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Everything posted by Churchhoney

  1. I think I read somewhere that Jeremy's parents kind of put a wedge between themselves and their Catholic families when they went the IFB route? If that's a big enough split, the extended family wouldn't really expect to go to a Jeremy wedding, perhaps. And his parents have been IFB for years, so they clearly know about the culture, even if the Duggars are a really really extreme example of if. I have a hard time seeing the Duggs cottoning to a second wedding ceremony just to please some non-Duggar's extended family. Can't help but remember that the Seewalds had to sit behind the Duggars at their own son's graduation ceremony. lol
  2. The thing is, though, I'm pretty sure Duggar-theology-and-behavior-principles oppose aesthetics of any kind. I believe that they dress the way they do to stand out from the crowd with all our vanities. By dressing in the ugliest, dimmest things imaginable they show how special they are in a world that's consumed with appearances. So the gay men in the world of aesthetics are, to the Duggars, most likely just confirming homosexuality's unbreakable bonds to Satan. I mean this seriously, by the way, even though it sounds like a joke. They reject knowledge and education because of the bonehead idea that God created those as false idols to trick people into abandoning him, and I'm pretty sure they reject aesthetics, fashion and art for the same reason. In the case of art, it's the same notion that condemns Catholics for actually worshiping statues and paintings, which a fundie I know just mentioned to me a couple of days ago, describing her Catholic sister. On this line, all things of this world -- even, and maybe especially, even good ones -- are to be (ostentatiously!) shunned because they're surely false idols. They're eye-traps, as the vile Bill Gothard would say. So anything that's an abomination to gay aesthetes is probably by definition totes the holiest of holies to Jesus, I expect, for the Duggs. Not that I believe they could articulate this these days. I think their religion has been going on automatic pilot for years now. But I'm sure this is where it started out.
  3. Seems to me she's looked that way for a long time. Can't say that I blame her. Guess it doesn't say much for her new relationship if it doesn't change that situation, though, I suppose.
  4. Yeah, that's my read, too. But obviously we don't know for certain. People still argue both ways on Derick, for example, and I can see both arguments -- haven't made up my own mind. Jeremy does seem to me to want the child bride. However, she doesn't look like a child bride, and I'm sure he doesn't really know her, so I'm thinking it's at least possible that he's fixated on some other aspect of this arrangement and doesn't fully see it. Or he thinks he wants it now, but down the line he could realize that it wasn't really what he wanted (after all, he probably hasn't know a lot of truly childlike brides, because who does, in 2016, so does he actually know what he's getting into with that?). All that being the case, I'm saying that, to my mind, this is a dicey situation whether he does want a child bride and knows it, or whether he's picking one by accident. Both ways could very easily lead to bad outcomes, I think.
  5. Yeah, thanks for clarifying this. Those are my concerns, too. Because if a child bride is what he wanted, that's probably bad. At least for the marriage as a marriage and almost certainly for Jinger. And if a child bride isn't what he really wanted, then that's definitely bad because he'll be unhappy and then what will he do? Be mad at Jinger? Be super-mad at himself? Walk out? Then feel guilty and walk back? It seems to have a heck of a lot of potential for being an unhappy situation.
  6. Yeah, I agree that it could go either way. Mainly, I'm leery about what happens in any of these marriages when any guy finally wakes up to full realization that he's actually signed up to be Jim Bob's bitch for life and a member of a true brainwashing cult rather than somebody's husband. But in this case, it seems to me that the experience difference between him and Jinger could make her true nature even more of a shock to him than Jill's childlikeness has been to Derick, for example, and Jim Bob's true nature more of a shock as well. I wouldn't say that he's necessarily going to explode or freak out someday when realizations strike. But I do think it's a possibility given that, like the other couples, they really won't know each other when they hitch but, unlike the other couples, there's a really really big gap between who he probably is and who Jinger is (it seems to me, anyway). She looks like an attractive 22-year-old. But in fact, I'd bet she's more like a fragile 14, when it comes to adult relationships and self assertion, at least. I think an older guy who's lived in the outside world could get very very frustrated with someone like that at a point when he's feeling angry about his life in general. And, more so than Derick and Bin, this guy may have the ego and the physical presence that could lead to frustration getting out of hand, seems to me. I guess I find it impossible to imagine that any young Duggar-in-law won't eventually feel very very angry and frustrated about the way Jim Bob and Michelle have suffocated their spouses and are now trying to suffocate them as well!
  7. No, they go out and dry hump in groups at family-friendly entertainment venues.
  8. Because a) Boob's overweaning ego -- which he takes to be the voice G.O.D. -- informs him that he, above all fathers, has raised his children to be second to none when it comes to the skills of navigating this life in any of its particulars (Seriously. He thinks this. Just listen to Jessa or Joy or any of the others pop off about it.) and b) his tears at daughters' weddings notwithstanding, the vile bastard does not give a shit about his daughters (or, for that matter, about his sons).
  9. "he thinks." I fear that, once again, this is where we're going wrong with this guy. ...As with everybody else who's attracted to the Duggar crew, his thinker seems to be seriously on the fritz.
  10. Well, one of them does come from a father who thinks that dry humping on a minigolf course should be shared with the world and a mother who thinks that her monthly-cycle calendar should be hung on the fridge to be regularly perused by her minor children and shown on tv. So.............Duggarworld appears to have slightly different views from most of us about what's private and what's not.
  11. God doesn't approve of brains. He only gave them to us to trick us into using them instead of relying on the pronouncements of his spokesmen on earth like Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips, JIm Bob Duggar ....
  12. Or be going headlong into this without letting himself realize what it means about his control of his own life vis a vis Jim Bob. And when he does realize it, somewhere down the line, freaking out from his obvious issues and inadvertently taking it out on her. ..... It would be bad enough waking up one day subsumed into Duggardom if you were a dummy but somewhere near stable, as I think Bin and Derick are. But if you have very big unresolved issues of your own and maybe some hidden problems with impulse control or substances-- and that's the vibe I'm getting from this guy -- it would be a killer.
  13. Well, he'll fit right in. In this one we have the obligatory ex-Catholic disgusted with her former "filthy" "good deeds." And here I was afraid he might just be a pray-away-the-gay guy. Ugh. Of course, since Jinger really saw "his heart" on a "mission" trip, I suppose her favorite thing about him is that he's a god-botherer. So that's cool. I'm not convinced God cares that much about soccer goals.
  14. According to the Google (and in this instance, I expect that fundies are well in line with the Goog): meek mēk/ adjective adjective: meek; comparative adjective: meeker; superlative adjective: meekest quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive. "I used to call her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild" synonyms:submissive, yielding, obedient, compliant, tame, biddable, tractable, acquiescent, humble, deferential, timid, unprotesting, unresisting, like a lamb to the slaughter; More quiet, mild, gentle, docile, lamblike, shy, diffident, unassuming, self-effacing "they called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek" antonyms:assertive Origin Middle English me(o)c (also in the sense ‘courteous or indulgent’), from Old Norse mjúkr ‘soft, gentle.’
  15. Another of Pop's sermons. "Biblical Masculinity Biologically Confirmed" It definitely bothers me even more when apparently smart people say this stuff. I mean, of course JB and M say it. They're ignoramuses and idiots into the bargain. And Derick and Bin are half-bright innocents, naive, silly. But I can't help but think that it's much more deeply warped when it's coming from the smart ones and the ones with educations like Gothard, Voddie Baucham, this guy. People who have a lot of cause to know better.............So I guess it'll all seem pretty warped to me with Jeremy, if he goes this route as well. And with all the pray-away-the-gay stuff on his church site, I expect he does. http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=32304171120
  16. Sounds right to me. Of course it's apparently perfectly okay for a guy to have had all kinds of experiences and sins. Just as long as he repents later, he's golden. But given the sexism and misogyny of their world, I'd bet that most of these repented guys have no interest in picking up with a similarly repented woman. I'd bet almost all of them insist on somebody fresh off the truck. I just hope he doesn't see himself as doing Jinger some big favor because he's taking her on despite her damaged state from the sexual abuse, because I'm sure there are plenty out there who do see the Duggar girls as rotten apples because of this.
  17. Okay, I believe this is Jeremy's dad. http://illbehonest.com/author/chuckvuolo Interesting. He has about a thousand IQ points on Jizm Bob. Wonder if he'll be down with totally losing his kid down the Duggar rabbit hole the way Mike Seewald has, for example. ... And now I'm thinking Jeremy must have had issues about having fallen away from his family's way as a teenager and young-20-something and has now come back to it with a preachy vengeance. But does he know that he's signed up for a new and improved father by latching on to the Duggar clan? Because when have the Duggs let anybody else have any influence in their world? And how can he stand JB's idiocy? There will certainly be drama.
  18. I dunno. I suspect that these two are so blatantly inaccurate that even Jessa couldn't write them down.
  19. Maybe we should look on the bright side. He could be an ex-Mormon. Now there's some bitter. What bothers me -- as always -- is that she probably barely knows him. Nor he her. Sad and troubling that none of them ever knows what they're getting into. ETA: And as I think about it, this one worries me a lot more than the other two Duggar-female courtships. Why would a man of his age who's obviously had both jobs and a life try to get his woman from the Duggar pile, unless he was a) looking to use the family name and b) looking for an exceptionally malleable woman with absolutely zero power and a destroyed will that he can mold to his liking? Bin sought out a Duggar for the name, too, but he was mostly a horny child and as such not a huge threat (plus he got mean-girl Jessa, who can take him). Derick sought out Duggardom, but that had to be at least partly because he's awkward, shy and kinda wimpy and probably had a lot of trouble getting girls in the past. But this one? Good looking, big, a former professional athlete -- certainly has tons of ego and almost certainly has had little or no trouble getting women in the past. Why would he be willing to join Jizm Bob's harem of bitches? He clearly wouldn't need it to get a wife. Now here he is, way older, has had a penchant for drinking, seems pretty outspoken and articulate, says intense bitter things about having formerly been a slave to sin, is judgmental of both himself and others apparently, and is physically strong -- he's been a pro goalie. And now he's he's got in his clutches paper-thin, clingy, extra-appendage, sexually-abused-while-awake little Jinger -- who saw herself as evil and satanic from age five. People have speculated about potential for abuse from the other two guys and it hasn't really rung true to me. But this one? To me he looks like an emotional and physical abuse situation totally ready to happen. I fear for her.
  20. "Meet Duggar World Ministries: Derick, Bin, and Jeremy Makes Three! ...Oh,...and Jinger."
  21. To be fair, "JInger Anything" is a horrible name. I mean, imagine "JInger Jackson." "Jinger O'hara," "Jinger Fernandez." "Jinger Pulaski." "Jinger Smith." That last one sounds like a cookie. It's the "Jinger" that does it. .... Guys should take that as a sign, I think.
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