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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. A hostile work environment claim does not require that the hostility be based on sex, religion, race, etc. A hostile work environment can be created in any number of ways, including management doing things in an effort to force an employee into a situation where they feel they have to quit. Basically, any behavior, especially on an ongoing basis, that significantly and negatively changes the employee's work environment can qualify. And there have thousands of hostile work environment lawsuits; it is a very real thing that happens in the real world. At the very least, Rick has opened the company up to wrongful termination suits in a state that is very employee-friendly. None of that will matter too much, though, if he actually shot one of his employees! Not just a guy thing. Totally gross. Even grosser to wear you boyfriend's mother's underwear that she bought/ wore for the sole purpose of having sex. Missed that, but if it's true, it's still a sign of a problem, I think. And didn't Maya wear Brooke's actual lingerie when she hooked up with drunk Rick in the guest house? Either way, it's all a mess. I didn't even catch that the Rick Shoots! scene might be a dream sequence. I'm still unsure if I think that's good or bad.​ However, I *am* sure that I think Caroline and Ridge continue to burn my screen up. Thanks to all for the answers about the Rick/ Ridge hate!
  2. That is an excellent question. And more proof that the writers don't watch this show, or even read scripts written by others. This is going to really bug me. Maybe the goon Sonny took the phone from knew Michael when he was in prison, and they've kept in touch so Michael gave him his new number? I kid, I kid.
  3. In the real world, Rick's treatment of his employees would open the company up to huge lawsuits, which would only increase if he also fired them. I consider that a bad business decision. Him firing people who have been significantly contributing to the success of the company, for no work-related reason, would also be a bad decision. But I get your point that also in the real world, this absolutely does happen. I was just saying that it shouldn't happen, and I think these kind of personal vendettas from a CEO are bad for any company. And let's not forget that Rick has been the one to start a lot of these yelling matches, not Caroline and Ivy, and I can't fault them for pushing back when they're attacked or humiliated, especially in front of others. But everyone's being an asshat. I suppose the soap format requires people to take sides and make scenes and scream. Can someone give me a quick summary of why Rick hates Ridge so much? I think it would help me understand Rick's reaction, because right now I feel like he is totally overreacting but I've picked up on the fact that there's a lot more going on than I know. Thanks!
  4. My sympathies also, Gigi. I think today proved that Sonny is definitely not *giving* Michael any space! Sonny gets his hands on a phone, and calls him, even though Sonny knows Michael doesn't want anything to do with him. And in my opinion, that was a pretty flimsy excuse Sonny used. If he wanted to give Michael space he could have sent the Luke message through any number of people. Hell, even Shawn, since he hasn't been served yet. More proof that Sonny would be all over Michael if he wasn't in jail. And Sonny hates cops. But he loves his son Dante, even if he did shoot him in the chest. For being a cop. Truer words were never spoken. Amazing. Five stars, would read again.
  5. I'm not sure I agree with this. Yes, the CEO has the authority to make a lot of decisions, but generally they are not permitted to abuse employees and to use the workplace as a venue for their personal revenge. Additionally, if people own Forrester stock, then it has shareholders, and the CEO has to answer to them. So Rick has been completely out of line. Everyone involved in this has been out of line.
  6. Yep, I still love Bill, possibly even more after today's show. The way he walked up to Katie from behind and did a little arm stroking and slid his hands down her sides - yes please. Although I do wish he'd do something about that chinstrap he's got going on. I also am really enjoying Liam lately. So nice to see him not be all dopey mopey with Hope all the time.
  7. God, I hope so. I mean, I don't hope that someone else killed AJ, but I do hope that whatever do isn't any worse than that. We all know they're going to something, because of course he's not going to stay in jail for too long, but I would probably accept something more like "As a thank you for you stopping something we didn't even know was going on, and something we still don't understand but was probably dangerous somehow, here's a pardon for you." Still a total reach because Sonny is a known crime boss (ha ha ha ha!) and so would be unlikely to ever get pardoned no matter what he did, but at least that's easier to swallow than having Sonny not have killed AJ and undoing everything they've done with Michael, which I've really enjoyed.
  8. Whaaaattt?? This must have been before I started watching. Please, do tell! Agreed that JY is doing a great job with these scenes. I think he's shown Rick as having many layers - he's hurting, he's angry, he's vengeful, he's still in love with Caroline, he's having some fun with Maya. Most importantly, I think he's been depicting Rick the last few episodes as starting to realize he's contributed significantly to making this an even bigger mess and having no idea how to stop escalating it. It's been fun to watch. This show has become so much more enjoyable to watch since Hope left.
  9. I agree that if Jason retains some of his old personality, he should take Michael's side in this. Not just because Jason was supposed to be all about respecting other people's decisions but also because everyone always said that Jason put Michael first no matter what. I'm sure we could debate for days whether Jason actually *did* put Michael first, but that's what we've always been told. And in this case, I think Jason would see Sonny & Carly's betrayal of Michael as a pretty big deal, and o Michael's response is not out of line. Also, I know Jason wasn't an AJ fan but Jason's hate of all things Quartermaine had been cooling off for a while, and AJ was his brother. He'd at least be upset on Monica's behalf. Not for me. It is 100% about how terrible Sonny are Carly are. Sonny shot Michael's father in cold blood even though he knew that Michael had gotten close to him and even though he had promised Michael that he wouldn't kill AJ. Carly didn't think twice about keeping Sonny's secret and even used it to get back in to bed with Sonny. Again. And all the lying and refusal to admit that is completely their fault, and not AJ's or Michael's or even Franco's. I want them to pay for what they did to Michael, and Michael turning on them is the best way to do that. And Mercedes. And aren't all three of them dead because of Sonny and/or Carly? Or did either Letitia or Mercedes live? Hey, now! *I* like Spencer, but I am pretty sure that if I ever met Ron, I would despise him. Although I do realize that my appreciation for Spencer is confounding to many of you. :) Especially when said character has totally confessed to the murder in court, in addition to admitting to almost everyone in town that he did it. Even if Sonny is the "hero" in whatever the hell is going on with Luke, Helena, Julian, Johnny, Jerry, Larry, Faison, and the possibly 27 other characters involved in that story, there's no way it should get him out of prison. Wait - oh my god - what if AJ is revealed to have been involved in the Most Convoluted and Boring Story ever? And so Sonny's killing him was a good thing?
  10. I didn't have too much of a problem with what Dante said but for an entirely different reason. He said that he could understand the urge in the moment to shoot someone that you hate, but he also said that thinking it and doing it are two entirely different things, and that Sonny belongs in jail. He had just come from a really heated discussion with someone that he thinks is dangerous for his wife to be around, and that someone was taunting the shit out of him - he was furious. I saw it more as the way a lot of us say "I am going to kill her!" when we don't actually intend to kill her, but we're just that mad. Hyperbole, I thought.
  11. I may not always love what Bill does, but I do always love him, for some unidentifiable reason. I like to think that he's been unhappy or searching for something or whatever, and now he's going to be happier because of Caroline and so he'll clean up a bit. I'm really enjoying Ridge & Caroline but I wish he could be scruffy without looking dirty. Once again, I think the actress's inability to convey any emotion or interest makes her scenes more confusing than they should be. I kind of thought she was being honestly stupid about the computer science stuff, but that doesn't make any sense. How could a woman her age who seems to be at least a functioning adult human and probably has actually been out in the world on occasion not understand at least some of what her sister was saying?
  12. I really enjoyed the Johnny and Maxie scenes. I thought they were cute. The way he kept looking at her, like he couldn't get enough of her, was hot. But then, I have always been a huge fan of Johnny, and I think BB is great at conveying actual feelings with just his facial expressions. And I don't think I'd mind at all if Johnny and Maxie got together, but I do wish he'd get away from the criminal life. I am 100% with you on all of this. All these flashbacks are reminding me of B&B, which I started watching just to see SK. I would be perfectly happy, nay, thrilled if Jake never became a hitman again.
  13. First Sonny gets the better of Johnny in a fight, and now he is able to easily throw Julian up against a wall? Totally ridiculous and not at all plausible. I did think it was funny that Sonny actually pushed Julian onto a table against a wall - otherwise, the height difference would be way too noticeable. I remain one of the few holdouts who is not enjoying Solian (Junny?), although I admit it is only because my Sonny hate runs deep. Jake either needs to get his memories back stat (and hopefully reject the criminal life, but I know I'm crazy for even thinking that) or to not have any "flashes" at all and instead go about creating a good life as Jake, only later to find out who he really is/ was and then have an existential crisis about it. I'm really not up for months and months of him having these visions or staring at pictures or rubbing his head or hallucinating Robin. I am most pissed that Sonny's stint in jail has done nothing more than set him up to be the "hero" once again. Sure, we all knew that Sonny wasn't going to be in jail for too long, but I really was expecting him to have a harder time than he is. Not so much getting beaten up more or anything, but really agonizing over what he's done to Michael over the years, instead of only worrying about the bidness. I know introspection, self-awareness, and admitting when he's wrong are not really tricks in Sonny's bag but I really wanted to see this whole thing change him, if only a little. #EndFlukeItsTerribleAndBoring​
  14. I think Michael trying to get Morgan to lighten up on Sonny for sleeping with Ava was a great way to set up how crushed Michael was when *he* was the one Sonny betrayed. Michael spent his whole life looking up to Sonny, wanting to be in Sonny's business, and defending Sonny when no one else would, and I thought it was great to highlight that right before Michael realized how little Sonny thought of him. Until y'all mentioned it, I hadn't really made the connection with Carly destroying Lucas' parents' relationship. I mean, I knew it, but I hadn't really thought about it. Now that I'm reminded about it, I'm furious that Lucas even tolerates Carly, much less likes her and defends her. I'm on board with not really minding scruffy Dante. It was just do overdone and not natural. I have a brother named William. He grew up being called Billy. Now that he's an adult, I call him both Bill and Billy, without conscious thought, depending on the situation and audience. It just happens. The whole Mikey thing sounded so forced sometimes, especially when Morgan used it all the time, and it just didn't work for me. Like, when you're fighting with your brother, you're not really likely to call him Mikey.​
  15. Still adore Johnny. I know he's done some awful things (and is still doing awful things), but I just cannot help loving him. It might be his little smirk, and the fun BB seems to have with the role. Gah, please please get Julian away from Sonny. I don't want to have to endure my least favorite character ever just to see Julian, especially when Julian is wearing all those clothes. It's just not enough payoff. "What does that mean, Shawn is flying solo? What the hell good is that going to do us?" Exactly, Julian. Exactly. "Nobody ever said that Corinthos wasn't smart." Oh, Luke, yes we did. A lot. And finally, "Best chance we got is Shawn." Sonny, that may be the saddest thing I have ever heard.
  16. It's starting to really crack me up that 85% of Carter's screen time is him working out shirtless. Probably to hide his acting "skills"? Ridge and Caroline.. thank you. I've always TK could bring the heat when he wanted to, and I think he's definitely bringing it here. And LG isn't bringing some A-game as well. Actually, I think JY is doing some of his best work here, too. I really need Maya to take a seat. Sleeping with Rick does not give her the right to boss everyone at FC around. Plus, she's just so overly solicitous that it's annoying, even a little cringe-inducing. I don't think kissing someone a few times has to tear a marriage apart. It's not a pretty side of life, but this is a thing that actually happens - one person develops feelings for someone other than their spouse (which can and does happen unintentionally), steps over the line, and then realizes how bad it is and then steps back. And the marriage stays in tact and nothing more ever happens. Feelings can be stifled and then fade. I'd even wager that many married people have at one point at least had feelings for someone else, even if they didn't act on them. It's not a good thing, but sometimes there is real chemistry and people briefly get swept away. Again, not saying it should happen, but it does, and I agree that Rick and Caroline theoretically could have been fine if Maya had kept her mouth shut. Or if Rick hadn't taken up with Maya right away.​ I don't mean that it's all Maya's fault, because as noted, there would be nothing to tell if Caroline and Ridge hadn't let things get out of hand. I think everyone involved in this quad is to blame for the mess. But it's a mess I'm enjoying, except for Maya's acting.
  17. I think I might like Patrick and Sam together. It's so much pretty, and it's nice to see her have some lighthearted moments. Once again, really didn't need more people added to this convoluted story. Now Rosalie too? It's so ridiculous. But you know what is more ridiculous? That it's starting to look like Sonny is going to be the one to "solve" the whole thing.
  18. How much longer are they going to drag this Legion of Doom story out? I guess they had to stretch it out when TG was gone for so long, but now that he's back they're not exactly moving things forward at any noticeable speed. I like to think that the commenters here are generally smarter than those on other boards, and it seems that many of us are totally confused about what's going on. The rest of them must have headaches from trying to figure it out. So over it. My hatred for Sonny will never allow me to admit that he is even the tiniest bit cute. Although having Julian around does make him more tolerable. But that's as close to a compliment as Sonny will ever get from me, other than "He died well." I admit that I was only paying half attention, but what was the significance of Nik looking at Tracey's stock certificates? And why did he have them?
  19. Frank should be dead. He has become the least interesting and least entertaining part of this show. Well, perhaps his wife and daughter are slightly lest interesting, but it's a close call. The kids' storylines are so much more entertaining to me, and I wish the show would focus on those. Easy to do if Frank dies. Could also do without Fiona, honestly. I'm over every man being head over heels for her, and I hate that we're supposed to think of her as the hero of the show. She's second only to Frank on the irresponsibility/ bad decision scale. All the men in the store with their babies was cute. The new dad, totally clueless. Ian, who is not a biological dad, having all the answers. The other dad, totally cruising Ian. Just the right amount of reality and ridiculousness. Also enjoyed the "new" Mickey. I got the sense that the household vibe there is that the girls know Mickey is with Ian, but they're happy (well, not totally unhappy) to be protected and to have a sense of home, so it's kind of working for everyone. The one lady whose name I will never remember gave Ian and Mickey the exact same cheek peck as she was heading out, which I thought was pretty telling about the state of the household. Seemed to me that the ladies didn't care at all about Mickey being gay or about Ian being there, but were happy to have someone to take care of the baby and someone to keep them from getting beat up. That's the kind of thing I first enjoyed about this show - random characters doing crazy stuff, but with a core group of folks whose motivations and feelings we got a chance to understand. But really, at this point, I think the show would be improved by getting ridding of Frank and Fiona.
  20. I watched the first episode of this with really low expectations, thinking it would be just another network gimmick that didn't live up to its advertising. But I love it. I think last week was better, but this week still had me in stitches. I can't explain why I like it so much, and I'm surprised because I usually am not a fan of the musical format. But I am enjoying it so much, and will likely rematch it. ETA: I nearly died at "You know the saying It takes a village" "No, never heard it". Not sure why, but it struck me as very funny.
  21. I loved the premiere, and I'm really looking forward to more episodes. The review above noted that Mark Duplass is a polarizing performer, but I've never found that. Maybe because I'm one of the ones who loves him in everything. :) I think this show has a lot of potential and I'm excited to see where it goes, and if it lives up to that potential.
  22. I'm not as happy about KA leaving as many of you are, because she never bothered me that much. I never loved her (or even really liked her), but she wasn't someone who irritated me (or rather, there are so many people who irritate me more). Won't miss her, though. I'm curious to see how she exits, and who they bring in to be a love interest for Morgan or Michael. Rosalie is there already, but surely they need a few more people in that age group? Has it been established that Pat is significantly older than Luke and Bobby? I don't much attention to any of that dialogue, so I really don't know. Unfortunately, I have had to Hide many of you because you said Sonny (or MB) is cute. Sorry, but I had no choice. :) If they're going to do kiddie quad karaoke, I'm going to have to insist they bring on Sophia Grace and Rosie. INSIST. The part I bolded is what I have been saying for months, although it feels like years. I'm pretty sure that Julian doesn't know who fake Luke really is. It's possible that he has an idea, but also that he knows fake Luke has been different people, like Faison and whoever else wore the mask, and the actual fake Luke. But I thought he always acted like he didn't really know his true identity.
  23. I thought that was the joke - she went on and on about how her family never gained any weight during pregnancy, and then BOOM, she's huge. Overly huge. I think one of the reasons I like this show so much is that they never took themselves seriously. It's always been over the top and ridiculous, and the show never pretended it was anything else. It made it so easy just to enjoy the comedy of it, rather than overthinking it and taking all the fun out of it. An example is Tampa - all the "Grayson has a kid?" stuff was definitely them making fun of themselves for completely ignoring her for so long.
  24. I'm really enjoying the show these days, and as a relatively new viewer, I appreciated the flashbacks showing some of the history between Caroline and Maya. I think the story is great and the actors are doing a great job. Almost all of them. I just do not like how Maya is being portrayed. I think it was better today, but generally she seems flat to me. She makes all these crazy hyperbolic statements about being the "matriarch" (ugh), spending her life with Rick, whatever, almost to the point of being delusional, but I don't see any emotion behind them. I don't know if it's an acting choice or an inability to show the level of feeling I'm expecting or something just not clicking with me, but she takes me out of every scene. I don't believe that she loves Rick, it just seems like she wants power, and even that is not that convincing. I don't know, she just doesn't seem to measure up to the rest of the actors during these scenes. That said, I think the show is doing a great job of showing the motivations and conflicted feelings of everyone involved. It's such a beautiful mess and I have no idea what's going to happen or who is going to end up with whom, and I love it.
  25. I'm really sorry to hear that Bobby's only in one episode. I think he adds a lot to the ensemble, and his total absence is noticeable. That said, I really enjoyed this episode, much as I've enjoyed the entire series. These people are terrible and ridiculous, and I adore their totally unrealistic antics. Even Trav and Laurie don't bother me, because I don't think them getting together is too out of character for either of them. I wouldn't bet on them long-term or anything, but it's a good way to keep the whole group together for the final season. Everyone forgetting that Dime Eyes has a kid was a great running gag.
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