work. Emma being beautiful on the outside, but evil on the inside sounds pretty much like any other female villain we've seen on the show though. The one thing I do like about swans is that they mate for life, so maybe we'll get some fun scenes of Emma trying to turn Hook back to the dark side, since he's the only one she wants.
  2. I thought this was a great season finale! The things I really liked: 1. Reid being amazed by Jackson fingerprinting the gun that was used to shoot him, instead of being angry at him or Susan. Reid and Susan's talk at the end. 2. The look on Jackson's face when Susan told him she was pregnant, him joining her in her cell, and Susan telling her father that she was protecting her family, while Jackson was holding onto her arm. They might be super dysfunctional, but they love each other. I have no idea what they're going to do with Susan next season. As much as seeing Jackson take care of a baby on his own would be hilarious, I think the writers are going to need to figure out some way to get Susan out of jail. 3. Drake and Rose getting married. She might be a bit of a flake, but Drake has loved her since season one. I liked seeing the train boy and Artherton there also. 4. Jackson trying to protect Best. 5. Susan giving the deeds to the hospital and housing projects to other women. 6. Swift getting his comeuppance. 7. Jackson and Drake's fight. 8. Mimi dumping Jackson in the nicest way possible, and saying he chose the past over the future.
  3. Shanna Marie, your dream actually makes sense! I had a crazy OUAT dream last night that didn't make much sense at all. I don't remember a lot of it, and it seemed quite long, but what I do remember is that ABC accidentally aired part 2 of the OUAT season premiere. Nothing made sense, since we hadn't seen part 1 yet. Hook was wearing this really weird disguise which consisted of a large head piece that looked like a bony fish tail. He was not happy at all to be wearing it, but I think he didn't have a shirt on, so at least there was that. Then later Ariel was there, and I got the impression that she and Hook had been dating while Emma was gone, which I thought was odd. Then there was a flashback to Hook buying the Jolly Roger from Blackbeard, but he said he would only buy it if it had indoor plumbing and a shower. Then he was on the JR, and evil Emma was there, and she cut Hook's arm really bad. Then Hook cut the tentacle off of a badly CGI'd octopus that was attacking the ship, and he was going to do some type of true love, magic blood ritual to save Emma from the darkness. And he would die if it didn't work, but he was willing to die for Emma and was convinced that it would work. That's all I remember, but what the heck was that dream?!
  4. I'm really not feeling this new story line at all. :( And I have no idea how they can use a swan as a reference for a villain. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I can't wait for spoiler photos of Emma's new outfit, but she'll probably be doing a lot of indoor CGI filming, so we might not get any for quite a while.
  5. Yea, the cinematography is really nice, as is the coloring. Makes me wonder how Colin's The Dust Storm turned out. Probably not that great, since I don't think it was accepted by any of the film fests they sent it in to.
  6. Another item to add to the list of Colin's many life-ruining talents: he's handy. He probably makes bookcases out of reclaimed wood in his spare time or something.
  7. It was a typewriter.I feel like I should put more in this post, so here's a pic.
  8. I want to see pretty much everything everyone else has already said. I really want to see him and Emma kick some ass together, not just trudging through the forest. Side by side, fighting together, like a kick-ass, true-love couple. Oh, and a shower or bath scene would be nice. :)
  9. Could any items from the past be put in a vacuum to preserve them? I read that lack of oxygen will prevent weathering and chemical degradation. But how do you keep the outside of the vacuum container from deteriorating? I hope they answer the questions about how the town was built and where the materials came from.
  10. Maybe she doesn't want an abortion? She told Jackson she was going to call for him, so I'm guessing she was planning on telling him she was pregnant. No need to do that if she doesn't want the baby. I think they only had sex that one time in the alley, and I'm sure she wasn't expecting it to happen, so it's not like she had time to use whatever birth control they had back then. But even if she wants to keep the baby, I think her pregnancy made her realize the plight of other women who are less fortunate than she is. I guess her pregnancy could be seen as convenient for the plot. I was confused why Susan said she was an unmarried woman. I thought she and Jackson were still married, just separated.
  11. What are the other panel pairings? I can't find them listed on their website.
  12. I think it's interesting that Peter is the only one we know of so far who was not in a car accident. I'm guessing after his one night stand with Pam, Pam decided she liked him, and wanted to take him to the future, so she drugs him and then has him immediately frozen. She isn't frozen until years later, so when Peter is unfrozen, she appears older to him. If the car crashes are real, are they all caused by the Doctor's group in order to collect people? It's easier for someone to disappear when their friends and family think they are dead. I still think crickets are extinct in the future, and the fake cricket noises are there just to comfort people. I didn't think the creature staring at Ethan behind the tree at the end of episode four really looked like an abbie. I thought it was standing upright and appeared calm, while the abbies all seem to be hunched over and crawl like animals. Maybe there are two forms of mutant humans?
  13. If Snow had met Lancelot earlier, then why does she say "Lancelot? Of the Round Table?" like she had never met him before? I'm seriously asking, because I don't remember much from the first two seasons.
  14. About sea turtles: Sounds like they rescued the turtle just in time! The turtle was definitely the highlight of the episode for me. I want to see the guys interact with the island more, not watch them sitting on their butts talking to each other. That's what Survivor is for. Hopefully they'll find some food soon so they're not so lethargic and have the energy to explore the island.
  15. I think Matilda is too young to be hanging around the station house. She's already mentally scarred by the ripper stuff she saw, no need for her to be scarred any more. Maybe when she gets older though. I'm bummed that BBC America cut out the scene with her and Jackson. Jackson was working on rigging up the explosive on the safe, and he turns around, and Mathilda is holding his gun. Of course that makes Jackson angry and he calls in Grace to take her away. I wish Jackson was better with children. He's pretty childish sometimes, so I don't understand why he doesn't seem to like kids. He better start liking them though!
  16. From the Writer's thread: It looks like it's in the Streets of America, so it's just a fake store front, but still very cool! And of course they had to add it after I had just visited. I wonder if Hook's hand is in there? That might be too creepy for the kidos. :)
  17. I'm pretty sure Merlin is meant to be black, but Matt probably just changed the wording to be politically correct. His site now says "For MERLIN, Once is seeking a black Brit". I think Black British is the correct term. I really don't know much about the whole Camelot legend, so I'm kinda blah about next season. Although I think it will be fun going to another world that looks like the EF. I also think Guinevere is much more well known than Morgana. The only reason I've ever even heard of Morgana is because I watched a few episodes of Camelot on Starz.
  18. I did a keyword search in the movie transcript, and nothing came up. So I don't think it was taken from either the book or the movie. Hmmm I call plagiarism! :P
  19. I think I've been spending too much time on this board. Last night I had a dream where I met Colin, and all I did was complain about all the plot issues on OUAT. I remember using as an example the time when Hook had his hand restored, and then lost it again without much discussion. I thought he would agree with me, but instead he got uncharacteristically angry and annoyed, and walked away. So I followed him into another room, and was like Who do you think you are? I don't expect you to talk to the writers about these issues, I'm just trying to have a discussion with you. Anyway, it was not the type of Colin dream I would have wanted! LOL
  20. Also, there was a scene of Pope firing a rifle out by the mountain ridge. I now wonder if what he was shooting at were creatures similar to the one that carried his body off.
  21. I was thinking something similar with the flipped numbers, but it never occurred to me that the first set of numbers were the month and day. Also, it being flipped makes sense, because there's been some flipped imagery on the show, and the poster for the show is upsidedown. But why is it flipped?
  22. I thought it looked like a bald, shirtless humanoid, which made me think of... aliens! I kind of hope it's not aliens, maybe it's a hairless futuristic human. We've been losing body hair over time, so maybe in the distant future, we will evolve to no longer have any hair. I thought the thing that took Pope's body looked and acted more like an animal. I don't think it's the same thing as what was behind the tree. I really hope the buffalo burgers aren't made from anything gross, like humans.
  23. Aww, that was sweet. I think there were a few women, and men, there who wished they could have been dancing with him instead of the little girl. :) Now if only someone could get a video of Colin dancing. The funky worm does not count!
  24. I've never seen the sequel, so I must have seen some gifs on tumblr of them getting married, and my brain convinced me it happened in the actual full length movie! Now I need to google how the movie actually ended, because I can't remember.
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