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Everything posted by Snarklepuss

  1. I haven't even used that expression in decades but I just used it the other day when referring to her!
  2. Add another Barrie fan to the list here. It's just so refreshing to watch a cooking competition with an over-50 contestant where there aren't constant references to their age or referring to them as an "old man" or whatever. That's (IMO) because this isn't a Gordon Ramsey show, I'm sure. I wanted to know too! Robert Irvine posted a recipe for Scotch Eggs with a simple dipping sauce made with mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/robert-irvine/scotch-eggs-with-mustard-sauce-recipe-1918179 I actually thought they were being quite forgiving of the slightly underdone eggs since when all other things are equal I would think that should be a bigger issue.
  3. Yeah, I didn't buy racism as the reason either, glad to see I wasn't alone in that. Also, when he had the conversation with Lupita about white standards of beauty possibly standing in her way I couldn't imagine that too many people (here in the US anyway) could ever look at her face and not see a beautiful woman. When she described the commercial for the cream advertising to lighten skin as a way to get a job, that was there, certainly not in the U.S. I also thought Navarro's outrage at her ancestor having two families (and the women likely knowing about it) probably didn't take into account the cultural differences. In a place where many couples didn't even have formal legal marriages, and at a time when most men were big chauvanist pigs and women accepted that, it might have been a common thing. Not that this makes it OK, just something a little less outrageous in its place and time, especially if the women were OK with it.
  4. I think it would have made more sense if she amped up the desperation to escape from all the drama and craziness going on in her house, but to expect two girlfriends to ditch their own Thanksgivings to meet outside a closed coffee shop is IMO stretching it just a little too far. Despite that, I thought this was one of the best (if not the best) episode yet. It brought a tear to my eye and that's kind of rare for me from TV shows these days. They managed to go deeper than a lot of sitcoms I've watched. I especially liked the sub plot with Spencer and Oliver even if Katy's mother is now pursuing Spencer for his money (which he probably knows about but doesn't care). The shock of Greg's Dad's dual life is pretty horrible. Equally horrible is that his wife stays with him anyway! He reminded me of Leonard's mom on "Big Bang Theory" with the way he belittled his son. My only Connecticut nitpick is that Thanksgiving here is usually in the 40s or 50s, not light sweater weather, but given the crazy warm fall we had I suppose anything is possible!
  5. No definite date's been released except that it will air on FN sometime in 2018 and is supposed to be called "Return of the Eats". I guess we'll have to stay tuned. https://www.eater.com/2017/9/5/16254758/alton-brown-return-of-the-eats-food-network I love the kooky video where he goes into what looks like a basement full of his old props from the show. I remember every one of them!
  6. *Sigh*, every time somebody posts a picture of Meri or any of the wives I think about "What not to Wear"! I was a big fan of that show too and really miss it. I think they were doing a real service for people that don't have a clue but think they do (like Meri, etc.). I had a feeling they weren't talking to each other. They never appear together nor mention each other online. That's sad! I've seen both of them on the Rachael Ray show several times but never together. And somehow Stacy seems a little more eccentric than she used to be, but that's just my impression.
  7. Well she didn't really divulge much about her Larry problems in this episode. The segment with her friend was clearly a set-up and likely scripted, IMO, like it was done purely to get people to tune in. There has been a sudden change in Theresa this season. She's likely going through menopause so that may be one factor, but it's like she's suddenly been over-affected by her fame or something. I wouldn't be surprised if she's having an affair with a famous person. I feel sorry for Larry.
  8. OMG, my PR friend must have eaten his food I'm sure! We heard from her yesterday. She just got her electricity and water back. She says the response from all sides has been incredible and touching. One more reason to love Jose Andres.
  9. They didn't have children by 1969 that Wayne knows of and what they were willing to admit to. Who knows if they might have had hidden a pregnancy from him? While I wouldn't want to mistrust them at their word it's still a possibility unless they were too young at the time. But I'm under the impression that the DNA test later confirmed he was Michelle's father so the issue is moot anyway.
  10. Thank you, I thought it was just me that was confused about this because I was tired when I watched it! Maybe when Wayne said his sisters didn't have a child he meant one that they gave up for adoption, not that they never had kids at all. I also wondered why Wayne thought he couldn't have children. I thought maybe he was married and tried to have kids with his wife but it never happened. ETA: I agree with you that Michelle looked like she could be of mixed race.
  11. I know others have said this too, but I think they're deliberately leaving loose ends to cover in one of those later follow-up shows like they had last season in which they check in on how they're doing since they met up with their long lost family member(s) and pursue other loose ends/family members that weren't covered in their initial episode. I also think they're deliberately choosing situations that have such loose ends to pursue. I will agree that it is frustrating that they don't address it and just leave people hanging/confused.
  12. Update: We just heard from our Puerto Rican friend and she says that she now has power, internet and running water. She also says they've had literally TONS of help from many sources, including the Germans, who came with solar generators! We needed to hear some good news! I hope this is an sign of more positive things to come.
  13. No thread for his Jeremiah Tower special? I found it truly inspiring and sad. I knew he had come and gone from Tavern on the Green a short time ago, and like Bourdain I knew it was going to be short lived because that place has the equivalent of a culinary curse on it.
  14. ITA, plus the way the light above him shined on his bald head was distracting. Then he goes and pairs it with those glasses. Ugh. Some men just can't do the shaved head look. I just got through watching him on "Chopped - Alton's Challenge" where he looked normal and like himself and then this. How far apart could they have been filmed? And yes to him being annoying and know-it-all-ish as a judge. I'm thinking he has to be the tie breaker. It seems to be all about him. And I love him, just not when he's improperly utilized. Hopefully I'll like him better on his reboot of "Good Eats".
  15. Wow, thanks to all of you with Sicilian heritage for posting about your admixtures! They fascinate me no end. From 23 and Me my Sicilian side turned up this: Italian 38.0% Balkan 0.8% Sardinian 0.7% Iberian 0.3% Broadly Southern European 7.1% Sub-Saharan African 0.6% But I also have this below, which I think is probably from my father's side's Yankee relatives. His Ancestry.com and 23 and Me DNA tests don't show any native American but his Family Tree DNA does show about 1%. East Asian & Native American < 0.1% Curiously, on Ancestry.com, that East Asian is absent and I'm flagged for < 0.1% South Asian instead, which comes up as India. Somehow I think 23 and Me is more accurate on that, so I don't think there are Gypsies involved (as much as my grandmother would have LOVED that as she came from that generation that romanced the idea of a Bohemian lifestyle). So anyway, here's a case in point where companies can disagree on a trace ethnicity. Also, how the sites classify stuff differs. On Ancestry.com I'm flagged for Italy and Greece, like there's no distinction made between the two there. I don't doubt that I should have Greek ancestry from way back as Syracusa in Sicily (near where my family comes from) was famously inhabited by the ancient Greeks. Plus, my Ashkenazi is listed as 21% on 23 and me and 27% on Ancestry.com!
  16. The story the mother told was that she sent the kids to the door from the middle of the street and told them to knock on it. I like your theory of telling them only the one was coming. I forget if that was what she told us. That would explain her not knocking herself.
  17. I've been thinking that Cornelia was deliberately written as the "anti-Rebecca" in order to bring out the craziness of the rest of the group at the firm. She kept her business/pleasure line clearly defined, which was in strong contrast to Rebecca and the rest of the brood at the firm. The one quirk about opening a yo yo store was to provide a humorous irony and raise an eyebrow that maybe underneath the sane, mature exterior there's a little crazy lurking there too.
  18. I was thinking that too. why would she have to leave the kids without knocking on the door herself if the grandparents knew about it? Unless they detested Lorraine and asked her not to show her face or like you said, they didn't know about it beforehand.
  19. I did this a couple of weeks ago but forgot to post back - It came out delicious! I made mashed potatoes to go with it and concocted my own gravy for them based on the mustard, brown sugar, spices and pineapple juice mixed with chicken broth and a little flour to thicken over the stove. It was FANTASTIC, thanks very much!
  20. Usually anti-anxiety drugs are prescribed with anti-depressants for someone who's depressed, otherwise over the long-term they might end up only making the depression worse. Although for the short-term, taking an anti-anxiety drug alone might actually help if one of her major symptoms is anxiety and the anxiety is what's causing the depression. If that's the case the drug may at least calm her down and thus decrease some of the depressive symptoms so she won't want to kill herself.
  21. One more thing - At first when Paula mentioned the game that her family never wanted to play with her, I thought "bad on them", but then when I saw them sitting there with the fairy wings on I thought "I should have known"!! LOL
  22. I too wondered about the pull-out couch vs. a bedroom, and I knew I wouldn't be the only one wondering that. And yes to the exterior shot of a quintessential Scarsdale neo-Tudor home. What I also wonder is why Nathaniel didn't just tell the others to back off Cornelia as they were clearly going OTT in his presence. I guess he was too far gone in self absorption over losing Rebecca to notice or care. Plus he has his own boundary issues with personal stuff at work so I guess I get it. I'm another one that feels her mother's love was genuine if misguided. Putting myself in her position, fearing that suicide was a real danger she had to act fast to prevent it, and I think she felt this was the most loving way to do it, without Rebecca's knowledge, otherwise she might actually end up upsetting her more. Unfortunately the plan backfired. Minor nitpick here but Tovah Feldshuh is much closer to 65 than 59 or 60. I guess I shouldn't complain because if it makes younger people think that's what 59 looks like then they'll think I'm much younger than I am! No offense to Tovah, I think she is a very attractive woman and a fantastic actress. The genuiness of her love for Rebecca really came through and brought a tear to my eye. She reminds me a lot of my best friend's mother who was very similar. Their relationship feels very true to life in Jewish culture. Having grown up around that culture I can say that from first hand experience. My best friend also turned out to be manic depressive and at one time suicidal. I agree with the poster above that said Rebecca has been in an extended "manic" phase ever since moving to W. Covina, probably Josh induced, which is one reason she could just "walk away" from her meds and not feel any real consequences until the inevitable crash. While I think the way the show is handling this new serious turn is commendable and atypical for a TV show like this, it still feels uncomfortable to me in some ways.
  23. I've always wondered why some shows are so popular on this board and others aren't. There were even shows that were very popular on the old TWOP forums but not here and vice versa. I think it might have something to do with the population that is attracted to this board and what their average interests are more than it says anything about Theresa's show's popularity. I'm not big on social media either, but I'll have to check out her FB page for any clues. If I find anything I'll report back.
  24. I find it ironic that Tom would write such a piece as his restaurants have not been any stranger to allegations of sexist comments/harassment being tolerated over the years. Not perpetuated by him but he was present and allowed it to go on. I suppose he's seen the light, which is commendable, but I hope he enforces it now. Re: 'wichcraft, it looks like the western locations didn't survive, meanwhile the NYC ones are still open despite only 3 star reviews on Yelp.
  25. Yeah, ITA, sad to say. I somehow suspect that the real reason she and Larry are having relationship problems is over an affair. I would venture to guess that she is the one that had (or is having) the affair. Now that she's a celeb and gets around a lot more she is exposed to more people. Meanwhile poor Larry either sits at home or tags along like a pet and looks far less exciting by comparison. I can't see him as having an affair. He is far too comfortable in his retired state and knows better than to bite the hand that's feeding him. I'm getting the feeling from the previews that they're going to gloss over the real reason for the marital trouble and that there will be no mention of an affair.
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