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Posts posted by mynextmistake

  1. 1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    The other day, I talked about how one of the citrus and lemon dresses from their website looked like a housedress that my grandmother would have worn taken from one of her catalogs.  May I present one of the ugliest dresses to grace their website....


    The orthopedic sandals aren’t doing her any favors either. Everything from this website looks like house clothes. If Derick does actually make it as a lawyer Jill is going to need to smarten up her style a bit. She can’t show up at firm events in a Citrus and Lemon jumpsuit and three feet of unbrushed hair without embarrassing Derick. 

    Going from the second picture Jill’s new neighborhood looks extremely depressing. One of those new builds where they’ve clear cut all the mature trees, the houses are five feet apart and your backyard is the size of a postage stamp. Hopefully there will at least be other kids for Izzy and Sam to play with. 

    • Love 8
  2. 17 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

    This reminds me of me and my brother as a kid we had a white Persian and we were bored one day so we decided to dye the Persian purple with grape Kool-Aid until the day the Persian Went Over the Rainbow Bridge he had a purple tint.

    It makes me so happy that my child is not the only one who tries to Queer Eye her pets. She also once tried to put my lipstick on the dog, but she couldn’t because the dog ate the lipstick before it could be applied. 

    • LOL 18
  3. 13 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    I wonder if it's cut like a tent just so it'll be comfortable? ...

    The trouble with that theory, though, is that I don't think that floor-length maternity-dress would be comfortable in, you know, maternity. It looks to me like it could interfere with your walking stride or with getting up from a chair, etc., which, to me, would be additional issues I wouldn't want to fool with............

    But maybe long = comfortable to some? 

    Based on my experience, by the time you are big enough to need maternity clothes nothing is comfortable. Your only goal in dressing is to choose clothes that reduce the number of people who stare at your bump and say “wow, it must be twins.”

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    You could also wear it to sit on the back porch and drink your coffee really early in the morning. That was my immediate thought when I first saw it......Then I realized it was her Easter Sunday dress-up dress. Yikes. She must be hiding a pregnancy. Otherwise, why the heck?

    Josiah, I guess, is very unsuccessfully hiding his new weight gain. 

    Although actually when I looked more closely at the picture, I noticed that while the dress is cut like a mumu it’s that cheap rayon fabric that is kind of clingy so you can see her midsection pretty well. She still looks quite slender. She might be pregnant, but if so she’s not really showing yet, and certainly not showing enough to require this monstrosity as camouflage.

    Perhaps Josiah has become a stricter headship than anyone anticipated and told her to lay off the tighter-fitting clothing? 

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    And Lauren looked so CUTE last Easter! I think she has a very nice figure- slim but curvy buttocks, which is great for even “modest” clothing. She usually likes to wear tighter skirts because she knows her ass looks good. Why is she wearing this?!! Is she pregnant again and none of her normal clothes fit?

    I wondered if she might be pregnant again. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, Trillium said:

    There are no words. Except, hopefully that new house has an iron...and a brush. 


    Wow. Just... wow.

    There is so much wrong with this outfit that I don’t know where to start. Its color is unflattering, it makes Jill (who is in no way overweight) look chubby, and the obviously cheap fabric is weirdly sheer and easy to wrinkle. But the outfit pales in comparison to her styling. She can’t wash or brush her hair? Iron the jumper? Stop squinting? Does citrus and lemon think she’s making their clothes look good?

    I really think she must be depressed. To be this half-assed about her only arguably profitable enterprise is just bizarre. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if she was the one who insisted on the move. Being isolated in Fayetteville with Derick at school all the time must have been hard. She doesn’t seem to have developed a friend network there. This way she’ll be closer to her family and it will be harder for Derick to spend time at school on weekends or days off. 

    • Love 16
  7. 15 hours ago, sleepysuzy said:

    I took zofran round the clock for the whole pregnancy each time, including in the iv during labor. Thankfully it worked well enough to keep vomiting down to 1-5 times a day most of the time. During my last pregnancy I tried diclegis instead, and it was completely useless. I lost 5 lbs in the middle of the second trimester thanks to that experiment. Unfortunately,  zofran has some really unpleasant side effects, too, like horrible constipation and headaches.

    My mom is a real hero. She had hyperemesis back before effective meds, and still had four babies. She was hospitalized so many times during her pregnancy with me that she lost count. 

    I don't think anything the Duggars have described sounds like hyperemesis. Morning sickness in the first trimester is common. Vomiting all day, every day, unless constantly medicated is not. If yours was not able to be controlled by medication, I definitely understand the decision to not have more children.

    Yeah, zofran didn’t work for me at all. Promethazine helped a bit (instead of puking 12-15 times a day I only puked 6 or 7 times) but it made me drowsy and itchy. There were days I couldn’t get out of bed. It got so bad that I got clinically depressed and (please don’t judge me anyone) had to take an antidepressant starting in my fifth month. I lost weight. My hair was falling out. I had to get IV iron because my ferritin level went down to 5. I am blessed that my daughter is healthy and happy but, as much as I would like her to have a sibling, I just can’t do that again. 😢

    You’re right though. If the Duggar girls had hyperemesis they’d be shouting it from the rooftops. 

    • Love 10
  8. 3 hours ago, sleepysuzy said:

    I think Jessa is referring specifically to her pregnant belly, not necessarily weight gain, thus the discussion of birth weight. As someone who had four macroscomic babies weighing between 8 lbs 15 oz and 11 lbs, and who myself weighed 9 lbs 15 oz at birth, it is an area of interest to me. I've never seen Jessa look like she was packing on extra weight anywhere other than her belly and chest. 

    I never gained more than the recommended weight and had hyperemesis, and still had giant babies. My fundal height was 5 weeks ahead with my fourth right before she was born, measuring 43 weeks at my 38 week appointment. She was born two days later weighing 10 lbs 10 oz. The midwives described my enormous belly as "pendulous". I never had gestational diabetes. My placentas weigh over 2 lbs and are incredibly efficient at feeding and growing huge babies. 

    I'd be interested in seeing these women talk about how having very large babies affects a woman's recovery from childbirth. I have a "four finger" diastasis recti and got postpartum physical therapy for back pain. I know the Gothardites put a lot of emphasis on thinness, so I wonder how they handle it if their abdominal muscles separate? 

    I would also hope Jessa has a hospital birth due to her history of postpartum bleeding, which is a risk with macroscomic babies because the uterus is so stretched. I had hemorrhages with my last two deliveries and needed multiple extra doses of pitocin and cytotec to get it under control. 

    You had hyperemesis but had 4 babies? I am in awe of you. Sincerely. I had hyperemesis and it led me to completely shut down the factory after Mini Mistake. There was no way I was going to be that miserable for another 9 months. You must be a really strong person to go through that more than once. 

    Hasn’t it been hinted that the Duggar girls have had hyperemesis? They just call it “bad morning sickness” but both Jinger and Jill have described what sounds like hyperemesis to me. 

    • Love 4
  9. Unless they bought the house for cash in hand, i’m not sure it would matter how much they have in savings. A buyer may have $300k in savings, but if they also have $0 in monthly income the bank isn’t going to count on them using 2/3 of that $300k to keep up their monthly mortgage payments. If they did take out a mortgage, i’m guessing they needed a co-signer to qualify. It could have been either Cathy or Jim Bob, both of whom would likely have sufficient income to qualify. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

    People were super impressed when Jinger put the skirts away the second she got married, but she’s never had the cajones to wear pants or shorts around her parents.  Jill seems to give 0 flying farts about what J.B. and Michelle think these days and that says a lot considering how much snitching she did for them throughout her life.  She was clearly the favorite and has probably fallen from their graces a bit.

    It may be passive aggressive and a little bit like a teenager rebelling against mommy and daddy, but she has every right to throw all of their twisted rules back at them. 

    It surprised me that it took as long as it did for Jill to start wearing pants. Say what you will about Derick, but he never struck me as someone who would prohibit his wife from wearing pants. It’s interesting that Jill waited until Jinger had already started wearing pants before she was willing to do it. 

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  11. 9 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

    Jill R should try to marry Nuri to a Bates. The Bates boys sure are cute!

    Nobody who knows anything about the Rodrigui is going to court Nurie. She’s pretty, but nowhere near pretty enough to make up for all the baggage she would come with. Nurie’s best chance is to find a fundie guy who isn’t part of the IBLP crowd and doesn’t know her family, bring him home, introduce him to the actors she has hired to play her parents, and insist on eloping before he meets the real ones. 

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