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Everything posted by Churchhoney

  1. I'll bet you just forgot! It's the thing about his unpaid hospital bills, possibly from one of his accidents?
  2. It's kind of -- I feel bad sometimes and so I know that other people feel bad too. I should have faith that God will help me in my troubles and that probably one thing he has in mind when he gives me strength is that he wants me to reach out to and help those other people who feel bad. Not that he says this with any clarity. But I'm pretty sure that's what he's driving at. Wouldn't actually call it his thesis, I guess, more like his little moral preachy thing. However, I do like it better than his usual -- You're all going to hell.
  3. Well, Cathy is now a member-by-marriage of the Duggar family. And they are soooo blessed. Wouldn't be surprising at all if Jesus sent this miracle as a sign, now would it? Put this blessed family back on Tee Vee! .... I'm beginning to wonder if Cathy's fallen for all this we're-special-chosen-people-with-a-ministry stuff as much as the idiot sons- and daughter-in-law have.
  4. Now, see, they heard the criticism that all that "life changing moment in the final episode of the season" stuff from last season never got followed up. So they're going to do better this time and really follow up on all the (endless) adoption talk they've done. Next season there will be a real Duggar adoptee and adoptee's story shown on the show! It won't be a child, and it won't be anybody adopted by a Duggar, of course, cause they don't want any of that yucky nobody-knows-whose-it-is blood in their precious family. But they'll have an adoptee -- 60-year-old Cathy. So -- once again -- FU Internetz! The Duggars are serious about adoption.
  5. Then you didn't make it to the big laugh line -- how JB and M carefully taught him and his 18 sibs to respect every single person. Unless they're transsexual or gay or Catholic, or they kiss before marriage... At least he'll never be "executive director" of anything again.
  6. Yep, he's definitely gloomy as usual, isn't he? On the other hand, I guess it's a little better that this one is about empathy, sort of, instead of just eternal damnation... He must be a laff riot around the house...
  7. I think it is that fear, but I also think the fear's about more than just women. I think they fear all bodily and even emotional instincts -- stuff we might call animal instincts -- maybe because they unconsciously fear that their own reason and self-control are so lacking that they simply couldn't control themselves in a lot of situations? Of course, since they're stupid, ignorant, cowardly and lazy as all get out, they probably have a darned good reason to fear that.
  8. I guess one has to assume that once people have accepted the idea that everything in their lives is a good thing to put on television then nobody else should mind having their lives spilled all over television too. .... Although it's damned hypocritical for the Duggs and the Dugg-adjacent to feel that way, considering all the stuff that they themselves conceal. Like GOTHARD (and, of course, intra-family child molestation)
  9. When you're in so tight with God, who needs common sense, I guess. Seriously, I have no trouble at all with adoptees seeking their birth families. Of course you want to know a bunch of things. But to broadcast an old lady's name and birthday to the entire Internet. Hard to imagine anybody else dumb and thoughtless enough to do such a thing. (although I still kind of think that Cathy can be blamed, at least partly, for its being done. Even seems likely to me that she authorized Jill to do it because she knew that a social-media announcement from Jill would get much more attention than one she sent out. Since the stuff that was said about abortion earlier on never actually said that the woman told her she would have gotten abortion, to me it very much reads like a rabid right-to-lifer's assumption about things. I expect that Cathy, who is at least now a super-Christian of pretty much the same ilk as Derick and the Duggs, as far as I can tell, is still grumbling and bitching about this, especially in context of -- I could have been aborted! -- and, either tacitly or no, gave a go-ahead to Jill to start blabbing about it. I hope I'm wrong about that, though ....Because she is really old enough to know better. And wasn't raised by Jim Bob and MEEEEchelle. But if she said anything at all that suggested it was okay, Jill would have run with it -- both for Jesus and, of course, to be part of her new Season 2 adoption story line. .... And they're all , Cathy included, linking this woman to the evil abortionists, even though I see no evidence at all that she ever said she would have aborted, just because some sort of pain or other -- of which Cathy likely has no knowledge -- made her not want to meet her former baby. Plenty of people had illegal abortions in those days, so if she had really wanted to abort -- especially as a 30-something woman -- she certainly could have done so. I had some elderly relatives who had illegal abortions in the 20s and 30s.) I definitely now have earned their favorite title of "hater." Because I hate all these people now.
  10. Or Season 2 is going to focus on Jill, since Season 1 focused so much on Jessa? This could all be about filming, couldn't it, since so much of their life is?
  11. I'm 90-year-old woman who long ago had an affair with my boss, somewhat willingly, somewhat unwillingly, in the frigging 1950s, when a lot of men felt quite entitled to push themselves on women in the workplace. I went away and carried the child to term, then gave her up for adoption to a family who badly wanted a child. The shame I actually felt for decades after, and the guilt and shunning that would have been put upon me had people known what I had done, are both tremendous. How's that for a scenario where the birth mother should not be publicly outed or even forced to meet the child that came from this bitter event? That line about "adoption not being a sin" is fucking ridiculous in this context. It's not the damned adoption the person could be shamed for, it's what she did to need to have the adoption -- in the 1950s! -- which were nothing like today in that regard. I don't give a crap about adoptees' burning questions if they don't have the decency to understand that they should conduct such a search -- if they must conduct it -- quietly and not in public and that getting answers about family history, medical history and so on does not require meeting the birth mother. No reason at all to force a 90-year-old into the public spotlight, and any adoptee who thinks that there is is a person who thinks that only he or she matters and that the very real sufferings and struggles of someone who's now a frail elder don't matter a bit, in my opinion.
  12. I have a hard time believing that brings in a whole lot of cash, though. You really only make a bundle off of cell phone towers when they're in extremely sought-after high-rent places -- places where the phone company has very few options for putting the tower and where the available land is pricey. That's unlikely to be true of any area where Jizm Bob owns land, seems to me.
  13. Great! New jobs for the J-Slaves, Howlers, etc.! Can't have any of them thinking that they ought to go elsewhere to find a sense of purpose.
  14. I'll say. Aren't those Catholic-school uniforms? Yeah. Everybody there desperately needs to hear about Christ. .... And I'm sure Joy'll be eager to tell them. Just like all the rest of her self-righteous sibs. I've been really skeptical of Joy ever since I became convinced that she's the one yelling "Git 'eem! Git 'eem!" in the background of the terrorize-the-cat video. How Christian they all are.
  15. I get your point! I was so focused on the only thing that I was trying to do in that post -- responding that the teen-mom scenario wasn't possible if the birth date was right -- that I didn't catch on the first time!
  16. Exactly. And while that age of mother wouldn't be the scenario we most often think of, it's obviously not unheard of either. A woman who was widowed or divorced or abandoned mid-pregnancy, a woman pregnant out of wedlock or from rape or as the result of an affair, a family who were struggling in grinding poverty with the children they had already might all have given a baby up for adoption. The idea of dredging up one of those sad scenarios for some 90-year-old is kind of sickening, seems to me. Perhaps even worse for her than if she'd had the child when she was a teen. She may well have kept it secret from many other people in her life, too, since the 50s and early 60s weren't all that forgiving an era for those doing stuff outside the norm (or what "polite society" pretended was the norm).
  17. Sorry. I should have made myself clearer. Somewhere up above, somebody gave the apparent date of Cathy's mother's birth (as I think it appeared either in something Jill wrote or in something that someone posted to her that they'd found online). And that was 1925. If that date is accurate -- and the date that was posted was connected to the mother by name, not to Cathy -- then the mother would be 90 or 91. If Cathy's mother is indeed 90 or 91, then she couldn't have had Cathy via teenage pregnancy, as someone above suggested. Because I'm quite sure that Cathy's younger than 71. That's all I was saying. ETA: It was in Jill's tweet, which gave what they apparently believe is the woman's name and birth date:Please help us find @cldilla birth mom. Anyone know Joyce Perry (DOB 12/9/1925)? Previously in TX, OK & PA. Israel would love 2 meet ggma!
  18. Well, her presumed mom is 90 or 91 years old now, since she was apparently born in 1925. So it couldn't have been a teenage pregnancy unless Cathy is over 71 years old. I don't think she's anywhere near that, is she? Seems to me she's somewhere in her 50s or maybe 60ish .....
  19. Tha's what I wonder, too. As far as I've heard, it takes a lot of work to make money as a landlord. On the other hand, JB does have a crew of able-bodied people to do a lot of the scut work -- and, unfortunately, perhaps some of the skilled work, too -- for free. And that's a boon not many people have.
  20. Especially now that they have "moar -- n biggur -- kidz" who eat more and have undoubtedly picked up some champagne tastes over the teevee years. (haven't picked up any education or job training, though ...) And some even get married to JB-chosen deadbeats who also eat and don't work and then spawn still moar kidz that they sometimes bring right back home. .... Hard to see how the demographics here work out well for Jim Bob as time moves on. Even with a regulation used-car lot, he'd need a pretty big and successful one to support this population explosion in the style to which it's become accustomed. I hope he's sweating bullets.
  21. Wonder if it's a new thing or if she's ramped it up significantly since the cancer. I knew her cancer was serious but I didn't realize the full extent until I just looked at her tweet about it: "2 yrs ago today I learned the extent of my cancer. Stage 4 NHL, liver, spleen, all lymph & 87% of bone marrow. God healed me, I live for Him" Coming back apparently fairly intact from something of that magnitude could really do a number on you. As an atheist, though, I'm sorry that science and medicine had nothing to do with her cure. Great strides have been made -- by people -- in tackling these liquid cancers, and she was the beneficiary of that. When you get a solid tumor, you're still usually not so lucky if it isn't operable. Sometimes I think the most pernicious thing about this religion they have is that people are never responsible for anything, good or bad. It's either the devil making them do it or Jesus saving them from it. I would think that laziness, thoughtlessness and even some degree of moral lassitude pretty easily arise from that idea. I suppose it's just natural human laziness and puny thinking that give rise to the idea in the first place, though. Seems to me as if it all comes from the lizard brain. No wonder they sit around on couches soaking up the heat from their heated floor all day.
  22. Oh, I'd say she's right around the age where Duggar emotional and intellectual development ends.
  23. Luckily most people don't make turning their children into robotic followers their main project in life! It takes a special kind of sicko to do that. When you were raised by a sicko or sickos of that ilk, you find that most people can't be truly convinced of what happened to you since it's so far outside normal experience. I've always been aware that most people have thought I was lying or at least greatly exaggerating whenever I've talked about my family. I've seen hundreds of blank looks of total noncomprehension. Obviously, it's a good thing for the world that this is an extreme outlier personality. But the cost of it is that when people like this appear -- when people encounter them on tv like the Duggars or when some real-life situation calls somebody's attention to potential abuse or something -- most people simply can't comprehend what they're seeing. So they get away with things or even collect tv "fans."
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