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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Seems to me we are at a point where it doesn't make sense for fake Luke to be Bill, Pat, Anthony, or anyone else; there are pretty solid points against all of them. So either they're going to throw some totally new baddie at us to explain the last year-plus story involving 6-10 characters, or they're going to totally retcon some of the things they told us just in the last few months to make one of the aforementioned people "fit". Knowing this regime, it's a crap shoot as to which way they'll go. Which is exactly why they won't do it!
  2. I have never in my life been more outraged and disgusted than I was today with Sonny "saving" Julian. This is like my worst nightmare. I cannot stand the thought of them working together in any way, and I certainly hate the idea of my Julian scenes being contaminated by Sonny. Has the "redemption" of Sonny begun? NO THANK YOU. And Sonny? Shawn will not be taking anyone out, save a flower vase or other inanimate object. I am obviously way too invested here, because I am actually and really upset. I have issues. I don't think fake Luke is Patricia, especially after today's "that blabbermouth sister of yours" and wanting to kill Bobbie. That would not make any sense if Patricia was also Bobbie's sister. And why would Patricia hate Sonny? Of course, I suppose thinking that any part of this story is supposed to make sense shows how delusional I am. TG's acting is wearing me out. Not enjoying it at all. And JZ was awful today as well.
  3. I hadn't thought about this, and it is intriguing. It was interesting how Johnny was talking about and touching fake Luke's face, and fake Luke was generally tolerating it. To me, it seemed like Johnny may have known what fake Luke looked like before he was fake Luke, which would support your theory. And I'm the one that said yesterday that it made no sense that Julian et al. would be afraid of Bill; him being Anthony or even Gino would make more sense on that front, to me. I could never figure out how or why BE would have gathered up all of the members of Legion of Doom to assist him in whatever the big master plan is, but I think Anthony had at least some relationship with most of these people, and was generally considered a pretty bad guy. In addition, he was totally looney toons, which would help explain this over-the-top, disjointed, cray cray plan. I don't know why, but I love that Dante calls Johnny "John". I think he's the only one that does it, other than Anthony and maybe Claudia; at least, he's the only I've noticed doing it. Not sure it means anything, though - it just amuses me for some reason. He says it like it's an insult or something.
  4. Well, sure, but Jake is dead. Oh, wait - do you mean Aiden? Oh, no, we don't talk about him. He only ever existed as a plot point between Lucky and Nik, and now that Lucky is "in Ireland", there's no need to ever mention Aiden again. Apparently. Which, honestly, is ridiculous. It would be great to SORAS Cam and the other kiddie quad members to teenagers, and then have Aiden and Danny and possibly even Avery or whatever other baby-sized kids are around be the new little-kid set. Summer's coming up, and we have no teens around. Last year we only had Molly/ TJ/ Rafe, right? And that wasn't great (understatement of the year). I like a good teen story in the summer, so let's make some of these kids teens. I really can't get too worked up about Dante telling Johnny to stay away from Lulu. Sure, it's not ideal, but it's not the worst thing in the world. And I didn't see it as Dante taking away Lulu's agency at all. He wasn't acting like Lulu had no say in what happened - he was saying "Hey, dude, I know you have a history with my wife, and you really did a number on her before; I don't want to see her hurt again, so keep your distance." Dante seemed to be pretty honest with Lulu about his thoughts re Johnny, so it's not like he was running around town chest-beating and dragging her by the hair (hyperbole, obviously). ETA: the conversation with Lulu & Johnny was weird, and when she admitted that she sometimes thought about him, my eyes rolled near seizure-inducing levels, but I hand waved it as nothing more than awkward exposition for people who weren't watching when Johnny was around before, to fill people in on his history with Lulu. I saw the scene with Carly & Olivia the same way.
  5. I didn't mind Dante and Nathan getting in Johnny's face too much because I spent most of that scene looking at the pretty and not paying any attention to what was being said. I like Dante and Lulu being a somewhat stable couple. I think they've actually done a fairly good job of giving both characters and the couple a fair amount of drama without resorting to the ol' cheating standby (let's ignore the Stavros/ frozen/ Milo situation). I'd like to see more longish-term couples sticking together and dealing with some of the external drama as a united front. I think some of that could be just as interesting (or even more so) than a lot of the crap we've been given lately. Johnny's guys don't need to witness the crimes, they are omnipotent. And why in the sam hill would Johnny or Julian be afraid of Bill??? The sense, it makes none of.
  6. I really don't want Julian in jail with Sonny, especially if Sonny is wearing that ridiculous toboggan. And why would Julian give Sonny the time of day (or, I guess, vice versa)? Please, please, please don't let them work together to bring down Luke or whoever he is. As much as I hate everything about the fake Luke storyline, I can't stand the thought of Julian working with Sonny on anything. So over this entire Luke debacle. Don't care. Never cared about Bill, have no interest now. And Patricia? Zero interest. Is it really possible that all this crap over soooo many months has really just been about Bill getting revenge? Or, god forbid, a DID situation? We've spent all this time on this terrible (and terribly boring and confusing) storyline, instead of spending more time on things like Michael's rage? I adore Johnny. Always have, always will. But I do not believe that Lulu thinks about him, and I don't want to see a Johnny/ Lulu / Dante triangle. I thought Dante/ Nathan/ Johnny was kind of fun, visually.​ Didn't really care about what they said, but BB cracks me up with all the smirks and whatnot, and I loved him literally banging his head against the wall. Because most of his former girlfriends have more chemistry with him than they do with any of their other pairings?
  7. Hello, Julian's Briefs! I have missed you. Not much else to comment on. I still hate Sonny, Sonny still hates girl children, the whole Luke situation continues to be an indecipherable mess, whatever. I really need that baby to be Morgan's though, and I need it to happen soon.
  8. Other than the day he was at the brownstone with Morgan, Kiki, and Carly, it feels like we haven't seen him in weeks. And that wasn't my favorite scene. Instead, the fallout from him having his whole life blown apart and everything he thought he knew and believed totally destroyed is all about Sonny and the mob war. Or really, mob spat, I guess. Maybe it's mobs spat. I don't even know, because I have no idea who is aligned with whom, or what any of their goals are.
  9. OnceSane, I also have So. Many. Questions about this show. I've been trying to just not think too much about anything, and it's alleviated a lot of stress. Well, that would certainly be an interesting twist. ;) Yowsah1, I think I accidentally came up with what could be a great storyline! I thought about going back to edit it, but decided that I like it this way better.
  10. I don't know that I wish her dead, but I wouldn't mind if she left town with Shawn and never showed her face again. She never did much for me, and her character has only slid drastically downhill, as far as I'm concerned.
  11. Yay, more mob stuff that I do not care about at all! It just occurred to me that I don't have any idea how many "mobs" there are on this show. I suppose I should draw up some Venn diagrams to figure it all out, because lord knows there is some crazy and nonsensical overlap. There's Fake Luke's mob, which may or not overlap with Helena's mob and / or Julian's mob, all of which seem to have some relationship to Sonny & Duke's mob, plus there's Johnny's mob which also overlaps with several of those in some way or another. Am I missing any "mobs"? This is so dumb that it hurts. I'm still enjoying the Nathan/ Maxie stuff, because to me it seems like old-timey romance hijinks, and because it's not mob-related at all. I think they're fun, and it's nice to have relationship conflict that doesn't involve murder or rape or kidnapping or betraaaayyyyaaalll. I usually don't mind Liz, and have even been known to defend her on occasion, but today she was infuriating. She must know that Ric wants to spend NYE with her, and yet she insists that Jake also spend NYE with her? Even though he's expressed that getting involved may not be the best idea and was trying to back out graciously? It drove me nuts because it seemed like she was intentionally setting up it to spend the holiday with two men who are interested in each other, without any regard for how uncomfortable that will be for *them*. I have no problem with her not being able to immediately choose between the two, as lots of people date a couple of people at a time until they figure out which relationship is best for them, but forcing the two guys to awkwardly spend time with her and each other is uncool. Oh, also - did any of see this? http://blindgossip.com/?p=68496#more-68496
  12. I'm so confused. If all the flights from Portland were cancelled, presumably the incoming flights were as well; how in the hell did both Nathan and Maxie manage to get from/ to Portland? I mean, why go to all the trouble to establish that Maxie could *not* get to Port Charles that night, just to then have her magically appear? What is the point? Overall, I also like the Maxie/ Nathan story because I think it's fun and I love that it's not mob-related at all. Just a good ol' romance and hijinks story. I also liked Ric's talk with Jake. What he was saying made sense, and they talked like two actual adults in a crappy situation. No one threatened to kill anyone, either, which I appreciated. I suspect that Julian isn't going to actually kill Jordan, but I can't figure out where this going. Of course, I've never understood or cared about this character-heavy but logic-light story anyway. I just want to keep Julian.
  13. Dear Show, COULD I PLEASE HAVE SOME MORE ANVILS? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN AND MY SKULL IS NOT YET COMPLETELY SHATTERED. Sincerely, Turtle (once again, sorry about the screaming, but this show makes me ... scream.) I can't get too mad at Patrick about Robin because the reality is KMc left the show and they had to do something with him. The writers are so awful that they couldn't figure out a way to write Robin out that made even one iota of sense, but I don't hold it against Patrick. The level of my caring about the judge's pain is so far below the level of so many other things on this show that I don't care about that even the most complicated physics equation cannot possibly define it. It's basically an imaginary number. Maybe pick up a glass of STFU and about a dozen seats for her to take? I'm also fickle. This show has elevated my capacity for cognitive dissonance to heretofore unknown heights.
  14. Please forgive this long and angry post; my anger (and the box of wine) has rendered me apoplectic. I've always had mixed feelings about Carly, because in some ways I've been able to understand her motivations (at times), and sometimes the actresses playing her have done a great job portraying her vulnerable side while also showing how terrible she is. But now I hate her. Not as much as I hate Sonny (because that would be impossible), but close to it. She is now this one-dimensional idiot, and whenever she speaks all I hear is Sonny Sonny Sonny. So much that "we" have to decide? Girl, that is not your baby and you have no place making any decisions about her. Also, you absolutely should not be involved in making any decisions about this baby. But of course this shitty shitty show will keep her involved. Hey, Sonny? If you object to prison rape, ordering the prison rape of someone else is not really the best way to make your point. Also, please die. I cannot believe that Sonny being in jail, something I craved for years, is now morphing in to yet another "Sonny is a good mobster" storyline. I mean, I guess I can believe it, because the writers/ producers of this show are terrible. But I'm really pissed; they are yet again showing Sonny as "winning" and it makes me want to homicide so many people. And this show trying to convince me that either Johnny or Franco would be afraid of Sonny in a fight is in the top three things I hate about this show (which is saying a lot). You guys, I am so mad. Mad mad mad mad mad. I'm especially pissed because this show had the audacity to tease me with a few good days and a couple of good storylines, and then tore that all away. I would find this all much more tolerable if they had never dangled any good storytelling in front of me. MAD. Sorry for the rant, but I've been watching this show since I caught the end of it every day when I got home from school, and I have never been as furious as I am right now. Turtle wants to cut a bitch. To prove I'm not a horrible person, I loved Molly and Ric.
  15. Do you guys remember a few weeks ago when we were all enjoying (or at least tolerating well) this show? That was so fun. And lasted for about three days. Cannot tell at all... (But I'm right there with you.)
  16. Sonny shot Carly in the head while she was giving birth to Morgan, so here's my scenario: Carly had a bullet in the brain (as you do) and almost died, ended up in a coma for a while. So I say the baby is born, but the trauma of his birth is too much and he doesn't live for long. Sonny in his guilt "finds" another baby and pays off the hospital staff to not tell Carly. Or Alcazar, worried that if Carly wakes up, hearing her baby died will push her over the edge, "finds" another baby. As to whose baby it is, I have no idea. Don't really care. I guess Carly changing the test results or somehow giving them someone else's DNA to test makes sense and is probably the more likely route this writing team will go, but I'd really rather Morgan not be their kid than yet more of Carly scheeeemmmming. And I really don't want Sonny to have any more kids. I mean, he's already related to some of the kiddie set, and to several adults in town, either by blood or marriage. It's so ridiculous. They might as well call this show "General Sonny".
  17. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS MUCH OF SONNY. Even if it brings Johnny. And what happened to Sonny suffering? He got one beat down, but otherwise he seems to be exactly the same self-centered delusional jerk he's always been. Maybe Franco will kill him? I still maintain that Sonny absolutely could not take Johnny in a fight, and Johnny should know that. I wanted Sonny in jail so badly; be careful what you wish for, I guess. And now the baby. It's all just too much and I hate him with the heat of a thousand suns (although I'm still holding out hope that somehow Morgan is not Carly and Sonny's bio kid and is the baby's father; I don't know how it would work, but I refuse to abandon this idea). It's all just pissing me off so much. I'm sort of loving evil-crazy (or crazy-evil?) Carlos. Sitting on that Ric-containing trunk while munching on an apple sent me over the edge. Julian with a baby makes me very happy, even though Danny still creeps me out a bit. Sam has a history of being a complete hypocrite, but I can kind of understand this. While Jason was "alive", she loved him and probably wouldn't have left him just because they had a kid (although that could have been an interesting story), but now that she's away from all that, she would prefer it to stay that way, both for herself and especially for her son. I took it as her saying she wouldn't *choose*, now, to raise her baby in the mob, which makes sense to me.
  18. "I understand naming legacy characters after one another (although the Eric/Rick/Little Eric thing hurts my brain)" There is a Little Eric??? Just when I thought I had figured out who all these people are...
  19. I think Brooke and Robbie, or any of the racers, should not have been that surprised to see Amy and Maya. They know there wasn't a pit stop, they know first place didn't win a prize. And I may be wrong, but I thought Phil told them all that 4 teams would continue racing. Even if he didn't, knowledge of the race should have clued them in that this was mid-leg, not end-of-leg. And I maintain that there is no fair or unfair, because production of AR seems to make rules and then to stick to them (unlike, say, oh I don't know...Survivor). And I'm sure the racers' contracts include language indicating that their race may not be exactly like previous racers'. So to me, the race is fair, in that the first person to the mat on the final leg wins. That's the goal throughout the entire race: get to the final leg, and then win it. In the end, that is all that matters. Winning more legs than anyone else doesn't matter; winning legs by a large distance doesn't matter; who did and did not get "saved" by either an NEL or an actual Save doesn't matter. I don't think Adam and Bethany were ever saved, but all three other teams were, so them bitching about it is pretty hypocritical in my book. If the dentists or wrestlers had been eliminated when they came in last, they would not be in the final 3, so it's crazy to me that they would get pissed off that Amy and Maya were still around due to yet another rule/ construct of the race. I get that they might have been surprised, and under a lot of pressure, and exhausted, and so I'm willing to write some of the pettiness off, but Brooke was just bitter and hateful.
  20. I agree that it would be preferable if there weren't HOO or flight bunching, but the reality is that it would just be too expensive to do, because you could very easily end up with production teams spread all of the world, not to mention renting the spaces/ hiring the people for all challenges for several days instead of one. Not to mention how much tension would be taken out of the show.
  21. I was also surprised that I would have been happy with anyone but the wrestlers winning - it's never happened before that I like every team in the final 3. So, that was fun. I felt bad for Bethany and Adam, and even for the Dentists (which I would not have predicted at the beginning of the season), but I would have felt just as bad for Maya and Amy if they hadn't won. Brooke was so awful at the airport, possibly the ugliest she's ever been, which is saying quite a lot. Brooke, if it's in the rules of the game / design of the race, then it's "fair". I'm pretty sure Jim was kidding about that, being sarcastic because it was so hot (the partners waiting were hiding in the shade), and because they were all on pins and needles waiting for their partners. The sun angles didn't look like they were there anywhere near that long, and while the task was tough, I can't imagine it took 4+ hours.
  22. This episode was so booooorrrrrinnng. Almost every single scene related to whatever the Legion of Doom is doing - Sam & Liz, Patrick and Jake, anything with or about Jake, Sonny, Julian, Carlos, Duke - it's so insane. They really need to wrap this shit up. As Shawn said today, "Sonny doesn't want another death on his conscience (or shoulders, or something - I forget)." Shut up, Shawn. Sonny has never cared at all about killing anyone, and just recently said he'd kill AJ again in a heartbeat. I would too, but it seems unlikely since Ric is still locked in the trunk.​
  23. I can't stop thinking about why in the world Baylor asked Natalie to play her idol for Missy, while simultaneously insisting that everyone, including Keith, was going to vote for Jaclyn. If Baylor was so confident that Jaclyn would be the only person who would vote for Missy, why would Missy need an idol? It just makes no sense, *unless* Missy and Baylor were thinking about blindsiding Natalie and wanted to get the idol out of her hands. Maybe Natalie had the same thought, and that's why she realized one of Missy / Baylor had to go? That was so awful. Jeff might as well have just reached over and patted her on the head while saying "Pretty girl, shhh."
  24. As mentioned above, it's likely that Reed voted for Jac to give her 2nd place over Missy. Which I fully support. I remain 100% behind Reed's tribal speech. One, Missy really was awful all season and deserved to be called out; she certainly was no "mother figure". Two, Reed was talking about the game, not about her life, and so I don't see it as a personal attack but rather an attack on the persona she created for the game, and how she played the game. Three, the producers encourage these folks to make dramatic speeches, and I'm sure Reed was egged on while at Ponderosa. Fourth, it was flat-out awesome.
  25. A feather could have knocked me over when neither Baylor nor Missy threw a fit about Baylor's eviction. Really, I was expecting a major scene, and instead got "it's a game", shrug, from both of them. I was so worried for Natalie at F4. I thought for sure Jaclyn and Missy were going to turn on her and take Keith to the finale. I couldn't figure out whether Missy or Jaclyn thought they had an actual chance to win; they shouldn't have, right? But they're both a little delusional, so maybe. Kudos to the editors for this episode, because it was never obvious what was going to happen. I also got nervous for the final vote, because Keith seemed so mad at Nat. But then I thought maybe he just needed to vent a little bit, and would still vote Nat over Missy or Jaclyn. But then I worried that maybe he really was mad and would vote for Jaclyn or Missy out of spite, and take Wes and Alec with him (because, obviously). I was on pins and needles for a few minutes. Reed's final tribal speech was a thing of beauty. Loved it. Terrible finale. I liked Jeff with the kids, but the staged white/blue/no collar interviews were absolutely awful. And I think it's a shitty idea for a season. And Natalie, the winner, got very little time to speak, which always annoys me. Terrible.​ Awesome point! I was so confused about why he would vote for Jaclyn instead of Nat, but wanting to give her second place makes sense. Gosh, they all really did not like Missy, did they?
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