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Posts posted by mynextmistake

  1. 1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

    I’m beginning to wonder if Lauren needs professional help...this is getting weird.

    She’s clearly having trouble coping to an extreme degree. I worry that if she doesn’t get some counseling or support to help her process her feelings about the miscarriage it will impair her ability to parent her future children in a healthy way. 

    • Love 8
  2. 10 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    Thanks for the good account of where you're coming from. I definitely get what you're saying.

    This right here sums it up for me. You believe there's no difference between these two things and I think the difference between them is the only thing that matters. For me, it even affects how much my arm hurts, actually. 

    Had I been Amy and felt hurt at Jill's hamhanded comment, I would have tried to put it out of my mind while I coped with my initial grief. And after that was done, I'd have  gone to herand explained exactly why it upset me and why I thought similar things would upset others.

    Then I'd respond to Jill further based on how Jill responded to me. If she tried to understand what I was saying, apologized and said she'd try to remember and think twice about things like this the next time, then we'd be cool (at least until she kept on doing it).  If she blew me off and showed that she truly doesn't give a shit about others' feelings, then I'd walk away from her.

    It's those responses that would matter to me. Not the original incident, which happened in the heat of a confusing and fraught time for everybody. The kind of time when a helluva lot of people make big errors in what they do and say. 

     I've seen plenty of cases in which people -- including me -- have responded in massively hamhanded ways to big events. People way older than Jill and presumably way more sophisticated about the ways of the world, too, in many cases.

    That's a kind of mistake that I truly think anyone at any age and level of sophistication can make. I don't know if there's anyone who doesn't just respond wrongly sometimes when it's important not to. And I definitely don't think there's anybody who is incapable of responding in a way that inadvertently triggers somebody else's sensibilities and feelings, because we all respond and are sensitive in such different ways -- So for me the question is always, What does the person do after the event if somebody points the problem out to them? 

    Washing my hands of the person right then and there? Not an option, as far as I'm concerned, if it involves somebody for whom I don't already have solid evidence of meanness and bad intentions.  In my opinion, doing that would make me an equal contributor -- or even a bigger one -- to the overall problem.  Turning what might be a communication issue only into an angry battle. 

    Now I agree that it's quite possible that Amy did start out by telling Jill how bad that post made her feel and why, and asked for an apology.

    And it's perfectly possible that Jill didn't comprehend what she was asking or laughed in her face or refused to retract and change. We don't know this whole story. And I don't know what these people are like in real life. Jill may be a really massive jerk. It's quite possible.  

    And if that's went down, then I'm fully on board with Amy being pissed off. (Although I'm never on board with putting cryptic nasty messages on the internet that just may be about your friends and relations, no matter what they did. Say what you mean and say it privately when it involves a real-life relationship, is my feeling.)

    I definitely understand your position as well. And I don’t actually disagree with much of what you’ve said here — vaguebooking is not an optimal strategy for solving problems, and in an ideal world Amy would have talked to Jill about this. I guess I just empathize with Amy because I think I understand how she feels. I wouldn’t have survived my childhood without my grandfather, who was really the only person in my life who loved me unconditionally and liked me for the person I was instead of the person everyone else wanted me to be. I also have a bunch of cousins and I can easily imagine how I would have felt reading a post like Jill’s right after he died. The pain and anger would have been so visceral that I don’t think I would have had the grace to handle it optimally. Sometimes you’re so hurt that all you can do is chomp. I think that’s probably what it was like for Amy. 

    As to the rest of it, I think we all balance intention and action differently when we assess situations. To you, intentions are foremost. To me, actions are. I can see how that would lead us to have different perspectives on this situation! 

    I do hope the cousins eventually bury the hatchet. Amy’s marriage doesn’t seem that great and she’s going to need support when the baby comes, especially without Grandma Mary around. 

    • Love 11
  3. 50 minutes ago, JKL845 said:

    1) I never said anything about not having consequences. I don't think Jill is surprised at all.  People get upset over nothing all the time, even things that aren't true. No surprise there. Big deal.

    2) Don't think JILL is. 

    Who were you talking about, then? Amy? Is there something suggesting that internet strangers prodded her into hurting family members? Her reaction to Jill’s post seemed genuine enough to me. I don’t think she was goaded into being upset by the internet. 

    • Love 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Temperance said:

    Alyssa Bates (Websterforever) is feeling very sick. She went to the doctor and had testing done. I hope she's okay. 

    She posted about it on Instagram.

    I hope she’s all right as well. Her life must be very stressful — three kids under four, a night job cleaning offices, and all the social media stuff she does would really take a toll. I doubt she gets much sleep. 

    • Love 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Christina87 said:

    That would be my sister! Her apartment was always FILTHY, bordering on a hoarding situation. She just moved into a house, and I hope to God she can keep it clean. I just don't get that! How can you live with that level of filth and clutter constantly? I also wonder how it affects her dating life, because she will have to find another person with zero cleanliness standards to accept that. Even guys who don't believe in traditional gender roles will certainly balk at a woman who lives in filth!

    I mean, I don’t know your sister, but it’s possible that her decisions aren’t all made on the basis of how they’ll affect her dating life? It’s kind of off-putting to see an adult woman’s housekeeping standards being criticized because they make it less likely that she’ll land a man. That kind of thinking is really not very different from the sexist attitudes we criticize the Duggars for having. 

    • Love 11
  6. 3 minutes ago, Libby96 said:

    Not that it’s any of my business, and not that I wish anyone ill, but holy heavens why is Erin Bates so willing to play Russian roulette with her health?  And why isn’t the husband who appears to worship the ground she walk on willing to put on his big boy pants and protect her? My understanding of their beliefs is that if he wanted to limit their family size, she would have to comply.  

    They have three beautiful children despite her clotting disorder.  I wish they would see this as an enormous blessing instead of a sign to continue making a baby every 18 months.

    Even as a fellow Christian, I can’t wrap my head around this idea that using birth control means you aren’t trusting God.  Should I just give up seat belts because using them would mean I’m not trusting God to protect me on a wreck?  Should I throw my blood thinner in the trash since that would mean I’m not trusting God to prevent another mini-stroke?  God gave us medical science and a brain.  That is part of His blessings to us as well.

    It was interesting to read Erin’s post. She said they had #2 (can’t remember her name) because they knew Carson needed a younger sibling and had Everly because they knew #2 needed a younger sibling but that Everly “just got lucky.” This makes it sound like #4 was unexpected. Similarly, I remember someone (her mother in law?) saying something to Alyssa about having three kids in three years and Alyssa replying “that wasn’t the plan” or something like that. I’m at a loss as to how they think they can avoid pregnancy without using some sort of contraception, but it’s possible they did intend to space their pregnancies differently. 

    • Love 12
  7. On 5/21/2019 at 6:55 AM, beckie said:

    Looking at the picture more closely, I do see the sleeves on that one dress, but I still think Jessa wouldn't wear a dress cut like that and the one the girl supposedly her is wearing, doesn't have sleeves or anything with their definition of modest. (That I could see, anyway.)  

    It looks like she did that thing where she gave the bridesmaids a color and designer and let them choose their own dresses. It’s a smart way to go, especially when you’ve got attendants with different standards of appropriate dress. 

    I thought the wedding dress was tacky. There, I said it. 

    • Love 7
  8. 12 hours ago, Lunera said:

    Jinger posted a #tbt of her, Jessa, and Joe as kids. We know Joe and Jessa have babies on the way, is she trying to tell us something? Is this like Anna's 3 pregnant Duggars picture? 


    I wouldn’t read too much into it. These are the Duggars. At least one of them is pregnant basically all the time. 

    • LOL 9
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  9. 20 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Does Sammy have giant feet or do they put him in shoes that are too big? Or ... maybe they're onto him and they put him in clodhoppers to slow him down during his escape attempts.

    I think it might be time for Sammy to team up with Jeremy’s lynx. 

    • LOL 7
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  10. 4 hours ago, Temperance said:

    Also they haven't been married 7 months until June. 

    Okay, six months and two weeks then. Whatever. Regardless, except Jinger (who probably was using birth control) this is the longest any Duggar or Duggar spouse has gone without conceiving after marriage by several months. Jill, Joy, Kendra and Lauren all conceived within a month, and Jessa and Anna conceived in 3 months. Barring fertility issues, I would have expected Abbie to be pregnant by now if she wasn’t using protection.

    • Love 5
  11. 1 hour ago, BigBingerBro said:

    $156 + for a baby pillow?  No thanks.

    We just plunked Mini Mistake on a blanket on the floor. Those loungers don’t look that safe. You aren’t supposed to put babies in soft bedding because they can roll and smother themselves. 

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