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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Well...yeah. But I love apple crisp (warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream). For a real deal chef, though, it's too easy peasy.
  2. Ina's broccoli and bowtie pasta.
  3. I can't handle the shrieking whistles during football & basketball games. And I can hear them even though Mr P914 is watching on his new mega TV in the basement. That sound cuts through me!
  4. Aww...I loved K/P. Saw them twice at Champions on Ice. The best part of those two shows was going early and watching this team just quietly stroking around the ice for maybe 10-15 minutes (but their programs were OTT stunning). Their son looks so much like his mother.
  5. We had curried shrimp with basmati rice, and spicy papaya salad. I like to toss lightly salted peanuts in both.
  6. Actually, ice dance and pairs are the only disciplines I watched (except for catching just in time Karen Chen's LP and Jason Brown's nonstop SP). Katsalapov was more interesting as a skater leading up to & including the 2014 Olympics. I think whoever is coaching him & his new(ish) partner has toned down his skating style, unfortunately. Fear/Gibson stole the show yesterday, IMO. I was as riveted to the screen watching them as I was during Jason's SP. Glad we have NBCSN but I guess I'm going to have to pay to see skating in the future.
  7. I'm watching a repeat from a year ago, Vegas style steaks, tableside Caesar salad, baked Alaska--yum! The first time I had Caesar salad was at a hotel restaurant in Anchorage, years ago. So delicious, plus watching the waiter prepare it was fun for this beginner foodie. Alex made baked Alaska but she didn't completely cover the dome of the sorbet. They put it in the oven & brought out a prepared one that she torched after pouring booze on the meringue. All I could think of was the mess melting in the oven. I'm going to make that salad plus Anne Burrell's shrimp (but I won't be torching it--too scary & with my luck, I'd burn down the house).
  8. I found myself missing the Shibutanis today. And the exhilarating Davis & White.
  9. 🎵"Poisoning Pigeons In The Park"🎶
  10. Of all the ice dancing teams I saw today, the one that really grabbed my attention 100% was Fear/Gibson from GB. As Tanith said, they did what the judges ask ice dancers to do--dance through their elements.
  11. And her father was the former Governor of KY. I think it is legit. Nicholle has been off all week as well--spring break for their kids, I've seen mentioned.
  12. I had a feeling he'd repeat what he did at the '18 Olympics LP...go all out to make up for his SP. He's amazing!!
  13. I've made fish in parchment using Ina's recipe (I think it's called Herb Roasted Fish). At first I did the individual packets, folding just like GZ did. Then, I got tired of that and lined a cookie sheet with parchment, placed all the fish and toppings on it, then covered it with foil so it would be sealed (but not touching the fish). Works great & less time consuming.
  14. Well, heck. I can't read the article. But anyway...try the mashed potatoes that go with the sausages (Bangers & Mash). They're delicious without having an overload of butter. It uses creme fraiche & 1/2 stick of butter & a little coarse grain mustard.
  15. While watching Karen skate, I was reminded of Michelle. Both skate with elegance, know how to interpret the music even while dealing with athletic challenges, and they both delivered when it counted.
  16. Wow...I put on the ladies LP and was dumbfounded by Johnny's outfit and backdrop. He looks like a dandy in a Victorian novel (I *think* dandy is the right word). He's perched on a fancy looking chair. I think he's finally outdone himself :>)
  17. Why are Chock/Bates in 3rd? Did something similar to Nationals happen? Well...if they don't win Worlds, I could handle S/K atop the podium. But dear skate gods...please spare us the sight of the entitlement twins on that lofty perch!
  18. Watching Men's SP, it felt like the '18 Olympics while Nathan was skating. Somebody's in his head.
  19. I am so sorry to learn about this. Gilliland was perfect as J.D. And he worked so well with the other characters. I always enjoyed the episodes he was in.
  20. We need a face that shows nervous clenched teeth!
  21. annzeepark914


    Is she doing this to get hair out of her face? This bugs the heck out of me when women on these shows wear hairstyles that fall onto their faces so they have to toss their heads to get it out of their eye. Gloria (on CNN) used to do this a lot but not any more. Alex Wagner is doing it this week. Can't think of the others right now but I find myself watching the hair start falling forward and it's irritating. I wanna yell, "Go get a barrett so I can concentrate on the news!"
  22. So, the ISU has rules but it's ok when the Russians don't comply. Uh-hunh. Anyone not wearing a mask should be kicked out of the arena. Why are the ISU folks so afraid of the Russians?
  23. Lentil soup with slices of turkey kielbasa.
  24. I wear a slip whenever I wear a dress or skirt. But, I can't remember the last time I did that... certainly before the pandemic shutdown. Back to Alex--those are some mighty strange, nerdy comments!
  25. The Norwegians know how to build tunnels! We took the Flam train that enters a mountain tunnel high up and curves around inside the mountain. You emerge at the base of the mountain, at a fjord.
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