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Everything posted by sharifa70

  1. "God, cover your ears." (Pause) "Dammit." I snort-laughed at that; I'm glad I had finished my soda.
  2. I had a really hard time getting through this episode. I made it through Creepy Virtual Girl, Creepy Psychopath Kid, Creepy Princess Girl, Creepy Exorcism Lady, Creepy Song, and Creepy Psycho Nurse, but I was pretty much undone by Creepy Pregnant Lady and Horrifying Childbirth Scene. That hit my very real phobia too hard and I pretty much couldn’t look at the tv for any of her scenes. Um....I do? I keep most of my jewelry in a drawer in the bathroom so it’s there too.
  3. She takes huge open-mouthed bites (probably to avoid messing up her lipstick) and I can’t un-see it. She should probably either try a long-wearing lipstick or just count on the crew to touch her up between tastings. Last night’s Champions episode featured yet another chef who dips his fingers in the food and then licks them. Have they never heard of spoons? That is another restaurant where I would never eat. Chris, to the chef who tried and failed to break the super-long pasta by hand so opted for the dumbest cooking method I have ever seen: “You have knives.” Hee! And: that’s what I kept saying, too!
  4. I re-watched the episode and now it looks like Jessica and Ainsley didn’t initially run to the bedroom. It looks like they were actually trying to get out (through the room with the sliding door) but Watkins caught up and actually burst ahead of them into the room, blocking their escape. I do buy that they didn’t have their cell phones: Ainsley was looking at photos, saw something she recognized, and ran looking for her own angel to compare them. I can’t explain the chest, though. Its magical appearance was just strange.
  5. I laughed way too hard at Michael accidentally conjuring the weed when Jason offered to hold it for him (before it existed). I also didn’t interpret the “other” door as encouragement to end it all. I interpreted it as more of a promise. People are encouraged to seek pleasure or just do nothing, but they’re free to go rather than being trapped.
  6. Portland really does have a vegan strip club (probably more than one), and this is one of my favorite oh-so-Portland stories ever: https://thatoregonlife.com/2014/11/portland-police-arrest-35-black-friday-vegan-strip-club-riot/ Dex’s case annoyed me, too. I loved the Ansel & Tookie scenes (though why they were covered in flour I don’t know: my baking can get messy but not like that! And why did the flour look green? Please let the Grey-as-CI plot end soon.
  7. Anyone who makes risotto or polenta should be automatically disqualified. Has anyone ever been successful with either of those? Also: “Middle Eastern and African cuisines are the two most undiscovered cuisines on earth.” Says the Chopped contestant from Miss-sippi. ...Except by the 1.6 billion people living in those two regions? That’s not even counting the people who’ve emigrated and their descendants.
  8. It was Edison who kept saying “pay-tent” in the episode, not Tesla. And yeah, it bugged me, too.
  9. I enjoyed this episode, though I had to hide my eyes for the hand-smashing. Jessica is one of my favorite characters, and I pretty much love everything she does even when it's crazy. I do wonder why she and Ainsley didn't just run out of the house, though, but it's kind of a Truth Universally Acknowledged that people being chased through the house by serial killers will run upstairs instead of outside. I was afraid that Malcolm would be forced to kill Watkins. I'm relieved the show didn't take him there.
  10. Get out of my head! I was just coming here to complain about him pumping his own gas! They've done a good job of giving the show a Portlandy feel, and then they slip up on something so major? Sigh....
  11. I thought the plan was to add a third place? Really, really good people (highest points) still go to the Good Place People with negative points still go to the Bad Place for torture? New: Medium Place (I don’t think they named it that but the idea was sparked by Eleanor’s original medium place comment) where people can have a chance to learn and improve the way Our Four did?
  12. Aside from just the general ickiness of licking your fingers while you’re cooking, she’s cooking for other people. Cooking for yourself? Lick away! Cooking for me? Keep those hands away from hair, face, mouth, anything that’s not the food. And wash them. Often.
  13. I know TPTB think a-holes make good tv, but can’t we just get some good tattooing? Please? I was begging Oliver to vote Jason. Idaho isn’t “midwest” any more than Colorado is. I loved that tattoo. Other standouts for me were Oregon and Jimmy’s MA tattoo just because I liked the historical reference with the ship. I really liked that Oklahoma one, too: glad it (and the artist) got through.
  14. Ha! I quit watching that a few seasons back, but for more Marvel connection: I spent last weekend re-watching the fantastic, wonderful, tragically cancelled-too-soon “Agent Carter” and it’s great to see Enver Gjokaj again. I am enjoying this show a lot more than I expected to. Such a great cast: their characters all feel lived-in. I thought they did a good job making the 4-week time jump believable, with small moments showing that Jo and Brooks have become friends (the way he walks quietly over to support her when she has to open the photo of the body, the way she cajoles him into investigating the power surge). The Alex/Chris moments were fun, too. Not enough Ed, but then again there’s never enough Clancy Brown.
  15. I’m Team Saloon Owner just because putting Elizabeth with yet another Mountie would be weird. And being with the Mountie would mean even more of the niece (where does Hallmark keep getting these fair-to-middling child actors?). I think they’re working on a redemption arc for Henry and I’m a little interested to see if they do something with that. I could not possibly care less about Clara/Jesse or Carson/Faith. I fast-forward through all of their scenes. I wish they would give the switchboard operator something else to do. Also: Jack Wagner talks with his lips pursed and it drives me absolutely crazy.
  16. This was my favorite couch in a long time. Everyone seemed to have fun and it made for a good show. I would watch a Jodi and Dwayne action movie. Make it happen!
  17. I completely agree. I was surprised by a handmade clay ornament from my 4- and 2-year old nieces last Christmas, and it was fantastic and unexpected. I keep it on display year-round. I love the little reminders we get of Ben the Magnificent even though we don’t see him interacting with the girls. I completely missed the duffel bag: must re-watch to try and catch it! Did Leland sing Pudsy’s Christmas on the video? I sure thought it sounded like him the first time Kristen played it.
  18. The winner lost me in the first round when she (and the other female chef) tasted the Advocaat straight out of the bottle. No. No!
  19. I thought this Sugar & Spice episode was one of the weakest groups I've ever seen. Did the judges really like anything? I half-expected to see both dishes get cut in the dessert round. And no, runner-up, you certainly did not "crush" this competition.
  20. He who eats liquids with chopsticks should at least avoid phrases like “It has a good mouth-feel.” Dude.
  21. Ricky Gervais has the best smile and the best laugh in all of entertainment. I don’t always appreciate his raunchier jokes, but I can watch him laugh for eternity.
  22. Wow, I popped in to bond over hating on this episode but y'all seem to have loved it! It looks like maybe I drank the sangria, but I absolutely hated this, from the pointless scene with the horrible grandmother, to the cult, to the party, to the birth in the cornfield (granted, every childbirth scene in every show ever completely grosses me out so I'll own that one). I fast-forwarded through most of the party and pretty much only watched Ben's scenes (great) and Bouchard with his kids. Count me among those who didn't understand the oldest daughter's resentment. My Army pilot dad went away for weeks and sometimes months at a time and though we missed him when he was away it was...simply the way things were. No pouting, no reproach. Just...Tuesday or something. Hell, I don't even remember most of his absences except the ones when he was out of the country, and that's in spite of his having been in for 24 years (23 of them with me in tow). So yeah, I wanted to pop her upside the head.
  23. What was with the swooping, in-out-in-out camera work? It actually made me dizzy to the point where I couldn’t watch. I had to just skip ahead to the tastings. Are the producers getting bored? Do they think we need this in order to stay interested? It reminds me of those late-night, low budget tv ads by some local business with a shouty spokesman (usually something like a used car lot or second-hand sporting goods).
  24. I agree that Kelly’s eyeshadow needs help but age shouldn’t matter unless the item of clothing is a pair of jeans with a bejeweled butt. Gwen looked gorgeous tonight and as someone who is just a few months from 50 myself, I wish I looked that good! And I’m not even a fan! I fast-forwarded most of the performances (I can’t even remember their names). I liked Hello Sunday’s arrangement of “Hello” but their harmonies weren’t as tight as I want. Katie actually figured out that dynamics are a crucial part of music, and yeah, that Beach Boys cover was godawful.
  25. Ah. I had no idea. Thanks for the clarification! Hi, fellow Tudor Nerd! I frequently swap Howard (beheaded) with Parr (survived) when referring to them in isolation. Back to the show: I think I missed the part about calling a train and fleeing to Mindy. I know that’s what the Soul Squad expected/hoped for, but why? That was a very specific outcome.
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