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Posts posted by DavidJSnyder

  1. 2 hours ago, Llywela said:

    It's not just the Doctor regenerated back into a previously-worn face. The *clothes* regenerated as well! I have to assume that was a deliberate choice that will mean something, since it has never happened before and both Chris Chibnall and Russell Davies know that. 

    Except with the First to Second Doctor when the clothes did change.

    But I think you're probably right that the clothes are part of the "What" of the Doctor going back to Tennant unnaturally.

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  2. I don’t like Morpheus narrating to us. It feels too exposition-y.  But I also know the original story, so I don’t know how confused I’d be without that exposition if I was someone who didn’t.

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  3. I thought the whole point of mind wiping people by the Old Watch was to preserve the future we’d seen so far, but then they killed Larry in 1999 who we saw in 2019, so are they not really all that concerned with keeping things the same?

    I too thought at the end of a season they should be entitled to more of a resolution then they seemed to give us. Then give us a cliffhanger that sets up a potential more seasons.  This just felt like every other episode ending. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, WalrusGirl said:

    Picard’s brother Robert was the older brother, and I’ve been wondering if the writers forgot he existed.

    Picard's mother mentions his brother "toiling away at school" in Picard's memories in the first episode of the season.

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  5. 7 hours ago, marinw said:

    Where are all the Klingons? Or did I miss them?

    They’re at the disco. 

    i think we’re not seeing background Klingons because they don’t want to commit to using either the Discovery makeup or a version of the TNG makeup in this time period.

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  6. 16 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    I was confused by that scene between Saru and Bryce.  Is Bryce leaving Discovery for good to hang out with Dr. David Cronenberg?  Or was it just for this mission alone? 

    I decided eventually they were talking like it was the end because they thought there was a good chance Discovery wouldn't make it back, but I could be wrong.


    9 hours ago, cdnalor said:

    Was Kovich's "three hour tour" remark a reference to Gilligan's Island?  I wouldn't be surprised if that damn show is still being rerun in the future, or maybe it was rebooted as Gilligan's Planet.  Wait, that was an actual cartoon.

    Kovich can't go to make contact with the 10C because he's busy binge-watching 20th century television.

    Maybe Kovich really couldn't go along just because of David Cronenberg's availability, but I do like the idea that Kovich has even more crazy and dangerous stuff he's dealing with a regular basis, and when we see him on Discovery that's basically him on his downtime.  I am here for that spinoff.

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  8. On 2/17/2022 at 3:56 PM, tennisgurl said:

    Of course the first time we see any Ferengi's in the future, even just in the background, its in a sleazy space casino. 

    It’s not the first time. They’ve shown other Ferengi as background characters in Starfleet this season.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Haleth said:


    Which reminds me... why was Peggy in PA to begin with?  Is that part of the mystery why she requires an attorney?


    She was attending the Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia, though I don’t know why she was in Doylestown. 

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  10. 4 hours ago, starri said:

    I have more of a problem with a female DaiMon, because while I can absolutely believe that Grand Nagus Rom would have allowed women to serve, according to the timeline, he'd been in office less than 10 years at this point, and Dal's supposed to be in his teens.  I can't make that math work in my head.

    I assumed that she's a self-appointed DaiMon and not recognized as such by the Ferengi Alliance.  It's not like they're around to complain. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Superman's status seems bizarre.  So is he supposed to be an urban legend like Batman, hence everyone jumping to the prank explanation? 

    I thought that as far as anyone knew he was just a comic book character.

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  12. 3 hours ago, marinw said:

    Communications guy looks different, is it another actor or have we just not seem him in awhile?

    Communications in this episode was Lt. Christopher, a character introduced in the first episode of the season as filling in while Bryce who we usually see at that station was away consulting.

    Bryce was back at station in episode 2. (He was the one who knew about kite surfing), so he’s not gone gone, even though I know the actor is another show and may have availability issues. But they also had other characters at Detmer and Oyo’s usual stations too.

    just as I had pretty much learned the regular bridges crews names. 

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  13. 9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Hey, Jet's back!  Happy to see her again, but I definitely noticed that they were being extra careful with social distancing for Tig Notaro, as I noticed that the majority of her scenes were shot with only her on camera, and she only shared it once with Anthony Rapp.  Still, glad they found a way to bring her back and make her feel safe. 

    I don’t think it was social distancing so much as all the Reno bits were shot at a different time.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Terrafamilia said:

    I'm left wondering if a Weeping Angel could be stopped with a camera or if you need a living being to watch them (presumably intelligent or all sorts of animals that might be around could do it).

    I don’t think a camera without an observer would do anything: and we’ve seen that if you observe the footage from a camera it can attack you as an angel.

  15. 2 hours ago, kwnyc said:

    (Is this the first we heard that David had been treated for sex addiction?)

    No, that was mentioned when David got sued for an exorcism last season, back when they originally introduced Renee.

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  16. On 9/15/2021 at 10:21 AM, Snapdragon said:


    Also, this just occured to me but did Dr. Midnite take a youth serum or something because if he was married with a kid in the 60s, he would have been in at least his mid-seventies when he got sucked into the shadow world.  Seems a bit old for superheroing it up.  

    The info Beth sees in the goggles about him when she got them shows him born in 1914,  so presumably there's something like that or the JSA time jumping or being frozen in time at some point.  





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  17. 22 hours ago, Screamnastics said:

    But that would mean either the Avas have no souls or Sara's forced her clone's soul out of that body.

    Or clones don't start with souls, but normally achieve them over time.  Or the clone soul voluntarily left and returned from whence it came.  Or something else weirder.

  18. 1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

    Exactly. We know from whats been established in this universe. The soul is real and goes somewhere after death and you have to go get it back. Original Sara died, her soul went to wherever its supposed to go. The clone has a new body and a new soul, with the memories of being Sara Lance. 

    With Nate and Hank we’ve also seen the soul can sometimes hang around for a while after death watching things so it’s not clear to me it couldn’t still be there to jump in a new clone body given the opportunity.

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