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Everything posted by Churchhoney

  1. I think you're right about what Josh's attitude would have been. However, call me crazy, but I think it's likely that FRC had a different view and included an extension of their health insurance for six months or through the end of the year of their own accord. It's clear that they were instantly aware of the PR nightmare this whole thing could be for them, so it wouldn't surprise me if they also had the sense to see that stripping health coverage from a a stressed-out mother-to-be who'd have to make an interstate move near her due date could also have PR consequences for them. They knew she'd continue to be a news story and if she had a problem birth while lacking health insurance, they might well get mentioned in the inevitable news stories. I expect Josh's whole severance package was engineered to put as much public distance between Josh and his fam and FRC as possible.
  2. There was a man in the moon logo -- you can still see echoes of it in their newer logos with a crescent along the edge -- and people thought that the top and the bottom of it looked like Satan's horns. Then people started thinking they could see 6 6 6 in curlicues of the drawing. Some logos here -- https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&q=procter+and+gamble+man+in+the+moon+logo&oq=procter+and+gamble+man+in+the+moon+logo&gs_l=serp.3..0.15262.23747.0.24030.
  3. According to the episode summaries for Amazon's streaming videos, it looks like it's Season 11, Episode 13, air date May 14, 2013, Episode title "Decisions and Deliveries," other things in the episode include Jana's and Jill's midwifery client going into labor and the family attending Joe's Alert? graduation
  4. This is why Gothard and his ilk do their best to ensure that no women, children, teenagers or young adults have the opportunity to become good friends with others of their own age and station. Come to think of it, I guess it's no surprise that slyness is apparently a JimBob Duggar-approved characteristic. (I'm sure Jessa picked up her descriptions from her parents)
  5. Well, she has been treated to the mini-golf humping demonstration. I think you're right about this. Meanwhile, though, Jessa should probably read a book or two so she can get up to speed on basic word usage.
  6. "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." Right back there in the KJ, and very old before that, I expect.
  7. Poor Ben. And my prize for best comment goes to: "Josh, you already know the world thinks of you as a vile and evil person so no need to revisit the obvious, but genuinely curious---why didn't Anna get to say a message for her dad? You now live in Arkansas and likely saw Jim Bob today; you don't need to upload a video to YouTube to tell him something...but Anna's dad? He's not local, the message should have been about her." [Mr Kadje] Kinda reminds me of how Ben's family got to sit in the back row at his graduation. JOY, my aunt Fanny.
  8. I wonder whether part of what seems scary to some is the thought that, by next year this time, Jill and Derick might have two kids and another on the way, if they're following the Duggar model. I think by now that most of us know that jobs aren't forever, no matter what age bracket we fall in. But when you think about their missionary dream, right next to it looms the Duggar aim-for-20 dream. And while I didn't really think his quitting Walmart was a huge deal when I first heard of it, I do now wonder what it will be like if they actually are trying to go for both dreams at once.
  9. Bingo. I think maybe the thing that bugs me the very most is that they seem to think that morals are the sole province of their group. And they've taught this to a whole bunch of kids who are really not exposed to any other sources of information. I guess I sort of understand why True Believers have to think this -- if any other set of beliefs can also lead to decent behavior and a decent world then what's so special about yours? But I find that an upsetting idea. And the Duggars typify it.
  10. Apparently I watch the right channels, because never in my life have I heard a news story that identified a person charged with a crime as a Christian. And I've seen tons of stories of church food banks, mentoring programs and food kitchens, always linked to the name of the church or churches that sponsor them -- and not just at Christmas and Easter time either. Don't know whether this is the parts of the country that I've lived in or whether it's just the channels, but if I were you I'd try flipping around the dial more, because at least on many channels what you describe is not the norm at all.
  11. First preparation for a lifetime as a subject of King JimBob Duggar?
  12. Because Jesus was well known for answering only carefully vetted questions.
  13. Maybe they figure there are a few more tv openings for ministries helmed by the currently doddering. Ernest Angley's well into his 90s now. His gig should be opening up soon.
  14. Oh, but hasn't he always been the retiring type? Living a private life in the Arkansas countryside, shy about voicing his opinions or appearing in public? It's not like he's a loud political guy, standing out in the public square, comfortable with having his photo taken, calling out people on their personal behavior, and demanding that ... Oh, wait .....
  15. Yeah, I sort of think that too. It's as if Derick hooked up with Jim Bob not because he wanted a prayer partner but because he wanted the state's biggest grifter as his personal role model. But I'm trying to look on the bright side.
  16. Well, don't know what it means, but somebody on Free Jinger turned this up from the Arkansas Sec'y of State's website company search: On June 17, the Dillards filed under some law that's related to medical corporations (at least in its title, anyway -- but maybe it has provisions that aren't medical at all) to establish a nonprofit called Dillard Family Ministries. They're listed as the directors and the Huckabee associate that Jim Bob was supposedly consulting with about the Josh pr and so on as the "incorporator/organizer." Have no idea what any of that means, but they've been busy with something. http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/corps/search_corps.php?DETAIL=440936&corp_type_id=&corp_name=Dillard&agent_search=&agent_city=&agent_state=&filing_number=&cmd= Maybe the new TLC show will follow Jillerick and Benessa (and MarJosiah?) as they attempt to establish three hip new Gothard-tinged megachurches to bring the so-called Joshua generation back to the task of establishing God's army.
  17. I agree with this. I wasn't criticizing their behavior since I didn't see them exhibit any behavior. Just making the general point that once you've made yourself a public figure -- particularly a public figure who is famous for intimate parts of your private life such as your pregnant belly and when you plan to kiss or lose or not lose your virginity -- then in the real world you don't have any choice about being questioned about pretty much every aspect of your life. These aren't people who are famous because of their acting or their free throw shooting. These are people who have fame and who have courted fame by living in front of cameras and microphones, giving the world at large a quite intimate look at their personal behaviors, activities, beliefs and feelings. I don't think there's any universe where you could do that and expect that people would then refrain from asking you questions about these things, including ones that you might prefer not to talk about. When it comes to how Jill and Jessa actually feel about the cameras and the questions, I have no idea. In the TMZ clip, I didn't see any indication of what they thought. Nobody looks particularly relaxed when it's late in the evening (or early in the morning -- I can't tell, but the concession gates are clearly down there so it's not midday) and they're shuffling through an unfamiliar airport. Maybe they were uncomfortable with the cameras, maybe they weren't.
  18. That sounds reasonable in theory. But once you've exploited your own pregnancy and courting and marrying and virginity-losing numerous times to numerous tabloids -- and done an hour-long interview on some other, perhaps more sensitive, aspect of your life on national tv -- in the real world it is unreasonable to expect people to consider the interview topic or much of the rest of your life completely off limits. They are also the ones who said on national tv that they didn't consider their molestation a big deal at all and that they are totally okay with big brother Josh. That's a fairly remarkable set of statements, and they chose to make them in a very public forum. So if you, as a public figure, do that, and then expect noone to ask you about those things, then you really should start paying more attention to the way the world works, I think.
  19. Yes, but they were all going to a very big public event. The Alive festival publicizes itself and includes some big names, so of course people interested in interviewing/photographing celebs look at that publicity. It's not as if they went to some private event that doesn't take out advertising or plaster the names of the celebs in attendance all over its website, or that they were being snuck in on the qt by the festival. When your name is part of the publicity for a big public event, then you have to expect that the media may want to talk to you and photograph you. Especially if you've been on a significant number of People covers.
  20. I'm sure it was a freelancer. TMZ can't be everywhere and the questioner didn't seem to have the typical TMZ confidence, pushiness and jokiness. Plus, the full-time paparazzi need to hang out in places where they have the possibility of lots of pictures. They can't be flying off to Akron or what have you to chase people or they'd never make a living. I'm sure TMZ has local stringers all over who'll run out to grab footage of the occasional famous visitors, and while the stringers might sometimes be more hamfisted than the full-time tabloid people, I expect that most of the time they're a lot more low key because they aren't nearly as accustomed to doing it. And I can see Jill and Jessa being nervous. But if you don't want to be treated like a public figure, don't try to make a living as a public figure. It wasn't their doing when they were kids, but it's clearly their doing now.
  21. I do think a lot more kids would run on counters if it were permitted. When you're the short people in the place, it's nice to be up high.
  22. Well, I just hope the lady feels the same way when her 20-year-old daughter has followed her role model into a quick pregnancy after marriage to an unemployed teenager.
  23. That's one of the snippets of the show that I've actually watched. And the voiceover of Boob, saying that they heard over the loudspeaker that a kid by that name had been found and that he ran down to get him. Except what they show is not Jim Bob running but Jim Bob strolling to get him. And by the time JimBob got there, somebody had already brought him back to the family -- to Jana, specifically. A four-year-old. Who wouldn't run at breakneck speed through an airport to rescue a lost child of that age, even if it wasn't your own kid. Boob appears to have strolled, and it was his kid ..... Also, so much for the effectiveness of the buddy system when you have more than a dozen people to keep track of, many of them small children and most of the rest preteens and teenagers. It's certainly possible for anyone to lose track of a child. But the parental response seemed disturbingly casual to me.
  24. If it's corruption you're after, I'd vote for the Vegas strip. In New York, they might just be trampled on the sidewalk because they were walking in Duggar time. But my bias is that if a Duggar or Duggars left I would want them to have a good chance to succeed. To me, that calls for Cleveland or some facsimile thereof. Like Minneapolis or Pittsburgh.
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