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Everything posted by Snarklepuss

  1. I wonder what she means by saying "please tell me you're suing" to Sunny A.?
  2. I'm just coming up to speed on this. I noticed Marcella was missing with no explanation last week but thought maybe it was a one week thing or I had missed the explanation. GZ was missing for a while and they only mentioned why a couple of times (he was busy hosting "Cooks vs. Cons"). So it didn't concern me, but this week something seemed off when there was still no explanation so I looked at Marcella's blog post and then came here. I agree that there seems to be more going on here than what she's saying. I wouldn't be surprised if she was fired because FN might have been hoping she'd leave and/or they had someone else in mind for her spot. They couldn't get away with letting her go while she was busy having kids and out on family leave so they were probably waiting for the right timing, which for whatever reason was now. I'm sure there are many reasons for Marcella's departure, such as the strain of traveling and all the kids. I had a feeling after she had her 3rd child that she was not long for the show. So really, I'm not surprised. Maybe she was complaining about leaving the kids all the time and negotiated for more time off or perhaps some other incentive (a subsidized home in the NY area perhaps?) that the show didn't want to give her because they were secretly wishing she'd just quit so they didn't have to fire her. I also wouldn't be surprised if Aarti is being considered for the role which makes sense given the way she acted as a guest this week. Yeah, I spent too many years in the corporate world, LOL.
  3. Wow, that article was pretty damning to Besh. And shocking for me as I'd never have pictured him that way. Although it doesn't surprise me that so many complaints come from the restaurant industry. Both times I worked in a restaurant I experienced some pretty bad sexual harassment, and this was back before we even had the phrase "sexual harassment". I only experienced it once in the corporate world and I worked much longer in that. The corporate world is big on sexual harassment training so perhaps that helps.
  4. I found it pretty awfully tacky but I wasn't offended. Lord knows as an attractive female in my youth I was the target of that and much worse by both men and women and have seen much worse on TV between straight men and women so I guess I don't find it any more or less offensive because of the gay aspect. Plus considering the source it's more a subject for eye-rolling for me than anything else. That said, Dana does rock a bikini, and I'm as straight as a ruler!
  5. That plus contradicting herself being a germophobe makes me think the writers are going for making her seem quirky and "special" like Brick from "The Middle", only it's just making her look weirder, IMO.
  6. Actually he probably did more to himself to encourage wrinkles judging from an interview with him I found online where he's quoted as saying his perpetual tan is not from a bottle but a result of actual long term sun exposure. So his strange appearance now is probably a result of that plus anything he did to eradicate the wrinkles (which might have even been scarier).
  7. ITA, it's so obviously a narcissistic attempt to get more attention and sympathy. What truly depressed person would have the energy or desire to create that kind of picture of herself with the different sized fonts, etc.? Even a mildly blue one would not even go that far. The only sadness she feels is when the focus is not firmly on her 24/7 from thousands of her delusional followers.
  8. ITA. Rebecca's craziness should not play down Josh's own dysfunctions. And he has them for sure. He is juvenile and lacks even the most basic self awareness, to the point where he doesn't have even a clue of what motivates him. His not knowing what it involves to become a priest and then being as dumb as a box and unable to handle it is just one case in point, let alone copping out and leaving her at the altar. Is he as crazy as Rebecca? No, but he's pretty darned messed up. I haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere but Rachel's lost a significant amount of weight between seasons. She's looking rather svelte and it becomes her. It makes the scenes between her and Nathaniel that much hotter. I too like them together and the way the show is writing his character.
  9. Wow, so few posts this season. I have known of Lagos for over 30 years as I once worked in college admissions and many of our foreign students were from there. I never saw it before this show and truthfully it scares me. I can see why it was once called the most dangerous city in the world. I wouldn't want to be a woman alone there. Bourdain looked like he was keeping his mouth shut about a lot of things. He showed us some of the food but didn't tell us what he was eating. To me this was a strange episode.
  10. Yeah, I didn't find anything humorous about this plot line because of this. How sick and twisted could she possibly be with her own kids? And we thought her going on about being the "second fattest woman in Westport" or being mean and nasty to the other women in town were bad ideas! It definitely "could be worse" and is! Hey, I'm trying to find something redeemable about this character but they just keep making it harder to do that! That said, I liked how she faced the fact that she's been doting on Anna-Kat at the expense of Taylor. And the plot line with George Hamilton was amusing. Well, he's close to 80 so I don't really expect much. But I did feel like there was something weird about his appearance.
  11. I liked this episode but I too think it should go back to two people per episode as it's more interesting if he can go into more depth on their families. I wonder if Ted Dansen and I are distant cousins - I have ancestry going back to Stonington at that same time in history myself. I thought it was especially cool to see the house his 5th GGF lived in. It makes me wonder if any of my relatives' houses is still standing from that era. Someone should tell Bill Macy that "homeless bum" is not a good look for him.
  12. Cooks, you know Tyler? So do I! He's the chef/owner of Millwrights in the town next to me. Hubbie and I have been there many times. We've attended his Julia Child tribute dinner a couple of times and know the former head waiter there, Jeff, who still works there part time as special events manager. Also the son of a close friend is the bar manager there. I found out from him that Tyler was going to be on "Top Chef" and was so excited! I've never known any of the "cheftestants" on this show and I've been watching since season 1. This is monumental for me! I am soooo rooting for Tyler. He's a really nice person and I love his food.
  13. Wow, this thread is crickets.....Very telling.....
  14. Something about this show must have made all of us think that because I had the same thought and I couldn't figure out why. Subliminal suggestion perhaps? I thought that too. My father used to call a friend of his a "dour Scot" and used that pronunciation, but in regular conversation he would say "dow-er".
  15. I'm seeing two accepted ways to pronounce it online. One is dow-er and one is doo-er. I'm pushing 60 and I don't remember too many people saying doo-er in my lifetime to be honest. This may be a regional thing. I'm from the Northeast (NYC).
  16. Thanks, that sound really good! And easy too! I'll try it and post back.
  17. This is the only episode I've watched. I should have read the posts here first or I'd have known better than to waste my time. I am 59 years old and love "old timey" sitcoms but this one is just plain BAD. I love Elliott Gould and saw the lead on a talk show and liked him so I thought I'd give it a watch. Plus I'm from NYC and lived right under my parents in the same apartment building when I first got married, which created a lot of funny situations with them and some interesting neighbors, so I thought I'd relate to this, but again, it's just SO BAD that even I can't find something to like about it. It turns out my own life was much funnier, so I think I'm better off with my memories plus reruns of "Seinfeld" and "Big Bang Theory".
  18. Far be it from me to discourage anyone from finding inspiration to lose weight, but I hate to see people blaming themselves for not fitting into plane seats. Plane seats have been shrinking for decades so as to cram in more passengers per flight, and this past summer a flyer's rights group petitioned a court to regulate their size in the US. That request was thrown out but the court did listen to the argument that decreasing seat room could pose a hazard to rapid and safe plane evacuations and told the FAA to take another look at the matter. A lot of perfectly normal sized people find those seats cramped, especially tall men and women with actual hips! Some of the seats these days have shrunk to less than 17 inches wide!!! 17 inches, people! My own hips would find that a tight squeeze. Here's an article on the subject. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2017/07/31/citing-basic-physics-a-judge-berated-the-faa-for-those-shrinking-airline-seats/ I found the comments section interesting. People are complaining that are small and thin! I haven't flown in about 10 years myself but the last time I did I found it very uncomfortable and I felt that the seats were tighter than ever. I am 5'2" tall and back then I wore a size 8 dress. I also found it very difficult to get in and out of the seats because of my height and the tight squeeze. That's hard to explain. People assume that because you're shorter it should be easier but it's not, it's harder in some ways.
  19. For the first time in my life I bought a ham steak. How do you cook/serve it? I saw recipes for a glaze that looked interesting. Tonight I made Giada's recipe for chicken piccata and it came out fantastic! I served it with leftover home fries hubbie made for breakfast. Yum.
  20. Well, those things are also cheaper than buying fresh in the supermarket, so there is that. It wasn't just a war ration thing (although it may have come out of that) because canned/frozen was all the rage after the war straight through to the '70s. I saw a documentary that it was part of the push to free women from the drudgery of time and labor intensive cooking, and it was marketed as such. You know, we're talking about the days when chickens only came whole and fresh peas only came in the pod and you had to shell them (if you could even find them). Everything took forever. I'm 59 and I remember those days! We didn't even have fresh mushrooms in the supermarket. If we wanted mushrooms we had to buy a little can of "B n' B" (broiled in butter) mushrooms. Jacques Pepin reminded me of this the other day on one of his shows as he says that when he first came to the US in the '60s he had to buy B n B, LOL. So really, the canned/frozen stuff was technically part of "women's liberation". Really! That said, because we grew up on so many canned things my husband and I still buy them as now they are pretty much comfort food for us. Like LeSeur Peas, LOL, and Deviled Ham. Oh yes, and of course canned tuna fish and Hormel corned beef hash. I love having food nostalgia conversations with people in my age bracket because we all ate a lot of these things and have fun remembering them. And yes, I love canned jellied cranberry sauce. Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it! My father is 90 and he's just as happy with Folgers instant as any drip coffee. The instant coffee thing was yet another "less work for mother" invention and of course people without the money for fresh coffee or were lazy or just not particular were happy with it. And of course older people like it because they may not want to go to all the trouble to make it fresh. Even the Keurig is more effort and money. But we were all seduced into the push towards convenience foods back in the day. In fact, I remember my parents and grandparents used instant coffee exclusively from the '60s through the mid '80s when everyone started getting more into fresh foods again. Then they went whole hog into grinding their own beans every day and using a Chemex.
  21. Ah, my crazy little show is back, I'm so happy! It seemed like AGES since last season ended, didn't it? I thought this was a good episode. As usual it had so much in it I should really go back and watch it again. Of course the posts here are reminding me of all those little aspects, like Dr. Akopian the husband and "Did I die, am I dead?" LOL. I wonder when they're going to bring Trent back. If I were up to it I'd be writing more but this was a busy week for me.
  22. Ahhh yes, now I remember, thank you! Yup, that's the place!
  23. I liked this episode. I like both Christopher Walken and Carly Simon so I was especially interested. Carly grew up in my old neighborhood in NYC. I know a few people with a little Cuban in them, but I never imagined Carly would be one and be 10% Sub Saharan African. Fred Armiston's story was absolutely amazing - one of the best I've heard on a genealogy show. I have an amazing tree myself but his outdid mine. Christopher Walken - I actually knew his family ran a bakery from some other show but I forget where now. I think he was a guest somewhere and the subject came up. I just love this show and I'm so happy it's back!
  24. Me too because you know Amy's had her thunder with Sheldon stolen before by bigger things diverting everyone's attention away from her. I'm tired and straining to remember how this played out in the past, but I know it has. ETA: Was it when Leonard and Penny went to Vegas to get married? I think the show is teasing us because it has to KNOW we're all hoping Raj gets his head out of his ass one of these days, but noooo, he's still acting exactly the same way as always and defeating himself. Hopefully the perfect pot to his cover will come along and turn him into a likable human being. I know a lot of people have already given up on that but I'm a hopeless romantic and still holding the torch for that!
  25. I know, I love them together. Every time Tony has Eric on the show I find myself wishing they'd appear on more episodes together. I was surprised that Eric is so much younger than Tony. He's only 52 while Tony is 61. I love Eric but I have to admit I thought he was at least 55. I loved the scene in the kitchen at Le Bernardin. I actually got a tour of that kitchen with Eric 3 years ago after I had the tasting menu with wine pairings. Long story, it was a gift from one of my husband's clients, and one I'll NEVER forget!
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