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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. If the regions have nice scenery, some decent food & wine or, heck...Venice! It's got the canals and gondolas. Actually, to date I've only swooned over Naples & the Amalfi coast activities, foods, restaurants, etc. But I'm enjoying his conversations with all types of Italians, learning about their experiences in hard times (e.g., WWII), and I really love this show.
  2. The little wine window in the wall? Didn't we see that wall window in an earlier episode--maybe in Rome? Tonight, Tucci said this window couldn't be seen outside of Tuscany. I'm confused. Well...it was an interesting episode. I think the best part was Tucci and his parents together in Tuscany, reminiscing about their year living there back in 1972. I liked seeing him cooking with his mom, dining with his parents. I miss that experience with my parents. Enjoy it while you can! The countryside and the city all have a glow (I've heard that has something to do with the fabulous artworks there). So, next week is Sicily? That should be interesting.
  3. I remember when Dannon reduced the amount of yogurt in it's containers--from 8 oz to maybe 6 oz quite a few years ago (just looked at a container of Wegmans yogurt & it's 5.5 oz).
  4. Wow...you have four. My sister has always been in awe of our having three PBS stations: MPT, WETA & the one at Howard U. Sheesh...I now loathe those doo wop, golden oldies shows. A lot of the singers have just about lost their voices. Wish they'd do something different, like hold British movie festivals.
  5. Pesto pasta with potatoes & green beans. Don't know how to delete this emoticon--nothing works! 😏
  6. I've been seeing those beautiful promos of Tucci's next show: Tuscany! But I'll be prepared this time as I'll have my baguette, thin-sliced hard salami, and Prosecco on hand.
  7. Yup. When they were at home, they weren't acting like a bunch of court jesters, competing for attention. There was nice interaction with family. This morning it seemed too loud and too fake.
  8. annzeepark914


    I also think a lot of us are worn out after the past 5 years of shocks, insults, meanness, criminality, etc. It has taken a toll on us and we need a break. Two days ago, I realized it was almost 4:00. Normally I'd have stopped what I was doing and dashed into the tv room to put on Deadline:White House. But I now realize a grown-up is in charge and I can relax, be calm, go about my ordinary biznez. I do like hearing from certain guests like Jonathan Swan, Jonathan Lemire from AP, John Heilman, Andrew Weissman, Heidi Przbyla, A. B. Stoddard, and the outstanding reporters from the W Post, etc. Ashley Parker is a favorite. I wish Nicholle would "retire" Claire and Donna. But, it's still my favorite show. Just need a mental vacation for a while (2022 is coming up!)
  9. I had to hit the mute button at 11:02 and then asked myself why I was watching this show. It's such forced (& in some cases fake) attempts at being hip (& loud, of course). Alex & GZ look ridiculous woo-hooing...they're too mature & too talented, being Iron Chefs with so darn much experience & knowledge. Plus, the food doesn't appeal to me today so I think I'll take a pass.
  10. One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people. ******************************************************************************** I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose A little legal humor: Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body? A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m. Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time? A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.
  11. Well, they finally stopped using "actress" so maybe, if we're lucky, in another 5 years they'll give up on co-ed.
  12. annzeepark914


    Wow! I'd heard about him napalming bridges when he'd leave a company, but didn't know about the injury. People who have these injuries undergo a mega personality change (I've got a stepbrother who became somebody else after a car accident). Sometimes it's right away and sometimes it takes a while. What a loss of a very bright, funny, creative person...Keithie.
  13. Many thanks, health nut!!!! I'm so glad there still is NBCSN. But, what'll I do next year?😒
  14. "Babuuuuuuuu", entering the courtroom, duckfeet style. Loved his finger wagging, telling Jerry he was, "very, very bad". You just don't forget characters & writing this excellent. Esp in a sitcom!
  15. annzeepark914


    Awww...I miss seeing Katy when she was on later in the afternoon. Good guests, smart host. Here's to a healthy, happy baby for my favorite MSNBC talent. Maybe someday, when her tots are older, Katie will take over Nicholle's time slot. I still grind my teeth over Nicholle's laughs (or even titters when she's discussing serious news). You'd think *someone* would've told her to stop it by this time.
  16. annzeepark914


    That was back in the early days, when "Keithie" was hilarious. We watched him every night and loved him. That was such a funny segment cause he'd holler, "Worssssst Person in the Woooorrrlllldddd". So yeah...Miss Joy needs to credit Keith. He could use a few good words said about him these days (I've thought for some time that he has some kind of emotional issues because he changed to an unrecognizable person). We haven't watched her show as we find her snarky (a lot of folks like snark so she doesn't need us).
  17. I remember watching that episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Zimmerman really impressed them. And think Sylvia was on in the last few minutes when Z prepared a meal for her (I think it was even Italian). They came off as such a nice, young couple. What the heck happened to them since then?
  18. I loved the finale & thought they did a great job. The best part of both episodes was seeing all the various, hilarious character actors resuming their roles from stories over the years, gleefully watching the "four" get punished at long last. Not all of them were in the courtroom (I seem to recall seeing people huddled in front of their TVs, chortling away) Too bad these scenes were never included in reruns over the years. I read "Seinfeldia" and learned that so many of the crazy stories were based on the writers' real life experiences (or their friends or relatives). Festivus was dreamed up by someone's cranky FIL years ago.
  19. When we toured Warner Brothers back in 2014, one of the sets we visited was the Big Bang. I never watched the show (other than looking at it for maybe a few minutes once in a while). I found a script sitting on a podium so I started reading it. Lots of one liners, each followed by notes to "stare". Yeah...that's Big Bang I think. The only British comedy I liked was Are You Being Served, probably due to the very gifted actors (and the fact that it's based on a real London dept store...much like Seinfeld stories are taken from writers' personal experiences in life). I've heard that you either love Seinfeld or Friends, but not both.
  20. I agree. Same with Fontana. She had to know. So, what's happening with these three? Will they be allowed to return to FS in two years? I know this hurts their earning potential, but good God...*why"? I don't get it. Out the sicko from your team. He's poison.
  21. After reading about Zimmerman ^^^^ I remembered one of the most memorable programs on ice, Stiegler/Zimmerman's Sorcerer's Apprentice. After all these years, I can recall how beautiful & interesting the choreography was (no skating just from jump to jump, element to element, etc). I was just hoping Dick & Peggy would be quiet toward the end of the program for the grand finale movement. We were recently discussing music used by today's skaters and this is one that should not be referred to as a war horse. It's rarely used and obviously, needs really good choreography (who did this program?) Hmmm...another disappointing human in figure skating was their coach. For some reason that I now can't remember, I preferred John's skating with Stephanie, and Kyoko's skating with Jason D (another great male pairs skater!)
  22. Yup. I disliked the Simpsons (not my type of humor). So spare yourself the rest of Seinfeld years.
  23. It depends on your sense of humor. If you were not impressed with season one, I doubt you'll enjoy any subsequent episodes.
  24. I'm so *done* with buying new cookbooks, but...hmmm...Tucci has a cookbook or two?
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