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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. If it was explained but you missed it, then it must have been a group hypnosis situation, because I don't think any of us have any idea. I'll go a step farther even - is Nik getting control of ELQ what the Legion of Doom was working toward all this time? Because I swear, there had to be an easier way, and certainly fewer people needed to be involved. But we haven't gotten any other ultimate goal from them, have we? I remain confused by, bored with, and totally uninterested in this story. I figured that since he heard the nurse say Olivia's appointment was canceled because the doctor was doing an emergency c-section, it wasn't a huge leap to know she was an Ob-Gyn.
  2. ulkis and Bringonthedrama, thanks for the perspective on Sam's behavior with Carly today. It makes sense that she just didn't want to get into it with Carly because she knows it's pointless and so she tempered her language. Now I need to see her talk to Michael so we can see how she really feels. Sabrina's ridiculous fairy tale fantasies and all the other drama over Patrick was pretty exhausting, but I'm sort of liking her right now. I think having her be a nurse at the clinic and Michael's age-appropriate-ish friend works, keeping her peripherally involved in some main stories without her having to carry them. And if she has a romantic relationship, it should be done in a low-key and mostly offscreen way, because I do not think romance is the actress's strong point.
  3. I don't know anything about Eric. Is this crap with Rick in character for him? Is only caring about money, rather than giving a shit about the personal stuff and all the crap Rick has pulled at the office, including abusing and randomly firing employees and trashing clothing and jewelry lines out of spite regardless of their quality, something Eric would normally do? I just really cannot believe that he is so quick to forgive everything Rick has done with the mansion and Maya and the gun. Hell, not even just forgiving, but somehow being proud of him. Is this a set up somehow, trying to get Rick to calm down by saying he loves him? I'm also confused. Quarterly reports usually follow the calendar year, so fourth quarter reports would cover October-December, which is before Rick really started fucking everything up. So what the hell? Unless FC does accounting differently than every other company ever. I can't warm up to Steffy at all. And the Liam/ Ivy triangle with her seems like a terrible idea because Liam and Steffy have no chemistry. It might even be negative chemistry.
  4. Sabrina started pissing me off, but then she mostly came around to support Michael, and I was able to calm down a little. Plus, so many other people pissed me off so much more. I think the real Sam would have defended Michael over Sonny all day every day. And her saying that Sonny is "devoted" to his children? Yeah, he was so devoted when he killed Michael's father after promising not to. So devoted when he screwed Morgan's girlfriend on Michael's dead father's crypt. He was devoted to Dante when he gave him a guilt trip about "making" Sonny shoot him the chest. Also, devoted when he almost blew up Kristina. Oh, wait, what about his potential baby with Sam, when he forced her to live with Jason (who hated her at first, right?) and treated her like absolute trash? Carly - you just sit down and shut the hell up. She is so delusional that I think a trip to Shadybrook is long overdue. So maddening that she is blaming Michael for tearing the family apart; SONNY DID THAT when he killed AJ. Where's that blame? It's going to piss me off more than usual if Michael comes out of this being the bad guy. Even if Michael's seeking custody just to spite Sonny, that baby will still be better off away from Sonny and Carly. A hundred bucks says that she won't get shot in the head or raped in prison if Michael raises her. Especially because: They shoe polished Sonny's hair AND beard between episodes, didn't they. Do they think we don't notice? Do we have any idea why Helena gives a shit about ELQ? Or why Nik does? I mostly liked the scenes with Ned, Olivia, Julian, and Alexis. But I think that was because WK and WdV were doing a really good job.
  5. My only problem with Helena teaching Spencer to dance is that there is no way in the world that Helena would do that. I know that sometimes people soften in their old age, especially with their youngest relatives, but I just don't believe Helena has that many sides to her. Which is unfortunate because otherwise I would have really liked that scene. Spencer (who I like, out here in the cold all by myself) would absolutely want to waltz at his birthday party, and it would be great if Helena really did have more layers rather than always being so villainous and cruel.
  6. I swear, I'm going to start making samplers or throw pillows or something with all these wonderful little summaries you guys give about relationships and history!
  7. Well, let's hope he's not happy! If Jake goes rushing back to Sonny's side when he gets his memory back, the whole story of Jason dying and everything about Jake and the mind control and Liz taking him in would have been for nothing. It's a much better story if he is repulsed by who he used to be, can't fall back in love with Sam, and becomes a true friend to Michael, regretting all the danger and criminal activity he exposed Michael to over the years. And then we get to watch Sonny and Carly try to come to terms that Jason wants nothing to do with them, and I'm sure they'll treat Jason the same way they've been treating Michael - we know you love us, why don't you just get over this already? Of course, since that would be the better story, I'm sure that's not the one we'll get. Instead, I bet he re-joins Sonny's organization (of 4 - Sonny, Max (did he ever recover from his bullet wound?), Shawn and Duke), and then works Michael to get him to forgive Sonny & Carly. Not something I want to see at all.
  8. I assumed it was for me. There sure as hell wasn't anything else on today's show that I was interested in.
  9. So terrified! When he was crying, I worried that Ian would get frustrated and shake him or throw him out of the car. Then when the baby was on the hood of the car, I worried that he was going to roll off and crack his skull. When the baby was hungry, I worried that Ian would feed him something dangerous. And so on and so on. Very well done by the director and by the actor - just amazing work to build up that much tension. I had a very random thought and may be totally off base, but figured I'd share it just to see what y'all thought. It sort of seems to me that Fiona is starting to turn a little bit in to Frank, at least so far as her attitude toward the kids go. She's not a drug/ alcohol addict, but she does seem to be addicted to bad boys and the rush from crazy relationships. And she's started putting her relationships ahead of all else, including the kids. It's to the point that she has no idea what's going on with any of them, and only has occasional "close" moments with them rather than actually being a caretaker and involved in their day to day lives. Much like Frank occasionally has moments with Carl or Debbie but certainly isn't actual a parent to them. Like I said, I might be way off base, but Fiona just seems to have become so totally self-absorbed and selfish, it made me think of a mini-Frank.
  10. I think Brooke was just wearing a remarkable bustier under that matron of honor dress. The girls were definitely not in their natural positions. And seriously, what is up with the wincing after every drink? If you hate it that much, maybe cut it with soda or lime or something. Or just drink three bottles of white wine every day (or even a box). Sheesh, Brooke, it's like you don't even know how to be a proper drunk - you have to at least *pretend* like you're enjoying it! But, she was killing me with the champagne pre-wedding drunkenness today. She really was pulling off being a little boozy and maybe overdoing it to hide her feelings but trying so hard to put on a happy face. I liked it.
  11. Why doesn't Donna have a story? I only realized who she was about a month ago because I've only ever seen her in the background of ensemble scenes. I really hope they're having drunk Brooke be a hot mess for a while rather than this being a set up for A Very Special Intervention, because THIS IS NOT HOW ALCOHOLISM WORKS. Haven't a lot of us been there, going through a screwed up time and self-medicating a bit? It can just be messy and embarrassing and even a little awkwardly funny without it having to be rehab-worthy. I think this show does a much better job with dialogue than other soaps (cough, cough, GH) - sometimes it's actually funny and it often seems in character. So, good on them for that.​
  12. God, I know. And I think the 3 days is an exaggeration, although given the wonky timing of this show I guess it's possible. But just so so stupid. Carly sure wasn't worried about taking Avery from her home when she helped Sonny rip her away from Kiki, who's been her primary caretaker for three MONTHS. Are the writers even aware of how stupid this is, or is it possible that they're intending to make Carly such an obvious hypocrite? I wish it was the latter, but I'm sure it's not. I remain stalwart in my affection for Spencer. I absolutely understand why you all hate him, but I have an unidentifiable soft spot for him. I'm looking forward to his party. We haven't seen the kids in a while; I prefer them to appear only occasionally like this. That said, this is probably true. I really miss Sonny-hating Morgan. But I felt so bad for him today when he was like "What am I, chopped liver? I love you and will never leave you!!!" and Sonny was basically "Yeah, whatever. Now let's go back to talking about the kids I love." I'm hoping (against hope) that Sonny's total disregard for Morgan somehow drives him to Michael's side, especially once they find out that Morgan is Avery's dad, and then Dante supports Avery being taken away from Sonny, and all of Sonny's sons hate him and he's left with nothing but one girl child who isn't even on the canvas anymore (and who he tried to blow up). And then he and Carly hole up in his mansion and spend the rest of their days alone, growing old and decrepit, having the house shrink in on them as their bodies age and they lose the ability to get upstairs or to the east wing or whatever and Sonny accidentally burns down the kitchen while cooking a gore-may meal and Carly starts losing control of her bladder, and because Michael has taken the hotel and all of Sonny's businesses, they can't afford to pay a housekeeper or to pay for repairs and so the house gets filthy and starts to fall apart until at one point only one sink and zero toilets work and several windows are broken and they have to move in to just the living room, eating vienna sausages heated over a benson burner while wearing what are basically rags, all the while Sonny's thinning greasy hair is slicked way back and Carly insists on wearing huge rings and a corset even though she's otherwise clothed in a threadbare housecoat, and eventually they die in that living room, three days apart, and no one notices for 7 months. And of course they'll be telling each other how wonderful they are right up until the end.
  13. Even though I've never been much of a Sabrina fan, I didn't hate her too much, or at least not too often. I think it might be interesting for her to become friends with Michael. The poor kid could use a friend. At this point they're both kind of alone and not interacting much with the folks they used to, and so it might be nice for them to hang out and talk and support each other without being romantic.
  14. I continue to really enjoy this show, even though it can be painful to watch. Michelle and Brett have drifted so far apart, and just cannot communicate with each other in any way that's helpful. I think they've shown us glimpses of their love and how they fit together at one time, but now they're so out of sync and just can't seem to sort it out. It's not helping at all that Brett can't seem to get out of his own head and understand what his wife is trying to say at all. Sure, she's not saying it well, but it seems like she's trying to figure out what's going on and how to fix it, while he just seems caught up in a "woe is me" mid-life crisis. I maintain that neither of them is totally right and neither of them is totally wrong, but after this episode it seems to me that Michelle is making the lion's share of the effort. I get why Michelle was so adamant about the field, even though she was in the wrong. She needed something to go right and to just be easy and fun, and once she got it in her head that they were playing kickball, then dammit, they were going to play kickball!! Trying to control one thing, I guess.
  15. Don't get me wrong, jsbt - I'm still not a Sabrina fan. I was just happy that someone finally said what we've all been saying - Michael did the lion's share of the work in getting the bomb out of there. Someone should rent a billboard in PC to remind everyone of that.
  16. A raging drunk Brooke as matron of honor would be delightful! She could try to make out with Bill at the alter, spew catty comments at Ridge and Caroline in the audience, maybe munch on her bouquet as if she thought the flowers were Doritos... the whole thing could be amazing.
  17. Making out with Julian while he's cuffed to a bed is one of my biggest dreams. Thank you, Sabrina, for pointing out that Sonny didn't save the Haunted Star alone. I cannot believe I just thanked Sabrina for anything, but there it is. And thank you, Michael, for trying to take Avery. I don't even care about his motivation for doing so - Sonny is a shit parent and a danger to all of his children (and anyone else around him). Sonny spent months threatening to kill Avery's mom while Avery was still in utero, and continued after she was born. So fuck him. Also, I am now 100% Team Michael, and will support him in almost anything that hurts Sonny or Carly. Because it's come up - Michael is still legally Avery's half-brother and can legally challenge Sonny as an unfit custodial parent. I could change my name to She-Ra, Queen of the Universe and swear to never speak to my mother again, but I'd still be an aunt to my nephews. And just in case I have not made my feelings on the matter clear: absolutely no to revisiting Spinelli/ Maxie. A thousand times no. Every single no ever. Please, show, do not make me pluck out my own eyes with a cocktail fork. I ask again: Is Joss dead? Or is she now 18 and away at college? I'm fine with not seeing the kids all the time, but no one is ever even mentioned as watching that kid. Her mom sure as hell isn't doing it. Already half a box in. Oh, wait, is that not what you were referring to?​
  18. I get (but don't agree with) Rick being such a colossal douche, but I cannot figure out what the hell Maya is thinking. She's not hurt and lashing out; she's getting everything she wants and should be happy. Sure, I guess she's "supporting" Rick and showing she's on his side, but it just seems so stupid and misguided to treat everyone like such absolute shit, especially considering that she's presumably not blinded by pain and rage (in contrast to what I assume is supposed to be going on with Rick). She has Matriarch Plans and never seemed to be a dummy - doesn't she realize that all this assholeishness is in direct opposition to her goals? I cannot figure that character out, and I think it's 50% because the writing for her is inconsistent and 50% because the actress is not giving me any indications of who the character is supposed to be. This better not be the start of a Brooke Is An Alcoholic storyline. People, even supposedly mature adult people, can and do go on a bender and pass out on the couch and be hungover (occasionally) without it being alcoholism. Can't she just drown her sorrows for a bit without it requiring rehab? I think that could be a much more interesting and amusing story - Brooke slushing it up and being all crazy for a bit before she settles down and figures out how to be alone and be happy. Also would be more realistic. People don't generally go from having no problem with alcohol to needing rehab within a month or so, and it drives me crazy how often soaps go to that well. I guess that relates to a general complaint I have about soaps these days, though - there is rarely any build up to and depth in storylines. Or, things drag on forever and ever and ever and ever with no forward movement or resolution (Liam/ Hope/ Wyatt). Aly is going to snap and go all gonzo on Rick, isn't she? Not opposed to it.​
  19. That's so true. Sad, but true. Like others, I love who Mickey has become. He was so scared and heartbroken and confused over what Ian's going through; him saying goodbye to Ian at the hospital was possibly the most emotional moment I've ever had watching this show. This episode was the first time I have found Sammi even mildly tolerable. I can't take another round of will they/ won't they with Fiona and Jimmy. They're toxic, and he's nowhere near the guy he was at first, back when I liked him. But Fiona has become totally terrible as well, so maybe they deserve each other. And maybe Gus should just come to my house.
  20. I bet Olivia says the baby is Sonny's. He's a good mobster, unlike that terrible evil Julian, and he is the best father ever. He only ever shot Olivia's other kid in the chest once, after all. And the kid lived, so it's fine. Real talk: I'm a little hurt that no one noticed my new avatar, created just for you crazy kids. So hurt in fact that I've had to drink two boxes to deal with the pain.
  21. Please please please please please please do not have Spinelli and Maxie even consider any sort of relationship again. He's awful, and they were always absolutely terrible together. I need for him to go away immediately. Oh good lord - what if he sticks around for the Jason reveal??? I can't even imagine how much that will piss me off. And y know he'll adopt the "Soldier Boy" bullshit or some other stupid and ridiculous name and then I will have to bash in my own head with a hammer. Annnndddd....now I'm mad again. It's been a rough GH week for me.
  22. This hot mess was hard to watch. I couldn't even keep up with what was going on because it was such a disaster (and I couldn't make myself care). At the end, with the whole "their deaths have to mean something" and the black and white stills, I felt like this ridiculous show was trying a little too hard to be like The West Wing. And failing more miserably than anyone has ever failed at anything. I can handle a well-written and well-played sociopathic killer who is actually one of the good guys. Huck is not that. I can't even remember what was ever good about this show.
  23. Shut up, Liz. I usually don't have strong feelings about her one way or the other, but she was seriously on my nerves today. Everyone needs to leave Ric alone!! It's unbelievable that she would be so surprised about what Ric did. I mean, I love him, but he *is* Ric. Yay for more Luke scenery chewing scenes. I love when it feels like it takes 17 hours to get through an episode. How do his cast mates keep from busting out laughing when working with him? Especially with that "Wouldn't you like to know?" to Lulu. I'm going to say this once and then never speak of it again because I'm so ashamed of myself: Sonny should wear jeans more often. "You're not going to be able to pick them up because you gave your car to a criminal." I died. Is Joss dead?
  24. That clip makes me so happy. Was he always like that, with the weird speech and gritted teeth or lockjaw?
  25. Are you sure, HipOldBat? 'Cause it kinda seems like it irritated you. :-)
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