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Posts posted by mynextmistake

  1. 59 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    As a nurse, she probably understands all the methods of birth control and may well be using something more effective than NFP.  They are attending a church that doesn't oppose birth control.  🙂

    True! I tend to forget that most mainstream churches don’t oppose birth control.  I had assumed they would only be comfortable with NFP because they were both raised Gothard, but maybe I’m wrong. They could be using something else, or not using anything at all. 

    • Love 9
  2. 52 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    The Duggars are not as steeped into white supremacy as the Bates, but it is baked into their Gothardist beliefs.  I highly doubt that they have ever thought about this issue though.  They isolate themselves and probably think they are not racists because they welcomed that one POC that one time into their home, etc, etc.

    Wow, I didn’t realize that. That’s what I get for not watching the show I guess! 

    • Love 1
  3. On 5/11/2019 at 3:04 AM, GeeGolly said:

    The video of Spurge repeating sight words comes naturally to children who are read to. It's the same as an 18 month old knowing french fries come from the building with the giant yellow M. I don't understand the need to make it into a forced lesson when a kid is still in diapers.

    Not that it matters anyway. The Seewald kids will still be forced to recite (not understand) the Bible and will still have Ben & Jessa as their lifelong teachers.

    On the positive side the boys are getting attention from their parents and not wandering aimlessly getting their heads stuck in railings.

    Exactly. My 3 year old can recite her favorite books verbatim. She’s not reading, she just remembers the words she has heard us read. When we tell her to sound out an unfamiliar word she just looks at us like we are Martians. She’s 3, why push it? 

    I was reading at three, but i’ve always been very verbal and was apparently very focused as a young child. Some kids are ready to learn then, some aren’t. 

    • Love 12
  4. 7 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    I personally think the Duggars use God and the bible for a cover up to spread their ignorance, hatred, and racism along with trying to make themselves look good.

    Are they racist? Ignorant, surely, and hateful and homophobic and misogynistic, but i’m unaware of any examples of overt racism. Did I miss something? 

    • Love 3
  5. On 5/10/2019 at 3:45 PM, drafan said:

    Johannah's purity ring finger is in a splint. Is she being punished for something?

    Her (bad) posture makes her look just like Jana.

    She’s the spitting image of Jana already. If not for the age difference they could be twins.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

    They really are, and it’s because both of their parents are creepy, so they couldn’t escape it genetically.  Every time I see those poor kids I just want to sit down and cry.  They rip my heart out.  I would love to say the same to Jill, but she’s a big f’ing pussy who keeps her IG comments turned off.

    I can’t snark on those poor girls. They rip my heart out too, because they are so clearly malnourished. It’s not just that they’re thin... they have that dull, sallow skin, thin hair and sunken-looking eyes. I bet that underneath that caked-on makeup the older girls look exactly the same. 

    • Love 11
  7. 1 hour ago, galaxychaser said:

    Maybe D got $ for law school from suing the dentist. His face is truly messed up.

    Arkansas court records are public and Derick Dillard has never been involved in a court case. Not even a speeding ticket. So if he sued his dentist it wasn’t in AR. 

    They do have some awesome names in Arkansas though. “Chucky Dillard” gets in trouble a lot, almost as often as “Custy Dillard” (three guesses about what his school nickname was). My favorite, though, had to be “Assberry Dillard.” 

    • LOL 17
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  8. 2 hours ago, Temperance said:

    Except he probably sets her clothes budget. He probably likes that she wears cheaper clothes since it leaves more money for him. If he wanted her to wear more expensive clothes, I'm sure she would wear higher end clothes since he's her headship. 

    I’m not sure how cheap her clothes are. That skirt looked like Boden (she’s worn their clothes before) and they’re not Givenchy but they’re not Walmart or TJ Maxx either. I think he spends more on clothes than she does, but I think she spends more than a lot of people. 

    • Love 7
  9. 1 hour ago, DragonFaerie said:

    Started Monday off with a slight fever - 100. X-rays to check for pneumonia. X-rays showed either edema from his abdomen or the start of pneumonia. Breathing exercises every hour. No pain meds for the morning and his bp meds were turned off. By noon, fever broke and good. Very alert and can answer questions. Just after lunch the nurses got him out of bed and into the chair!!! He was super excited to get out of the bed!!! He is also now allowed ice chips and went through 3 whole cups of them. Watching tv. Stayed in the chair for 4+ hours. Then his body was sore and he had pain meds, which meant the bp medicine had to start again. Back in bed and snoozing. Feet and legs have NO swelling today at all!!! Still no real urine output, so focus on that for anyone sending and doing stuff. Both eyes now have capilliary booms, but the nurses are still very pleased with his progress. Also his post surgery drains are draining very well and it's clear - not cloudy at all.

    Make sure he uses his incentive spirometer! Everyone hates them but they’re the best defense we have against postsurgical pneumonia. There are excellent hospitals in the Bay Area. Best wishes to both of you!

    • Love 6
  10. 2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    I guess Jeremy wouldn't allow Jinger to join the rest of them at Big Sandy.

    Maybe she didn’t want to go. Big Sandy sounds like its main purpose (for young adults, at least) is helping fundies get dates. I mean courtships. So really the only draw for Jinger would be seeing her family, which I think is pretty low on her priority list.

    • Love 6
  11. 1 hour ago, OpieTaylor said:

    A couple of things I noticed in the Zillow page for their house: It looks like it's a For Sale By Owner based on the "Call Jeremy" at the end of this abbreviated description: "This beautiful four bedroom single family home ... Contact us today to schedule your private tour. Call Jeremy..." [followed by a phone # in the ad]

    Below is part of what's under "Tax History." My Question: Why did the 2018 property taxes drop SO much (-66.5%), even while the assessment increased?

    Tax History


    2018    $691(-66.5%)         $167,810 (+4.6%)

    2017    $2,063 (-32.1%)     $160,420 (+8.4%)

    2016    $3,036 (+6.5%)      $147,960 (+2.6%)

    They may have qualified for a homestead exemption in 2018 that they didn’t qualify for before? In my area you have to have lived in the home for a full calendar year before you get the exemption. 

    What is up with the random stuffed lynx in Jeremy’s study? I bet that lynx could tell some stories.

    • Love 5
  12. 35 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

    Before we are told to move on ..... in first grade we went to a turkey farm right before Thanksgiving!

    That’s both hilarious and horrifying at the same time. I was a sarcastic child, so I would have looked at our Thanksgiving turkey and said “Jasper? Is that you?”

    There was a prostitute in one of the cells at the jail who actually talked to us girls for ten minutes about how we should stay in school and off drugs so we could have happy lives. A school would never get away with such a field trip today, but it was actually really touching and I think she might really have made a difference in some of the girls’ lives. I grew up in a rough area and a lot of us had folks who were absent, or on drugs, or just working so hard to get by that they were never around. It’s hard to imagine a future other than the one you see as a child. Come to think of it, that’s probably why so many of the Duggar kids are hesitant to stray from the path. 

    • Love 17
  13. On 5/4/2019 at 11:33 AM, bigskygirl said:

    Spurge and Henry would not know the fun of going on school field trips. I remember going to the post office, fire department and East Helena Smelter. In my junior year of high school, my Psychology teacher wanted to take us to the state prison or the state mental hospital, but the principal and school board said no. We ended up going to the state school for the developmentally disabled instead.

    We went to the jail in third grade, and then to McDonald’s for lunch. Our teacher told us to pay close attention because most of us would end up in one or the other. He probably wasn’t wrong, actually. 

    • LOL 12
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  14. 14 minutes ago, leighdear said:

    My dad has several fine art printed pocket squares he bought in London years ago. One is a stunning Klimt Tree of Life that I actually tried to snag to get framed for my bedroom.  I never managed to pull it off.

    The photos in this thread compared to the photos in the other married couples threads just amaze me.  It's truly is like looking at a real Rembrandt and comparing it to a framed Elvis portrait on velvet.   

    I like seeing attractive things and people.  YMMV.9

    1 hour ago, Lunera said:


    Most of the comments are about how cute Felicity is. Lol they don't even have the products he's shilling in stock yet. 🙄😂

    To be fair, Felicity is a doll. I wish they’d stop putting bows on her head, though. She looks goofy.

    • Love 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    I agree that if she's transferred the license she hasn't closed the door forever on taking paid work as an LPN. She probably did the transfer when she handled the other paperwork required after moving to Arkansas and getting married - name and address change on her records and accounts (Social Security, for one), getting an Arkansas driver's license, registering to vote, etc. 

    She studied and worked to get that license, and IMO no reasonable person would just throw it away. Even if she has no immediate plans to work as an LPN, it makes sense to keep her licensure current and active in the state where she now lives. 

    @mynextmistake, it is interesting that JD and Abbie would join that church. It doesn't look like it's the closest church to where they live (AFAIK), and as you said it doesn't sound like it's run by IFB or IBLP doctrinaires. As @Zella posted, the location may put some physical distance between them and the Duggar herd.

    Both JD and Abbie were raised by parents who are IBLP adherents. IMO their choice of church by itself doesn't mean they've abandoned their Gothardite roots, but it does mean that at church they are mixing with some people who aren't part of the IBLP crowd.

    It’s also been a full six months without any announcement of a blessing. Take that for what you will. 

    • Love 10
  16. 4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Yeah, someone unearthed that back when it originally happened. However, we have no evidence that she's followed through and gotten a job. 

    Still, it’s interesting! And I looked at the website for their church and it seems pretty mainstream Baptist. The congregation includes women who work (and wear pants!) and divorce is discussed in a pretty matter-of-fact way. Most of the pastoral staff have only two or three kids, and there’s no anti-birth-control language in their “what we believe” section. I mean, they’re still antichoice and anti-gay, but it seems more like Cross Church than a crazy IBLP place. 

    • Love 14
  17. 1 hour ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

    Jill looks pregnant. I said what I said. 

    She hasn’t looked pregnant in any of her recent photos, though, and there have been a lot of them. I think Derick has stopped the baby train, either for good or until he’s done with law school. 

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