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Posts posted by mynextmistake

  1. 3 hours ago, McManda said:

    It's what the ultrasound techs/radiologists look for in determining gender on ultrasounds. The three lines become the baby's genitalia, though I thought you needed a bottom shot to tell. (I didn't go back to look, wasn't Jessa's ultrasound a profile of the baby's face?)

    You do need a shot of the lower half of the body. The first shot Jessa posted was a profile of the whole fetus, but the angle on the part below the abdomen isn’t very good. That’s why I said I could be wrong. I’m sure we’ll find out eventually, given this gang’s love of gender reveal parties.

    • Love 1
  2. 6 hours ago, WallStreetDuchess said:

    Oh boy, JRod has a few new Instagram posts up. It appears DEAR Timothy surprised her and Sweet Nurie with necklaces and cards for Valentine's Day. The one they're both hearts with the word Love on them. Kind of icky to give to your sister. Not to mention, he has other sisters. I wish I was able to post the pictures but am not on the right device at the moment.

    Well, yeah, but according to Jill Nurie is the only sister he’s dating. 

    While we’re on the topic, what kind of name is Nurie? Did Jill make it up? It’s such an odd choice given that the rest of the kids have relatively normal names.

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  3. 1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

    But you would not pronounce "mi" in English as "my."

    Mine. Miter. Mile. Mighty. 

    You could also pronounce it “Mih muh.” Mission, miniature, million, midriff.

    Jill’s not the sharpest crayon in the box, but it wasn’t stupid of her to not assume everyone would instinctively pronounce “Mima” as “Me-muh.” I read it as “my-muh” initially and I speak English just fine. 

    • Love 10
  4. 15 minutes ago, McManda said:

    It depends on how they're using their social media as income. If they're like most "influencers" and have just monetized their websites with something like Google AdSense, then a hate click is the same as a like click. The advertisers don't care why you're looking at their blog, just that you potentially saw the ads embedded in it and maybe clicked on one. It's the same way this site makes income to operate without us having to buy anything and why Wikipedia is always having to ask for donations (because they're ad free).

    I think it's unlikely Jill and Derick are making any money partnering with a brand or acting as affiliates, just based on how quickly FabFitFun dumped Jill. That's where the negative association would come into play; brands don't want to be affiliated with hot topic people and the traffic garnered by people visiting the site to hate wouldn't be buying the stuff they recommend anyway.

    Wait ... what? What kind of job does Wisconsin expect of a toddler to qualify for benefits? I'm so confused.

    I was joking.

    1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

    If a child has 2 parents, how do they decide which is exempt for caring for them?

    It doesn’t matter from a benefit calculation standpoint which parent stays home, but you only get credit for one stay-at-home parent. I was assuming Derick would be the one to work since his earning potential is higher.

    • Love 3
  5. 4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    SNAP benefits it my state are very strict. However there are a slew of exceptions to the rules. Students are exempt from the able bodied work rule as are many people with mental health issues and new moms. New moms can receive both SNAP and WIC at the same time. With that said, Jill is an able bodied person and would likely disqualify the family.

    I'm guessing Jill and Derick are living on student loans and Cathy probably springs for an occasional "date night" for them and maybe buys the boys clothes and diapers here and there. I really don't think JB & M give the Dillards anything at all, as neither of them give off a generous vibe to me. 

    Jill would be exempt in Arkansas because she is caring for minor children. Derick would not be exempt as a graduate student. The boys probably would because I think the only state which has work requirements for toddlers is Wisconsin.

    • Love 2
  6. 7 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    I only know a little bit about SNAP, but, back a couple years ago, ‘actively seeking work’ meant interviewing for 2 jobs a month.  Not exactly onerous, especially since there was no requirement to actually take the job if it was offered.  How do I know? I was asked fairly often by pregnant patients to sign a medical waiver because they were pregnant and doing 2 job interviews a month was too much for them.  I never signed a single one, BTW.

    According to what I found on the Arkansas SNAP website yesterday, the rules are stricter than that. Any able-bodied adult who isn’t working 30 hours per week or enrolled in a government work program can only receive SNAP for 3 months out of 36. After they use up their 3 months, they’re done for three years. So Derick’s not getting SNAP. Where it get so interesting, and more complicated than I originally thought, is that the ineligibility only attaches to the individual, not the entire household. So Jill and the boys could be getting SNAP if they otherwise qualify under the income and asset criteria.

    • Love 4
  7. 5 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

    I think that JB may be funding some of this -- I know it's unlikely given his disdain for higher education, and Derick failing to work at the family business, but I think it's possible. One of the posts that we saw earlier asked if Derick was in the States for Christmas, and he said "for now." Jill hated DA, and really fell apart away from the TTH. If Derick keeps his "heart for missions" dangling over the family, JB might pony up some money to keep him happy and keep him local. I don't think that JB HAS that kind of money, but he might be ponying up something. Maybe he and Cathy are splitting the tuition and Derick's "job" covers living expenses?

    Derick doesn’t have a job. I don’t think he’s even pretending to be working now that he’s in law school. 

    I really don’t see JB giving him that money, for a number of reasons. First, I don’t doubt he loves Jill, but I don’t think he’s so sentimental that he’d give Derick $30k a year just to keep her stateside. He’s way too cheap, and I think he also really believes that as the family headship Derick gets to choose the family’s course. If that means going to DA, JB would expect Jill to suck it up and go with him. Second, it would set a terrible precedent. If JB pays for Derick’s schooling, what’s to stop Ben and Jeremy and whoever else comes along from expecting he’ll pay for theirs? If he refused, it could cause serious strife in the family, and remember that JB’s world depends on his kids and their spouses keeping their mouths shut about all the family dirty laundry — he can’t afford serious strife. Finally, Derick has publicly been a huge asshole about TLC and the show. I think if JB were giving him thousands of dollars a year, he would expect Derick to stop biting the hand that feeds him.

    • Love 22
  8. 1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

    Wha..... you were given financial counseling by your in-laws prior to marriage.  So, are you saying you blew all those sweet, sweet TLC paychecks?   Maybe that you’re deep in debt to the hospital over some of the Jill’s tomfoolery? 

    I think his debt is likely to be educational debt. According to the University of Arkansas law school website, in-state cost for tuition, fees, and books is $8500 per semester. That’s $17,000 per year for three years, or $51k total. Then when you add up rent, utilities, phone charges, food/sundries, clothing/shoes, health insurance, auto insurance, gas for the car(s) and the occasional treat for a family of four, even in dirt-cheap Arkansas you’re looking at what, $1200/month minimum? So add $15,000 per year for living expenses and the total amount Derick’s degree is going to cost them is $96,000. Their earned income for this period is $0, so that hundred grand has to come from somewhere. 

    It’s not coming from grant aid. The University of Arkansas financial aid site indicates that their need-based grant aid is largely provided through federal grant programs, with the remainder covered by two state grant programs. As a graduate student, Derick is ineligible for all of these programs. I know people have speculated that Cathy is covering the costs, but i’ve seen nothing to indicate that she has an extra $30k a year lying around. And you know JB’s cheap ass isn’t paying the bills. I suspect he’s borrowing, probably quite heavily. Which would be fine if he was going to graduate and find. Job where he can pay it back, but sometime within the next year he’s going to see something shinier than law school and bolt, leaving $50k in debt and no way to pay it off. 

    • Love 17
  9. 17 hours ago, sleepysuzy said:

    The foster care system in WV is overwhelmed due to the opioid epidemic,  which has bit there hardest, if you go by overdose death statistics. I saw a statistic that in one country, 80% of grandparents are raising their grandchildren. No way the system is going to do anything about families like the Rodriguez family. 

    It’s unfortunate that they’re so overburdened that they can’t step in to protect starving children. That’s probably why the Rodrigueses live there. 

    • Love 4
  10. 9 minutes ago, sondraK said:

    Thx for that,mynextmistake.

    So no mortgage,but they grift the rest for utilities,gas,food,vehicle upkeep,etc? That's a lot to expect.

    I'm guessing they don't pay any taxes,since income is all donations.

    I've noticed fundies don't ask for things they need...they want extras.Like the mixer and perfume Jill wanted.

    I don't see why she doesn't sell something that would sell better,like Mary Kay..50% profit,or Avon,40% profit.Discount for all the beauty items they use as well.Avon doesn't require items to be bought upfront

    If she wants a home-based business, an MLM is not the way to go. An astonishingly large number of people don’t earn any money in those schemes. Many of them actually lose money. But they all teach you to fake it until you make it, so Jill brags about selling enough to buy herself a diamond ring when in reality she likely hasn’t made a red cent off plexus and is paying for her jewelry with money she should be using to feed her emaciated children. 

    I cannot even express the level of contempt I have for Jill. She is a terrible excuse for a human being. Every single one of those children should be removed from her home and placed in foster care immediately. They’d have a chance at a normal life, and Jill would lose all of her grifting fodder and have to start earning her own money. She’s unqualified for any legit job, but maybe there’s a niche market in the amateur porn industry for women who have had 14 kids. She’s already dressing the part. 

    • Love 22
  11. 52 minutes ago, sondraK said:

    Hi,I'm new here,have been lurking for awhile,though.

    Idk If the Rod's use SNAP, but it appears they might be eligible.I looked it up for WV:

    https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligibility#How much could I receive in SNAP benefits?

    If they use it,they would be getting $2163/mo for food

    West Virginia has work requirements for SNAP recipients. Either Jill or David could be exempted from the work requirement because they are needed to care for the children, but the other one of them would have to get off their ass and find a job in order to qualify. 

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