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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. I'm going to make a slogan t-shirt for myself. On the front, it'll say: Needs More Johnny. On the back, it will say: And Julian's Briefs. Let me know if you're interested; I'm happy to customize. Oh, Ric. You may earn a spot on the shirt too. Although, honestly, since we haven't seen him since New Year's, I forgot he was back. OH MY GOD ARE WE STILL DOING FUCKING BABIES AND GIRAFFES???? And don't even try to convince me that Sonny has any idea what Michael couldn't sleep without. The best thing about Sonny & Carly getting back together and sharing screen time is that it mean fewer scenes that will make me apoplectic. But seriously, STFU Carly. I hope when Jake gets his memory back that he wants absolutely nothing to do with you. I hope he's appalled at all that's happened over the years, all that he's done, all that you've done. And I hope he tells you so and then never speaks to you again. As long as Kiki keeps being anti-Sonny, I will not say anything bad about her. I agree with dubble zout and others; rape is not "karma." Ever. And it's really offensive to state that it is. A woman might be attracted to or interested in a man, but that does not mean that he gets to have sex with her whenever he wants to, without her consent. Terrifying. Y'all, I might still be mad.​
  2. I'm glad Ridge made it very clear to Brooke that it's not gonna happen, but I sure do hope we're not about to go down the "A man broke my heart and so I'm an instant alcoholic." Just hit me - what if they're going to give Brooke a drinking problem and need to turn to Deacon? So she can cause another triangle, at least, since she didn't get the one she wanted? Although, I only know about Deacon's drinking issues from this board since I wasn't watching then; he seems like a moderate drinker without an addiction to me.
  3. I can deal with this too. Michael was a child, and was raised really not knowing any better. All he knew was the life that Sonny, Jason, and Carly gave to him. I remember a time when he complained about having no friends at school because of who his dad is, and we never saw or heard of him doing anything other than being with the seriously screwed up family. He was so warped. He even tried to hire a hitman when he was, what, about 10/ 11? And I don't recall him really getting in too much trouble about it. As he's gotten older, he seems to have learned to think for himself rather than just believing the line of bullshit that was fed to him over the years. And I am so glad. They do testing to find out that Sonny was the father, but it shouldn't be admissible in a custody hearing; I think they would have to do another one under the supervision of the court. But we all know that will never happen. Too bad, because I am ready to find out that Morgan is the father. Now that Sonny's out of jail, I'd like to see him lose things little by little.
  4. Add it to the t-shirt slogan list. Indeed. /fans self. What? Don't judge - we all have our things.
  5. Yes, why haven't we see any of Monica in all this? AJ was her son and only living child, after all. Oh, right- how Monica feels isn't related to how awesome Sonny is. Stupid show. They waste so many opportunities to show compelling stories but instead give us dumbass shit like whatever is going on with the LoD instead for over a year. Michael's only known about it for three months. Everyone just needs to give him a break. I don't see Michael seeking revenge, he's just sick and tired of Sonny getting away with ruining people's lives. Michael should join this forum.
  6. I never even liked Brenda but I could get 100% percent behind Michael and Brenda hooking up. I'd prefer it if it was just ongoing sex, without a whole romantic relationship, because we all know Sonny would lash out with his usual name-calling, just making Michael more and more angry. Agree. I think Sonny is upset because Michael is mad at him, not because he hurt Michael. It's about the effect it has on Sonny, not Michael. Hell, how many times did he say that if he had to do over again, he'd still shoot AJ? Sonny lacks all empathy and always has. Everything he's ever done or felt has been 100% about him without any thought of other people. And I don't think it's that he ignores what other people think or feel, I think he's hardwired to not even notice or for it to not even occur to him that people have thoughts or feelings that don't coincide with what he wants. Something he probably should have addressed through therapy quite some time ago. What was the point in the bipolar story if it was "Hey, take your meds" and then only ever mentioned again during JAZZ HANDS? Bipolar is an illness that needs constant maintenance through both medication and therapy. Especially if you keep putting yourself in to unnecessarily stressful situations (murder, prison escape, looking for the towels).
  7. Alexis did say that the only way to get the pardon overturned (rescinded?) was if there was collusion, and Michael accused Sonny of somehow colluding with the governor the other day -- maybe there's something to it? Maybe Sonny will get sent back? God, I am full of delusions today. That was great, even though I hated what preceded it because of my love for Julian (and my hatred of Sonny).
  8. Maybe Julian is seriously concussed and was still reeling from finding out Ava is dead, so he didn't really mean any of what he said to Michael. I can dream, can't I? peachmangosteen, I have liked Sabrina the last couple days she was on. So much better when she's not be desperate and downtrodden. I could maybe get behind a Johnny / Sabrina.
  9. I'm with you guys about wanting Brooke to get her just desserts. By "feeling sorry" for her, I guess I really meant that she's being pathetic and embarrassing herself. More like a "bless her heart" feeling sorry for her, than an actual sympathy-having feeling sorry for her. Sorry if that wasn't clear!
  10. Oh my god, it was bad enough when Carly and Olivia were pushing Michael to forgive Sonny. But please, do not get my very handsome special friend Julian involved. I guess I can see Julian wanting sons to forgive gangster dads, but I just cannot take this. Michael better not give even One Damned Inch on this, and he better actually take Sonny down. Although I still don't understand why he doesn't just tell the police everything he's seen and heard over the years. That baby is absolutely adorable, but even she can't make me tolerate Sonny. I almost liked Kiki today for a little bit? I love Johnny so much and I wish we could keep him. No comment on the Franco bullshit. So dumb. From what y'all have said about the GH FB page, I wonder if the people over there think that kind of crap is funny. They can't, right? Lord knows I'm never going to look.
  11. Count me in as one who found yesterday's paint scene hot. I enjoyed them today as well. I'm starting to feel sorry for Brooke. I really don't think Ridge is going to back to her, especially right now when things are new and heating up with Caroline and he's obviously really enjoying it. Brooke just looks pitiful and lacking any dignity, getting all dressed up in a bikini and basically throwing herself at him. And I still don't understand the point of this.
  12. Over night (and over a box of wine), I managed to convince myself that all this stupid ridiculousness with Sonny, and Michael finally turning on him, and nonsense with Luke is actually a brilliant move by the show runners to set up the long game, wherein the mob scene is phased out of the show completely (except, of course, for Julian's Briefs), and instead we will get actual hospital-related stories and lots more Qs. Like they're planning to have Michael slowly transform in to a mature lead while Sonny and Luke and good god Helena are phased out. Somewhere in my subconscious I am aware that this is pure insanity, but I'm choosing to push those thoughts down. It's all I have left to hang on to.
  13. But doesn't the Legion of Doom (now numbered in the thousands? Or still just hundreds? Who can keep track?) want Sonny dead or otherwise out of the picture? Why would they want him fully pardoned? Gah, look at me, acting like the LoD ever had any sort of defined goal.
  14. Im liking this show more with each episode. The dynamics between Michelle and Brett are being so well portrayed. That whole sex scene was agony, and while I can kind of see where each one was coming from, I can also understand why they couldn't understand what was going on with the other one. I think a lot you are spot on about Michelle's motivation and hangups. I'm interested in Brett's point of view too. He just got injured in the last episode from trying some new foreplay, and he may have been feeling "Damn, my wife wants something totally different and I screwed it up", even though it wasn't really anyone's fault. Tack on to that the worry that maybe his wife hasn't been happy with their sex life for their whole relationship, her overall reluctance to have sex at all, and then her telling him that he wasn't hard enough- well, it just seems like e a recipe for him to explode. Not saying he was right and she was wrong, because I think they're both right and both wrong. Each so caught up in their own stuff that they're totally unable to see the other person's point of view, or the situation as a whole. I imagine these kinds of problems happen in marriages, and it's compelling to watch. But I sure do hope counseling can help, because it's also hard to watch.
  15. I don't usually like shows shot/ framed this way, but this episode really pulled me in. I didn't have strong feelings about Tyrese either way but I appreciated the way they showed they showed us how conflicted he's been about all the ghosts' deaths. I thought it was XX. I have no idea what it means. I was wondering if it's possible that the Half Zombies were the folks who lived ther and whatever big bad came through cut them in half before hey werezombiesas some sort of messed up torture. Like let them bleed out and turn one by one while making the others watch? But Noah's mom and bro were killed in the house, so who knows. I'm not sure if I'm a Rick/ Michomne shipper, but I loved when Rick reached out and gently touched her arm, and they look he gave her. They clearly get each other and have formed a close bond.
  16. It's nice to see Angry Michael again. I was really worried there for a bit. But god, Carly, take all of the seats and let me cram this ball gag in your pie hole. This is when I really hate Carly, when she somehow loses the ability to even understand what is going on. I always thought of Carly being somewhat savvy, if misguided. Now she's just so dumb so often. I refuse to believe that Avery really is Sonny's. At the end of the episode, Sonny looked like he was planning to cook her up and eat her, it was so creepy. And I think single dad Morgan would be amazing to watch. I lost my damn mind when the governor was spewing about Sonny being an honest businessman. Doesn't Michael know enough about the bidness to put Sonny away? Surely he could one or two other people to come forward with what they've seen him do. Hell, even LUCAS LORENZO SPENCER (still laughing) has enough dirt on Sonny to get him convicted, and Luke is hating on Sonny a lot these days. As always, I liked seeing Spencer. Don't judge. But I couldn't help thinking that the whole "you can love someone who does bad things" and "no one is all good or all bad" was Ron lecturing all of us Sonny haters. And he can suck it. And it makes no sense at all for Nik to have to explain that to him because Sonny's been arrested and now jailed, and Spencer has been all about Sonny at times (those times are the exception to me liking Spencer- hating Sonny > liking Spencer.
  17. Got it, that makes perfect sense. Oh, how I wish he hadn't re-signed.
  18. I think LW does a pretty good job with a distraught Carly, like during the AJ murder reveal, and when Carly is being all catty and judgmental, like in a lot of her scenes with Sam or Liz. Not saying I like Carly during those times, but I think it's a good portrayal of who I think Carly is. It's when Carly is supposed to sincere or comedic or supportive, etc., that it just doesn't ring true. I think Carly can have sincere moments, but to me it seems like she's two different characters, one played by a good actress and one not.
  19. I'm generally okay when a character who was terrible then later becomes a "good guy," especially if it's because the actor is really good or whatever. Like what they've done with Brad - he seems to have stopped being a total asshat and has apologized (seemingly sincerely) to people, and so it doesn't bother me too much in the long run. My issue with all this crap with Sonny is that his character never changes, he just gets forgiven for all his terrible stuff, only to turn around and almost immediately do it all over again. He *stays* awful. Additionally, when someone like Brad was being a jerk, everyone treated him like he was a jerk. Ava and Franco got crap from people all the time. But 99% of the other characters make excuses for Sonny or talk about how wonderful he is, blah blah blah. His mortal enemy Julian is now his BFF. He tried to save Ava's life (after trying to kill her for months) and so Morgan loves him for it. Dante and Olivia were mad for two seconds that he shot Dante in the chest. It goes on and on, and there's never been any real redemption or character growth for Sonny; everyone just keeps kissing his ass. If this show wants me to ever not want to skin Sonny alive and the slowly stitch him back together with rusty needles, they need to make him a layered character who might actually be capable of evolving. Instead I just get him being "sorry" for two shakes of a lamb's tale and everyone elses lip service about how awesome he is. The same could be said of Luke, I think.
  20. The second the show started, I was already pissed all over again about Sonny being alive, and even more about him being a hero. And it spiraled from there. Every single scene sent me in to a tirade; it took me hours to get through the episode because I kept having to pause to get my blood pressure down. Possible exceptions: Dr. O suggesting that Nathan become a farmer, and Lulu going off on Nik. Is that the same Ivy? Really, I have no idea. And I don't understand this commissioner fellow- he's like the cartoon villain version of himself. I wish I had the words to adequately express my anger at this show right now, I really do. Fuck this whole show. Is there anyone out there who is enjoying this dreck?
  21. What in the world is going on with Brooke? I don't get what her motivation is supposed to be here at all. I can understand her wanting to protect Rick or get revenge for him, but if Rick is furious about his wife kissing Ridge, how is his *mother* getting with Ridge supposed to fix that? Sure, maybe it gets Caroline hurt, but it doesn't really balance out. And wasn't Brooke pretty clearly done with Ridge before she left? I am just so confused. And I think it's stupid. Since I started watching this show, the flashbacks have been my very hilarious favorite thing, and so I'm sure you can imagine my surprise and delight when Usher appeared! I died. Once again, don't understand it, can't stop laughing at it. Keep 'em coming, folks! I've only been watching for about a year (I think), and these history summaries are my favorites second only to aforementioned flashbacks.
  22. Oh for fuck's sake, even one-handed, Julian could fight off frail old Luke and his pillow. I recovered somewhat from the speechlessness caused by the steaming pile of crap that passed for yesterday's show, but I sense this is a short reprieve and I will have a full relapse tomorrow. Michael, please do not make me hate you. I am so close to ripping my television off the wall, taking it out to the middle of the street, and jumping up and down on it while screaming maniacally until the police are called and take me away to the looney bin, and I really don't want to have to do that. Remember not too long ago when we had a few days of a really good show and we all had hope that maybe this show wouldn't continue to be the biggest suckfest that ever sucked? We were so young and foolish then. NO. MORE. LUKE. I'll get a tattoo of it if it will make this never-ending monotonous and non-sensical BS stop. Hell, I'll carve it into my thigh with a dull steak knife, if that's what it'll take. I need an emergency session with my therapist to discuss why I let this fakata show get me so riled up. Thank god I have a half bottle of vodka on hand. This rage cannot be quieted by a box of wine, or even two. I'm afraid that even Jesus can't help us now.
  23. Apparently no one in this town has heard the old adage about trying to keep people apart just pushes them together. I have no idea what any of this means, but I cannot stop reading it and laughing!
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