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Posts posted by ncz

  1. Hi, I just wanted to share that this OITNB season broke my heart.
    1. Niki was one of my favourite character! It was really depressing to watch so many episode without her in it
    2. Daya and Bannet. I don't think I have to explain.
    3. Alex and Piper. This season revealed that their relationship isn't what we thought it is. Piper seems to has interest in Alex only when she is that badass criminal "that I fell in love with. she was hot". So when Alex reveals her vulnerable side and humanly get scared, Piper turn off and cheats with the next hot tough lesbian on call. she only wants to be in this relationship when it fucked up! She even disgusted by the idea of "loveing fuck", Like it so unusual to mix love and sex, cause sex only goes with hate and hair pulling.
    4. Piper changing so fast this season, from a sweet girl who hold her lover gentlly and caress her cheek for her to stop cring she turnes into this bitch who uses poor girls and frames up girl that she had feeling for few seconds ago right before she gets out and all of this for money and power. Where the hell is the girl that wantad to be a teacher? the girl that tried to make the prison a better place? the girl that makes normal mistakes and hurt people she love but not really on purpose, the girl that often cries and gets scared and regrets and feeling lost, the girl we could all relate to and even though she is incredibly annoying.


    I know it is only a TV show but I've got to say that I am really depressed. when you waiting for a story for such a long time and watch it for 14 hours accumulaty (!!!) it really get to you and if it is sad it makes you sad, doesn't it? It is good for TV show to makes you sad sometimes  but there is a limmit, it is really sucks when it breaks your heart 4 time in on season because ultimately, you watchTV shows to feel good on the big picture. please tell me I'm not the only pathetic one here...


    p.s: sorry about all the spelling and grammer mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.

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