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Posts posted by mynextmistake

  1. 14 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

    What’s with this recipe, while I’m at it? I have a dinner roll recipe I can make in my sleep...with BUTTER FFS not Crisco. It’s not rocket science..some slight variation on this recipe probably ends up on tables in 90% of US homes this time of year.

    Their PR person is really, really bad. Must be a sweet friend.

    Crisco is cheaper than butter. You can get a 6-pound can of Crisco for $11 but (barring sales, etc.) 6 pounds of butter will run you closer to $20. Of course, Jinger can afford butter now, but I imagine Michelle or whatever fundie mom of 15 taught her this recipe had to economize.

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  2. 5 hours ago, jcbrown said:

    Wow, you guys are seeing this way differently than I did. I looked at the blazer pic and thought she looked really skinny. But I have been known to not notice someone is pregnant until they put in for maternity leave so I may not be the best judge of such things.

    I thought the same thing. I think the tiny “bump” people are seeing is just the spot where her shirt tucks into her pants.  I mean, I don’t know whether she’s pregnant or not, she could be, but I don’t think she’s visibly pregnant in that photograph. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

    For all Lauren's insensitivity and self-centredness, I feel for her with Bella's birth. I doubt she was told what to really expect given that fundies think sex ed is dangerous and talk about birth as a blessed event etc etc. She's expecting to go through a beautiful, spiritual process and instead she's in incredible pain with a failed epidural and a difficult birth. That's got to be a hell of a come down. She's stuck with Michelle who clearly doesn't care for her given the miscarriage conversation and Siah who she doesn't really like. Although she's got her mum, this would be the most stressful time of her life and she's got an uncaring MIL and distant husband there for support. 

    And as much as we snark on her drama queen behaviour, I think that she struggled with the miscarriage. This birth would have been super emotional and she may well have been scared that something could go wrong again. She never got any kind of professional help to work through her pain at the miscarriage or her feelings about being pregnant with Bella. 

    All in all, she's going through an emotionally difficult birth and then the birth is painful and likely not what she was expecting. That's tough for anyone, let alone for someone with no coping skills. 

    What miscarriage conversation?

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  4. 40 minutes ago, SMama said:

    If your vacuous and you know it clap your hands. Look at that, Felicity is not clapping. Jeremy is too vain to do a pregnancy announcement photoshoot with Felicity dressed like that. There’s nothing wrong with the outfit, but just the vibe he gives. Pretty soon I will be proven wrong.

    I agree. Both he and Felicity would be dressed better for a pregnancy announcement. I do expect one soon, though. Jinger enjoyed having a sibling close in age and I can see her wanting that for Felicity. Plus I don’t think they’ll have more than two or three kids, and Jeremy is 30 — I can see him wanting them all grown up by the time he’s 50 and wants to retire. 

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  5. I was thinking about this last night I question how devoted Jeremy is to the fundamentalist Christian lifestyle. I think Jeremy wants to be famous and has developed a persona that he thinks will get him there — modern hipster fundie pastor with a pretty wife and photogenic young family. He tried the secular ladies man thing and the pro athlete thing and the grad student thing and neither of them got him anywhere, and his dad was offering a free shot at another route so why not take it? Then that route got him a free high-end house in LA and famous friends and a bigger platform for his social media posts. If he has to suck up to the likes of MacArthur to keep all of this, I have no doubt he will. He may even share MacArthur’s beliefs now, but if a better shot at fame comes by I could see him shedding those beliefs in a hot minute.

    Where this becomes problematic is that I have absolutely no doubt that Jinger truly believes in fundamentalist Christian values she was raised with. She’s modernized her life and gotten rid of the Gothard aspects of her religion – she wears pants and shorts and real shoes, isn’t planning on having a baby every 16 months, and has moved to the ungodly Big City —  but those are just details, not true beliefs. Ginger and her siblings have spoken about how she really believes in the gospel and goes as far as proselytizing to strangers on airplanes.  She’s savvy enough to keep that stuff off of her social media for the most part, with the exception of the occasional Bible verse, but I haven’t seen anything suggesting her values have changed. It will be interesting to see what happens if Jeremy reinvents himself and Jinger feels a conflict with her beliefs.

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  6. 3 hours ago, queenanne said:

    Are Jessa and/or Bin working on composition and framing?  Or was this just a happy accident?  They look good, very natural.  

    Ivy's generic lumpy baby face is resolving into that of a tasty little mite, I bet she will take after Spurgeon.  Has it been discussed before, whether or not that ivy-colored onesie is intentional?

    Why is Jessa always posting pictures of Spurgeon wearing nothing but his drawers?  When he turns 18 he’s probably going to be pretty embarrassed to realize that millions of people saw pictures of him in his superhero underpants. 

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  7. 15 hours ago, Mojitogirl said:

    I have to disagree that this video places Jessa anywhere above Jill. I think the video was done at the direction of their publicists who have been hired to try and stem the dropping ratings. 

    Derrick may not be palatable but they are actively not stunting their children by actually exposing them to a world outside of the little bubble Jessa, and most of the other Duggars, exist in. Jessa’s kids are not noticeably stunted because they are cute and still young enough that keeping them shut inside her house or the TTH is enough to stimulate them. She has NEVER shown us that she is expanding their horizons except for maybe a sponsored post of a monthly subscription box. 

    I absolutely can’t stand the Duggars as much as anyone but I can’t give Jessa any credit just because her kids and husband are cute and more personable on camera. 

    Jill took them to the library like one time, with some friends who are probably almost as fundie as she is. Other than that all we’ve seen Jill do with the boys is the same kind of stuff all the Duggars do — go to church, Chik-Fil-A, family events, etc. I don’t think this really constitutes exposing them to the outside world. Putting them in preschool, signing them up for youth sports, enrolling them in music classes, etc. would be exposing them to the outside world. I don’t think they’re on track to be any less stunted than Jessa’s kids. 

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  8. I watched the video. Felicity is adorable and contrasting Jeremy and Jinger’s interactions with her with those of the other Duggars and their kids is really interesting. I’m going to say that there is no way a baby that happy and secure is being blanket trained. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

    I see a shell-shocked  “Just kill me now” look in his eyes.  I’m serious.

    I think the reality of his future as Lauren’s husband and the father of at least fifteen kids (because you know Lauren is going to have to compete with her sisters-in-law, and Kendra in particular shows signs of being able to hit twenty pretty easily) just sank in. 

    Or maybe he’s worried about the homeland security raid. Didn’t he also work at that Car lot? 

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  10. On 11/24/2019 at 5:04 AM, BitterApple said:

    I don't know if you've watched the Plaths, but they're the same way. The oldest daughter was offered a full scholarship to study music, and the mother made her turn it down. Just like Bob and Michelle, they don't want their kids to succeed or have agency over their lives because it increases their chances of fleeing the cult. 

    Erin Bates was also reportedly offered a full scholarship to study music at one of the Tennessee state universities, and Gil told her she couldn’t go.

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  11. 2 hours ago, louannems said:

    They left for the hospital at 1:30 AM and at 5:30 AM the scrolling said she had been in active labor for one hour.  So it doesn't seem like she was too far for an epidural.  Isn't laboring without pain relief a common choice?  I had my three babies med free in the eighties, and it was not uncommon.

    I've read that castor oil causes not only the mom to poop, but it can also cause the baby to poop while still in the uterus, which can be dangerous.

    I labored for ten hours with no pain relief before finally agreeing to a couple shots of Stadol. I have endometriosis, migraines, and have had surgeries requiring my bones to be broken and reset, and I just couldn’t take another minute of unmedicated labor. Props to you for doing it three times.

    Question — if someone other than Kendra gets to make the decision about whether she gets pain relief during labor, why is it her mom instead of Joe? Isn’t the Duggar doctrine that the man is the headship who gets to make family decisions? I think Joe cares about Kendra and I can’t imagine him requiring her to labor in obvious pain for hours when an epidural could be performed. I mean, it would obviously be ideal for Kendra to make her own choices, but barring that it just seems weird that her mother is calling the shots. 

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