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Posts posted by buddabing

  1. I remember Michelle saying in an interview that Jill had been doing a lot of studying recently. Assumed that it was in accordance with Derick's classes for the MDiv & missionary work. Would be great for Jill to get more of an education aside from SOTDRT. 


    How did someone get Derick's email? I think sometimes this & other boards go a bit overboard with the fact checking, IMO. 

    It's really easy to guess work emails if you know where the person works. The first letter of their name and then last name usually. Maybe it was listed on a website though. Yes we are all definitely way too invested in these folks, myself included;) 

  2. "Grandma" - Jim Bob's Mom. aka the laundry-doer who does something like 80 loads of laundry per week, if I remember right?



    I am also curious to hear what the PR pros might say, but frankly I think public opinion is a bigger deal in this case, regardless of what an expert might say.  I'm going with no, not prudent.



    Because it was on their script?  Now why it was important I have no idea... but apparently it was on their list of stuff to cover.  Their list was surprisingly similar to JB and Michelle's.



    You're absolutely right, and I just realized THIS is what bothered me so much about that part of the interview. It was like she was proud of her brother for being so sneaky and sly about it.

    They aren't allowed to show any other emotion than smiling. Something is really not right here. They are so stunted in their growth, they are not adults. They sound like 15 year old high schoolers. 

    • Love 9
  3. Hi!New poster here, but long time lurker.....just saw on duggers facebook that jb and oMichelle are going to pour their hearts out on Megyn Kelly show.....fauxnews of course...

    Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

    -Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

    I'm sure it will be quite a hard hitting no holds barred interview (eye roll).

    Oh NO! They are obsessed with being famous. If they cared about their family they'd get off the damn TV right? They are sick people for sure, and they will just continue on a smaller scale with all the crazy fundies.

    • Love 5
  4. Poor Michael. From putting the wrong soap in the dishwasher (poor little guy; just trying to help) to getting paint on his clothes because no one covered him up, this was not his episode. (And props to him for trying to help, as I guarantee his dad and grandpa have never seen the inside of a dishwasher.)


    To hell with Jinger; free Michael.

    You should not get mad at a little boy or expect any little kid to stay clean. I worked in daycare and parents would get mad all the time at this! So crazy. This makes me not like Sierra at all. Ugh. How can adults be so stupid to not understand little kids abilities especially when they have a million effing kids!

    • Love 7
  5. They way Michelle speaks to Josie, is the way that I used to speak to my class of One year olds in daycare. I would talk this way when explaining an art project or other activity for the first time. We didn't always talk this way to the kids of course. We would speak normally during activities. This was more of a group voice for everybody. It was very slow and sort of loud. Josie is not one though...... Michelle is very confused and is stuck in babyland. 

    • Love 7
  6. From Derick's IG 12 hours ago.  Her eyes show how tired she is.  Those are really dark circles on her eyes.  Iz looks content....maybe just finished a feeding.



    Looks like she will be getting sick soon, if she keeps up with this. It would make more sense if she was out and about maybe after her second baby, because you don't have as much of a choice. I think it's crazy to be out when you are still dealing with your c-section healing. This month is for staying home and making a few trips to the store when needed, not extensive travel. She does have to feed him, but with all this extra help if she was home, she could take a lot of naps! Go take a nap girl!

    • Love 1
  7. And I also want to add that Marsha Jackson is an excellent midwife. No toilet births to see here, folks! I'm so relieved to know Anna will be seeing her for the next birth!

    I get scared that she sets up these appointments with midwives, but in reality she is just going to do it without one. She'll claim the midwife was out of town, like with the other doctor, or she will just labor at home for sooo long on own and intentionally call the midwife too late. I do feel bad for her, that she has to keep moving and get new care for each kid. That must be hard. I move all the time too, it's no fun with medical issues, you have to re-explain all the time!

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  8. When you take kids to the grocery store, and they are running off... Don't you make them keep one hand on the cart? Or since you have two people, just grab another cart and make the other little boy sit inside one.... It seems if you have three kids you'd have a strategy. Also give kids something to do so they don't run aimlessly. If you two behave you will get a treat when we leave:) Not sugar while we are still shopping.. Holy cow!

    • Love 6
  9. I loved Jessa cooking that owners manual. Maybe she is just a bit air headed? I know lots of people that practice cooking and never get better. I think it gets down to if you like it or not. If you hate doing something like cooking. I guess it's little motivation to get much better at it. Also if you are horrible at something in a huuuuge family, or very slow at it. Maybe at home her sisters always stepped in and took over?

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