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Everything posted by LeisureTime

  1. Kevin's nonprofit pays veterans to build houses, and it sure would have been nice to see more of that. However, Marcus's family storyline is directly related to the Pearson's because it's all about the Lemonade Legacy spreads and carries beyond the family -- it's because of Marcus failed cancer research lemons that he was ready to give up on before his siblings' Lemonade speech urged him to keep trying and realize that he could make an Alzheimers drug instead, bringing things full circle. Did I necessarily WANT to spend what few moments we had left of this series on those people while Kevin and all the grandkids not named Deja got shortchanged? Not really, but it absolutely fits both as a theme/in a torch bearer way and is something the show has done for years. Remember the redheaded girl with the horse? All the time spent with Randall's mom's friend and his grandkid?
  2. In previous episodes it's always been said like "whee!" The somber tone probably confused the CC robot.
  3. The Good: * Beth's Worst Case Scenario * Big 3 Porch Scene * William * Swing time, including the fraction of a second where we saw Rebecca's dad's face and I spent way longer wondering to what extent the show went to to give us someone who looked an awful lot like young Tim Matheson. (Lookalike? Makeup? CGI?) The Meh to Ugh * Pin the tail on the donkey * Toby's speech to Kate. I get the sentiment and it didn't feel creepy on his part or anything, I'm just really frustrated by the inability of Kate to accept any responsibility in their breakup. What I Wanted More Of: * The Big 3 as parents. Even if it was just part of a montage, something more than just the swings to show how *the family* really lives on (as opposed to last week where we saw how the lemonade motto carries on to touch a whole new family, which don't get me wrong, I also liked, but...) * Any reference to Kyle, however brief. * Young Adult Big 3
  4. I just saw the one where Haddie got into Cornell, and her parents tried to tell her she couldn't go. That was literally the one time she could have screeched "That's not FAIR!!" and I would have been 100 percent on her side. Also the first time since the pilot-- and maybe the situation with Steve -- that I've really felt a lot of sympathy for her. She was definitely taking the high road before Adam and Kristina changed course, and it was a really mature conversation on her side when she told Kristina they can tell her she can't go to Cornell because of Max and Nora and Adam's job and she can accept it, but they can't tell her not to be upset about the loss. On the other hand, there's a part of me that really wanted her to say that they DON'T get to make that decision for her. If she does her research, and she decides that the student loans she would incur -- sure to go down for her sophomore year as Adam's income report is adjusted, unless the Luncheonette makes major bank -- then that's her prerogative and her responsibility to do everything else she can do to mitigate the cost during her time there through jobs and scholarships. They don't get to say she can't go because they don't want her to have student loan debt at the end. But my parents couldn't afford to pay a dime for my college, so maybe I'm coming from a different perspective.
  5. This is clearly the beginning of the end for Buck/Taylor. I'm not her hugest fan, so I don't really care if they specifically break up, but I do like the idea of Buck having a stable relationship. If not with her, hopefully with someone soon. And all this drama could have been avoided if she hadn't said she wouldn't run the story (but, since it sounds like she'd already talked to a higher up, if she didn't someone else would have). HOWEVER, it's only those specific words that makes it a shitty thing to do. "Off-the-record" doesn't mean "whatever you say, I'll keep to myself," it means "I won't attach your name to it." Like, if someone tells me off the record that Evil McEvil Corp. is just bought a building to set up shop in my town, I can take that knowledge, go down to the public records office and find proof of the sale and then tell the world that Evil McEvil Corp. is probably coming this way, because look at the building they just bought. But I guess if a show about first responders can't even get defibrillator science right, it's probably too much to expect it to get journalism right. But that's OK. I still love all these people, even if I did literally yell at Karen to stop gabbing and get moving when she was on the phone with Hen. There's no reason that conversation couldn't have happened en route to the car (other than filming logistics, blah blah).
  6. I'm watching for the first time, so I can't read all these comments right now, but I'm midway through season 3, and the one where Zeek drags everyone to his mother's birthday shall now be known as the episode where I couldn't hold it in any longer and had to pause it so I could find somewhere to say that Max, Haddie, Sydney, to a lesser extent Amber and Drew and very rarely Jabbar are the whiniest, rudest bunch of brats I've ever seen congregated on one show. The light skimming I did on the way to the comment box made me feel like I'm probably not alone. I was mentally grumbling over Kristina asking -- not telling, and in fact literally begging -- Max to turn his video game while he ignored her but I mostly brushed it off as par for the course in that family. But my last straw (that was primed a few episodes earlier with Drew and Sarah -- was when Haddie could not put her goddamn phone down for 30 seconds to talk to Adam during the car ride. Why are these kids so incredibly rude?! This stuff would not have flown for one second in my house growing up.
  7. No, not really. I generally liked this episode. The Greta and Katherine plot was done really well, I thought. Because they both had good points and both could have acted better and in the end they both realized it. I do not care about Anna's supposed drinking problem, but I will happily watch Eddie guide her to sobriety or watch their relationship implode if it means the "How did Peter die?"/Anna and Eddie's lies and Sophie's podcast drama can be dead right along with him now. And I do not care about Val or her kid or their relationship. But Tyrell really is growing on me. I really liked Rome's plot. I mean, those kids were total asshats at first, and I would not have handled them as well as Rome did, But him figuring out how to get through to them was nice. Like most, it seems, I thought Madison was a trans girl and that, while it was incredibly obvious to me, in-universe it was supposed to not be and coming out would be part of the plot. Which was fine. So the Maddox reveal wasn't what I expected, but I'm appreciative. Maybe it's just my perspective but I feel like it's only in the past couple of years that that trans male characters have begun to make inroads in mainstream stories. As for Maddox's voice, my first thought post reveal was that the show was really dedicated to hiring a trans actor for the trans role. I'm not going to complain abut that. His voice is just a logistics thing for which we have to suspend our disbelief. And I might be in the minority, but I thought the Gary and Sophie scenes were cute. Do we know if Gary's back problems were because of something going on with James Roday Rodriguez? It seems like it was laid on awfully thick with all the moaning and groaning, so I'm not quite over being worried about Gary. But it could just be that JRR was really hurting that much or he was just playing it up for laughs, too.
  8. Literally the second I saw Chad Lowe, I was like "Is that Chad Lowe? Nah, what would he be doing here..." Then about a minute into the Quiet Room chat I determined that it WAS Chad Lowe and he was supposed to be Tyler and basically that whole scene was Owen working things through in his head. Then they called him Robert and I decided he must have been some wise rando character and Chad's just there because "yay, nepotism." For some reason, "half-brother" NEVER occurred to me until it was too explicit to ignore. I feel really dumb. Also, the young Owen actor was such good casting I though for sure he'd be somewhere on the Lowe or Somerhalder family tree, but if he is, IMDB hasn't figured it out yet.
  9. I wasn't really bothered that we didn't see Deja, Tess or Annie. To me, it was just the logistics of a TV show versus real life. They were referenced as being there, so they were. It helps that I really liked the whole "Randall's security team" bit, especially his "She's fast," about Annie. It was just such a lighthearted, fun family moment before the drama started (and it says something that a joke about a daughter taking a bullet for her senator father managed to actually play as fun/lighthearted). I was so happy to see Miguel walk Kate down the aisle. I wish we could have seen Kate asking him, because I feel like we really need something that cements him as FAMILY. I mean, yeah, he's been around, he's taking care of Rebecca, and Kevin let him be Pilgrim Rick once, but the Big 3 were just so antagonistic toward him after Jack that I need more than that. I will say, all season I've been waiting for an episode where Rebecca confuses Miguel for Jack, and that being hard on everyone, especially Miguel, but I do like that it was Kevin, and Nicky's acknowledgment that it might be weird or hard for him. Of course, I was also waiting for Rebecca to confuse Nicky for Jack and Kevin for Kyle, so I'm kind of all over the place on the predictions. Having said that, I suspect Wedding Singer is just a red herring who will be Kevin's guide to his final relationship destination. Probably with Sophie, even though I would prefer Cassidy if Madison has to be out of the picture. Beth and Madison were fun, though. Lastly, I buy Kate/Phillip -- I even kind of like them -- but Phillip is doing ALL the heavy lifting to sell that relationship.
  10. I'm finally caught up with the show and this thread. A lot of what I wanted to say has already been said, most notably that Toby sacrificed so much multiple times to make things work, and Kate didn't sacrifice a damn thing, she just complained about how Toby either wasn't doing enough or wasn't doing it right. But like I said, that's been said. As far as San Francisco goes, Kate's reasoning for not moving was so weak. Again, as has been said, Jack will have to learn to navigate new places pretty much every day for the rest of his life. And I can't believe that there aren't schools for Jack and Kate in SF. So the only thing keeping Kate in LA, really, is Rebecca. And wasn't it just a couple episodes ago that Rebecca ordered her kids not to make their lives smaller because of her? To make the big moves? If we didn't know Kate/Toby was doomed, I would have taken that and Kate's subsequent visit to SF as testing the waters for a move . And yeah, okay, Toby probably felt the same and moved a little too fast. On the other hand, you have to move fast in this housing market, and none of that makes up for Kate's "You're not my jolly fat husband anymore -- despite still being pretty happy -- so everything I loved about you is gone" bullshit. As for Kate/Phillip: If I hadn't just witnessed Kate be a complete and total asshole for the better part of 44 minutes, I would find their relationship sweet and cute now that Phillips has apparently had a personality transplant. And if you ask me, Kate should change her name to Kate Mean Jerk. It would be very fitting. Not a fan of serial-dating Kevin. It just seems like such a step backward when everything prior had indicated moving forward. I still want the full Rebecca/Miguel story. And I don't want Miguel to die, but I'm pretty resigned to that most likely happening. Probably in their episode, just to rub salt in the wound.
  11. Last season I really wanted Kevin and Madison to work out and was disappointed when they didn't, but I'm also really digging this story line. I seriously thought that text at the end though was going to be to Kevin's lawyer to start the proceedings on getting joint custody of Nick and Frannie.
  12. Look, I don't care that Gary had a part in what happened to Peter. I just care about how dumb his handling of it afterward was. You keep everything true to life except the crime. There's no need to lie about knowing Chris Gregory - especialy when the detective knows you know about Lyla Gregory's diary. Come on Gary. Learn how to crime better.
  13. Forget geographic location in the state, just school size-wise, there's no way Metroplis and Smallville would play each other, right? Unless Metroplis High is the comically smallest school in the whole city it's named for, they'd be in entirely different classes. Fellow Kansans, help me out here. But mostly, I have to get over that (and the "I've got no quarterback, QB2!" coach) because the rest of the episode was phenomenal. But do add me to the list wishing someone had pointed out what could have happened if the blow that snapped bones in Jonathan's wrist had hit Cutter in the face. He'd probably be dead or using a feeding tube for the rest of his life.
  14. I don't get it? What's so damning about a 10- or 11-year-old wanting his dad to watch him practice a sport his dad also knows? Even if you disregard a kid just wanting to spend time with his father, presumably Eddie could offer tips on playing better. In general, I also notice people saying Theo acts too young, but honestly I've spent a fair amount of time with a couple kids his age, and "It's cuddle time!" notwithstanding, he seems pretty on point to me.
  15. Am I misremembering? Because I thought 1. The kid's death was less "Nicky accidentally killed him" and more "He died accidentally and Nicky couldn't stop it."(And yeah, it was reckless to be grenading fish and he was careless in his watching of the kid, but it's not like he accidentally shot him in the head or something.) And 2. WE know it was accidental...but Jack didn't, did he? I could have sworn that a big part of the episode was Angry Fucked Up Nicky Has No Compassion For/Resents The People to such a degree that it wouldn't be entirely unreasonable for Jack to think that kid's death wasn't entirely an accident. And I can see that being a lightswitch moment for Jack that the Nicky he knew is metaphorically dead if he could do something like that and absolutely refusing to engage with this person -- this monster -- that took his place. Before this episode, I'd say "Yeah, I get that, but *eventually* he'd come around at least hear Nicky out." But after this episode? Good advice or no, Jack locked Vietnam in a box and that included Nicky. I'm not saying any of it is *right* but I get it. If, indeed, I'm remembering correctly; I'm far too lazy to look.
  16. You're not getting 8 weeks out of nowhere at least. That's how long Delilah and her dad were expected to stay in France post hip-breakage. Who know now, though.
  17. I got a laugh at Rob Lowe and Lisa Edelstein talk about getting a second chance, given their West Wing history. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and...since I had to remind myself of who Blake even was, I'm clearly not going to miss her.
  18. Regarding Tess, I feel like Randall and Beth missed a good learning opportunity. Like, yeah, it's not appropriate to tell people to screw themselves (though, really, "screw you" is like the tamest of swears a person could give) and that should come with a punishment, but six weeks is excessive. And what does Tess learn from it, really? This could have been a lesson on expression and respect and activism and a booster on internet safety as well as an opportunity to get to know who Tess is becoming. Instead, all Tess learns is punishment avoidance (which btw, if you want to talk activism, civil disobedience is all about accepting, not avoiding, punishment for breaking unjust laws) and resentment. LOVED the stuff with Kevin and Madison. I'm so glad they're 1. Having these issues and 2. Talking about them. I was really afraid pancake-gate was going to be a secret issue that dragged on for weeks. I'm worried about Toby and Kate already being so attached to the birth mom of that baby. I figure it's either going to go in the direction of A Million Little Things where Toby and inspire her to want to raise the baby and she changes her mind, or she doesn't change her mind, but now they're all friends and the whole parental lines get blurred resulting in angst and resentment. Also, yeah, she did seem a little too "perfect" for them. Like, Toby's "she stalked our socials" might not be too far off. But I also cannot stand Willow Rosenberg, so that might be bleeding into my perception of this person whose name I can't remember. Jack and Kevin were so sweet, and I'm trying to decide if the flashbacks to Teen Jack with his dad were supposed to be like "here's one of the few good memories Jack has of time with his dad" or if it was an "I'm going to do it better" sort of thing. I'm starting to wonder how much longer we have with the Tween Big 3. As they get older, it's starting to stretch believability that they could turn into the Teen Big 3, especially the Kate actress. Though, it was a nice touch to already have the Buffy poster in her room.
  19. Gary the Unspeakable Train Abomination got a legit laugh out of me. Not so much because Gary was funny as a train, but just the whole lighthearted abomination bit. Constantine was great. Everything was great. For a minute I was afraid the poisoned mousse would end up with Constantine, but I'm glad it was the ring mixup instead.
  20. My only clear memory of Dylan from the earlier seasons involves his band playing music late at night in the Dunphy lawn and keeping Phil and Claire awake, so I don't remember just when nursing school became a dream of his. I do question it a little bit, and wonder how many of Dylan's choices are made because they're what he wants to do versus thinking it's what he needs to do "to deserve" Haley. This whole dynamic where one person doesn't feel like they're worthy of another as themselves just never sits well with me, in any medium or fandom. And sure, I know this is TV land, where Dylan and Haley are almost certain to live happily ever after, I just can't stop thinking about real-world resentment and whatnot,
  21. I liked this episode but for me the biggest laugh of it came from Gloria's "But you said at the bar her name was Olive Cocktail Napkin!" I'm not Gloria's biggest fan, but that was hilarious. Everything else was fine. I'll be a little disappointed if Dylan/Haley is endgame though. Like others have said, they were great as a high school romance, but I just like Haley so much better with Andy and Arvin. Because Andy makes their relationship seem really similar to Phil/Claire and there's something about that that's kind of cute. And Arvin is a classic case of opposites attract. You know, I love that they're the pairing you'd think WOULDN'T work, because they exist on opposite poles, but at the end of the day each one pulls the other closer to the middle, and it just works. But it's probably not to be. I feel like we're either going full-on Dylan/Haley, all the way to the end, or Andy will swoop back in and sweep her off her feet. I just hope there's no wedding interruptus in that case. Things I think I'd like to see before it's all said and done though: A Dunphy grandchild and Luke getting something real to do.
  22. I don't know. To me it looks like her mouth said "nothing there!" but her face said "oh, no, I do I feel things." I really liked Arvin, though, so I hope this doesn't spell the end of them.
  23. So, I was not the biggest fan of the Framework, mostly because none of it was real, and one of my fears in that season was that we were going to get a whole lot of "BUT I was a monster!! I AM A MONSTER!!!!!" from Fitz. And I just couldn't buy that, because Fitz and Framework Fitz were different people born from different life experiences. But I like this a little bit more. I think because it is focusing less on what Fitz did in there and more on the potential he has to be that ruthless. And that it's also being played as sort of a mental break I think really helps. Also? I flat-out loved the way Iain De Caesteker reverted back to those season two hand motions and whatnot. And I still didn't catch onto Fight Club Fitz until Daisy was on the table and asked who he was talking to, so kudos to the show.
  24. Do we have any indication that Deke ever knew them though? All he said was that his mom used to have a similar ring that he thought belonged to his grandma (which doesn't even necessarily mean his mom is their daughter, but if she is, wasn't it implied that she died when Deke was young?)
  25. God, I will be glad when Sofia's gone. I just don't like her, and I think it's largely because I don't buy Crystal Reed in that role. Also? I miss pre-faceoff Jerome. He was so much fun! His crazy was joyous, and now it's just sinister, and that's not fun! I feel like Cameron Monahan has gone from creating his own unique Joker to ripping off Heath Ledger's Joker. Loved Bruce's dream, though. I actually want to go back and watch those parts again just to take it all in. And Jim is always at his best when he's with Bruce, Selina, Lucius or Alfred, so there was a lot of good there, too. Ivy's growing on me (and that pun wasn't intended, but now that I see it, HA). I was annoyed at first, because I liked Sprout Ivy, whose actress really sold the connection to Seed Ivy without always seeming like a literal kid in a woman's body. But since they're going for the obvious seed-sprout-bloom progression, she makes a little more sense. And I don't even think the actress is all that bad, I just wish she were a little better.
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