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Posts posted by kcrabtree06

  1. What the heck!?!? How the heck could they keep Savannah after they called her out for 90,000 things tonight then cut Taryn after barely giving her critiques tonight? Grrrrrrrrrr

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Jessinvirginia said:

    Am I the only one who thought with the "locker room talk" that it was actually one of the players/Zeke who was talking about it in the locker room. I mean all of those players know of Holly, or maybe even know her, and them talking about the hook up isn't far-fetched in my mind. If it's the boys talking about it in the locker room and it got back to k & j, that would, in my opinion make it worse. 

    This!! I thought the exact same thing. I didn't think Kelli was referring to the DCCs when she mentioned locker room talk. I wondered if someone else (an assistant coach, etc) overheard the guys talking about it in the locker room and mentioned it to K & J.

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  3. I am excited about Nick and Vanessa joining this season! I don't think they will be super annoying like the PenaVegas (unless TPTB get involved). Nick and Vanessa are much older that Carlos and Alexa were when they did the show and have also been married for several years while the PenaVegas were newlyweds who just wanted to shove their new marriage into everyone's face. I am looking forward to this season based on the cast so far!!

  4. I have to admit the first year Maddie tried out and made it to training camp, I was not a fan at all. Even last year when she tried out and made the team and there was Maddie love all over this forum, I still didn't get it. I have no idea what changed for me between last season and this season, but now I get the Maddie love and was so happy when Kelli said that was one of her favorite veteran solos.

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  5. Random thought, but I wonder if Holly won't truly lose her twitter handle until the episode airs that addresses the issue. I can't remember if it was on here or another thread, but someone had asked Kelli if Holly had quit and she said to watch this season, it will be full of surprises. If she loses her twitter now, it will be completely obvious she's no longer on the team and people may not tune in to see what happened.

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  6. My thoughts on this: JinJer is my favorite couple and Jeremy is my favorite Duggar spouse. I was cracking up when he put "BAAAAAAAAAABE!!" as his answer for the pet names. Kendra seems sweet enough, but her and Joe are a real snoozefest for me.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, UGAmp said:

    Others have mentioned Val's reaction to placing third but Emma and Rashad's reactions are pretty funny. The only video I could find on YouTube had the audio and video out of sync but you can tell the moment they say Normani. Rashad just freezes, slowly opens his eyes, and looks to the side like whaaaaaaaat. Being able to really notice that moment made not seeing it live almost worth it. 

    I went back and watched everyone's reactions when they announced Normani got third place and I noticed that with Rashad as well. I can't help but wonder if he realized at that moment he had likely won the mirror ball.

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  8. This is one season where I'm not mad about who won but I'm not screaming in excitement like I have in past seasons. I was hoping David would pull off the upset and was kind of glad that Normani didn't win. It was nice to see Emma get her first win and that the person who won wasn't who everyone thought would win at the beginning of the season. I wish they would've had all the contestants inside when they announced the winner or they would've just announced the winner outside like they have before..........the weird golf cart transition felt very rushed and I love it when they interview the winners on the spot!! I just felt like Rashad and Emma didn't get to celebrate like they normally would have.

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  9. Quote


    Ha, lucky me I am actually not paying for my ticket!! I thought about going but decided the ticket prices were a little high, but my friend's spouse is buying tickets for her birthday and asked me if I would like to join them and is paying for my ticket too :).

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  10. I have to admit, I was not a fan of Madeline at all last season and rolled my eyes when I saw she was auditioning again this season. She really grew on me this season and I was excited for her when she finally made it. My heart was breaking for Kendall. I was so hoping she would make it. I miss the seasons when they would show the work that went into the BCA game or the calendar photo shoot. I loved seeing those. I also wish we got to see a bit more of the veterans we've come to love over the last few seasons. 

  11. I just rewatched last nights episode. I know a lot of people aren't happy with how Nick treated Witney, but did anyone else notice that Nick had to keep asking Witney if his steps were wrong or right? To me it almost seemed like Nick was messing up in rehearsal but Witney didn't notice it or point it out until after Nick asked about it.

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