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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. I just.. I mean.. But the.. I don't.. Screw it. I don't even care enough to bother expressing it.
  2. How does a person in a criminal mental institution get their hands on a syringe, much less what looked a few ounces of liquid LSD. Which they don't even really make anymore. More importantly, why do I keep asking about things that make no sense, even though I know that there will never be a reasonable explanation? I really like Rho and have since his early Todd days, but even I am not looking forward to a tripping balls Franco.
  3. According to Wikipedia (I know, I know), Olivia said Dante was born in 1984, so he's 30. I know it was just the paramedics guessing his age, but it was the writers who made them say "late 20s" and the writers should know better. Why not "late 20s, early 30s"? Or just "early 30s"? Because the paramedics weren't really guessing, they were saying what was in the script. I know it doesn't actually matter, but I guess today I'm fixating on this. Yesterday: why Helena wants to kill Sam. Today: Dante's age. Tomorrow? Can't wait to see what irrationally irritates me tomorrow. Might I suggest 8 drinks and 8 showers?
  4. That's what stood out most to me from the entire episode. It makes zero sense, especially considering that he showed up in 2009 and was already an adult, and had been through police training and was an experienced undercover officer. Oh, great, the Sonny-propping has started. I could not be more excited. I wish Julian would shoot Sonny and throw him off a bridge. Julian better not die, because I'd much rather watch him than Sonny. Hell, I'd much rather be fed my own intestines than watch Sonny. ETA: it just occurred to me that the escapees have, by now, been out there for a while. Why aren't there police looking for them? Surely they would have caught up to them by now. More idiocy. I'm all for suspension of disbelief in soaps but is a little teeny tiny bit of realism too much to ask?
  5. I don't usually read this thread, but I'm bored and I'm not really thrilled with anything that's going on right now, so I read through the last few pages. And boy am I sorry. We all knew Sonny wouldn't be in jail forever or die, I'm really pissed that not only did he not really suffer in prison, but also that a) he wasn't even in there for very long, b) he was still on screen just about every damn day, and worst of all, now he gets to be the [all the curse words I know plus a few I just made up] hero of this ridiculous Faison/ Helena/ Luke/ Ashton/ Carlos/ Julian/ whoever else stupid messy story. Over it.
  6. If LG had surgery for "twisted" ankles, it could be that she tore ligaments. I've had that surgery, and they wanted me weight-bearing as soon as I could tolerate the pain. I was in a cast and then a boot for quite a while but was walking unassisted within a couple of weeks. Obviously, harder with two ankles, but she could be somewhat ambulatory in a couple of weeks. If they tape several weeks ahead, they might not need to recast (character, not ankles!) and could just have her sitting in most of her scenes. Regardless, I hope she recovers quickly. And I hope we don't have to go too long without her wry smiles and steaminess with Ridge.
  7. I think Ivy has been in three scenes, ranging from 10 seconds to maybe a minute? So I am seriously invested in whether she dies.
  8. So many people were almost killed today. I was terribly disappointed that they all lived. Of course Sonny is at the top of my hit list, and I sure wouldn't miss Nina. Ava and Franco don't annoy me as much as the other two, mostly because I like the actors if not the heinous deeds of their characters, but if them dying would have guaranteed a Sonny death, I wouldn't complain about it. Do we have any idea why Helena is so hellbent on killing Sam? I mean, I don't have any idea why any of these people are doing any of this stuff, but the "Sam must die" stuff is what I'm fixating on today. quote: Carlos singing how he's going to kill Ava is literally the best thing on soaps since 2011. All characters should hope to die this way Agree- Crazy Carlos is fun.
  9. When I first started watching, I wasn't sure I was going to like Brooke. Today confirmed it. That was awful, so awful that it was hard to watch. She sounds jealous and delusional. ETA: that's terrible news about LG, I hope she recovers quickly! Selfishly, I hope it doesn't derail Caroline's story with Ridge. LG has been doing such great work, and I worry the story won't work as well without her.
  10. I'm pretty sure Jake is Luke. Makes as much sense as anything else.
  11. I never cared. Welcome to the Can We Please End This Already Club! No dues, no mandatory meetings, all that's required is a general malaise.
  12. Oh my god. It's worse than I thought it would be. Question: When Liam was talking to Bill, I thought he said "I'm married to her." That didn't make any sense, so I rewound to see if he said "I *was* married to her" but I still heard "I'm married to her." Did anyone else hear that? Or are they still married??? Confused. I didn't get this at all. How do Steffy and Thomas have 17.5%? One has 12% and the other has 5.5%? Who the hell divvied up this stock in such a bizarre way? Also, who is Thomas?
  13. I don't mind Ivy. I actually think it's nice for Nik to date someone new, who's not related to him by blood or marriage, and who isn't Not-Emily. "May need" more wine? ALWAYS need more wine. As always! Love Johnny's guys.
  14. Who the hell thought "Soldier Boy" would be a cute nickname? Every time I hear it, I want to jab a knitting needle through my ear drum. Why is no one chasing four escaped convicts, all of them in for murder? (Is that right?) I don't like Franco the character, but I do enjoy RH's hamminess. Mouthing "not my fault" behind Sonny was really amusing. I know others hate it, but it works for me. I especially like him when he's foiling any of Sonny's plans. I hope Sonny dies in the wreck. Sonny dying at the hands of Johnny's men would be fantastic. (Yes, I am drunk. My sober self knows Sonny will live forever.) My fear is that he'll be seriously injured and Michael will forgive him. And I will have to smash my television in to a million little pieces. Still don't give a shit about fake Luke. Forgot Carlos was involved though. That brings the count of people somehow involved in whatever this is to, what, 12? 375? 23,967? Part of what pisses me off about all this is that are real actual interesting stories that could be told right now, but instead soooooo much time (both per episode and over the last year or whatever) has been totally wasted on this crap that makes no sense, is boring, and features some of TG's worst work ever. I'm just so disappointed that after a few good days with the AJ murder reveal, this show spiraled so far down, again. I had such hope! My folly, I guess. More wine, please!
  15. Oh, so *that's* Steffy. I've been wondering. Do we hate her? I kind of want to hate her. And I don't even know what cha cha cha is. Why is everyone doing what Brooke says? I know I don't know all the history of this show, but it just seems ridiculous that Ridge leaves the room, Caroline stays (which made me so mad - where's that backbone??) - it just makes no sense. How in the world does Brooke think this marriage is salvageable? I remain 100% in Ridge & Caroline's corner. But that may be because of my ignorance on anything that happened before last year.​ Exactly. And hilarious.
  16. I'm anticipating! And not just here! But it's so far away.
  17. I can already tell that the No Collar folks are going to get on my nerves. Probably immediately!
  18. I got the impression that Brooke was taking such a hard stance defending Rick because of her feelings for Ridge (and the feeling that he betrayed her?), not because she really wants to protect Rick. Because really, even if he is your kid, how can you defend shooting at people? In the office no less??? Liam has been great lately, and I always enjoy Bill.
  19. Lucas & Brad and Michael & Tracey are the only things I've enjoyed the last two days. I remain seriously irritated by what's happening in prison and I am going to drink a box of wine a day now that Sonny saved Ava and is on the road to be a superhero or what the fuck ever. There is no other possibly way for me to survive this pile of horseshit. Do not even get me started on whatever the hell is going on with Luke and Helena and Jake. It's gotten to the point that they're now just repeating the same conversations over and over and this story IS GOING ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, certainly nowhere that is going to be a big enough payoff for all the crap they've put me through. I just want to reach through my tv and punch all the TGs in the throat. I am actually really angry after watching the last two shows back-to-back, and that's a bit concerning. Sadly, even with the transcript, I can't figure out what not-Luke said that convinced me is definitely not Luke. Seems I've started the heavy drinking already. But seeing the transcripts made it really hit home just how short all of these scenes are. Some were three lines! Why can't we at least get a few minutes of each storyline at a time. (I might be in a mood.)
  20. Something happened today that pretty much confirmed for me that fake Luke is not the real Luke, but now I can't remember what it was and there is absolutely no way I'm going to watch the episode again just to figure it out. No. But there's no particular reason for any of the stuff that's been done in this story. I'm going to make a list or maybe even a chart of who did what to whom as part of or under orders of the LoD. I'll probably need some help remembering everything, but I know it's going to be hilarious. Hilariously long and non-sensical. This is a great start to said list... I don't love her being portrayed as a victim, but it doesn't bother me. In a way, she *was* a victim - her mother did kill her fetus and put her in a coma. When she woke up she had missed 20 years and still had the maturity of a young twenty-something. Not to mention possible mental illness or altered thinking brought on by the coma. I'm not excusing the terrible stuff she did, but I've always thought she had some major issues that were not dealt with. The story of how hard it was waking up and not recognizing her body and having her mom and Silas be so much older and not understanding the world around her could have been a great story. Instead, they made jokes about "goggling" and turned her in to a murderous, shrieking, bug-eyed, baby-needing lunatic.
  21. Why is he wearing So Many Necklaces in the pic at the link???
  22. Michael and Morgan are being total stubborn idiots, and it rings so true to me for siblings. I would like to see Michael warm up a little to Morgan, because that would make me think it's less likely for Michael to forgive Sonny & Carly immediately. Like, if he could forgive Morgan a little, that's all the forgiveness he has in him right now. I also want Michael to turn Morgan against Sonny & Carly. Long shot, I know, but I want what I want.
  23. I'm enjoying seeing some different groupings of characters. I wish we saw more of it instead of having them all isolated in to unconnected stories, never to interact with anyone outside the 2-4 people involved in that story. Most of these people are related one way or another, it makes no sense that they never see each other. I'm not entirely sure what is going on with Heather and Nina, but l liked it. I thought it was fun and it might be the least annoying Nina has ever been. I did not enjoy seeing more stupid Luke scenes, especially because this story is not advancing AT ALL, in addition to making no sense. It's been drawn out for way too long and it never was interesting. I'm sure TG thinks he's giving a master class in acting but .. No. Give it up already, show - this year long (longer?) story is just not working.
  24. At this point, I would much prefer that Maxie embrace her dark side and hook up with Johnny and then the two of them embark on many hilarious (and hot) but non-murderous hijinks than all this sappy BS with Nathan. I like to look at Nathan, not gonna lie, but I'm already over their relationship, which is not something that should happen just a couple of weeks after they get together. Perhaps Michael thought, not unreasonably, that Sonny was using the "Stay away from Luke" message just as a way to justify reaching out to Michael, even though he knew Michael wants nothing to do with him? Never. Never ever ever ever. "Oh, you're a guy I met a month ago (what is the timeline here???) who claims to have no idea who he is, and you were found on the docks passed out with dark clothes and an illegal gun in your bag? Okay, sure, I can't see any reason to mention that to anyone. Especially because of all the loyalty we have to each other, having spent a total of 4 hours together, ever." I hope Michael finds out and it just deepens his resolve to stay away from her.
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