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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Thinking about it, Keith going out to the Russian border used up a lot of steaming time there and back. Having to figure that into his deadline didn't leave a lot of time for fishing. Less time to catch the same amount of crab -- good thing it was a honeyhole. Mandy set where her dad told her to. She didn't have to guess where the crab would be. He picked the spot she just picked the exact location of the pots. But still enjoyed she did better than Josh. What is it with Captains leaving during the offload. The Hillstrands did that once then yelled at the crew because one of them did not assume responsibility for overseeing the offload. Tonight, Elliott took off to go shopping. I doubt whatever he was shopping for needed to be bought right that second before the offload was over. If the Captain is getting a bigger share then it is his responsibility to make sure the offload goes smoothly and the crab count is right. That said, waht the hell was Fischer thinking in touching anything in the wheelhouse. Elliott was right in firing him for it. Of course he was dead wrong in pontificating that he saved the guy's life so he should be more grateful. Oh shut Elliott.
  2. To me, it goes back to when women were not allowed to work outside the home. They only way they could show how competent they were was to be a good amanger of the home -- putting balanced meals on the table, keeping a spotless home, having perfect children. When women moved out of the home and into the workforce, they had other ways to show their competence. But tv still tries for the absolute control of the home thing because men are useless around the house. Good grief left to his own devices he might spoil his dinner. ANd don't even ask him to do the laundry, he will either overload the washer with clothes or soap -- or both, or mix colors with whites and the whole laundry will be pink. Because no guy ever had to do his own laundry before getting married.
  3. Bwahahahahahahaha. Ms. I'm an activist for interracial relationshps can't even be bothered to use an appropriately colored towel to fake her child. I believe the plane story is BS too. However, yeah there are people who hate the idea of interracial children and will speak up about it. The only reason I don't believe it happened is because there is NO WAY Kim keeps it under wraps until it can be shown on the show. She would have been screaming about it all over the place as soon as it happened.
  4. I did like Constance getting pissed that she was all worried about him and it was a set up. He was never in too much danger (until they figured out he was a spy). And methinks Milday finds D'Artagnan a delicious morsel she would like to enjoy. Porthos of course got the good lines "I think she likes you." Which one said "He understands the Musketeers codes, every man for himself."
  5. Kris was there because she can't stand to say any of her kids get any publicity without her. She is so jealous of her kids' youth and "fame" it is not funny. She needs serious mental health. That's why she keeps extending their fame and will do anything to do it. because she knows she will have nothing onces the lights go out.
  6. I can answer that. I once worked for the city agency overseeing IAB. You see, most civilians seen IAB as a cover for police corruption. They exist to clear the cops. Of course, I came in contact with the cops too. Some saw it harassment (guess which ones THOSE were) and some realized they were just doing their jobs. Nobody called them the "rat squad" or anything like that. Of course, IAB also did not send in undercover officers to spy on cops, nor did they go out of their way to throw their weight around and antagonize the rank and file. Which is something you see IAB do on tv. IAB on tv starts from the premise that every cop is dirty and just hasn't been caught yet. In RL IAB takes the complaints, investigates, renders a decision on discipline or not. Just like any other case. There is also no T!I!P! in RL IAB.
  7. At least the Twilight Zone marathon will be on again this July 4. I do look forward to it. But can they PLEASE get a new promo for it. I am so sick of the guy yelling for the gloves.
  8. Oh no. Meshach was a terrific comedic actor. If you have not seen him in Mannequin as the gay window dresser who befriends Andrew McCarthy's character you are missing out. So over the top but so perfect for the role. RIP.
  9. Dr. Quinn did have a love triangle. But it was well done, believable and done in about 2 episodes. Her believed dead fiance turned out to be alive (okay that part was contrived). He showed up in Colorado Springs and wanted to be with Dr. Mike again. It was believable because she had loved the guy once and things ended because well, death. She had moved on and fallen in love with Sully. But it made sense that when he showed up again she would explore her feelings and see if they were the same. He wasn't a bad guy. They still had interests in common, etc. But it turned out, she really had moved on and preferred Sully. No muss, not a lot of fuss. No kidnapping by the old one to force her to live him again, not too much sulking by Sully. The only problem with Dr. Mike and Sully is Joe Lando wanted to leave the show in season 6. So they had to work around that. By bringing in John Schneider as his best friend who develops feelings for Dr. Mike. But eventually Joe Lando was persuaded to return to close the show. And that was not the fault of getting them together but actor moving on.
  10. I would rather watch that than Chumlee's latest dumbass act. At least the haggling is related to the pawn business, unlike Chumlee "working" from home or Chumlee putting together a trivia team or whatever.
  11. Thank you for someone bringing up Emily. Why that crazy ass bitch has not been locked up I do not know. She drags that damn chair with her everyhwere, calls it her child and gets upset if everyone doesn't treat it like a real live child. ANd her hubby just stands there supporting this behavior instead of either getting the fuck away from her really weird brand of crazy or getting her the help she so clearly needs ( I recommend electroshock for her and gasoline and match for that damn chair).
  12. Maybe if Mandy hadn't heard all her life "you can't fish, you're a girl" she wouldn't be so hell bent on proving she is a true Hansen who fishes. She's trying to prove her dad still loves her even if she is a girl. I am sure Sig does love her, but he has made it clear that a boy would inherit the boat. I've said it before and I will say it again, would Sig be telling her "you're smart and you can do other things" if she were a boy? Of course not. He would have had a son out on the boat at the first possible opportunity. Even if the boy didn't want to fish.
  13. Bob-bob-white. Yeah I tried to whistle like that. Hell choosing between Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, I chose Hardy Boys, until I discovered Trixie and co.
  14. hhahahahaa the actor who plays D'A was born in Peterborough, England and is Italian. The incredible hot Santiago Cabrera who plays Aramis was born in Caracas, Venezuela.
  15. Then you have the Year Without a Santa Claus where the little girl is writing with a blue crayon that does 2 letters at once. I crack up every time I see it (which is often).
  16. Not quite. I do a little different style. Still patchwork though. Mods dears, is there a way to post pictures? I mean I could post a link from my quilt blog but that sounds more than a tad self-serving (yes a lawyer is worried about seeming self-promoting, it happens).
  17. Fabric stores have all holiday fabric all the time (they used to just have a few months lead time). They get a pass because, well, crafts take time. You have now inspired me to make a Christmagivingvalenoweensterjuly to school quilt.
  18. Now sure how long Brisco County, Jr. could have survived. The actors themselves said it was the hardest show they had ever worked on. They loved it, but it was physically and mentally demanding. Burnout would have happened no matter how much they wanted to continue. Vegas last year. Oh my. Dennis Quaid, Jason O'Mara and that young cutie that played Quaid's son. Compelling storylines about Old Las Vegas and the mob. Had so so much potential. And TPTB after greenlighting it to series killed it off practically before it aired. Don't greenlight something that change your mind. Either promote a show or don't produce it in the first place.
  19. My my my. Such pretty to look at. Especially Aramis. Welcome back Lancelot, hope you are better written this time. It may be unpopular but my favorite movie version was the 1993 one. Mostly for Oliver Platt's Porthos but the rest weren't bad to look at either. Nice to see some good lines here too. Like during D'Artagnan's fight with Athos "Is he keeping up with Athos? No, he just doesn't want to kill the lunatic." THen later after Constance stops the fight, they admire her spirit. Yes her spirit. I'm in.
  20. I cannot stand the duo of I-an Eagle and Dan Fouts. Mostly because I-an can't pronounce his own damn name. It's just pretentious the way he pronounces.
  21. I just went to a family wedding. There were pictures of the parents on their wedding day and the grandparents on their wedding day. I thought it was great to show the history. I also told my dad he needed his eyes checked if he thinks I looked like his mother. But that's family weddings for you. But geez, putting your registry out there so people you never met can send you gifts is just greedy. And not modest AT ALL.
  22. I'm sure your right. But honestly, there are plenty of good causes that companies could donate to that would garner the same level or higher than paying the Ks to promote your product. Do companies NOT notice the ratings are diving, the Vogue cover was a bust and most comments on news articles are negative. Who wants to be associated with that?
  23. This is why they have to keep pimping themselves out to support their "lifestyle." If you get a fricking Ferris Wheel for your kid's first birthday party, you are wasting your money. Also, the kid is not going to remember it so why bother? Oh right, as noted, it's not about the accessory, I mean child, it's about the Ks bragging about how they had a Kidchella themed party and the "famous" people who showed up.
  24. Last I saw, Kim was jetting into a place, just as Kanye was leaving. The perfect marriage -- they are never around each other. But Kris was right there to support Kanye at Cannes Lions (whatever the hell that is). She so wants to be the one married to him instead of her brain dead daughter.
  25. Here;s a simple solution then -- don't get in the damn car just to get tv time. She did not have to be there. In fact, she made an advanced labor Anna wait for her to get her ass over ot the house just so she could be seen riding in the car. Just so Michelle could claim she was at the birth of each of her grandchildren. Big whoop de doo considering she ingnores the little angels thereafter. Who cares she was present? Not Anna who is a little busy? Not the kid who won't even remember it. MIchelle is just doing it for attention.
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