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Everything posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. So I just finished reading "I Fired God." What an awesome book. I read a lot of fringe Christian cult books and this is by far the best, insightful book I've read to date.
  2. I never got the impression that JB picked Bin. The news of their "getting to know you" was leaked by a family member of Bin's. I've always felt like they were letting Jessa have her way only for JB to pray about it and magically decide that God™ didn't think it to be a good match. But the media caught on and it became a PR nightmare (up until that point that's what their nightmares consisted of.) Majessa and Bin spoke of eloping with is a Gothard no-no, because... umbrella of protection. At the end, I think they gave Jessa what she wanted and hoped for the best (plus she gave them another wedding season finale.)
  3. The flip side if this book in reference to Anna is that had Anna cheated on Josh, Ma and Pa Duggar would have tripped over themselves trying to throw Anna under the bus. Anna's parents would have been ran over for not properly raising a godly wife with a servant's heart, etc. It's patriarchal abuse at its finest.
  4. Having it titled "Counting On" would allow TLC to focus on courtship, marriages, and the births of other Duggarlings. They're going to need several courtships STAT to introduce new blood into the show. As it is, we've seen this exact same show ten times over, the difference being that JB&M are largely left out. Jill is barely on the show. She's not even in the promo shots and they couldn't be bothered to Photoshop her in either. Oh well, I don't see this ever seeing a season 3.
  5. I can't remember who stated it cause I was.falling asleep last night but, yes, Ben and Jessa remind me SO much of Jon and Kate's TH's... so much hostility on Ben's part. Jessa is going to be a cautionary tale as to why you shouldn't marry teenagers who only get married to have sex. Perhaps she and Anna can move into the pool house together after the show is canceled and they realize what a shit show their life has become. This whole revamp is going off the rails and I just can't stop watching the inevitable train wreck.
  6. If the boring ass show lasts, I bet they drop "Jill & Jessa" and keep the Counting On part. As the Duggars sell off their daughters in order to keep the gravy train moving, er, what I meant to say was, as each Duggarling falls deeply in love with virtual strangers through Godly Courtship™, the name has to be more adaptable.
  7. It's just part of their "SEE! There's more to Jana than just being a sister mom!!! Shut up, internets!"But seriously, why is Jana trying to get the kids out of the house? That's their parent's job. (Did I mention that I'd slit my wrists if, at 25, I still lived at home, slept in the same room as my six year old sister, and had no viable work or love interests?) Jana needs to flee post haste. Hell, I'd sponsor her efforts.
  8. 1. So auto auctions in my state are open to the public once or twice a month. Otherwise, you have to have a car dealership license and in order to get that, you have to have a business license. On top of that, the only person who can actually buy the car is the licensed dealer. Again, in my state there is usually only one or two issued to each dealer. Usually, the only people who buy those cars are in a buy-here-pay-here business selling cars to consumers with credit too low to purchase from an actual dealership. They usually charge predatory interest rates (Tennessee is ridiculous.) They're basically scamming people who have no other options. That's what Josh's car lot was all about. How Christian of them. 2. CA is so dangerous and isolated that Jerick is feeding Jisrael a Vlasick pickle. Uh huh. That's so believable. 3. Had I known that ten year old J-boy "flipped" my potential vehicles, I would have ran away too. That's a lot of effort to only make $500 profit. They had to: go to the auction (they're loud, smelly, and chaotic), tow the vehicle, detail it, and get it running. That's not a good return. 4. Want to know what Duggar show I want to watch? I want to see footage of Jim Bob's face when he learned that Josh had had two AM accounts. I want to see real time footage of how they dealt with the actual scandals, not this shit show of SHUT UP INTWRWEBZ.
  9. Well facts are facts. Per their own books and (now scrubbed) website, they use the Pearl inspired blanket training to kill the curiosity in mobile infants. The Duggars proudly advertised for Debi and Michael Pearl's books and websites... a book I may add that has been linked to the death of multiple children. The books and ideas perpetuated by these monsters takes take joy in the ritualistic child abuse and even goes as far as advising which kinds of instruments to use in order to be abuse children without breaking bones. It's sick and disgusting. The whole fundie network was in bed with the Pearl's; most notably the Jeubs (who are long time Duggar friends) who've hosted Debi and Michael in their home. I've followed the Duggars and their brand of crazy since the beginning. Just because they packaged themselves in frumpers to be more palpable to a television audience doesn't make them any less culpable to systemic child abuse.
  10. Sorry, but Jessa was raised heavily in Pearl doctrine. They beat babies with plumbing line. The Pearl's teach ritualistic, terror-based abuse. Unless the cycle is broken, Spurgeon is in for beatings for not obeying his parent's every whim.
  11. Well when your parents are the "house managers" and your siblings raise you, it's hard to have a role model in your parents. Jessa's role model was supposedly Michelle and she's following right in her mother's sanctimonious, lazy footsteps.
  12. Is there really a person nowadays who hasn't heard of Jesus? The Dillards are in a Catholic rich population. They're trying to convert Christians to their flavor of Christianity. If I want to learn about JW, Mormonism, IFB, I will seek it out on my own volition. These people in CA don't need the white, privileged Dillard's coming into their country telling them they're going to hell for using any form of birth control to prevent children they can't feed. (Hell, they're Catholic; their religion already tells them this.)
  13. Cue to Joy driving with Hannie in the backseat.
  14. I just noticed that Bin and Jana did a full frontal hug while Jessa was making a speech in the bedroom. Scandal! Also, in the depths of my cold, blackened heart I feel small stirrings of pity for Bin. During those TH, he looks like he's contemplating slitting his wrists. I think he was pressured on all sides to get married in order to make him grow up faster. Now he's stuck and stuck good. There's no way out and he probably hasn't figured out how truly f*cked over he is. Jana. Poor Jana. She probably knows that in five years she's going to be stuck in the same place "God" (coughJimBobcough) has her now. Taking care of children who don't belong to her and sinking into a deeper depression. She seems to be hanging on to her composure by the skin of her teeth. Jana doesn't always cook and take care of babies? Surprise, sometimes she is allowed to drink a cup of coffee and eat two eggs. What an exciting life she leads. John David is a sexist asshole. He needs to shut up while he's ahead. No wonder they never let him speak before. Jana could survive on a deserted island, like all women, with just a purse. Jinger is just into fashion. Stellar observations, there, Mr. Wants To Name The Next J-Kid After Jefferson Davis.
  15. If it's a current pic, I'm going to jump on that speculation bus that he's going as a chaperone for Jinger and some new beau. Gotta keep ratings up and killing the supposed rebel's spirit will just that. Meh, I use "date" interchangeably with "plans" so I won't harp on the caption.
  16. I'm a glutton for punishment so I'm watching. 1. Why did Jinger put that baby in a glorified bath poof with Christmas lights? 2. We get it, Jessa, your kid = your responsibility. That's how it's supposed to work. At least for the first six weeks and that's when your brood mare of a mother passed you off to sister mom. 3. Poor, neglected Jordyn. That child looks more like she's being raised by wolves. 4. I could figure out how to make mashed potatoes (from potatoes) in the fourth grade. These are some dim witted SAHD. 5. Josh is a coward (I know, duh.) He ran off to bible prison rather than stand up and deal with his mess. Josh didn't have to help with the kids and a newborn while Anna had to shoulder all of the responsibilities that were dumped in her life. He is vile for so many reasons that have been ruminated a million times over. If he ever shows his mug on television, I will sit down, put pen to paper, and mail in my disgust at this molester and cheater being propped up by "family values." I'm a heathen and I value my family so much more than this scum bag. 6. Holy heart attack, look at all that butter. You females can't cook for shit, so what exactly do you do all day? Has Jessa Never made bean soup without the use of a can? Frozen biscuits? Give me a damn break. Butter isn't bad for you. Okay Dr. Jessa. *eyeroll* 7. Israel is sleeping in a pack and play? Well that has shades of Bathroom Boy. That's a terrible long term solution for a kid. 8. I'm really on board with something is medically wrong with Derick. I'm not one to make light of someones looks but he looks sick. 9. Spurgeon really is the worst name in the history of names. 10. Jinger, stop playing with Joy's hair around the food. Gross. Joy's green bean casserole slop makes me want to vomit. 11. I'd be shocked if Bin didn't already have a side piece.
  17. Anna's parents would have been no better for her emotionally. I'm sure they were filling her ear with hellfire if she dared to leave Josh.
  18. Well now that they have their show back, they need plot lines.
  19. No reputable adoption agency will ever give the Seewalds a baby. Full stop. That doesn't mean that a perfectly healthy, white baby won't fall in their proverbial laps though. The Duggars are on television with a platform to shout about how they have a "heart for adoption" and what not. Some poor, misguided woman will probably eventually give over her blessing to them because they are so "godly." I don't know if anyone followed Lyndsie Beggs Brooker but she had had ovarian (?) cancer several time and she was able to adopt, not one but two, children. Those kids weren't even out of toddlerhood before Lyndsie's cancer returned again and died. No reputable agency worked with her and her husband for exactly the reason that transpired. So yes, it's possible for Jessa and Bin to acquire a baby if they have few scruples, which of course they don't, so there's that...
  20. When JD said, " the devil tried tearing our family apart..." I hope by "devil" he means Josh.
  21. Gah, people stop me every time in Wal-Mart and ask me about my cable every time I (have no choice) to go in there. They're trying to sell Dish Network. It's so annoying.
  22. I'm sick and apparently I want to torture myself do I'm watching the Bates show. 1. Why does Michaela freak the fuck out when her sister touches her boyfriend? I felt sorry for Bates girl the way that Michaela went after her. Hello dysfunction. 2. Brandon speaks with the patterns and verbiage as TFDW. It's skeevy. Those lips looks like he's related to Rim Job. 3. Why do these gothardites keep referring to their virginity to. Christmas presents? Is there no other analogy their small minds can come up with?
  23. That child needs to be in some sort of speech therapy, STAT. The most neurotypical of that bunch has mush mouth, this poor girl never stood a chance. All the prayer in the world isn't going to fix these speech patterns that should have been addressed years ago.
  24. Nope. When John David suggested naming a J kid "Jefferson" after Jefferson Davis (Confederate president) that told me all I needed to know about him. Yuck.
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