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Fools Gold

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Posts posted by Fools Gold

  1. Careful analysis determined that they came through a plot hole in the wall. Right after the E1 deserter and Ghost's mother.


    We have seen how a few wildlings cross the wall with some trouble. As it is shown, it's totatlly possible for some to cross, totally impossible for thousands to cross.

  2. Sorry, I don't remember that history lesson. Could you provide the Season and episode so I can review it? 


    It's when the wildlings and Jon have already crossed the wall, and Jon tells Ygritte that an invasion of an organized wildlings army have happened 6 times before, and every time the wildlings have lose. Ygritte shows knowing totally nothing about it, wich I think is a way of showing that the wildling culture is very basic and does not have much historical records. What I infer from that, is that they are not the kind of people that would have much info on the wall soft spots.

    I'm very bad at remembering the exact episodes of things, and I'm always kind of terrified that if a google to find it, I shall step upon a spoiler. But I think it should be in the third season, just before Jon Snow escape from his wildlings pack.

  3. It seemed to me that Hardhome is a FF version of a Westrosi HoldFast (yanno, the place where Cersei, Sansa and the Ladies of the court gathered to be slaughtered by Ilyn Payne if Stannis won the battle of Blackwater?). It's conventionally well protected. Cliff on one side and the sea on the other. In the intro credits to this episode (8) the pan-in to Castle Black shows a bay north of the Wall (right side). On the northern part of that bay appears to be a section of rock/mountain that form a cliff. I presume that is where Hardhome is located. It is a lot farther north than Stannis would have needed to go to get to the FF side of Castle Black during the battle. 


    You are very right about this, and I would like to add that it's kind of the thing that makes this a great show: the way the story is so well thought that their various parts rhyme. We have to remember the stories about Harrenhal, a city so strong that could have been held against 1 million attackers, but it was defenseless when the attack was unconventional, dragons in that case, white walkers and the army of the dead in this.

    I would add, it's also one of the many strong traits of a show, the characters react to what they know of the world, and not to what the screenwriters know. In this case, the wildlings have no idea that the conventional safe spot it's totally useless against the dead army, so it's only natural that they are not prepared for it.

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    'Blasting through' one of the un-garrisoned tunnels should have been the FF strategy last season, now it is sort of impossible with Stannis, the

    Southern King who already kicked their asses once, on the other side of The Wall.


    I think it couldn't have been the FF strategy, because they do not appear to posses the information that such gates: 1) are un-garrisoned 2) exist. For example: they rely on the info that Jon Snow gives them about the number of soldiers in the NW. And the tunnel that Sam usesto get through the wall is implied (or said explicitly, I dont quite recall) to be very little known or secret and that he has learn about it because of his time with the books, the point beeing, that is very little chance that the wildlings know anything about it.

    (also, remember the lesson history Jon Snow gave Ygritte, it is stablished that the wildlings dont register much of the past, wich make perfect sense)

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  5. But I still don't understand, if Stannis can go North the Wall with his ships, why can't the Wildlings do the same? Why did they need (and still do now) to go through the freaking Wall gates??

    It's very probable, that beeing a  very savage culture, the wildlings do not have the technology to make big ships to sail south. It is neveer ever implied that they could manage that kind of thing.

  6. The WW from the pier is clearly a leader, since he is the one to raise the dead and also the one that made that baby to become one of them. I  guess that if not the king, some sort of religious/magical leader (or both).
    I really don't know why would someone think he is the heir of someone else, no other WW has been shown to be "the king" or "the leader" but he. 

    Also, the snow doesnt pile by sea level as much, so it's totally reasonable that Stannis is buried in snow while Hardhome is not. And the wildlings are shown hatless several times since the earliest, wouldnot know why that would become a problem now.

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  7. Actually I believe that's the smartest move she has done. She immediately realized he could actually be very helpful. She'd be stupid to not at least try to get as much information as possible from him. Sure, he could be a spy, she shouldn't trust him 100%, but she can use him . He's the only one who knows about the current politics in Westeros, he'd be an excellent adviser. She can easily find out if his story checks out. By now I'm sure the news about the price on Tyrion Lannister's head is well known in Essos, so she'd know he actually did kill his father.

    By the way, Jorah is officially insane.


    Totally agree, since the death of Barristan, she has no advisor on westerosi matters that could actually know something about Westeros. Maybe she doesn't like nor trust the guy so much, but he is kind of the only thing she is got. Tyrion also plays it very well in order to gain her good faith.

    • Love 2
  8. Exactly what I thougt. 


    I've a nasty feeling Sam's words of advice to young Olly may not be taken quite the way he intended - Olly's going to use that advice as justification to do something stupid, isn't he?

  9. I pleases me the most how A Show has slowly put every piece in the place where it belongs: Cersei is bakcfired by her own schemes that are totally over her head (she is not as smart as she think she is);Arya training to achieved her revenge, (also, not quite the regular lady-life rememeber: "You will marry a high lord and rule his castle, your sons shall be knights and princes and lords" "No.That's not me"); Tyrion advising at someone that knows theirself needed of such advise instead of some useless psycho; Daenerys remembering us that's she is alwways on the verge of leaving those forgotten cities and come back to take her home; Jaime, trapped in Dorne by his own heroisn, fails again to be where he is needed to be (thouhg not in this episode, he is present by his absence in stopping Cersei's arrest).
    Finally, the White Walkers making all the years of threats real. It was great to see them, finally, not only "moving forward", but making a militar attack. And we saw what this "army of the dead" fuss was really about (a very enlarged army, after the attack). And of course, once again, Jon making the right hard decisions with sad results. One can not really tell, but I don't think he got most of the wildlings, in making your army bigger, a total win for the White Wallkers. 
    Also, it was great to see the White Walker leader/priest/magician/whatever-he-is raising the dead. 

    Great episode, awesome battle scene, and great advances in the plot. 

    • Love 4
  10. Since the beginning of the season, it stroke me as odd that Varys's plan was just to appear in Mereen with Tyrion Lannister. Since Varys was Illyrio's friend, he can argue a long loyalty to the Targaryens and a certain degree of involvement in Daenerys protection in Pentos. Besides he has a particular set of skills that would be very valuable to her and that she has no way of building by herself. So there is a reason why Daenerys would consider making him advisor despite his loyal service to the Barahteons-Lannister. 

    But, in Daenerys eyes, Tyrion can only appear as an enemy. There is no reason why she should trust him at all. And how would Varys look if arriving with a Lannister (and their fame of buying everybody) as a beloved friend?.  
    So, whith that in mind , I don't know if I can think of Tyrion kidnapping just as coincidence.

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