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Posts posted by smartyshorts



    What character in otherwise good health is going to suffer brain death and have their heart transplanted into Taylor to save her from dying of heart failure?


    And when the prison allows Luna to attend her mother's funeral , she escapes and terrorizes everyone that has done her wrong. Of course the prison doesn't tell anyone that she's on the loose!

    Or Finn, cuz there has ben ENTIRELY too much schmoopiness for the past few months with all the "I'll be here for you forever" nonsense.


    But it will probably be the pilot (sigh)

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  2. Did Luna originally have her sights set on a frail and dying Eric?  But she couldn't dislodge Donna so she moved to RJ?  I'm guessing although she wanted a sweet life, RJ wasn't much of a challenge so she decided to spice things up?

    Either way, she has to escape right?  It will give Steffy  another boogieman to be so afraid of that she can't stop talking about them for the rest of her life.  How many women have to be "out to get you" before you realize you're the problem?

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  3. I'm still trying to figure out why Luna is even bothering trying to keep Steffy alive. Are the snacks and waters poisoned, as Steffy suspects? 

    Steffy SHOULD play dead. And when Luna unlocks the cage to check her pulse, then attack. But our fav harridan can NOT shut up to save her own life. Have a nice cool sip of water, Steff!

    And since Luna was evil all along...did she actually WANT to sleep with Zende? Was she trying to set him up and then abandoned the plan? Either way, I'm loving black pleather Luna. I hope she realizes when she is close to getting caught and manages to disappear with a good chunk of $Bill's fortune and the keys to the Stella Mara.

    Then useless RJ can go on a globe hopping mission to find her.

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  4. I'm hoping Poppy is the head of a powerful Yakuza crime syndicate.  She has been flying under the radar, but now she is ready to use her resources (and $Bill's secretly drained bank account) to bring murder and mayhem to all who have wronged her.  Watch your drink Katie.

    I'm fully aware that would never happen.


    Everyone who mentions how Poppy kept Luna's possible paternity a secret for ALL THESE YEARS needs to go talk to Liam and Wyatt. Neither one of their mothers was particularly well off but both kept their son's paternity a secret until they were WELL into adulthood.  Will is the only offspring Bill has known since his birth.


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  5. Katie didn't push or interfere this vehemently when $Bill was pretending to be in lurve with Sheila. 

    Wouldn't the success of Brooke's Bedroom give Sourface Seffy a good reason to backburner the poorly performing HFTF line?  And Hope couldn't really push back on it.  I know she cant stand ALL of the Logans, but she has a special bitter pill for Hope and this would be a perfect way to neutralize her.  She cant really object to her Mom's line that she praised so highly, getting the funding from back burnering HFTF.

    Also, is Taylor WALKING back to LA?   I was hoping she would show up during the industry party and concert in Eric's living room.


    Will = young Annakin Skywalker. Just as whiny and entitled.



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  6. My official prediction is the killer is no one currently on the canvas. It's probably either someone from Sheila or Deacon's past trying to mess with their lives. All of the shifty looks and ominous music is the ultimate red herring. 

    My money is on mysterious unnamed stranger..or Mike!! He has reason to be pissed at Sheila and Deacon. 


    Seriously my head hurts with every single medical and legal and law enforcement point is so wrong and off and WRONG, it's hard not to scream. I probably need to quit the show for a while, to preserve my mental faculties. 

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  7. I can't help but think that Hope's very emotional reaction also means she knows Thomas is now very likely to do something harmful. And it will probably involve her children because Thomas knows they are a solid bargaining chip.


    I haven't posted in a while because this show has become infuriating. You all have hit all the reasons why. Maybe we could get Eric and Donna travelling the world, soaking up new fashion ideas or adopting older shelter pets or something.  Maybe Wyatt can summon his brother to go visit him. Can Luna have a cool bestie in San Fran that can come visit and catch Zende's eye? Just some positive fun side story that does NOT INVOLVE CHARLIE.

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  8. 17 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    When do those two ever NOT have sex at work?

    They may as well dust off that old Brooke's Bedroom bed that Hope was conceived on and stick that in one of their offices for all that they bone at work.

    These two don't even HAVE their own office.  They just get down wherever the mood strikes them.  How can Hope feel frisky with Thomas in the place where he FINALLY confirmed that her one and only biological child was actually alive? 

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  9. Prediction...it's the damn lace and embellishments Eric keeps having imported for his collection. They're packed in like...arsenic or asbestos or something. And he was constantly fondling and sniffing them. 

    Or Eric decides to take a jaunt in the Forrester jet, it goes down in flyover territory and he is (presumed) dead. At least he will go to the great beyond with a working boner.

    Whatever it's going to be, we should be out of our collective misery in a month. 

    I hope Zende burns down the whole building and slashes everyone's tires once he finds out how hard everyone worked NOT to tell him and only him. 

    Forrester Creations might be even more poorly run than  Dunder Mifflin. A fashion house that can only put out ...what? A dozen frocks at a time? 

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  10. Eric is probably having an allergic reaction to all the honey Donna has been pouring into and onto him. 

    Or maybe there's arsenic in all that Parisian lace he is constantly fretting over.

    So no one has pulled Deacon aside to ask if he is trying to perfect $Bill's original dumbass plan? Weren't they all in Bill's living room just a few weeks ago asking and saying THE SAME THINGS? How has RIDGE not tried to connect the dots? 

    I see Liam is back on his sanctimonious tour.  Whenever he shows up with a kids toy in hand, we all know it's going to be infuriating. I'm gonna miss Wyatt and DB. 

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  11. Ok, is Deacon running the same scam on Sheila that $Bill did? Right down to the out of the blue marriage proposal. And he is proving he can do it better than the FBI, Dollar and Manbun? But why  though???  Are they maybe trying to get to Sheila's pile o' gold, then off her? 

    And if that hissing snake doesn't stop going on about how she has never been loved, no one has ever defended her all while Lovesick MIKE languishes away in  L.A. county jail!! 

    Deacon, if you don't want to be alone, get a realn residence and a pet  FFS.

    Moving to Hope, after getting busted snogging at work busting into the community office "Someone else knows!". Sweetie, everyone but your clueless ex knows. 


    On to Eric and his arthritis/tremors/ headaches, I'm guessing the mysterious Luna will NOT stay away from the Forresters and will have some kind of holistic cure. 

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  12. I think we must've uttered Liams name too often. Because he appeared in a true jump scare just popping up INSIDE Steffi's house. Oh he just "used his key"? Dafuq? The house isn't EMPTY, you weasel. He knew Finn was still living there! I saw so much red at that scene, I had no energy left for Sheila and Deacon deciding to be in love. I hope Bill murders Deacon, and Sheila gets caught in the crossfire. And they both get crushed in a trash compactor. 

    That might wake Hope from her dickmatized haze too. 

    Forrester creations can't afford to work on two couture lines? I need a nap

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  13. I'm finally caught up. And it was not worth it. 

    As much as I love some Johnny Karate Deacon, I hope there are real repercussions and that he SUFFERS.

    Deacon was willing to undo the work/sacrifice Bill and his Little Stallion did to entrap Sheila, wasted the FBI'S time and resources and cool jackets and even made Sludge have to get coffee and grow a man bun... just to give Snake Eyes another chance??? What kind of VajayJay Voodoo does this woman have??!!

    And once she was free...why not convince her to get her own place with the piles of dragon's gold she supposedly has, and meet her THERE for sexy times and dress up? I guess it's not the riveting suspense of "is that door locked?" But at least we could all agree it made sense as something grownups would do. 

    I had to laugh at the juxtaposition of Thomas and Sheila both revealing their obsessive stalker truths to their partners so we could all ask...How do they not see all the red flags being thrown out here??? 

    Thomas may look at Hope like a steak dinner with all the fixins, but they should NOT be so obviously coupled up that Douglas is aware and trying to act on it. Did I miss when Liam and Hope sat the kids down and told them what was going on? Did Liam finally shut his yap and DO something, like taking custody of Beth to keep her from being around Thomas? Why do I care? The less Liam, the better.

    Calling it that Luna (if she ever returns) is another of cheating Jack Finnegan's side kids. 

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  14. 16 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

    Not that I want Deacon to be a killer,. but it would be great drama if he's the one who offs Sheila. His affair with Sheila would never come out and he'd be a "hero" to so many people.  The trick is to make is "accidental" so Lt. Hot dog Baker doesn't charge Deacon with murder.

    Even if Deacon committed the act on the police station front stairs, if Ridge decides he won't be charged...he won't.  

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  15. At this point I don't know if Deacon even COULD extricate himself from Sheila's web. We know that as soon as Sheila feels like she is being rebuffed or discarded, she goes into poison or pew pew mode. When she was wanted or presumed dead, she could rationalize Deacon proclaiming she had to go every other day (but doing nothing). 

    But Sheila is free and clear to live her life openly anywhere she chooses, so after a while Deacon insisting she needs to get her wigs and costumes out of his closet apartment is gonna start rubbing her the wrong way.


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  16. At what point does Hope get to tell Liam and Brooke and RJ and anyone else ..."Hey, I'm getting my rocks off with Thomas, it's sexy and fun to bang a guy I know only has eyes for me" Everyone's acting like Thoope is planning a living room wedding (then annulment a month later followed by six months of vocal angst. Then another wedding after a three hour engagement)  I'm pretty sure even in Thomas' warped mind he knows Hope is working some stuff out using him as the Springboard. And only if they move to Mongolia will anyone EVER leave them alone about their "relationship".

    Liam can take a long walk off a short pier or get dumped out of a helicopter any time now.i wonder if he'd be giving Steff the full court press if he didn't have information about Finn softening on Sheila. Would she still be the one great love of his life and be sworn to protect her and her offspring...if she was still happily living with Finn? 

    Liam can fuck right off

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  17. On 7/31/2023 at 7:16 PM, Zemiar said:

    Considering that he actually killed a man because he couldn't keep his eyes on the road, he should probably keep it cute.

    This made be snort laugh so hard!! Its one thing Liam can definitely NOT do.


     Liam can go kick rocks and sit at his table for one

    And that's the other one. 

    So Liam is again pontificating about his big feelings and browbeating a woman in his life. But...what's your plan then, Super Weasel? You gonna whiskbSteffyvand the kids away to Bill's house? That Sheila KNOWS because she lived there? You gonna move into Cliff House? 

    Steff, just agree to take the kids and move to Pop Pops and shut Liam's blathering noise box. 

    While I was loving the Malibu Barbies fun time at the beach location shoot, I could THROTTLE Finn for turning his back and putting in ear buds so he couldn't hear outside his call (didn't he only put one side in? Is he deaf in one ear?) ANYTHING could've happened during that minutes long call!!! Where's all this beefed up security? No security guard lurking in the distance to run to the rescue? 

    Sheila is the best security guard against herself. She is everywhere, always watching. Always steps away from her prey. 


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  18. Before I head on out of viewing this nonsense for a while (not from you guys though.  I can't quit you!) I will admit Thomas banging Hope like a screen door in a hurricane was definitely hot.  Did they even get a drink of water before the thumping SEXXX MUZZZIK started up again?  And who lit the candles?  Does Thomas regularly set up a candle lit ambiance for...himself? 

    I laughed for a full three to five minutes straight at the absurdity of Hope getting c-blocked mid stroke by her MOM in her  frilly church blouse. The entire set up was ridonkulous.

    Steffy is now wearing Taylor's old wigs?  I'm pretty sure we saw those heavy bangs on Dr Shoulderblades recently.

    Deacon's visit with Sheila was weird and unnecessary. All those "adults" at Forrester talking about office romances causing problems....we saaw you giving Kaite the Bombastic Side Eye, Carter!

    Liam is an emotional vampire.  I've known preteens in the midst of a hormonal breakdown during auditions for theater camp  who were less dramatic than him. 

    What's with all the international flashbacks?

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  19. The shots of Rome are gorgeous. 

    Hope needs to get on Booktok or watch better porn because her "windswept glamor photo shoot" Thomas fantasies look like those of a sheltered tween who just read her first Danielle Steele novel. 

    At this point, I hope Liam's commercial flight goes down in flames, and Hope can feel guilty because she is still having Sweet Valley High fantasies about her "lead designer".  Because we ALL know that Liam's surprise visit will be a shot for shot repeat of her last fashion show success. Where he sad Pikachu's on the sideline and slinks away because Thomas is holding his wife's hand. 

    Funny that once Sheila the Hun was in jail and everyone got their gloating visits in, no one has been to her trial? Any of her court proceedings. If I was THAT traumatized by her nefarious doings, I'd want to make sure dull justice was ACTUALLY served.

    RJ, we might believe you didn't want to get involved in family drama if you actually stopped gossiping about family drama all over town. 

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