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Posts posted by MostlyContent

  1. Yeah, well.  

    I just watched PR because, you know, I had to watch the finale of Alone first.  :)

    I do NOT need to hear from the models.  boring.  Why in the hell are they bringing that back?

    The butter guy who got auffed tonight never should have been on this show. 

    JCP and Avon???  Okay.  

    LOVE the winner.  That gown was divine.  

    Dislike 'the twins'.  

    That's all.  

    • Love 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Is it me or are they all generally losing more weight faster this season than in past seasons? 

    Nope. Not just you. :)

    In the past seasons, though, the 'rations' choice was 5 lbs of 'whatever' (beans, pemmican, jerky, whatever).  I remember that in the past, at least one person took 3 rations as part of their 10 items.  

    This year, for some reason, the rations are about 2 pounds.  The Whipples took two, and the other teams who still remain took one (I think).  

    The flatlanders from Brett Favre land who tapped out last took none.  Idiots.

    Perhaps the producers thought that having two people would produce more food.   Who knows.  Maybe all the program people are just sick of this and want everyone to go home.  LOL.  :)  

    I know I do.  

    So far the brothers suck (although one is trying to collect food), Brooke is losing body fat massively, and only the dad is having much luck fishing (father and son don't seem to be starving, though).  What they're all doing that we don't see will come out eventually, I guess.  

    I'm so OVER this season.  Well, okay. Obviously I'm not because I'm still watching.  <sigh>

    • Love 6
  3. On 7/24/2017 at 8:24 AM, Drogo said:

    one participant is forced to fight a raging fire

    A 'raging fire'???  LOL!  Hardly.  And she still had time to grab her camera and emit another scream.  Whatever.  

    Perhaps her hubby should be fishing MORE instead of making a checker board.  <snooze>  

    I just lost a large post because my internet went on the blink.  Let me summarize.  

    Dislike the brothers because they suck.  One more than the other .......  but I don't know their names, because I dislike them and I don't care.  Oh YAY, we have two buckets of food, no we don't, yes we do, I'm tired, get out here and grab limpets, no, okay you suck.  

    Team father and son even though I have issues with them, too.  

    Thanks, History channel, for ruining my show.  assholes.  

    • Love 9
  4. Well, they're idiots.  

    "Oh, here's a special limpet knife" 

    Apparently not.  

    3 hours ago, SRTouch said:

    and they they given up on their gill net?

    And the bow and arrows, and the wire for trapping.  A big fat "YOU IDIOTS" for those choices, you know, because they've worked so well in the past.  

    I'm almost missing a good old fashioned mouse-squish using rocks and a stick.  ugh.  

    I can't even begin to rant more about their tarp 'shelter'.  Are you fucking kidding me???  And then you sit there and complain because it's 'cold' and putting on your wet socks is the worst part of the day?  I'm almost hoping their wet toe flesh peals off in spectacular fashion.  

    Okay. rant off.  <grin>

    So because of the previews, we know Brooke and her Husband have a fire to deal with next week.  Not surprised.  As soon as I saw Brooke using wood to build a chimney I posted and asked the board if maybe a wood chimney might catch on fire.  Weeks ago.  I did not know if it would?  But I thought it might.  

    Upthread someone asked if anyone knew how many episodes were left this season.  I googled it and found nothing, but on Wikipedia (because they're always right and all lol!) the next episode has a title that refers to the fire, the one after that is something like 'My brother's keeper', the one after that has no title, and the one after that seems to be the reunion.  Dates are listed but I'm too lazy to go back and look.  :)

    I'm just hoping that they pull their head out of their ass next season.  

    • Love 5
  5. Well heck.  Might as well just list them.  lol!  

    Here are the ten items Brooke and Dave selected to bring on their survival journey to Vancouver Island:

    Bow saw

    Pot – vintage aluminum coffee pot, 2 quarts

    Tarp – 12′ x 12′

    Bar of Soap


    Ax – full-sized felling ax

    Tarp – 12′ x 12′

    Fishing line and hooks




    Here are the ten items Pete and Sam selected to bring on their survival journey to Vancouver Island:

    Tarp – 12′ x 12′

    Fishing line and hooks – 50 yards of 40 lb. test and 250 yards of 20 lb. test

    Gillnet – 12′ x 4′

    Trapping wire – 3.5 lb. gauge


    Tarp – 12′ x 12′

    Paracord – 500 lb. Rated

    Saw – folding saw, 14″ blade

    Ax – 26″ all-steel ax

    Pot – 2 quarts, stainless steel


    Here are the ten items Ted and Jim selected to bring on their survival journey to Vancouver Island:

    Saw – crosscut teeth

    Bow and arrows – recurve bow, 50+ lb. draw


    Tarp – 12′ x 12′

    Trapping wire

    Fishing line and hooks

    Pot – titanium



    Ax – painted orange

    • Love 2
  6. Hey!! History.com finally listed the items each team chose.  Just click on the pair and scroll to the bottom.  

    ie:  Brooke and Dave:


    Interesting.  Looks like Brooke and Dave chose only hooks and line from the hunting items.  By contrast, Ted and Jim chose hooks and line, a gillnet, a bow and arrows AND trapping wire.  No wonder they could only choose one ration and one tarp.    

    • Love 3
  7. 21 minutes ago, LocimusPrime said:

    Why are people sleeping tents still. No other accommodations available. Couldn't they get some abandonded rvs, mobile homes, or build some more bunkhouses 

    There are a lot of very fancy RVs there.  Too bad because walkers love RVs.  

    I assume that the tent people arrived since everything went to hell.  5-6 weeks ago?  

    • Love 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

    Finally! Someone found someone!

    Yes!  And it was the flatlanders.  

    So bummed about Shannon and Jesse.  I really thought they could win.  

    • Love 6
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